Windlesham Parish Council Sarah Walker The Council Offices Clerk to the Council The Avenue Tel: 01276 471675 Lightwater Email: [email protected] Surrey Website: www.windleshampc.gov.uk GU18 5RG MINUTES OF A MEETING OF WINDLESHAM PARISH COUNCIL Held on Tuesday 29th October 2019, at 7.30pm in the Council Chamber Bagshot Cllrs Lightwater Cllrs Windlesham Cllrs Bakar P Barnett P Goodman P Chambers - Galliford P Hansen-Hjul P Gordon A Halovsky-Yu P Stacey P Kay P Harris P Manley A Hartshorn P Trentham P Jennings-Evans P Willgoss P Malcaus Cooper P White P In attendance: Sarah Walker – Clerk Jo Whitfield – Assistant Clerk Victoria Wheeler – Windlesham & Chobham Borough Councillor Emma McGrath – Business Owner & Windlesham & Chobham Borough Councillor Pat Teddar – Windlesham & Chobham Borough Councillor Tony Murphy – Windlesham Resident Mrs Murphy – Windlesham Resident Graham Bullen – Windlesham Society Roy Fairhead – Windlesham Resident Hywel James – Windlesham Resident Judith Stonebanks – Windlesham Resident P – present A – apologies PA – part of the meeting - no information Cllr White was in the Chair Prior to the meeting Cllr White announced to all those present, including the public, that at the Chairman’s discretion the start of the meeting would be delayed by 15 minutes. An unexpected opportunity had arisen for the local Neighbourhood policing team to update Council on the recent spate of burglaries in the area. …………………………………………………………………………………………………… C/19/109 Apologies for absence Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllrs Gordon and Manley. Cllr Chambers was not in attendance and no apologies were received. C/19/110 Declarations of interest No declarations of interest were made. C/19/111 Public question time Q: Mr Murphy addressed Council and requested that Council consider installing some sound equipment in the Council Chamber. A: Council will consider his request. Q: Mr Murphy asked the following question. “As the response to the CGR consultation is said to represent the views of the council as a body, do Councillors, as individuals, support the text of the letter, not only in the absence of any indication that it represents a minority view, according to the vote, but also in the use of language offensive to the people of Windlesham who are simply exercising their democratic right.” A: It was agreed that Council will respond to this question in writing. Victoria Wheeler expressed her interest in item 16 on the agenda and having been involved in a similar project at Chobham Parish Council offered help and guidance. 19:55 Mr and Mrs Murphy left the Chamber C/19/112 Exclusion of the press and public. Agreed that the following items be dealt with after the public, including the press, have been excluded under S1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960: C/19/131 Exempt Full Council Minutes from 24th September 2019 C/19/132 Personnel Committee Minutes from 16th October 2019 C/19/133 Staffing Matters C/19/113 Full Council Minutes • The open minutes of the previous meeting held on 24th September 2019 were approved and signed by Cllr White. C/19/114 Committee and Sub-Committee Minutes • The minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on 1st October 2019, were approved and signed by Cllr Stacey. • The minutes for the Civic Amenities and Recreation Committee meeting, held on 1st October 2019, and recommendations therein were approved and signed by Cllr Hartshorn. • The minutes for the Personnel Committee meeting, held on 16th October 2019, were approved and signed by Cllr Jennings-Evans. C/19/115 To discuss any business for referral to, or received from: • Surrey County Council; • Surrey Heath Borough Council • Surrey County Council Cllr Goodman reported the following: HGV’s Cllr Goodman reported that on the 4th October a joint exercise with the Police was conducted in Chobham and Windlesham to check HGV’s going through the village. Most of the time was spent in Chobham where a number of HGV’s were stopped. The last two hours were spent in Windlesham and no vehicles were found to be illegally using Chertsey Road. The operation is now being evaluated before deciding if further operations should take place in Surrey. CRC’s and Waste Management Cllr Goodman informed Council that at the next meeting of the SCC cabinet Members will be asked to endorse keeping all the CRC’s open, without implementing any further charges, with the exception of van permit holders. There will be a review of opening hours with the possibility of increasing hours from spring next year. There is also going to be a significant campaign to help residents reduce waste, increase recycling and reuse. A further paper will be considered by cabinet next year which will set out the future waste strategy in light of the current Government waste of resources strategy. The SHBC work on Swift Lane has gone well and it is expected that Swift Lane CRC to reopen soon. Climate Change Action Cllr Goodman informed Members that Surrey County Council has started to announce a number of measures regarding climate change, the reduction of emissions, and improving air pollution. The Environment Having announced the planting of 1.2M trees, SCC will be launching a consultation on a tree strategy, during tree planting week 23rd November till 1st December. SCC will also be holding events in each of the districts and Boroughs during this time, planting trees and promoting this initiative. In addition to this SCC will be encouraging Parishes to plant trees. Information on this will be sent out in early November. Two weeks ago, the Government announced an Environment Bill which indicates that Councils will be set targets on air pollution, with consequences if these targets are exceeded. All the District and Borough Councils will be looking at the current performances and discussing what action can be taken. Highways SCC have completed work on the pavement to give disabled access off kennel Lane, Windlesham, allowing better access. SCC started winter gritting and weather forecasting last week. Cllr Goodman was able to report that results of the speed survey concerning the chicanes on Kennel Lane, Windlesham, were now in with the following results: North Bound Average recorded speed prior to installation of chicanes: 33.1 Average recorded speed after installation of the chicanes: 27.5 South Bound Average recorded speed prior to installation of chicanes: 34.1 Average recorded speed after installation of the chicanes: 28.1 • Surrey Heath Borough Council Cllr White reported the following: Villages Working Group This month saw the inaugural meeting of the Villages Working Group at Surrey Heath. Four WPC councillors are on this group. Further updates to follow. Additional Payment Investigation The independent investigation into the payment of an additional allowance to the CEO at Surrey Heath is still ongoing. SHBC have been advised that a final report is not likely to be made available to Council for a number of weeks. Planning There were two Bagshot planning applications heard at committee this month. • 134 & 136 London Road for 26 residential units was recommended for refusal and was refused. • 42-44 London Road for 46 care apartments was recommended for approval by officers but was refused by committee by reason of Bulk and Mass, Overbearing, Impact on the Conservation Area and Limited Landscaping. Climate Change At Full Council two motions for SHBC to declare a Climate Emergency we’re passed. Food Poverty A motion to ascertain the level of food poverty across the borough and determine what action Council can take to alleviate the problem through collaboration with its external partners was passed. Monitoring Officer It was agreed at Full Council that Richard Payne would remain as Monitoring Officer until December 2019. Consultation SHBC are now looking for ideas/comments for the future use of the old BHS building. There is an online questionnaire/survey. Access the survey on this link. The closing date for the survey is 11 November 2019. https://surreyheath.formstack.com/forms/bhs_survey Enforcement Enforcement action taking place at Swift Lane is ongoing. This is a joint action with SHBC/SCC/Surrey Police. Due to this action the CRC was closed for a period and should be reopening sometime this week. C/19/116 Finance • Accounts for payment - The Clerk presented a list of expenditure transactions for approval, in the sum of £33,998.72 and explained the individual items. It was resolved the payments (Annex A) in the total sum of £33,998.72 be authorised and the Chairman signed the Expenditure Transactions Approval List • CIL Payments – The Clerk presented an updated CIL balance sheet and Councillors are asked to note the balances and the 5-year expiry dates for each payment. There are no balances expiring in the next 12 months. Noted. C/19/117 a) Outside Organisations Dementia Action Alliance Cllr Halovsky-Yu reported that the DAA had successfully hosted the first pub lunch event in Windlesham, which was attended by 15-20 people. Dates for subsequent events in Bagshot and Lightwater will be published soon. Sunrise care home in Bagshot will be holding a fundraiser on the 9th December 2019. Lightwater Business Association Cllr Halovsky-Yu reported that the LBA will be holding another networking event on the 12th November and reminded Councillors that all were welcome. Members were also reminded that the Christmas light switch on will be held on the 30th November 1pm-6pm. Windlesham Field of Remembrance Cllr Hansen-Hjul informed Members that the gas board were now on site completing the necessary works and that the opening of the new Pavilion has had to be postponed due to the delays caused by the gas work. Briar Centre Cllr Jennings-Evans informed Members that the Briar Centre will be soon be setting the date for the AGM.
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