PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. TUESDAY AUGUST 1, 1882. PBICE 3 CENTS. ESTABLISH El) JUNE 23, 1862--VOL.‘KR PORTLAND, MORNING, lSffS&gi2Sggt_| Hi ock Ulnrlitt. MAINE POLITICS. outposts without permission. Cipher dispatches AUGUST 1. XLVnth Session. a officer THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, SUMMER RESORTS. TUESDAY MORNING, Congress-lst EGYPT’S WAR. are forbidden, and staff supervising The following quotations of stock* are received telegrams may stop or alter them. and corrected daily by Woodbury & Moulton (inem PublUhed every day (Sunday, excepted,) by the bers of the Boston Stock Exchange), corner of Mid- of Bluff—The Fi- London, August 1.—The Telegraph has the METEOROLOGICAL. The Game independent SENATE. dlo and Exeh&nge streets: PORTLAND PUBLISH!NIG CO., Closing. LAKE AUBURNSPRINGHOTEL FOR THE NEXT TWENTY-FOUR asco—Fusion Defections and Jealousies following: Ovening. INDICATIONS Washington, July 31. 8% AT 97 Exchange Portland. Ramleh, July 31 (Evening).—A detachment Boston Land. 8% St., NO. HOURS. —Grounds of Republican Assurances, Mr. Hoar with amendments from .flEfcft AUBURN, MAINE. reported searching for Midshipman Dechair was fired WaterPower... 4% 4% Peek a: Eight Dollar, a Year. To mall aubaeilb War Dep’t Office Chief Signal ) Etc. the committee the Senate bill to pre- Flint & Pere Marquette common 24 24 judiciary upon by Arabs outside of Ramleb. The Arabs an Sevan Dollar, a Year, II paid In advance. Officer, Washington, D. C., > j (Correspondence of the Boston Journal.) vent and the Uni- Hartford & Erie 7s.. 54 V* punish.counterfeiting,within The London Times on Turkish fled on tlie approach of the cavalry patrol. A. T. & S. 93% from June to October. August 1, 1 A. M. ) 29.—Tito and ted Statei of bonds and other securities F. 93% Open Augusta, July fusionists notes, One of the Aboukir forts is said to be the Boston & Maine.148 148 THE MAINE STATE PRESS of foreign The amendment and Its water supply is direct from the mineral spring For New England, their are laboring to convey the governments. strongest of its kind existing. White Hags Flint & Pere Marquette proft n-ed. 95 95 a sympathizers bill passed. it pnbllahed every Thursday Morning at *2.60 and all the conveniences for comfort found in any Fair weather followed increasing cloudi- were on the Aboukir forts all day to- L. R. & Ft. Smith. 56 65 by both in and out of that the Mr. on flying If in advance at a voar. arc The connections with all impression, Maine, Morrill from the committee public Houghton & Out ... 74 76 year, paid $2.00 hotel furnished. ness and local rains, winds mostly southerly, Duplicity. day. Marquette, trains at Lewiston and Auburn will be perfect, by loaders are very dubious about the buildings an amendment intended to Summit Branch. 14% 14V* or temperature, lower pres- Republican reported Later—A reconnoisance is about to be effect- Bates of Advertising: One inch of space, the coacli from train to the tlierue to the stationary higher be that on the Denver A Rio Grande. 03 61% tlie lake, outcome of tho This is all mere proposed by oommittee sundry in order to ascertain the of white a was built last sure. campaign. ed meaning 7s. engtli of column, constitute, “square.” hotel by new steamer which spring civil bill. It appropriates $200,COO for a site Mexican Central 86% 86% first 76 cents per » Packard of Bath. stable weather bulletin. it comes from flying on the forts. Northern Pacific 89% $1.60 per square, daily week; by Goss, Sawyer Livery bluff, whether Representative for the a near flags preferred. 89% continu- erection of fire proof building •» week after; three insertions or less, $1.06; connected with the house and horses can be board- on the Now Constantinople, 31.—The Tarkish {Common.. 48% 48% The barometer is highest Eng- March or an Independent in the war at for a hall July ing every other day after first week, 60 cents. ed if desired Prices for board according to the correspondent department Washington Boston Brokers’ land coast and lowest in Montana. Rains have of records. Tabled fleet is not going to Egypt. fSales at the Board. July 31. Half three insertions or less, 76 c I room. Transient rates §2.50 to §3. The are not de- temporarily. square, cunts; location .be fallen in all districts the Missouri val- Washington. Republicans Eastern K. R., 4%8..109% 60 cents week after. rates to family and boarders except Mr. Anthony from the committee one week, $1.00; per per day Special weekly on the are printing additional. from Portland to and New Easterly winds spondent, but, contrary, those who Spf.ciai. Notices, one-third during June and July. Tickets ley England pre- reported the House joint resolution requiring THE SULTAN ASKED NOT TO and Send the Middle States and Lako re- POLITICAL. New York Mtock nod Tloncy Itlarkei. Under head of “Amusements” “Aocitioh the hotel and return, via M. C. It. It., $2.oO vail in upper in the way to be best informed are not only the public printer to furnish free of charge the per week; three inser- JOHN LINfrSK V & SON. iu the South Atlantic and TOy Telegraph.) SALES,” $2.00 per square for circulars, gion, southerly hopeful but confident of a Republican victory Congressional Record te each State and terri- tions or Th,S&T2m New York. money active less. $1.60. juneS Gulf States. The temperature has remained tory library. Passed. July 31—Evening, Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State in September. “What I mean by that state and loaned up frem 3%(a8,down to 4, closing 5@6; nearly stationary in all districts. Mr, Hill of Colorado direction of the Congressional Nominations. Press (which has a large circulation in every part by post RATIFY ARABl’S mercantile paper at 4@5. Exchange steady at Local rains are indicated for the lower Lake ment,” said the best-informed Republican in j DISMISSAL. 31.—The liberal convention prime at the State), for $1.00 per square for first inser- office committee moved concurrence in the Raleigh, July 484% for long and 488% for short. Governments South Atlantic and Middle States. the First has nominated for Con- tion, and 60 cents per square for each subs neat HOTEL region, the State, “is not that we are sure of success llouse amendments to the bill authorizing the \ of District irregular but in main %@% lower. State bonds CHAMPION, John B. an old line feature. Railroad bonds Insertion. without effort, for such is not the case; but postmaster general to extend the mail service I gress ltesspas, Republican. generally without irregu- Address all communication, to Vermont. volume of business. Iff iqua Hay, Wwanton, in certain cases and for other purposes. ; Lancaster, Pa., July 31.—Wm. B. Given lar on fair PORTLAND PUBLISHING 00. that if every man does his duty, as there is i'he transaction* at the Stock Aggregat- to. was nominated the Democratic coun- Exchange October. This sum- Agreed to-day by fc&tk A Open June 1 to reason to believe he we are ed 262,000 shares. every will, certain Mr. offered a resolution the ; as a candidate for from ifymv+vrwt mer resort is new and situated on BY Peiry directing ty committee, Congress The following are to day’* closing quotation* of on to the Senate SPECIAL fcumQToSp Lake Champlain, 8 miles north of of a most satisfactory victory.” As has before committee pensions report Admiral to Demand Sur- the Ninth District. Government tsecurities: NOTICES” mmrr,mm t.,* TKIJttKAPII. bill to those who lost an arm Seymour St. Albans. For full description been observed, the Republican organization is granting pensions New Orleans, July 31.—Carleton Hunt United States 6s, ex .101% send for circular. or leg in the service of the United States. United States 6’s ext.101 MAINE. in all its details. Col. who is to was nominated as the Democratic candidate perfect Dow, The resolution referred to the United States 4% .... 114% R. PARKER, Prop. was pensions render of Aboukir for Congressman from the First District today. new, s, reg.. jueS d2mos be credited with the planning and tho execu- committee. Forts, United States new, 4%’a coup.... .114% United States new, 4’s, tion of this has months of A motion by Mr. Gorman to reconsider the j , reg.120% The Fort Popham Shooting Affair. organization, given United States new, 4’s, coup.120% LADIES’ ,4M> HISSES’ vote upon the House head money immigration The Tariff Commission. surrendered painstaking effort to secure this result. This Pacific 6’s of 95.130 BETIIElTlioU SE, Bath, July 31.—Sergeant Kelly bill with a view to its recall from the House Long 31.—Assistant Branch, July SocrsUry The are the closing quotations of stocks himself to the authorities this morning here work has been done so well that Mr. Dow wa3 voted down 15 to 36. following MAINE. Treasurer French completed to-day his state- Chicago & Alton.139% BETHEL situation Mr. offered a resolution allow- and was examined by Judge Tallman on the knows more of the political than any Anthony joint ment before the tariff commission. He dis- Chicago & Alton preferred.... Located on Grand Trunk Rail- ing the widow Minister Marsh a Burn cussed the of a tribunal C. B. 133% of shooting Smith at Fort Popham man in the State. He gives no figures but is ofjthejlate AND WILL BOMBARD THEM IN CASE question estaulishing Quincy. road 70 miles from Portland, 25 charge equal to her husband’s salary for half a year. for of customs Erie. 37% MUSLIN no means an adjudication disputed questions miles from Mt.
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