T U E S D A Y , SEPTEMBER 18,1948 The Weather Average Daily Clrealation ICE TWELVE Foreeut of U. 8. Weather Boreao Manchester Evening Herald For the Month of AngnaL 1945 ■V ■ Fair toaight, except for tog In trio composed of Mrs. Frank ber of the department for 20 8,985 tow piseee by momlag; Tkitreday ■ u Mrs. Emma Carlson Of Gardner Usher, Mrs. Irving Bradley, and fair, wanner thaa today.. years. He was an assistant chief Engaged to Wed Church Parley Mrs. Roland Hoerle. Mrs. Raymond Oil Burners ItoauriTFBlFr -KuFlUi street returned home last night Roy Griswold Member of tbe Audit for four years before becoming Case will play , the organ qt_ both About To^vn from Andover where she spent the •nd Bureau of OIrealattons chief following the death of Chief the morning and afternoon ' ses­ paisUslx \Oeeks with her son Wal- Harlowe Willis in 1937. Chief Date Is Given Manch^iter^A City of ViUdge Charm frid Carlson and family. Quits As Chief Grlsiyord has made many improve­ sions. At the close of the morning meeting there will be Seminars and Furnaces » Rlcbard Hubbard, Seaman Sec- ments in the department during PRICE rURKB CEN'ra Exhibits, and at 12:30 a box A Few Still Available. (SIXTEEN PAGES) | <wd Claaa, son of Mr. and Mra. James A. Knight, son of Mr. his tenure of office and in the last Hartford District Rally (ClaaaUled Advartiatag oa Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19,1945 I Charlea Hubbard, of 179 Main and Mrs. Burt Knight. US Pine Resigns North Eml Fire two years' as fire marshal he has luncheon. - VOL. L xrv., NO. 297 1 atreet, who haa been at p«'np street, Manchester, has been pro­ cleaned up many fire menaces in To Be Held on Tues­ At the afternoon session open­ RAf KI.IFFE Dll GO. rBampaon, N. Y., aince he moted to the tank of Corporal at De|»arlnirnt Post; Kee­ the district and seen to it that ing at two o’clock, Mias Mary L. Tel Hartford I 5191 Navy. »« being transferred to Lubbock Army Air Field, Texas. day, September 25th -Beard, state president of the Con- 18 Maple Avenoc — 'Hartford they wore kept—cleaned. During Belsen Atrocity Trial Opens ■, Ohio State University. He Is to be- ney His Successor the war he was called upon to gregatlonal-Christlsn Women, will 'com e a member of the R. O. T. .C. speak. Mrs. Edmonia Grant, Edu­ Two Manchester Navy men, Jo­ give much additional time over ’The Hartford District. Council Super-Forts seph Philip Bottlcello, Seaman cational Director of the Depart­ Stpike in Supplier At the regular meeUng of the and above his regular duties in of Oongregatlpnal-Christian Wom­ . Id the report of the town court First Class, USNR. 89 Spencer directors of the Eighth School | organizing war time emergency ment of- Race-Relations for the i ' BTOceedtngs yesterday the address street, and John Anderson Coe, en of Connecticut, ^ l l hold Its American Missionary Association, Dl.strict held last evening a letter! fire protpctlnn. of Miss Florence Tracy was given Seifman Fir.st Class,. USNR of Seventeenth /yanust Rally on will give an address. “The Soela-l- as 82 Congress street. This was in Boulder road, can claim two of resignation was received from ’Tuesday, Septetn^^ 25 at the Im­ Scene, Race-Relation.s and You." Dun-Rite- Plant May^^ffect - error. The address should have “ firsts” along with other members Chief Roy Griswold of. the Fire manuel Congregational Church, Set on Japan |. been 371 Adams street. of the USS Alaska crew. The department. Chief Gri.swold ausked Elect Heads Hartford. Thirjnornlng session will Ala.ska was the first of a new class to be relieved of his duties as jf open at lOrSO with Mrs. Alice W. Kenneth Wales Kimball, of the of fighting VMsels—the battle Oct. 1, stating that his business is Curtis ofHpialnville, district chair Auto Body U. S. Army Signal Corps has been Added Thousands cruiser—and she look part in the Of DeMolay man, ptosldlng. H. R. Gustafson 8 Griswold Street 2 promoted from second to first lieu- first raid on Aokyo, in Febniary. 1. F. P. Farnsworth will wel- i tenant. His brother, Frank W. “ H o f c p y ” Telephone 8888 To Washington Ho this year. , __ the women and the Rev. ^ Kimball, Fire Controlman 2-c, was letcher Parker, pastor of the Im­ General Motors WoiJ. | J gQ^j.J ^ one of the survivors of the Miss Frances Brzowskl of Day- William Mullen Named manuel Church, will lead In wor­ Fender and Body Work K stroyer U. S.- S. Morrison, sunk oft Chimney and Furnace ers May Have to Be > ton. Ohio, is spending a week with Master Councilor at ship. Rev. Frank Tlshkln*. pastor Auto Painting Fly Over Edmontoi E Okinawa early In the summ^ by Miss Jo and Miss Vera Krajewskl of the, Bethel Congregational Laid Off If Dispute i » Jap suicide planes. The Morrison of 125 Birch street. .. Meeting I.^8t Night Cleaning. Repairing Power to Deal P was one of the ships that helped Miss Caroline H. I. Churchr’wlll apeak on “ Brother­ ‘ Alfred Chagnot, Prop. Capital of Alb( hood," the .theme of. the Rally. At Ohio Electrical To Give New List K rescue many survivors. They are Word has been received o f the 81 High St, Tel. 7475 Province, Canada, the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Horace William Mullen was elected Mas­ Mr. and Mr*. HaroUlXee of Bol A pageant, “ Ye Shall Be My Company Not Ended; promotion o f William KInne, Jr^ People," written by Fred Eastman, With Disputes A. Kimball, of 126 Avondale road. ter Councilor of John Mather ton announce the engagement and or Write 1 1 :4 0 a. m. Toda]^| son of Mr. and Mrs. William KIn­ w-iU be presented by groups from Before Week - End ne, of 221 Adams street, to Staff Chapter, Order of DeMolay at the coming marrlag^^f their daugh­ the Congregational Churches of P. O. Box 142 The annual meeting . of the Sergeant. He has been overseas ter of Miss O n lin e Harriett Lee, Of War Criminals Averaging Better Thi Army and Navy Club will be held regular semi-monthly meeting held Southington and Plalnvllle, from Schwellenbach Given two years and has .four Bronze in the Masonic Temple last night. to Pfc. EdWa/0 Earl Griffin, of. 183 the South Church of New Britain, Amston, Conn. Detroit, Sept. 19.— (/P)— 3 0 0 Miles Per HonrJ In the clubhouse. Main and Forest stars. He Is expected home soon. Bond s t r e ^ Hartford. Pfc. Griffin A REMINDER! 'Control of War Labor street; Wednesday night at 8 Other elected officers are as fo l­ from the Immanuel and Fourth Idleness for additional thou­ lows: George Bonnet, senior coun­ has. rece.hUy returned after more Congregational Churches of Hart­ sands in the nation’s automo­ Expected to Land . a| .- o ’clock. Election of officers will The choir of the Zion Lutheran than years of service In the When You Need More Board, Employment Reliable Jap Hlaclt Dra^^Oll L take place at this meeting and re- cilor and .Richmond Morrison, ford, and from the Union Baptist ALICE COFRAN bile industry was threatened Washington by 6 p. m| church will have a rehearsal to­ junior councilor. The new master Euix>{iean area, and on the com- Church of Hartford. Leading parts Fire - l*heft Auiomohile And Manpower Units Predict Purge of Reac­ r ports of the officers for the year morrow evening at 8 o’clock at puiuon of a 30-day furlough he (Knowm As ({ueen Alice) today by a strike in a small ,1^1 |i will be given. councilor announced hla staff of will be taken-by the Rev. Elden H. Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Son or Furniture the church- ap.polntlve officers . to be as fol­ Kil\ report to Virginia. Mills, pastor of the West Hart­ Ohio supplier plhnt. With ap­ tionary ’ Elements in Washington, Sept. 19.- ' The ceremony will take place Bom With a Veil i Balletin! Society Still Manchester Grange will meet lows: Robert Wright, senior de^ ford Congregational Church; Rev. proximately 80,000 workers —Three Super-Fortreases All Red Cross Volunteer Nurses’ ■Saturday, September 29. at the Readings Dallv, inrinding Sunday, I INSURANCE Washington, Sept. 19—(fl*) Higashi-Kuni Cabinet < tomorrow evening in the Masonic con; Richard Schubert, j i ^ r Sterling ^5. White, minister of Re­ 9 A. M to 9 P M. Or Bv Appoint- idled in the Detroit area by ing non-stop from Japan Aides are reminded of the meeting deacon; John Peckham, senior home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Lee. I —Labor Secretary Lewis B. i-Tcmple. It will be visiting officers tonight at 8 o’clock In St. Mary s ligious Education, First Congrega­ thenL In the Service ol. the Peo- I Stays Active Washington flew over E(3 night, with the chairs occupied by steward; Robert McIntos^-junlor tional Church, New Britain; and CAI.L strikes and related shut- Schwellenbach, armed with Tokyo, Sept. 19,-^/P)— , church. pie for 80 Veara. i do'wna. It was reported In indus­ new authority, carried out to­ officers from neighboring Granges. steward; John Cragin, /Chaplain; Rev. Theodore D.unn, ad Interim SPIRITUAL 5IEDIVM ' General MacArthur’s head­ monton. Capital of All Center Quadrant try circle* today that some $5,000 day hi* promise to "get right A rehear-sal of the Choral Group of Group C, Mrs. James l>slle, Marshall Hodge, m a r s ^ ; Francis pastor of tfie South Church, New I6B Chnrch Street, Hab-ttord, Conn.
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