October 9, 1880, Vol. 31, No

October 9, 1880, Vol. 31, No

: xmm HUNT'S MERCHANTS^ MAGAZINE. REPRESENTING THE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL INTERESTS OF THE UNITED STATES \0L. 31. NEW YORK, OCTOBER 9, 1880. NO 7^8. Financial. Financial. Financial. John S. Kennedy. J. Kennedy Tod. Kidder, Peabody & Co., S. Kennedy & Co., J. BOSTON, MASS., Phelps, Stokes & Co., Bankers and Merchants, Cor. Wall and Nassau Sts., New York. I. N. PHELPS, No. 63 JAMBS STOKES, WILLIAM STREET, ANSON PHKI,PS STOKES, BANKERS, New York. FOREIGN B.i:VKER8. F. P. OLCOTT. BUT AND BELL 45 & 47 ^xra.n street, New York. CABLE TRANSFERS, BILLS OF EXCHANQB COMIHERCIAL CREDITS, RAILROAD INVESTMENT SECURITIES; AND Collect CoDPONS and Ditidends; Commercial and Tbatelebs' Cbeditb. States, Cuba, la Dollars for use In United &c., NBGOTIATK LOANS AND DRAW BILLS OF part of the world- n Pounds Sterling, available In any EXCHANGE ON LONDON. correspondents : and Also, TRAVELERS' CREDITS All business relating to the Construction and BARING BROTHERS Sc CO., London. Equipment of Railroads undertaken. CIROVIiAK NOTES; PERIER FRERE.S <!: CO., Paris. MENDELSSOHN &. Kountze Brothers, CO., Berlin. Banque BANKERS, Wood & Davis, Centrale Anversoise, 130 Broadway (Equitable Buliains), BANKERS AND BROKERS, NEW YORK. 31 Fine Street, New York. GOVERNMENT BONDS. MUNICIPAL AND Antwerp. LETTERS OF CREDIT RAILR0AI> SECURITIES liwUGUT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. AND CHOICE RAILROAD MORTGAGE BONDS FOR SALE. Fald-Up Capital, - - 9,000,000 Francs. CIRCULAR NOTES C. D. Wood. Sah'l D. Davis. BOARB OF DIRECTORS Issued for the use of travelers In all parts of the world. FxLlz GHI8AB, President. Bills drawn on the Union Bank of London Scranton & Willard, Ai,rsKD Maqoinat (OralTft MaqnlnavX Vlce-Pret J. B. Von ter Ukckr (B. Von der Uecke). Telegraphic transfers made to London and to ra BROADWAY AND 13 NEW STREET. Otto Ounthbr lUorneiUe-Uayld). various places in the United States, PBIVATE WIRES TO KmiLK DK G(.TT\L. Deposits to sight, Al>. Frank ( ?>ank. Model * Cle.) received subject check at and In- Windsor H'^tel, Cumberland, Delmonico's, Aug. Nottkb )UH (Noltebohm Freres). terest allowed on balances. Gllsey House, Philadelphia. Fb. Duanih (Mlclilels-Loos). other GRAIN AND PROVISION DEPARTMENT JOH. Dan. Fuiiruanh, Jh. (Job. Dan.Fnbrmann). Government and bonds and investment se- Louis Wkbkr (Ed. Weber & Cle.) curities bought and sold on commission. CNDEU CHAHOE Or JvLsa liAUTKHBxaAOOu (C. Schmld & Cle.) Messrs. L. G. QUINLIN & CO. Chicago Correspondents, JOHN T. LESTER 4 CO. TBANSACT8 A Samuel A. Strang, OBNERAIi BANKINCi BUSINESS. 30 PliVE S!REET, NEIY YORK, BANKER Gwynne & Day, A8A P. Potter, Prest. J. J. Eddy Cashier. AND COM.VIISSION MERCHANT, lEstablished 1851.] No. 45 ITaU Street, Maverick National Bank, Buys and sells Invefitmer.t Securities. All busi- Transact a general banking and brokerage bosU BOSTON, ness connected with railways undertaken. ness in Railway .Shares and Bonds and GoTOrament securities. CAPITAL, $400,000 Interest allowed on deposits. SURPLUS, 400,000 Kimball, Howell & Co., Investments carefully attended to. COLLECTIONS a speolaltj. Business from Banks U. Kimball, J. P. Howell, n. P. Henderson, and Bankers" solicitedA. Satisfactory business paper dlBCOunted. Cor- Members N. Y. Stock Exchange, respondence Invited. A. P. Turner & Co., 68 BROADWAY AND 17 NETT ST., BANKERS, Lkwis H. Taylok, Jb. LINDLEY HAISES But, Sell and Cabkt on Margins No. 207 Walnut Place, PHILADELPHIA. Government, State, Municipal and Railway Bonds L. All Seenrltles dealt In at the Excbange and Stocks bought and sold at all the K ccbanges. H. Taylor & Co., Investments prudently made in sound railway se- curities. Collection.'* promptly attended to. Bankers and Brokers, Geouoe Stabk. John F. Stabk. Corre.spondents carelullv represinted at Anctlons 140 SOUTH THIRD STREET, and Private f-ale;*. Bonds of wood but not well- known railroads always wanted for investments at PniLABELPUIA. George Stark & Co., the best rates. Orders on margins not entertaineo. Deposits received Bubject to chock at slfcht, aad Interest allowed on daily bahmces. BA!VKEBS, Btocks, Bonds, kc. bouKht and sold on commission In Philadelphia and other cltien. No. 42 BROADWAY, NEW YORK. Tower, Giddings & Co., Particular attention elveu to information regard* DR Investment Securities. Buy and sell Investment Securities for cash or on BANKERS, commission. A specialty made of Western Farm No. 85 DEVONSHIRE STREET, Lummis Mortgiiges bearing from 7 to 10 per cent Interest. & Day, Will undertake tlic negotiation of loans upon BOSTON. N09. 34 and SS DREXEL BUILDING, Cor. WALL Western City property In large or small amounts. Orders for Stocks executed In Boston, New York and BROAD STREETS, and other markets. BANKERS AND 8TOCK BROKERS. William Lcmmis, Hknuv Day, Schulz & Ruckgaber, Members of New York Stock Exchange. BANKERS, Dodge, Potter & Co., 22 W llliam Street, New York. BANKERS Hatch & Foote, COBUESl'ONDENTS OF THE InternationRl Bank of London (Limited), AND BANKERS, No. 13 TTALL STREET, Loudon. COTTON COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Birr AND aBLL Messrs. Joltn Brrenbero:, Gossler ifc Co., llnnibiirir. 34 PINE STREET, OOVBaWMKNT BONDS. STOC^KS AND MISCEL- Commercial and Triivelers' Credits. Bills of Ex- York. LANEOUS SECURITIES, cb^nse. l' >ble Transfers. New ; : [Vol. XXXL £ THE CHRONICLE. Exchange. Foreign Bankers. Forei^ Excliange. Foreign Nederlandsche Drexel, Morgan & Co., K.noblauch WALL STREET, & Lichtenstein, Handel-Maatschappij, CORNSB OF BROAD, NKW TORK. BANiE.ERS, The Netherland Trading Society cor. Exchange Place. Co 39 WlUlam St., OF HOLLAND, Crexel & Co.,_ Drexel, Harjes & NKW YORK. Banumaiin Telegraphic Money Transfers. ESTABLI8ED 1824. Ms. 34 BOCTH TBimo St.. 81 Boalevard VaKe Draw Bills of Exchange and lame Letters oi Credit Pald-np Capital, 36,000,000 Florins. Pblladelpbla. P»rl». Europe. Gold.) a all principal ciUes o ($14,400,000, FOREIGN BANKERS. SPECIAL PARTHKK, Execute orders for the purchase or sale of Merchan*. DOMBSTIC AND dlse. Bonds, stocks, and other securities, in the Secuntlei. OoW, OETJTSCHE BANK, Berlin. Buhject to Dratt. Europe and the Kast ; make Collections Deposlu received »»o*eo United states, and sold on Coniini.Blon. lnt«re«l buy and sell Foreign Exchange, and give advances *J., Sought Oredlu. ?n bepoiit.. Foreign KxchauRe. Commercial upon Merchandibe tor Export. Jor Tr»Teler». Swe Tramfere. Circulsr Lettert Hilmers,McGowan & Co OLIVER S. CARTER, ) Agents «T<Us»le In all parta of the world. STANTON BLARE, f for E. HAWLEY', America BROKERS IN HENRY J ATTOE««T8 AKD AG»HT8 OF NKW York. January 1, 1&79. CO., Hessrs. J. S. noROAN & Foreigtt Exchange, Stocks and Bonds, Office, 142 Pearl Street New York* ' No. « OLD BROAD ST., LONDON. 63 'Wall Street, Ne-w York. «' "lo. Spccliil nttontlon paid to orders at the New York Adolph Boissevain 6c Brothers & Co., Board. Brown Stoclt ExchaiiKC '""' J**"^ York Mining No. 69 IVALL ST., N. V., BANKERS BCY AMD SILL Canadian Bank». BIL,L.S OF FXCHAWGE ('OI»Il»lIS5l<»!V iTIERCHAN'^ FRANCE, ON GREAT BRITAIN AND I KELAND, UEKMANV. BEI-UIUM AND HOLLAND. Merchants' Bank AMSTERDA.M, HOLLAND and Travelers' Credits OF Issue Commercial N. Y. Cor. e=p indents.— Messrs. BLAKB BKOB. * CO «r SIEBUNO, CANADA. AVAILABLE IN ANY PART OF THE WORLD. Nederlandsch Indische And In Francs, In Martinique and Guadaloupe. - - 85^500,000 Paid Up. MAKE TELEGRAPHIC IRANSFERS Capital, OF MONKir President, the Hon. JOHN HAMILTON. Handelsbank, through London Between this and other countries, Vice-President, JOHN MCLENNAN, ESQ. and Paris. AMSTERDAM, HOLLAND^ Hake Collections of Drafts drawn abroad on all HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. Established in 1863. in the United States and Canada, and points General Manager. of Drafts drawn in the United States aBORGK HAGUE. Fald-Up Capital, 12.00 1,000 Guilders. on Fore ign Countries. Gold.) WM. J. INGRAM, Asst. General Manager. ($4,800,000 HE VD OFFICE IN AMSTERDAM. S. G. & G. C. Ward, BANKERS; ii, and Samarang LONDON, BNG.—The Clydesdale Banking Comp'y. Agencies Batavia, Soerubaya AQKNTS rOS NEW YORK—The Bank of New York. N. B. A. Correspondents In Padang. Sterling Ex- BARING BROTHERS & COMPANY, The New York Agency buys and sells Issue commercial credits, make advances on ship change, Cable Transfers, issues Credits available in in Canada ments of staple merchandise, and transact othes 62 WALL STRKBT. NEW YORK. all parts of the world, makes collections and elsewhere, and issues Drafts payable at any of business of a financial character in connection wltb SrREKT, BOSTON. bank in Canada. Demand Dralts 38 STATK the ofBces of the he trade with the Dutch East Indies. Issued payable in Scotland and Ireland, and every undertaken. description of foreign banking business BLAKE BROTHERS 6c CO., Seligman&Co., York Agency, 48 Excbauge-place. J.&W. New Agents poh Nokth America, HENRY HAGUE, 1 AgentsAcpnta BANKERS, JOHN B. HARRIS JR., i 14 WALL STREET, NEW YORK, 28 STATE STREET, BOSTON 69 EXCMANG« PLACE, Bank of Montreal. OUKNBR BROAD 8TRKKT. MKW lOKB. Hong Kong & Shanghai Issae Letters o' Credit for Trarelers, CAPITAL, - $12,000,000, Cold. BANKING COKPORATION. CAPITAL (paid-up) tS.OOO.OOO SURPLUS, - 6,000,900, Gold. Pmrahle in any par of Europe, Asia, AtrlAa. AaitrHlls RESERVE FUND 1,600,00(K ftad America. BEAD OFFICE. BONO KONO. GEORGE STEPHEN, President. Draw Eii;« of Bic»iinge and make telegraphic tranc The Corporation grant Drafts and negotiate or F. General Manager. at Bombay, Calcutta, Singapore, fers of money on Europe and California. C. BMITHERe, collect Bills payable Saigon. Manila, Hong Kong, Foochow, Amoy. SEW YORK OFFICE, Ningpo, Shanghai, Hankow, Yokohama, Hlogo, San Munroe & Co., Francisco and London. John Nos. 59 Sc 61 WALl. STREET. A. M. TOWNSEND, Agent. 59 TVall St. Watson, ) No. 8 Wall Street, New York, Walter -^K*""-A^onts A. LANG, i No. 4 Po«t Office Square, Boston. Calilomia Baniis. Buy and sell Sterling Exchange, Francs and Cable CHEQUES AND CABLE TRANSFERS ON Travelers' Credits Transfers ; grant Commercial and drafts nVNROE k CO., PARIS. available In any part of the world ; issue on The Nevada Bank «TSKLINO CUEQUB8 AND BILLS AT SIXTY and make collections in Chicago and throughout OF SAN FRANCISCO.

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