RkHK Students Field trip; Tangible' history at museum / page 3 battle police In 8. Korea / page 7 Champs: Lakers beat Celts for title / page 11 iHaufhriitrr Hrralii ) nr,hf; Monday, June 15,1flS7 30 C«n1s ■All Reagan lobbies J Congress, public for role in Gulf U m . WASHINGTON (AP) - President Reagan, turned down in his bid for allied ■ The commandgrt of th« USS military help in the Persian Gulf, is •tm. taking his case for a strengthened U.S. Stark failad to taka proper defan* role in the troubled waterway to alve meaaurea before an Iraqi’ N Congress and the American people. warplane hit the ahip with mlaalles, / /> White House officials, speaking Sun­ according to a congreaalonal J- I? day on condition they not be identified, report. said Reagan Is expected to touch on the tense situation In the gulf In a report to ■ Aa the Reagan administration the^ nation tonight on the Venice prepares to explain how It will econofiilc summit. defend reflagged Kuwaiti oil In addition to the nationally broadcast tankers, senior Democratic law­ speech from the bval Office, Reagan makers urge the White House to will deliver a report on security of U.S. ships in the gulf to Congress early this delay or cancel plans to risk week. Aides said the bulk of the report American lives and prestige In the will be stamped secret, but portions Persian Quit. probably will be public. The administration plans to fly the — Sforfes on page 5 U.S. flag on 11 Kuwaiti tankers and escort them with U.S. warships. At the seven-nation summit last week In resumes his Oval Office schedule also Venice, Italy, allies offered diplomatic includes a trip to Capitol Hill this week support, but no military help, for the to lobby against protectionist trade U.S. policy. legislation. In his weekly radio address The report to Congress Is part of a Saturday, he said such legislation procedure agreed upon before Reagan "would damage our own prosperity and left for Europe, requiring the White that of virtually the entire world.” H«nld photo by OInto House to keep the lawmakers informed Administration officials said Reagan of developments but not demanding that will make a series of speeches around action be deferred until the report was the country In ensuing weeks In support Grounded Eagles made. of his trade and economic policies. Bipartisan criticism of administra­ In his speech tonight, scheduled for East Catholic High School players Jimmy Penders, baseball game against East Haven High School at tion policy continued from both In and delivery at 9 p.m. EOT, Reagan alto It left, Rob Stanford and John Qagllotl, the latter with Muzzy Field In Bristol. East Haven scored six runs In out of Congress as the president rested expected to renew his pleas for reform from his 19-day Journey. In the federal budget process. World his cap In front of his face, tell the story toward the the first Inning and never looked back In winning the "Fro m what 1 know... I think It's a bad leaders in Venice called for stronger end of Saturday's state Class L championship title, 9-1. Story and more pictures on page 11. Idea to get ourselves militarily In­ action to bring down the staggering U.S. volved," Henry A. Kissinger, secretary federal budget deficit, which climbed to of state In the Republican administra­ 9220.7 billion In fiscal year 1996. tion of President Richard M. Nixon, said He also will report on the post-summit Sunday on N B C -TV 's "Meet the Press.” meeting of N A TO foreign ministers in 5 ‘Oprah’ dwarfs ‘Donahue’ In ratings Sen. Sam Nunn, D-Ga., chairman of Reykjavik, Iceland, where they agreed the Senate Armed Services Committee, formally to eliminate medium-range appearing on the same program, said, and shorter-range nuclear missiles In NEW YORK (AP) - After 20 years average 10.7 rating for February "What we have done here is we have Europe. on television, Phil Donahue Is belnft compared with Donahue's 7.9. Win­ basically taken a strong tilt toward All in all, Reagan is reporting on a challensed for the daytime talk-show frey's victory came even though her Iraq " in Its 6'A-year war with Iran In the summit at which he accomplished less throne by Oprah Winfrey, whose show show was seen In more than half the gulf. than at such sessions In the past, and has been nationally syndicated less markets In the morning when au­ "1 think with the lack of consensus we where he was beset by suggestions that than a year but Is dwarfing "D o ­ dience levels are lower. have right now, the administration he was losing his grip on the presidency nahue” In the ratings. By this fall, the show will airalmost would be advised to delay it,” Nunn in the face of controversy over arms "The Oprah Winfrey Show" made exclusively In the afternoon, so the said. sales to Iran and aid to Nicaraguan Its debut nationally In September. By ratings are expected to be even Aides said Reagan's agenda as he rebels. February. It ranked third of more higher. than 400 syndicated programs. "D o ­ Michael King, president of King nahue” was 10th. up a notch from the World, the syndicator of Winfrey’s year before. show as well as the top-rated "Wheel Town hears new gripes In New York. I^os Angeles and of Fortune" and "Jeopardy," says Atlanta, the three biggest out of about advertisers buying time on "Oprah" 40 T V markets where the shows are In markets where It will be on In the head-to-head. "O prah" outrates "D o­ afternoon this fall have been guaran­ about country club bias nahue” by a wide margin. teed a record 14.0 rating. According to the most recent A.C. The rating Is a percentage of ruled that the policy was discriminatory Nielsen Co. ratings available for households using television in the By George Loyng and violated provisions of the club’s Oprah Winfrey syndicated shows. Winfrey had an markets where the shows air. Herald Reporter Phil Donahue lease with the town. Some residents are again complain­ However, no action was taken by the ing that the Manchester Country Club is town because the club’s governing body Another hostess angers New Haven violating its lease with the town of agreed to allow all members equal Manchester by permitting exclusive access to the golf course during those blocks of playing time. They are also morning hours on Saturday and Sunday NEW HAVEN (AP) — Demonstrators organizations focused on Central Am eri­ New Haven as a tremendous Insult.” she complaining that the club is violating mornings. planned to picket television station W TN H can problems, said that she and others said. state liquor laws. Town Director Geoffrey Naab said today as Sally Jessy Raphael brought her would protest outside W TN H around noon Executive producer Bert Dubrow de­ The town's Board of Directors is today the directors' ^bcom m ittee that show — and a controversial topic — to the today fended the talk show's plans. He said the looking Into the complaints. oversees relations'wi{fp4^country club nationally syndicated program's new Johnson said she couldn't estimate how panelists will be mostly teen-agers and William Ogden of Branford Street, a will meet July 23 to disross the new home. many people planned to protest, but said none is from Connecticut. former club member, has complained complaints. The first show, to be aired live, will be the group would probably be small because "W e'll be asking them if they realty that women are given exclusive playing Naab, a member of the subcommit­ about people with multiple personalities. It's n work day. believe what their parents believe, or did it time and that men are not allowed to tee, spoke with Ogden during the But afterward. Raphael was scheduled to " It ’s beyond m y belief that any organiza­ come from brainwashing. It's really kind of play during these periods. weekend and said he plans to speak with film Interviews with children of members tion would go out of Its way to Invite any different from having someone sitting "All you’re doing Is discriminating In club members about the matters raised of the Ku Klux Klan and other racial-hate representatives of the Klan ... to New there with a white robe on." Dubrow said. reverse.” he said in a recent Interview. by Ogden. He said he also plans to 9 groups such as the White Aryan ResIsters Haven.” Johnson said. "It seems to be a "We feel in a sense when you put people Last August, complaints were raised explore complaints by William Hooker and the Skinheads. travesty that anyone would offer them an like this on who say these kinds of things. It about the club's practice of excluding of Erie Street, who has said that the club Mary Johnson, a New Haven resident opportunity for nationwide publicity. exposes them." Dubrow told the New women from playing during prime is not as open as it should be. active In the anti-nuclear movement and "This Is going to be seen by the citizens of Haven Register. weekend morning hours. Kevin O'Brien, who was the town attorney at the time. Please turn to page 10 TODAY’S HERALD Murder suspect fights extradition 8 Probism fhortagt Uncartain futura Epifanlo Vasques, the suspect in Manchester police are also seek­ killing, but Manchester police said A survey of Americans and their The promise of a summer in the the January killing of Lauren G.
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