¦ I: ¦ i ¦ ¦ l' i !:M ^m£k \v] \M ' i Perambulators Cl ips \A Barr\mstratid* M ESTABLISHED IN 1848! VOL. ibijtll 3,405 BEGIBTE I- -I. Ill il i ! m . N<!>i FRIDAY, MAY 8, I$!l4. :IED AT THE! GENERAL + : M I ¦ ONI ! PENNY ! i . i 11 ' IF -t I Compass fSemks, £ oan Offices, ete Coeal Advertisements : f i : ; ^iseeUanhoils, | | ^nnouheements1 N K - Clyde Shipping ««. ; " ' ; Company, Important SUPPORT HOME ! , |. AKMY. OOTIKACTS. j| to Farmers & Others INDUSTRY ' far the savp lr- ol Maw and Powerful Steamers. • Exeelliht Passenger Accommodation. Electric IJgbt, ¦ ¦ '¦ CJEALED; Teidds I ; j. [Steward! anil, Stewardesses carried. J I i . _ THOAIPSO.N'S Patent " ILUSTEEL " K>. Opal and Co », for the pe»j<«_«* 1 i ^>m: the Ut July. M*. BKST and.CHEAPEST JBOUTB for [Cargo and Live Stock to and from all parts oi Twelve Monflut , ; | THE OI1T AJsfo CQUNTEY ' HAY BARNS, AND at thi.varioua' stationB in the Cwrk ENGLAND. SCOTliAW ¦ and NOBTH OF IRELAND. DUBLIN¦ , and CORK. LOAN CO., LIMI'EBD; received at me uBder- •| - T I :• ! 1:1 : lostrict -will *» ¦ ¦ manttoned offliej inttliS o'clock nooiL sat ¦ O'CONN SIilj BXSEET )5ATTIvE HObsES - , , WATERFOBD, .^SftlidAjr v ihij lSkator. MM. ;-]L'— • INTENDED¦ SAILINGS FROM INTENDED 8AILING8 TO ' ¦ -with itaiicnff : ' - ' frtgted uitfJer Boarc of WorkB. .'' '' IFonna Ql Ta£d< r, list oT , I WATERFORD. j ' WATERFOBD. aUko CaA A<lT»nooi <Ui3j to !*&«¦,. CkntJwiwin F«nnei« ^s miantitiei canll b» , . 8aopk«6p«r«. i '¦' ' -1 ' '• ;. ' and «pprdrirriat< , GttTernnuratOffl oials , and all iw.poneible 'J~ obtiined on aripli cation, to he OfBoer To LIVERPOOL—Every Wednesday and From LIVERPOOL—-Every Wednesday : ! i ¦ ¦ pereoru. Is «nr part oi Ireland, : on [Commanding, d nnjr | Serri » Carp* • Saturday direct i I and Friday direct. • I :i , : ; Co GLASGOW—Every| LOANS I., Approved Personal Security—note of ; k^rk-DWirict.. i _. I Monday (direct) From • GLASGOW—Everv Monday ; : Head Quarter ' < ffloe, A£.O.J COM. I I ; and [Wednesdays, via; Plymouth. hand «lon», and without pttblioity. 1 ¦ l and Thursday (ditecl) ... 1 p.m. £10 UPWAR ' , Uenaymenia O Q ba made by inslilmenld ' BANDON ll- I - - H ; ,6th MayJ 1914.; | | - i • . To BRISTOL—Every piternute¦ Tuesday * ' .(di rect), cargo only j ¦ ' From BRISTOL—Every \ alternate Thurs- (Co. CORK.) To CARDIFF—Every "rllfernate Tuesdi y. | day (cargo only). j COUNTY :OOUN< WATERFOBD. advancing <a 'personaT EOC irity Oall ox *rite for atL|OF j to, LONDON (8t. KBtharine , l)uefy - From CARDIFF—Every alternate Friday. i «iU be t^SSi^SSiS^UA ¦ Every Saturday (via From LONDON (St. i Katharine Dockj- funiiahed on r»oeipt. Oaah tant by poet I ' ; ' Southampton¦ . Y* ¦ !¦ \ Nawbaven, and Dover) : .:. 4 p.m. Every Thursday and ] Saturday. : APPOINTilEM P^ A6^I8TA^T I- ' ! ¦]. : Goods also curried I to : London by ill Goods also carried from London by all i i Tf COUlitr.eURVEYOB.- I ; , Bailings via Liverpool , Brisiol. Sailings via Liverpool and Bristol . Made in our OWN W0RK8. ¦ ! i I I •— . •' ': . ad U ¦ ^tillers; 5«f ; : ' ! - i ' : : Southampton. : i From DUBLIN (direct)-Every Wed- Catalogues, Plans and ' Estimates Free. G» _ .!¦¦ •. ' _ i i \u mHE Ooukly1, O rancil^t UM County of to Pljmouth—Every "l«« Qoarferly Wednesday (diieqt). tnesday • ... 6 p.m. I Materials Delivered on Site by J. Waterford wiU. thelil' fo Southampton — Every! 8stur- Frohi Belfast (via Dublin)—Every Meeting to hejh.ld ^oitte - lth J»J * : , day (direct) |.J.J ... 4p; n. Loans. Motor Lorried. , er appUcation* fcRi iba |Tuesday ... 7 p.m. Loans. May. 09MJ «nisic ~ Loans. Loans. ?\xxe ?o\ f o Newhaven—Every Saturday ... 4 p. n. From Cork—Every Friday (direct; 6 p.m. m\O iUv ! If position oi Asiiat int jCounty iicrreyw la fo. .Dover—Every Saturday ... 4 p. n. From Plymouth—Every¦ , Saturday THE WATERFORD the place- of (Mr , John Bar , whoI ] has (To Belfast—Every Saturday (direct) lidirect). ; LOAN COMPANY A Whlskoy of Fin© resigned. 1 ' ¦ : ¦> . ¦ Quality and F avour. ' M i carcoj only [: . ... I2no m From Soulhampton-r-Every Friday, via ¦ 8 || iTlie eaUry will oommemce |at £l»per To Cork !(direct>—Every; Thursday , JOHN STREET, WATERFORD, Quarterly) and 'will ; ^Plymouth. annum flP»y»Ue b" • (cargo only) i ... % p.m. From Newhaven—Every Monday (cargo increased to £2* pet annum; tromjl tno <To Dublin—Every ' Q i from date of Saturday (via . only). trom UPWABDfl, toiaU pereon* on thaii T., [ AND gON, LTD., expir»tion| of flvb. year* OWN APPBOVBD THOMPSON EEBSONAL ! Belfast), cargo only ... 12 noon From Dover—Every Tuesday (cargo on.'y). SECURI TY in «nj part oi Ireland. appointment, prt vided i the person : ap- Neptune Works, Waterf ord Eatab, 1821 . J I l| pointed shall, in t le meantime har« given ; Businee* oarried on li a mort «1raif5itlOT»4i<iand exact rruLnner. Si satisfaction tolth. i County O UBCU. ! In : ' For Bates of Freight, Passenger I are s, and other information, apply to iA.,% Tel«4ram«i "Allnian, Bandon. 99 1 " addition- to Uwi iho»e«entieln«d S lary : i CLYDIU8HIPPING COL LTD.! Custom Houae Quay. Waterford T [ Telephone t No. 2,| Bancion. ! ij'1* a aura . of £60 par annur i (pajabto ¦ : ! Apply—THE MANAGER, 8, John Street, Waterford. telegraphic Adress—"puMBBAi." I j j quarterly) win bt allowed Io tiftveiung 6XpeBB0A ^ ! I I ' i ' ' I ¦ The a-ppoinlmei t wffl be ml iject t»l the folloirine i con m onsi-iEach Appttaapt CIVIL TO £5.000 LOAN8 granted by must be undei 31 years of iga on;i tha WHITE STAR LINE II^ISH SEHYICB 0(\(\ ' .II i i ¦ ' .1 ! ¦ ¦ : • ! I* BOYAL MAIL TRIPLE-SCBEW oSivU post. Money lent without security. ' 19th : day iof M y, 1914, anf he nraa* RQYAL MAIL STEAMERS. STEAMER Ladies or Gentlemen can have their own possess the quali£cfltlons preKnibedj by OLYMPIC (48,359 tons). BUILDING SOCIETY acceptBqoes discounted or post-dated the (Local Goverh nent Board for Ireland cheques cashed without any securities, for Assistant County [Surveyors, *ud| ha BRITANNIC. 50.000 tons (launched). FASTEST VESSELS IN THE WORLD ; (Open to the Goner*] Puhlle), sureties, or interview. mu*t -. furnish] 11 he Board | with I *ny LARGEST BRITISH STEAMF.H Clergymen, Merchants, evidence lequiied by it as. to his i «ce, 10 NEW YORK idirrci) T" BOSTON U WESTMORELAND eiJREET. Medical Practi- r. ! Y« <J»ecnsto»n QUEENSTOWN tioners, Farmers, Shopkeepers, and all healtti or chariej* t ! I h from LIVEKPOOL.MJO | DOBLni Linoleum , The appointni*t will be Subject t» the Liverpool at I . Responsible Persons. No Fees or Before- pin. : F.Qnl 5 P-m TO NEW YORK. ' TO BOSTON j ' conenrrence of the I Local Gorernmen* LuiUania Sat., May 9 !Frjncoci» Tun. May !6 Oceanic Ihur* May 14 I •Cymric Wet.. .May Jo hand Charges are made, and no Railway ;OLYiinc Ttiurj M J JI 1 'Arabic Wt<L, June Established 1884. Inwrporav ' Board for IreWnU. both.csto the penaoa llauteUaU S4L, M;.y tii ,Cjron;» Tties June 1 > 3 d 1874. Fares. r . Jl^ ;:MI llillifc Fri May i: 'Cymric "Wot June 17 appointed :andJth, > ealaxy and «Bowaaeesi Carauau ., .Vay 2j Mtonia Tues. juac 9 fS 1'iul ihurv Mjy 1» I 'Arabic Wed. July i Borrower! dealing with other il o | J^.WxJ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦; ' LOANS GRANTED ON THE MOOT flrmj can ^3i E* Ipl to be •made to lyi- | ' •( ' ' Special trains from Euston to Liverpoi I and regularly thereat tar. have their Loans paid off or increased, ¦The ,paraon «pp MntiA'dialt derotarth» on Saturdays at 9.25' a.m: (for 2.30 p.n . FAVOURABLE TERMS ! TO ENiBL ' and thcde who an Practical " ;" OLYMPIC " will Dot embarjc'oc land paueogen | about to borrow should Watchmaker, jlll, QUAY, WATERFORD, whol» ! of ni». ttoi to!the'dutie» of tb», failing), and on Tuesdays ; at 12 coon (fc r I al Queenliwni ! PERSONS TO B[0IIiD OB Pt write for full information to — pofiitXon,. Ireaide; ln;-th* town o* Du»- S p.m. sailing). EOHAfl j tAhierican Line Steajner, carrying one THE STANDARD PRIVATE FINANCE TNVITBS Inspection of W B .Varied Afisortment of 1 carrAn; or, within S nttleis ttx+efrOTMj«nd KfJ HOUSES IN TOWNS OR TO PAT i WATCHli CLOCKS, , and 1^ AQUITANIA, Britain's, Largest Liner. class! Cabin (2nd Class) and 3rd Class pas- CO. OF IRELAND, LTD., ¦*• JEWELLEHY. Prices to suit carry ont att 4ir «t«kj»;of-the County OFF MOBTOAjf>B8 THBBEOH. all. Repairs of every des< rptioa e«cuted on Knrmrmr. i First Sailing, Liverpool to New York , sengers only. i ¦ ¦ ¦¦ ¦ Q\*\ t bmifff Ooniknl or aor • "rtiabic" and •' Cymnc " Carry oue dm Cabin (ind JAMES 0 WAL8HE, Bee. ¦ ¦ the Premisesl Perfect iWorkmanship ' •! ' ' : ; i ¦ PAID TJP CAPITAL 1 I Gnaranteed. mthorrRd ; Oomm ttea .thereof. -. i . May 30. : | das«} loi }rd cl-'»* »*»t^eo^ri only £12 4.050. 16 ANGLKflEA 8TREET. DUBLIN. 1 1 ¦ The County Oo mcil resern tb* tif bM Onsurpassed Accommndation for First, Ajmnal Income, a Quarter of i MiUloo ¦ from time to to>ir»cr««»»or altar tha Second, and Third Clius Passengers at iv | tiro* : ' - i ' ::4 • aieaimd«r:th«Jeh krge of the derson to b» Low j Bates. ' i Sterlinr. :W. • •JWE SPECIALIZEl' UN WATCH- REPAIRS. HIj ¦ .! TO CANADA. RESERVE STREErS appointed | -watl 101 1 iny alteratioD I of i i i Second and Third Class; Passengers are FrjND, £20 000 R. 8MULLTAN ! WBDblNG AND ENGAGEMENT RINGS. M salary or aDoin wes. ¦: From Southampton' via Queanttown •llowed Free Tickets between New York. , Financier. ! | Wbolesate tad sietift - , 1 1 Deposit* reoaived ut th« foUowini IN | GREAT VABtETY from WsJ to £20. j Every persoa kl &ainwa of epylrin^tor • To QUEBFX and MONTREAL Boston, and Philadelphia. mtea of interest:— , Game, ry ¦ ¦ the appointmerit must, on or before : tfas : Supply to Harvey and Son, 12 GUd&tone Pl^h Poul Ring Cards Free on application.
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