Tops Tax Vilitiage En Vnc Events Cell11tercons1tructnoll1 (Charts R -'-"'1

Tops Tax Vilitiage En Vnc Events Cell11tercons1tructnoll1 (Charts R -'-"'1

~ --,..- ~~ ........ - .....- ~ _ .-- __ _ T ···~ .-,' c,.• -- ••__ .,••~'. _'__"'__'. __ ._ • ~c by FflANKIl- JAHHl l L SYIIlPtl~IIJfll, trail 1111Cd l galllt' S 'I'lli' ('"whoy wIth (lul HII' Wt'l'k fit, hig kiCkolT at Fair Salll,.da y a rld S lllllLt \' a ('f II ,0.; ~ (h t . \'ollllgsLt.'rs lI(I hlcvc1t,s and dllldre-n With Huirloso N f>W<; I dlt( If rJtks, ('/ltt'r1alllllll'nl, chuckwagoll ('ookoff. 7::{() pill '<'ndav. (ktoher fl, al W.I). sln"{'l frolll tht, (;azt'l>o 011 Sudd{'r-th I)nvt· tlwir pets dn·s~t·d ;n cost lIIlH', to make for a '~H. d WI't,j.'d·lId If I !\:iIWldt'st ,tlw,J\-" hlg roplngs and daIlet·s, begins Thursday, (kLo­ I I Drto II St ad I !1I1l and stn~('l ff.'slival PV('Ilts lIJl .1(11 down Uw long and ('IIt('ri.a III lllg parael.- I>lg~('r tht' !{lJIdoSIl ;11(';1 ...... JlI lit' l tIdll {'VI'I' h(,1 :{, and COTltllllU'S through SUllday. Odo­ 1I001lt>COllllllg royalty will IH' crllwlwd sln,,{'t But, lwfof(' the paradt' event begiIl:-!, a UlI:-; y('a r lH'r (i. at t ht, SIl(>t'r St,lpct Sail.' (brii ill Just ht·fon· ttw ga IT;(', a' rid Uw hOrtH-COIIl) Ilg "( '.rcus Illl Ilaradl'.. ·· tht, A,c;pt.·nt't·sl pa bunch of hwyclp racer~ will pedal from the Tht, St'CI,/lt! AIIIIU;l! ()II! I.JIll'oln ('lIlll1t\' (;It- Iwot· parade w III roll dO\"1\ Suddt'r·lh Unv(' at ,t radt', will roll at 10 a.Ill. SallJld;l\. (lclobt'r· ~:aglt, (:n'pk Sports (~olrlplt,X up Ski Hun ~.vIllP0:-;1l1IlI ~p{'('ial ('OWhll), .lIlt! HllldoslI 11IglJ I{pad all 'lhou! It III tht· sed.ioll p.m Friday f), l)('g-iIHIlIlg at Sudd('rih Hlld I\Jt~( ht'II1 alld f{oad t.o SkI Apacht, II} the WhItt, Mountain Schoor~ i\s~){'nli. hIII1H'(,ll!lllllg haq' J\lllll"d III with III:-:'t.·rlt'd III today':-:. t.·d'tioIi And Uwn tlwn,'s ... sl '91 tlw tH ('all\(lll h·I\T , cuntlJHllIlg down ParcJ(bst· I ('hall"ngt' ('u t tht· "n'gldar' A,,;pl'llkst I'VITlh UI Jill lIlt' IloIlW{'(llIlllIg actlvitlt·J-' lWglfl today at ('hIli ('OOkllff all day Saturday and Sunday (~(Jlor guards, hand..;, (1\1;!t:--: ;;I.j 11I1s (,r AHt'r the parade, ttw marchIng bandH eah'lIdar III IJ",'dlowlIll/ ~'holll cOldlflllP Pilll'~ ('rall~ I\IIlCh •...,o Illgh alld through ill Tall HV Park. tlw Arts and ~ h r i Ill' r ~~ r 011 Ps W dI II I II' \ 1 p. ; t! I II g \.... It I ~ WIll lH'ad (fIr UH' football HLadiul1l rr=------------------------------------------------------------------------------_ GrolUlndbreakinlg eerenlony starts of"f'" the Ruidoso tops tax viliTIage en vnc events cell11tercons1tructnoll1 (Charts r -'-"'1... -: .c,~·.:--.~~~;:~~:~:-:¢*·~_\/ - ~- A handltJI or pt·lJplt· JOll,t·d t.ltt' -.".. "'r by DIANNE STALLINGS J{llldosI) Viliagt' ('otillcd Sal UnLl\ RUidoso News Staff Writer W~ll'/l tht· rlr~t ~pad,' of t'arlh wa'~ Property owner~ in RuidoHo pay tunH'd t.o IIllll;Il.{' ("OllstltJctltlll (Ill hight'r t..axp[-\ than anyonp else in HlJld(J~"'S CIVIC/('\'('lltS ('{'lIt., .. Lincol n County. ( 'II t1 rIn I"rs .J [) .]aIIIt'saild .Jt. ~-.; According to tax rates approved Stillson, who CIa"", st'rvt'd through by th{:'· and certified by the out the planHHlg stagt,":-:. or tht, long ('ounty ('ommiSRion Monday. aWaJu.·d (,(,rll-t'r, W('f(' jlliIWd III t.h" HUldoRO ft:'Ridential property ('plt·brat IOf) hv Mayor VJ{·tor Alol1~o (\WtW~ will pay $40.47 in t.axeR for and ('IJlHl('t1(1~S B:~rhara I ),dT. J{OIl (·very $1,000 of their net taxable Andn'ws and Pat r-ln;1 Esplf)osa property value. St';11t' f{t'pr"~l'llt~ltlVt' .lohll l'll I . Non-residentJal taxeR will he dprwood and }luhhard MUSt'lIlIl $·1 ~ 7:{ [.wr thousand. Dlrpdor .JIIll St.oddard also .sJ!'okt· .. That.'!" haRM on tax ratef-l of ~H'fllrt' t}w grllundhreakmg 40.4fi:' and 42.727 millR. One rruIl iA Tht' CI'nt.{'r pnlJt'ct l~ local(·d at equal to $l per $1,000 of net­ III Sit'rr: I B Ia II (' a I)n \' t·, n g h t rIt'x l ablp valut' Net taxable value i? fig­ Ul Tht' LilIkr; at ~1t'rrH Blanca. ured on one-third of assessed prop­ Wht.·fl compld...t·d It will contaIll erty value nJlnLL<:l all exemptions. :~:~,OOO K<...J.uare fed of ,",pace, includ­ (~ountv Tax Assessor Pat Serna Ing ~H) t'xhihlt hRII, Hix flH:·t'ting Raid HuicloRO rates would have gone roomH and f">O breakout unbreilaH. up only slightly from $39.32 to ('onventlOIJ HUreal! director r ~ r $:1946 per thoURand, except for the K1ithl('t'n M lchelt'rHi gavt' a Hit...t· extra one mill approved by voters tour. and gIH'RtR had cofTt"e I! Hnd toward th{' RUpport of the off­ doughIlutH at Thl' Lillk~. campUR pducatlOn center of Eastern It ~LJ'" The Ruidoso Civic Events Center con­ how the project has evolved under his New fvtpxico Univer8ity. Ruidoso alAo posted the highest I struction got under way Saturday with a , leadership since he first chaired the Eco­ total for laxahle reRidenlial proper­ . groundbreaking ceremony. The center. nomic Developm8nt Advisory, Board. The ty value at $R4.9-rnillion. pictured above as drawn by architects, is mayor and council, joined by village man­ .. MORt of the other tax rates are ,.., scheduled to open in spring 1992. Coun­ ager Ron Wicker, are shown turning the down a little," Serna said. "For ex­ cilor J.D. James (at leff) looked back on dirt during the ceremony Saturday. ample, Capitan residential property owrWrB wi II ~)(' t.:'lxed at $:l6.66 per thousand while laRt year'R rate waR $,19.:Hi .. Rt·,",idpntlal wlxahle value In that vdlagt· waK pla('{~d at $2.RS- nlilLion. Capitan t.opped the list for mil­ lage IH"C('SRary t..o operate itR village (11lc! t(l pay ofT ILq long-t..enn debts WIth R tot.Rl of lfi.f)2:l mIlIR agalnRt n'j'lldcnt.1Rl property But a large port IOn of that represents a ~ppnal water ~upply proJect. ~t'xt In lint-' l~ the v1ilagt> of Hu I r!t '0411, W hl('h Tt-q Ul rPR I.S .Sf) 7 m 1II..; to n pt·Plk :1 n d t (I pay 0 tT I t~ IOTl.,g-t.enn d~t.q At t hp otht-'r end of that ..;pt-'clrum IS ('orona, whIch onlY TlPt'Cl04 ~~ K44 mIlls tht-' opt'ratlOn of thp county, Its dpht l4PT\nC(' and "penal proJectR ac­ counl for H 92ti mIlls agRinRt fPRldpnllal property and lO':!89 mdlR agalnRt non-n'Rldentla!' The tax hltR for Rchool dIRtnct -~ opprat!on, deht RervK'e and c..apltal Improvem<>nt pro]ecl.Q, dlpR fiR low ns -1 H mllJs agalnAt n'RIC'lpntial property In Corona and Roars as high aR l04f>O mil1f\ RgRITlRt non­ CO~1I1l~11li§§i([DJJ1l rPRid1j1tial property In RUldoRo. WHIM hear 2 lfeqRlle§t§ ThORf' caleg:onE'fI. comprise the hulk of the lax raU~R Other nlillagf' econc[J~mic thal nUlY apply to certain are!'R of fOlf deveiopinent fU1r1HCfl§ tJH' county include the Lincoln ( 'lIllIIty l\-1t:d ica1 C(' J1 U'r H pt'cia I t.a x, ~-mdhon t tw ('arrizozo II PI) Ph Cf'ntf'r, a ny of by DIANNE STALL INGS Th(· }('vy g('neTaU:'~ about. $\ I t\ 1Ll..l M,"<i,ca Id fu nd INSIDE. ~l('y'r(' the fOllr Sot! nlld WRter ConRerva­ - - - ~ . Ruidoso News StClH Wrj~er $!)f)() ,OO(), M II It'f :-In I d "and RueRR who 1 H:J.klng to tHin dIRtrict~. t tH- Alpine Village Business.•.•.. _ ~ AA TIi9 Dreanwr...........•.........................9A RequeRtR for conti nupd Lax RlJ p­ "W(· could rIOt. have hought t.llt' ahRorh It," MI1It'r R;'lI£1 votR~ Sanltatlon Dl~Lnrt, \ lit:, Sun Valley CAT Sc-.Hn (a staLe of the art X-ray "\V p' rp aRk lng the t.< I I <lTl P00p!9••••..•.....•..•..•..••, ~•.••. 10A F004to.'1!AH1~·J Cont·""...!> 7A port of the Lincoln County Mpdicn.1 • 11 _1::011... 0- #·i~ht SHrllt..;1llOn Dlf4tnM., predator con­ Center Rnd df'velop machine) without t.he levy," Miller tinue the Ipvy for flnot.hef ~ for dollllm t,;) n~t Spcm... <6 'rI or 8A -opInion : 1B RtreR~ing I roJ (/largeR ag;n Rheep, cattle th{~ saId. 'We're one of the hOf~pitalR yeaJ"P. -- thal thlf-\ IH n"· I parkR and recreatwn an' on ~oalR, new ta.x -- AO t.hat thiR hO'4pltJ I l~a c, nd and levIe-s for beef cattle, . WEATHEH nEPORT - Rgenda of the Lincoln County Com­ with a Rood chancp of surviving he­ . caU1~e we have no deht. And I'm maintain a technically conqJd ltnt' hOrR1.'R, mulcR. asses. Rheep and ~~_.'~y ~~.. "'~~~~~~, ... ~ ~ mission meeting Tuesday. Q"".. ..G-IOW " .. .. "' -..; .. "' -.-._ -4 v ' "' "' .. ., ...32 ciairy CRtl\P, ~ determined while I'm administrator Rtate," she RRid. "And then if ~UI••--*~y... ,.....~ ih'&wh :"':';;)f':: . 71 CommissionerA will meet at 9 -uu- , :a;.- - or:w • .- ..- - ..- 0- -- .. ()lhef lax rllteR include: Ruidoso ~ ~~95 a.m. in the courthouse in Carrizozo not.

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