Fish Stocking Report 2017

Fish Stocking Report 2017

Fish Stocking Report 2017 Jan 2, 2018 Stocking Week District Waterbody Name Species Strain Ploidy Stocked Size - cm (2017) Airdrie Dewitts Pond BNTR BRBR 3N 600 19.0 17-Apr-17 Airdrie Dewitts Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 1,244 20.9 17-Apr-17 Airdrie Dewitts Pond RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 1,219 16.5 17-Apr-17 Athabasca Lower Chain Lake RNTR LYLY AF2N 8,000 26.5 15-May-17 Athabasca Lower Chain Lake TGTR BRBE 3N 4,000 22.5 25-Sep-17 Athabasca Lower Chain Lake RNTR LYLY AF2N 1,319 31.9 25-Sep-17 Athabasca Lower Chain Lake RNTR TLTLS AF3N 3,200 10.9 9-Oct-17 Barrhead Dolberg Lake RNTR TLTLK AF3N 18,000 14.5 8-May-17 Barrhead Peanut Lake RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 13,500 18.7 22-May-17 Barrhead Peanut Lake RNTR TLTLK AF3N 1,500 14.6 22-May-17 Blairmore Allison Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 930 26.0 8-May-17 Blairmore Allison Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 2,770 26.0 22-May-17 Blairmore Allison Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 150 33.0 25-Sep-17 Blairmore Beaver Mines Lake RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 13,000 17.3 15-May-17 Blairmore Beaver Mines Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 10,000 20.5 18-Sep-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 2 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Blairmore Coleman Fish and Game Pond RNTR BEBE 3N 1,000 25.5 8-May-17 Blairmore Coleman Fish and Game Pond RNTR BEBE 3N 600 27.0 22-May-17 Blairmore Crowsnest Lake RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 15,000 17.0 24-Apr-17 Blairmore Island Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 1,900 25.5 8-May-17 Bonnyville Lara Fish Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 400 27.4 1-May-17 Bonnyville Lara Fish Pond RNTR BEBE 2N 200 19.4 2-Oct-17 Brooks Brooks Aquaduct RNTR BEBE 2N 20,000 11.6 1-May-17 Brooks Brooks Aquaduct RNTR BEBE 2N 10,000 19.5 18-Sep-17 Brooks Bow City East RNTR TLTLS AF3N 1,659 20.5 1-May-17 Calgary Kids Can Catch Pond RNTR MLML 2N 15 53.5 8-May-17 Calgary Kids Can Catch Pond RNTR CLCL 2N 5 53.5 8-May-17 Calgary Kids Can Catch Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 40 25.7 8-May-17 Calgary Kids Can Catch Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 25 26.1 29-May-17 Calgary Kids Can Catch Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 26 27.1 12-Jun-17 Calgary Kids Can Catch Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 25 28.0 14-Aug-17 Camrose Bashaw Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 143 27.4 24-Apr-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 3 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Camrose Bashaw Pond BKTR BEBE 3N 200 19.5 24-Apr-17 Camrose Diplomat Mine Pit Lake RNTR PLPL 2N 794 16.6 8-May-17 Camrose Diplomat Mine Pit Lake RNTR CLCL 2N 4,206 21.3 8-May-17 Camrose Diplomat Mine Pit Lake RNTR MLML 2N 25 55.0 5-Jun-17 Camrose Diplomat Mine Pit Lake RNTR BEBE 2N 5,000 20.5 2-Oct-17 Camrose Pleasure Island Pond RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 487 17.1 1-May-17 Camrose Pleasure Island Pond BKTR BEBE 3N 930 19.5 1-May-17 Camrose Pleasure Island Pond BNTR BRBR 3N 1,000 19.3 1-May-17 Camrose Pleasure Island Pond RNTR BEBE 3N 1,000 21.5 9-Oct-17 Camrose Telegraph Park Pond RNTR BEBE 3N 1,000 21.5 9-Oct-17 Canmore Lower Galatea Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 500 16.4 11-Sep-17 Canmore Maude Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 1,000 16.4 11-Sep-17 Canmore Margaret Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 3,000 10.7 19-Jun-17 Canmore Mount Lorette Ponds RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 21.1 17-Apr-17 Canmore Mount Lorette Ponds RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 21.7 29-May-17 Canmore Mount Lorette Ponds RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 23.3 19-Jun-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 4 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Canmore Mount Lorette Ponds RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 23.8 10-Jul-17 Canmore Mount Lorette Ponds RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 25 14-Aug-17 Canmore Grotto Mountain Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 21.3 17-Apr-17 Canmore Grotto Mountain Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 800 22.9 19-Jun-17 Canmore Sibbald Meadows Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 2,000 21.1 1-May-17 Canmore Sibbald Meadows Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 2,000 19.2 16-Oct-17 Canmore Sparrows Egg Lake RNTR TLTLS AF3N 900 23.6 19-Jun-17 Canmore Sparrows Egg Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 500 16.4 11-Sep-17 Canmore Three Isle Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 2,000 16.4 11-Sep-17 Canmore Upper Kananaskis Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 10,027 16.4 11-Sep-17 Cardston Little Beaverdam Lake BKTR BEBE 3N 2,500 7.2 29-May-17 Cardston Magrath Childrens Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 544 20.8 24-Apr-17 Cardston Outpost (Police) Lake RNTR TLTLS AF3N 5,000 20.5 1-May-17 Cardston Outpost (Police) Lake RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 7,500 22.1 18-Sep-17 Cardston Outpost (Police) Lake RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 5,000 7.5 2-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 146,100 11.4 1-May-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 5 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Cardston Payne Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 10,311 20.7 25-Sep-17 Cardston Payne Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 10,127 21.1 2-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 12,377 20.7 9-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 8,375 17.4 9-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 2,140 21.1 9-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 9,503 20.5 16-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake RNTR TLTLS AF3N 52,556 11.2 23-Oct-17 Cardston Payne Lake CTTR JLJL 2N 200 20.8 23-Oct-17 Cardston Spring Coulee Park Pond RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 3,000 17.0 24-Apr-17 Claresholm Granum Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 306 20.6 17-Apr-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 31,000 17.1 17-Apr-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 19,000 17.5 1-May-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLS AF3N 31,887 17.4 18-Sep-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLS AF3N 18,113 17.5 25-Sep-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLS AF3N 27,991 11.1 30-Oct-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLS AF3N 13,993 7.9 30-Oct-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 6 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 541 18.3 30-Oct-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 21,178 6.1 30-Oct-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 6,144 7.5 30-Oct-17 Claresholm Chain Lakes Reservoir RNTR TLTLS AF3N 1,177 29.1 30-Oct-17 Claresholm Pine Coulle Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 14,500 8.6 16-Oct-17 Claresholm Pine Coulle Reservoir RNTR TLTLS AF3N 15,500 13.9 16-Oct-17 Cochrane Crossfield Trout Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 1,400 21.6 8-May-17 Cochrane Lower Champion Lake (South) RNTR TLTLS AF3N 300 23.2 19-Jun-17 Cochrane Lower Champion Lake (South) CTTR JLJL 2N 100 16.4 11-Sep-17 Cochrane Upper Champion Lake (North) RNTR TLTLS AF3N 300 23.2 19-Jun-17 Cochrane Upper Champion Lake (North) CTTR JLJL 2N 100 16.4 11-Sep-17 Cochrane Mclean Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 3,600 21.1 1-May-17 Cochrane Mclean Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 3,500 23.8 10-Jul-17 Cochrane Mitford Pond BNTR BRBR 3N 300 19.0 17-Apr-17 Cochrane Mitford Pond RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 305 16.5 17-Apr-17 Cochrane Mitford Pond RNTR TLTLS AF3N 200 22.7 5-Jun-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 7 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Cold Lake Ardmore Community Pond RNTR LYLY AF2N 400 27.8 1-May-17 Cold Lake Little Bear Lake (Hasse) RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 2,455 18.1 5-Jun-17 Cold Lake Little Bear Lake (Hasse) RNTR LYLY AF2N 2,814 29.1 5-Jun-17 Cold Lake Little Bear Lake (Hasse) RNTR LYLY AF2N 3,875 33.2 25-Sep-17 Cold Lake Little Bear Lake (Hasse) RNTR TLTLK AF3N 3,328 19.4 25-Sep-17 Cold Lake Medley River RNTR TLTLS AF3N 1,500 22.1 22-May-17 Coronation Coronation Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 8,300 16.6 17-Apr-17 Coronation Huber Reservoir RNTR TLTLJ AF3N 6,000 16.6 17-Apr-17 Drayton Valley Sardine Lake RNTR BEBE 3N 2,500 21.7 22-May-17 Drumheller Fyten Reservoir RNTR BEBE 2N 10,000 11.6 1-May-17 Drumheller Fyten Reservoir RNTR BEBE 2N 5,000 20.5 18-Sep-17 Drumheller Mclaren's Reservoir RNTR BEBE 2N 12,000 10.4 1-May-17 Drumheller Mclaren's Reservoir RNTR BEBE 2N 5,000 20.5 18-Sep-17 Drumheller Michichi Reservoir RNTR BEBE 2N 14,000 10.4 1-May-17 Drumheller Michichi Reservoir RNTR BEBE 2N 7,500 20.3 25-Sep-17 Drumheller Michichi Reservoir RNTR CLCL 2N 1,566 22.5 25-Sep-17 Jan 2, 2018 Fish Stocking Report Page 8 of 29 © 2018 Government of Alberta Ft.

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