
Must retire JACL's deficit !kca.... of IIIe "Istoric not raised, Involvinl tbe of­ "Must", thoullh fer reglcnal fOftIt .Il tIl. WillI. HOtu...... lice cf assJ.·tant national dJ­ ctll""". the dlstrlcta are to PACIFI ITIZEN _d<. RAt'. lOT' I'OO.-a". oj ~dcr at Headquarters and raise iI third oC the budaeL "'_ N .. tlbtlal JACL BOClrd oj the Wasblnat.oa Olllce. Fun.u What is Indicated In the pro­ "~b. U-IS ha. b..... ",,~all- ~ved In ex~ of $490.000 poled national JACL budaet ... thLt 1M." Dclalb urin b. will be used toward an aUo­ only Ibow. what national ~d ... tile M.rl iuu•. - cation of SIO,OOO for National merntxorshlp due. would cov- IrdUoT. CommltteH. er. AN FRANCIsro _ A $470 _ Natlcnal Presldmt ShI, Su- Official presenlatlon of the VOL. 82 NO. 8 FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 27,1976 115 CENTS S .. ~.:. "yama bad proposed a SG12.­ budget to the ohapters will be lOCI national JA CL b u......,t 000 budlet (lee Feb. 20 PC) made by AprU 23-60 days .... boned by th. NaUonal but It was barely noticed by prior to the National Convm­ JACL Board, which met at the board which called for a tlon. Budquarters Feb. 13-Ui. and balanced bud~t and Immedl­ at Un' - tune $20.000 from ate r.tir.ment of the de1lclt, MeanwbUe. dlstrld !lovern­ tile antlclpated $4110,000 dur- now at $108 600 .t the end 01 ers In attendance at tbe Na­ ~d~~9;'; ::~9~ U-nal Board meeting will con­ :ill FY 1975, whlch w .. Sept. 30. rer with the chapters to ex­ ..,l"clpatfd deftclt <'f S130,000 FIxed cests. which continue plain the budget and dlscuss Exec. Order 9066 erased lIy the OfId of FY 1878. to rise. to roaIntaln National ways and means to raise nd- Th. pn:pc:sed budaet calli Headquarters and the reaJonal dlUcnal rund. to sustain their ____________-':- _________ for further cuta If runda ~ olllces W~ catelorized as respeeUve dlstrlct programs. 'Speelal 10 The p.olnc Cltlun) panele American Cit I zen. I.n acceplln, the pTOOarna­ WASHINGTON - Pre.ldent Leallue, only national or"an­ tlon on behalf of the 30,000 Gerald n. Ford formally re­ Izatlon repres.nlln, Amer­ JACL memberl, SuJlyama solnded Exccullve Order 9066 Icana of Japonese ancestry. It ""preaaed IraUtude to Hr. PROPOSED NATIONAL JA CL BUDGET (FY 1977-78) Nisei civil service worker seeks 01 1942 In n proclamation wal accepted by JACL na­ Ford lor hLa undentandinc of signed thl. past week IFeb. ticnal president Shllekl J . Su­ the need to (tllcl.U,. and pub- INCOME: M~b Proc--$9,200 19) betore n group of Japa­ "Iyoma. Sprln.neld, Va.; na­ 1101.1 resdnd E".,(utlve Order 2e,1SOO RetuJ.ar ($12) ______. $319,200 Support StaIT-$9.200 retirement credit for stay in camp nele American leaders who lIenol executlvc director Dav­ 9066 and (or his recoanltkm 2.200 1000 Club ($30).- __ .,,_._. 66,000 Youth DIr-$16,8oo wltneued the II'nlng In the Id E. Ushlo, San Frandaeo; as the Nation'. chief execu­ IJ5 FUty Club ($40)_.___ . __ . 5,000 BId, MaIntenance .............................. .. 11.000 Cabinet Room of the White and Wuhlngton Representa­ tive of the u.ve and a.d mil­ 70 Century Club ($80) _. ____ .. 6,600 Acetng/ Audit ....... _............................ .. 7,000 OAKLAND. Callt.-A number ent law whIch only provide. Howc. tive Wayne K . Horiuchi take which occurred thrc.ulb 15 Corpttate ($200) .__ .____ 3,000 Insurance .... _......... _ .................... _...... 16,000 ot bUls appear In Congress cr dlt to any federal em­ The reclsslon came on the Recalling Feb. 19. 1942, wu lauance of the order. ployee IlS of July 15. 1952. Onloe ... __ .... _................................ _........ 31,300 ealling for credltln, of time 34th anniversary to the day "a .ad day In American hb­ JA CL Oratltude ExpreaoU TOTAL Dt1!lS _._. ____ . __ . __$398.800 Eqmt Rental-$5,400 spent by Jnpanese Americans ubl'o support Is needed, when President Frenklln D tory". Ihe Pre.ldent added, In World War Internment Prln tlne-f7,83 0 n OliO sald, 10 let the mea<ure Roo.evelt had laoued, for pur· "We now know What we Sullyama further Indicated and detention camps under onto the lIoor. Thrse wlshlng PC Ads .. SO.OOO Malllnl-$5.850 poses of prosecuting the war. heuld have known then-not bll deop reuet tha' over three the Federal Civil Service Re­ to seek additional Information the order that uprooted from only was that Evacuation Non-l4emb Subl ___._-. __ • 10.000 Supplles-$6,820 Urement System, accordln, 10 decades had paaaed but telt EndoWJDmt Fund _. ___. __ .. _._ m y write him at 3S14 Ran­ their West Coast homes and wrong, bul Japanese Amer­ nooo Phonu-$5.4oo Rep. Ncrman Mineta (D­ dclph Ave .• Oakland 94602, or It was ftttln, It came durin. Other fneome __. ______ Travel .. ____ ............ _ ........................ detain without due proceas Icans were and ara loyal 9,200 7.500 CaUf.). who Is author of one, with any of the legislators more than 110,000 Japanese Americans." the U.S. Bicentennial Yur. Hq, Nat'I-$7,000 fIR 8823. who have Introduced bUIs on Americans. thr"e-fou,rthl of "Whlle E.O. 9088 wu • bit..­ TOTAL OTHER INCOIlL____ ._.$ 81,200 Attending the eJgnln, cere­ Youth-$500 Others are fIR 4847 by Rep. this subject. them nalive-born U.S. cltl· mony were Attorney General ter tneedy lor J apaneae M~bershlp Partldpatlon Robert Leggett (D-Callf.), HR Amerlcanl. It was aUD a IS,500 CIC EITort. zens. Edward H . Levi; the Nisei TOTAL INCOME _.__ .. __.$490, 000 Nat'l Board-$7,000 5560 by Rep. Phillip Burton members of Congr_. Sen. lIrlevOUl .taIn on the fabric (D-CaJlf.). fIR 5954 by Rep: Mr. Ford's proclamatton, of our entire naUCID.1 bert­ EXECOM-$5,OOO SImilar etlorts have been entitled "An American Prom­ Daniel Inouye, IU!p. Spark Debt RetlnmeDt ___. __... _.__ 20,000 Conventlon-$5,000 William Ketchum (R-CaJlf.) initiated by Bill }(yono and ta,e. For thLa reaaon, aU and S 1424 by Sen. Daniel ise", was presented to the Ja- Matsunaga, IU!p. Palsy MInk, NYC~I,500 'Ieshl Yoshida (see Feb. 6 Rep Norman Mlneta; Sen. American. regard1ea of an­ Inouye (D-Hawall). ), co-chalrpersonl of the c:eatrY or ethnic orlaln can Runa~ for BudaeL. __ .... __..... ..,$470.000 Dues/Other Orlll ..... _.... _._ ................ .. 2.000 Hi.ram Fong. only Chin .... leel a _ ot gratitude In the Precedent for granting of Commlttee lor Internment American member In Ccn­ retirement credits for Ume Credit. 487 - 23rd Ave., San gress lrom HawaU; other Ja­ laauance of Pres1cknt Ford's • • • TOTAL HQ/NAT'L .. _ ........ _.. .$186,500 spent by evacuees In camp ap­ Frandlco 94121 . prcelamaUon" - pe3l'ed when the 92nd Con­ Salvation Army panese Amerlean pubUc of­ ElD'ENIIU: Wubingtoo OIIIoe ... __.. __ ................. 41,400 John Ynsumoto of San ficials at state and local levell AmOn, the community lead­ Headqu.art.en Pnclflc Citizen .. _._ ...... __ ._ .. _.. _.. __ ..... 150,000 gress PllS'ed PL 603, wblch Franclsco, one Ume NC-WN­ and as well al community era gathered In the WhIte Staft (6) _____.. __........ 83,200 provided credit under the So­ Regional 0lIl_ ._ .............. _...... __ ..... 87,997 DC governor. and currently leaden. eon_d lID Nut ~t; Exec Dil'-SH,OOO Debt Interest _ ... _._ .. _ ............ _ .. _... _. 4,000 cial Security Act. In recent chairman of the JAOL-Blue won't stop sale Am DIr-f17,500 mcnths. Issei have been ad­ Shield committee. Is adlve TEXT OF MR. FORD'S PROCLAMATION ~lUOO vised to Inquire with their with CIC grcup and explained TOTAL BUDGET ... _...... _.. _...... _ ...... $469.897 SOOal Security office for thil SAN FRANCISCO-The Sal­ their campaign to olllcers at­ vation Army bulldJng at credJt alter the misunder­ ~ndlng the National JACL standing was cleared ~bout Geary Blvd. and Laguna La SOard meeting In San Fran­ sUll up for sale, territorial An American Promise the credJt only going to citi­ cIsco Feb. 14. zen evacuees. ccmmander Richard Holz u'd Yasumoto said It was Im­ In his leiter of Jan. 30 to WASHINGTON-Following Is the text ot Pretldent Ford'a Funding split for regional offices Service fnterrupkd perative the reUrement credit David Asano, chairman of the proclamation of Feb. 19, 1976, formaJly reaclndln, Exeeut1ve be acknowledged prior to an SAN FRANCISCO-Rather than dJlJIUUI­ NaUonal CouncU approval The breakdown: CalUng attention to Mine- J a pan e • e Salvation Army Order 9066 (1942): Bvd,et Nat') DIatrIct tn·s bill was K. George Ono of employee leaving the federal BIde. Redre!$ Cornmlttee. Uln. the dve JACL rellow ollloes or trIm­ aervlce. The committee had asked In thb Bicentennial Year, located. min, Ihelr dfectlveneu to bare-bone by ~80,5300S2 163,~7735 ~:fe!r~ w~~~a~9~\~r':i!; The CIC group II pushing the sale be ",stpon"d, since we are commemcrating the The tremendous eftort by psNCW-WNDCDC ........ $ ,12,327 $ annlve~ary dales cl many of the War Relccatlon AuthorltJ chcppln, their budlet In half, the .TACL .............. " 2S.709 .' Farm Security AdmlniatraUon Rep. Leggett's bill, fIR 4847, the building had been largely National Board allTftd lut week (Feb. 14) provide service credJt for re­ lInanced by contrlbutlona trom the great events In American and concerned American. for PNW-IDC ........ 26.578 17.709 8,S69 In San Franclsco beeause of hlstcry.
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