May 19, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E899 Crete. This is a historic event with direct sig- Minos, Emmanuel Piperakis, Cretan Brother- vided countless Central Coast families with nificance to the allies' victory of World War II. hood, George Filippakis, Erotokritos and hope and a home, People's Self-Help Hous- On May 20, 1941, thousands of German Aretousa, Marina Pefani, Pasifai, Cleo Aliferis, ing. paratroopers and gliders began landing on Cretan Sisterhood, Emmanuel Vlastakis, People's Self-Help Housing is being hon- Crete. Both the allies and Nazis wanted Crete Filoxenia, John Daskos, Diktamos, Andreas ored today by the Fannie Mae Foundation for because of its strategic location. At that time Fiotodimitrakis, Labris, Mr. Polihronakis, sustained excellence in their work. It is an the British controlled the island. It was a very Idomeneas and Mr. Berikakis, Kazatzakis are award of recognition that is justly deserved. strong point on the lifeline to India and pro- excellent representatives of their Cretan herit- Through the efforts of the good and hard- tected both Palestine and Egypt. age. working individuals at People's Self-Help, The Nazi invasion force included the elite I request my colleagues to join me in honor- more Central Coast families live in places they German paratroopers and glider troops. Hitler ing the Cretans in the United States, Greece want to call home. I extend to them my sincer- felt this was to be an easy victory, yet he is and the diaspora. est thanks for their years of dedication, and quoted to have said shortly after the invasion, f congratulations for achieving this well de- ``France fell in 8 days. Why is Crete free?'' served commendation for the Fannie Mae The invasion of Crete took 11 days. It resulted A SPECIAL TRIBUTE TO SCOTT B. Foundation. in more than 6,000 German troopers listed as RADCLIFFE ON HIS APPOINT- People's Self-Help Housing has been pro- killed, wounded or missing in action. The MENT TO ATTEND THE UNITED viding housing for low income families for losses to the elite 7th parachute division were STATES MILITARY ACADEMY AT more than 25 years. They have produced over felt so hard by the German Military it signified WEST POINT, NEW YORK 1400 units for low income seniors, families, the end of large-scale airborne operations. farmworkers, and other special needs groups. This valiant fight by the Cretan people HON. PAUL E. GILLMOR Expanding beyond their original ``sweat equity'' began in the first hour of the Nazi airborne in- OF OHIO program, People's Self-Help now handles af- vasion. In contrast of the European under- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES fordable rental units, property management ground movements that took a year or more and complete construction services. They pro- after being invaded to activate. Young boys, Tuesday, May 19, 1998 vide well managed properties and ensure that old men and women displayed breathtaking Mr. GILLMOR. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to much needed health and education services bravery in defending their Crete. German sol- pay special tribute to a truly outstanding young are available to residents of these commu- diers never got used to Cretan women fighting man from Ohio's Fifth Congressional District, nities. them. They would tear the dress from the Scott B. Radcliffe. Scott recently accepted his Mr. Speaker, I have known the head of this shoulder of suspected women to find bruises offer of appointment to attend the United wonderful organization, Jeannette Duncan, for from the recoil of the rifle. The penalty was States Military Academy at West Point, New years and I have seen firsthand the fantastic death. The Times (London) July 28, 1941 re- York, and will soon enroll as part of the Cadet work that this group does. People's Self-Help port that ``five hundred Cretan women have Class of 2002. helps to fill a glaring need in our bucolic sea- been deported to Germany for taking part in Scott, who is from Perrysburg, Ohio, will side and inland rural communities. Housing is the defense of their native island.'' soon be graduating from Perrysburg High expensive on the Central Coast and finding Another surprise for the German soldiers School. After graduation, he will begin prepar- clean, affordable, quality homes and apart- who invaded Crete was the heroic resistance ing for what figures to be one of the most ex- ments can be a real struggle for people of lim- of the clergy. A priest leading his parishioners citing, challenging, and educational experi- ited means or extraordinary needs. into battle was not what the Germans antici- ences of his life: his four years at West Point. Among their many accomplishments, Peo- pated. At Paleochora, Father Stylianos While attending high school in Perrysburg, ple's Self-Help has provided farmworkers with Frantzeskis, hearing of the German airborne Scott distinguished himself as a talented stu- national award-winning townhouses in Santa invasion, rushed to his church, sounded the dent. His academic achievements in the class- Maria, updated the Victoria Street apartments bell, took his rifle and marched his volunteers room are certainly accomplishments of which in downtown Santa Barbara, and provided toward Maleme to write history. This struggle he can be proud. An honors student, Scott apartments for seniors in Templeton. Through became an example for all Europe to follow in has maintained a cumulative grade point aver- their creativity and persistence, the Central defying German occupation and aggression. age of 3.3, placing him near the top in his Coast has filled communities where low and The price paid by the Cretans' for their val- class of 315 students. moderate income families find an opportunity iant resistance to Nazi forces was high. Thou- In addition to his excellent work in the class- to participate in the American dream. sands of civilians died from random execu- room, Scott has proven himself to be a tal- They have done these things by working tions, starvation, and imprisonment. Entire ented and gifted student-athlete. Scott has ex- with developers, banks, local, state and Fed- communities were burned and destroyed by celled on the fields of competition throughout eral officials. But most of all, they have done the Germans as a reprisal for the Cretan re- his high school career. During his senior year, this by thinking first and foremost of the com- sistance movement. Yet this resistance lasted he was selected as the Captain of the Varsity munities they serve and the people who so for four years. The battle of Crete was to Football Team and the Varsity Basketball often are forgotten in our society. change the final outcome of World War II. Team. He has also been active in the This is an example of public-private partner- The Battle of Crete significantly contributed Perrysburg Show Choir, symphony, and the ship that works, providing services to commu- in delaying Hitler's plan to invade Russia. The school musical. nities that need them and opening the doors invasion was delayed from April to June of Mr. Speaker, each year, I have the oppor- of opportunity to all. 1941. The two month delay in the invasion tunity to nominate several outstanding young I commend Jeannette and everyone at Peo- made Hitler's forces face the Russian winter. men and women from the Fifth District to the ple's Self-Help for their years of service and The Russian snow storms and the sub zero nation's military academies. I am pleased that success, and in the recognition that is being temperatures eventually stalled the Nazi inva- Scott was among those nominated for the bestowed upon them today. sion before they could take Moscow or Lenin- West Point Class of 2002. I would urge my f grad. This was the beginning of the downfall colleagues to stand and join me in paying spe- HONORING CALVIN AND MARJORIE of the Nazi reign of terror. cial tribute to Scott Radcliffe, and in wishing BRIGHT This significant battle and the heroic drive of him well at West Point and in the future. the Cretan people must always be remem- f HON. GARY A. CONDIT bered and honored. Democracy came from OF CALIFORNIA Greece and the Cretan heroes exemplified the IN HONOR OF PEOPLE'S SELF- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES courage it takes to preserve it. HELP HOUSING Today, the courage and fortitude of the Cre- Tuesday, May 19, 1998 tan people is seen in the members of the HON. LOIS CAPPS Mr. CONDIT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to United Cretan Associations of New York, that OF CALIFORNIA honor a pair of very special friends of mineÐ is located in Astoria. The association's Chair- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Calvin and Marjorie BrightÐand to recognize man Steven Kohilakis and Co-Chairman them as they become the first recipients of the Tuesday, May 19, 1998 Charles Marangoudakis, together with the Bart Bennett Community Award. presidents of the member clubs: Emmanuel Mrs. CAPPS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to This award, given by the City of Modesto in Taouganakis, Omonia, Emmanuel Velonakis, pay tribute to an organization that has pro- my district in California's great Central Valley, E900 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks May 19, 1998 is in honor of Calvin and Marjorie's tireless ef- and orating the best patriotic script in Kansas feated. As long as I know I am right and te- forts of putting others before themselves and entitled ``My Voice in Our Democracy'' for this naciously defend my opinions, I will never be working for the betterment of our community. nationwide competition.
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