Oct. 3 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 rates, good programming, and sound serv- October 3, 1992. ice. Note: S. 12, which passed over the Presi- GEORGE BUSH dent’s veto on October 5, was assigned Public The White House, Law No. 102–385. Remarks to the Community in Dover, Delaware October 5, 1992 The President. Thank you very, very to talk a little bit about the choice that much. Thank you, Governor Castle. Hey, we face this November. This campaign, like listen, you’ve got an outstanding Governor, every one, is about a simple question: What one of the greatest in the United States, kind of America do we want for the young and he’s going to make an outstanding people here today? I have laid out my Agen- Member of the United States Congress, too. da for American Renewal, a specific, com- Before I get started here may I single prehensive, integrated agenda so we can out all these marvelous bands, the—[ap- create in America the world’s very first $10 plause]—just a minute, you guys—Caesar trillion economy by the end of this decade. Rodney High School Band and their show My agenda for renewal asks that we look choir, the Dover High School Band and forward to open new markets for American their select chorus, and the Smyrna High products so we create new jobs for Amer- School Band and the great soloist, Marva ican workers. The answer is to expand our Thomas. exports. We want to prepare our young peo- I am delighted to be here. And Mike, ple to work so they have the tools to com- not only have you done a great job, but pete and win, and to strengthen the Amer- I am grateful to you for that kind introduc- ican family because family is still the foun- tion. Good afternoon, everyone. What a dation of our great Nation. And we’ve got spectacular Delaware day. And what a fan- to save and invest because America must tastic turnout. We are going to carry the always put tomorrow ahead of today. Those State of Delaware. are the four things we must do. May I salute Lieutenant Governor Dale So here’s what I am fighting for: I want Wolf, another outstanding leader. Your to literally reinvent American education and Mayor, with whom I just met, Aaron Knopf; give every American the fundamental right Basil Battaglia, our great State chairman; to choose the best schools for their children, and the cast of fine candidates that have public, private, or religious. And I salute joined us here today. Donna Lee Williams Governor Castle for the leadership role that over here, the candidate for insurance com- he is taking with our America 2000 pro- missioner. Philip Cloutier, the candidate gram. It is new, it is revolutionary, and it over here for Lieutenant Governor. And puts the power in the hands of the teachers we’ve got to keep the governorship in Re- and the parents where it belongs. Mike, publican hands. Gary Scott is our outstand- thank you very much for your leadership. ing candidate; vote for him for Governor. Another one: I want to reform our crazy And I just talked to another friend of mine, legal system because as a nation we must a man with whom I served in Congress. sue each other less and care for each other He and I went there on the very same more. It has gone too far when these crazy day back in the late sixties. I’m talking about lawsuits keep people from coaching Little your outstanding Senator, Bill Roth. I talked League, doctors from delivering babies, or to him. He’s doing a great job for this State, whatever it is. We must put a cap on these and he’s a good friend. outrageous lawsuits, and we’ve got to stand But I came over to Dover this afternoon up against the special interests in Congress 1752 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 07:28 May 21, 2003 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00474 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\PAPERS2\92PAP2.036 APPS10 PsN: 92PAP2 Administration of George Bush, 1992 / Oct. 5 who are keeping us from doing just exactly do what they’re obliged to do under the that. Clean House! law. I want to use competition to cut the cost Look at our child care reform. I pushed of health care and make it affordable and through my comprehensive child care pro- accessible for you and your families. And gram 2 years ago with Bill Roth’s help and our program provides insurance to the poor- the help of others. The liberals in Congress est of the poor and still keeps the quality wanted to create a brave new child care of American medical care up there as num- bureaucracy. I said let’s try something dif- ber one in the world. ferent, and we did. We let parents, not the And finally, I’m fighting for economic se- Government, choose the child care they curity for every man, woman, and child in want for their kids, whether it’s in a church America. If we are truly to renew America, basement or a public school or in a neigh- we must pay special attention to those who bor’s house. It gives parents the means and have been left behind. Today is National lets the parents make the choice. And that’s Child Health Day, a good time to remind what we need for this country. Just last ourself that America’s greatest resource is week, I proposed a new tough child support her people. As we move into the new cen- policy. We’re telling these deadbeat fathers: tury, we cannot afford to lose a single Amer- You can run, but you can’t hide. And you ican to indifference and to neglect. Good will support the family you’re responsible intentions and noble rhetoric are not for—no if’s, no and’s, no but’s. You’re going enough. Our actions must match our words. to pay up. When it comes to children’s health, the ac- tions of my administration has spoken loud Now, I hate to ruin this beautiful day, and clear. And so, let’s take a quick look but that’s our record, and I’m proud of at the record. Since I took office, we have what it is. But what about Governor Clin- increased spending on children’s programs ton? by 66 percent to over $100 billion a year. Audience members. Boo-o-o! From infant mortality to childhood immuni- The President. I hate to do this to you. zations to making sure that our neediest I hate to do this to you, but let me tell kids get nutritious foods they need, we’ve you something. For about 11 months, he done more than talk about children’s health. and those other Democrats have been ill- And we haven’t stopped there, believe me. defining what we’re trying to do, and now We’ve increased Head Start funding by 127 let me tell you what he has done. I know percent, $600 million this year alone, so that he always talks a good game, but be- that every eligible 4-year-old will be able hind his word is a very different reality, to start school ready to learn. We did it. the reality of his record as Governor of And now let’s take that case to the American Arkansas. people. Now, when it comes to protecting the We’ve also pushed through a 96-percent children of Arkansas, the facts about his increase in the earned income tax credit, record are not pretty. But America must putting another $5.5 billion in the hands look at those facts because Governor Clin- of those hard-working, low-income, working ton isn’t leveling with the American people. parents. And our program encourages them And during the 1980’s, the death rate for to stay off welfare and stay on the job and American children, 14 and under, improved gives them a leg up in providing stability dramatically across the country, but in Ar- and security for their families. We’ve got kansas it got worse. The State ranked 43d to support the families through this kind in 1987, and 2 years later it fell to 49 out of program. Now these are good, solid pro- of 50. And that is not what we want for grams, programs that work for families, not the entire United States of America. against them. But nobody should be fooled In the late 1980’s, on Governor Clinton’s that we can spend our way out of problems. watch, Arkansas’ rate of violent death for The bottom line for all our programs should teenagers soared at 3 times the national be strengthening the family. And we must average. And over the decade, child abuse encourage families to stick together and reports shot up 130 percent. Now, it’s hard those deadbeat fathers to stick around and to believe Governor Clinton was unaware 1753 VerDate 11-MAY-2000 07:28 May 21, 2003 Jkt 010199 PO 00000 Frm 00475 Fmt 1240 Sfmt 1240 D:\PAPERS2\92PAP2.037 APPS10 PsN: 92PAP2 Oct. 5 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 of what was going on. Throughout the ada, NAFTA. I launched NAFTA, this free 1980’s, study after study offered detailed trade agreement, because it will create findings and recommendations—a cry for high-wage jobs for Americans right here in help, if you will—and Bill Clinton even Delaware, right here in the United States.
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