The Oskaloosa Herald. VOL. 61 NO. 11 OSKALOOSA, IOWA, THURSDAY, 17 1918 OCTOBER ESTAB. 1850 b UUIBINTINF TO WORKERS’ DORMITORIES ON WASHINGTON’S PLAZA HUE SUITE ACY ROMANCE MAY COME HAS ORDERS FROM WASH- FALLEN! INGTON TODAY. Putting the Advancing French Forces at the Very Gates of Rethel. Over Twelve Thousand Prisoners and Fifty Guns Were Taken FOURTEEN THOUSAND CASES Yesterday in Flanders Have Been Reported in lowa To the Health French Department Drastic ; Forces Measures Are Recommended THIS MULE HUN ARTERIES IN by the State Board. Are Making a Des Moines, Oct. 16.—Surgeon Gen- 298 ST. Great eral AND Rupert JIVK Blue of the United States i Advance FLAB CUT public health service will pass today on the question of down the w closing WHILE BUZANCY IS UNDER FIRE entire state of lowa under a thirty Paris, Oct. 16.--Latest dispatch- ALLIES PUSH WEDGE BETWEEN day quarantine es from the front to prevent further FROM THEIR GUNS. indicates that BRUGES AND COURTRAI. spread of the epidemic of Spanish in- the Fifth Army under the com- fluenza, now declared to be serious mand of General Guillaun is now and becoming worse. progressing towards Cornet and Vervin. Fourteen Thousand Cases. DESPERATE FIGHTS ARE WON MENIN IS TAKEN GY BRITISH Fourteen thousand lowans are Vervin is twenty.three miles known to be suffering from Spanish north of Laon and fifteen miles from the Belgium border. Mt. Cor- influenza, according to official reports I Wartime necessities in Washington halted the plaza Hill Taken After it Had Changed Twelve have development by which the space between the Union sta- is Yielding Thousand Prisoner# by the State Board of Health today, j tion and the eapitol have Hands net ten miles southeast of Ver- was to been converted Into a beautiful park. Dormitories for government are bein'* Three Times.—Germans and Over One Hundred Guns— New cases reported In the last built on the entire space. It workers vin. is one of many housing projects under way to relieve an almost unbelievable congestion Were Under Orders to Hold twelve hours total six thousand two French Are Pushing On Toward hundred and forty-four. Grand Pre at Any Cost. Bruges—Belgians Take Towns. Paris, Oct. 16.—Capture of Acy While no figures were issued it is Romance at the outskirts of Reth- indicated that the death rate is in- Paris, Oct. 16.—Buzancy is today j With the Armies in Flan- The Wake el, was reported today by the British creasing. In under fire from American guns. ders, Oct. 16. —Allied forces driving French war office statement. Pro- Are Delayed. Hill 299 is now securely held by into Belgium have thrust their wedge Drafts OEFIGIEfUCT SHE MS gress north of Soissons towards LIST forces. HAVE American across the road from Bruges to Cour- A telegram was sent to Washing- Of The War Laon was also noted. The St. Juvin Heights have been taken state- trai severing another artery of com- ton advising the government there it ment said: would be wise to by the Yanks. v munication to the Hun U-boat base. postpone the call night The Yanks digging in along the “During the we made " for two thousand lowans who are to IS From the North Sea to Douai: are j French Crowding LARGEST Bruges. EVER slight EIGHTDIViSIIIS progress north of report at Camp Aisne. Soissons. Greenleaf, Georgia, Belgian, French and British North of Asfeld near St. French cavalry have swept over and the fourteen hundred who are forces driving in Flanders have Germain to Pershing’s Inspiring Report. we stormed a violent German Lichtervelse and Thorout advancing report at Camp McArthur, CARRIES A TOTAL OF OVER SIX thrust forward the ON FIGHTING FRONT IN California, points of their FLAND- Washington, Oct. 16.—Capture of counter attack supported towards Bruges and the sea. during the five day period beginning wedge into the by much BILLION DOLLARS road between Hill 299 by American troops after it artillery.’’ Towards the southern end of the October 21. Coutrai ERS SINCE SUNDAY. and Ingelmunster, di- had changed hands three times is re- fighting front Menin has been taken GREAT Telegram of Inquiry rectly south of Bruges. ported in the communique from Gen- DAY’S WORK. and Haig's men are now reported to The French advance through Late last night the following tele- eral Pershing today. London, Oct. 16.—In Flanders be in the neighborhood of Hanboud- Bruges smashed Thourout, about gram was sent to General Blue by The report showed the continued allied troops took twelve thousand ing, three miles from Lille. SUBMITTED TO HOUSE TODAY ten miles from the city beyond Guilford H. Sumner, secretary of the RESERVES ALSO CRIPPLED advance of the Americans on both prisoners and between two • and At which is Zeebrugge. The British Outskirts of Courtrai. sides of the where three guns Tuesday's state board of health: Meuse the French hundred in London, Oct. 16.—The British forces forces are now three miles from the "Blue, Surgeon General Public and American troops encountered fighting, alone, the Express de- are on the outskirts of Courtrai and Practically All The Money Goes to the Lille. Enormous Have Also severe hand to hand with clared Health, Washington, D. C. lowa From Douai Losses Been In- fighting the today. have cut the communication of Army and the Remainder to the to La Fere: No enemy. The bad with influenza. Wish you activity. flicted on the Enemy By the Al- capture of a number of The prisoners were equally di- Bruges from the south. Field Marshal Navy. Great prisoners was also would wire cities direct to report Power Given From La Fere to Rheims: lied Forces in Champagne.—Val- noted. vided between the Belgium, Haig's night report on the Flanders to you regarding number French and British operations of cases Shipping Board. French forces advanced slightly enciennes is Threatened. Text of Pershing’s Report. troops also indicated. and deaths. fifty guns yesterday. Beyond Bruges Zeebrugge, Conditions are becom- east of Laon and north of Sois- “Our troops today continue their at- took is the ing worse. down every- largest submarine base of the enemy now in Will shut Washington, Oct. 16. —The sons. British Headquarters in France, Oct tack on both sides of the Meuse and thing in state if you me bill American From imminent peril of being captured. advise to deficiency an Congress Verdun to Swiss Border: 16.—Since Sunday morning eight of they are encountering stubborn re- do so for has thirty days. I wish you ever been asked to pass carrying No activity. the German front line divisions in sistance from the reenforced enemy Menin and Other Towns Taken. to give me your best advice in this $6,346,755,666.04 was submitted today From Rheims to Verdun: The Flanders have been flung back broken forces. East of the Meuse French and Haig’s statement also announced I prop- by French forces matter. believe it wise and to the house Chairman Shirley of advanced on Rethel and confused, while probably all or American troops have gained ground. the capture of Menin and the taking er to the and took Acy Ameri- close. appropriations committee. Romance. most of the divisions held in reserve West of the Meuse the fighting is in- of twelve thousand prisoners and can forces have passed Grand “Guilford H. Sumner, Of the huge sum granted in the bill behind them received a heavy gruel- creasing in violence and our troops EXTRA! more than one hundred guns. Pre and have taken "Secretary." 16,152,062,704.52 goes to the war de- the heights ling. This apparently has not been a have made substantial gains includ- Haig’s night report also showed of St. Juvin. State Wide Quarantine partment for the carrying out of all battle of limited objectives, but rath- ing the capture of Hill 299. British and Belgium successes north A statewide quarantine which will of the plans for the enlarged army er a drive, and where towns resisted “We have broken the Kriemhllde Reports Say of Lens where the .British troops took close all public meetings of every na- program preparing to have three com- at all strongly, the line has been push- line at new points where our men three villages including Mauchin and j closing ture, restrict railway travel to essen- ! plete American armies in France by ed on, again beyond and leav- in a series of hand to hand encounters Bauvin. July ing clearing up parties to finish the took a number of prisoners.” Germany Gives tials, stop promiscuous visiting from next and $107,217,778.26 to the IMBEUOFCO.iI Gaining Ground Near Douai. navy department. work. house to house in infected and other Prisoners at St. Juvin Heights. London, Oct. 16.—“Our patrols areas, and prevent the gathering of Aides Saving Property.* and gained ground Salvage Committee Provided (By Frank J. Taylor.) Up Kaiser slightly last night in all persons in unusual numbers prob- the Douai and sectors,” In the billions Fighting has been obstinate in Lille Field ably put into addition to appropri- With the American First Army, Haig today. will be effect. SADLY places, but apparently Marshal announced ated the bill authorizes the President WO.UIED nowhere des- Oct. 16.—The American forces have Cannot Compromise Has Abdicated “There is nothing further to report.** to create a salvage committee to rec- perate. It is believed there were no captured St. Juvin Heights and have “There are now five clerks in my of- glare additions to the number of pris- The Fall of Menin.
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