Loyola Lawyer Law School Publications Fall 9-1-1974 Loyola Lawyer Loyola Law School - Los Angeles Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/loyola_lawyer Repository Citation Loyola Law School - Los Angeles, "Loyola Lawyer" (1974). Loyola Lawyer. 59. https://digitalcommons.lmu.edu/loyola_lawyer/59 This Magazine is brought to you for free and open access by the Law School Publications at Digital Commons @ Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School. It has been accepted for inclusion in Loyola Lawyer by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Loyola Marymount University and Loyola Law School. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ALUM!'JI UULLE. fiN Of· THE LOYOLA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW. LO':i ANGELES FALL, 1974 -- CONTENTS Faculty Briefs Advocates Fund Council Report Dr. Claude Hudson Scholarship Judge William M. Byrne, Sr. Memorial Advocates Fund Council] 974 Fritz B. Burns Dinner State Bar Convention Class Information Missing Alumni Alumni Questionnaire THE LOYOLA LAWYER Alumni Bulletin of Loyo la University School of Law, Los Angeles. Published periodically by the Office of Development. Ronda Driscoll- Editor john Willis, jr. - Director of Development FACULTY BRIEFS FATHER RAYMOND G. DECKER Father Raymond G. Decker has been ap­ pointed Assistant Dean and will direct t he Jaw school's Office of Admissions, as well as teach a jurisprudence seminar. Father Decker holds a Ph.D. from the University of California at Berkeley, where he did extensive research on the religious infra-structures which permeate the Criminal Law of California. He has also performed pastoral work in San Francisco, served as Secretary of the Senate of Priests and taugh t at St. Patrick's Semi­ nary in Menlo Park. MICHAEL HARWIN Michael Harwin has been appointed as an Assistant Dean responsible for the Jaw sch ool's Placement Service, Special Events and Senior Forum. The Senior Forum is a program designed to aid the law student in becoming oriented to actual practice. Harwin comes to the law school from ser­ ving as National Executive Secretary of Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, where he directed a national placement information service for law students and practicing lawyers. He is a graduate of Rutgers University (B.A.) and holds a J .D. from New York University School of Law. FACULTY APPOINTMENTS Joining the faculty as an Associate Profes­ STEVEN R. HIRSCHTICK will join the sor of Law is GIDEON KANNER. Mr. faculty as an Assistant Professor. He has Kanner is an acknowledged authority on written and lectured on legal problems of the Jaw of eminent domain. Kanner will executing compensation, and has taught teach courses in Torts & Civil Trial Advo­ Federal Income Tax at Loyola University cacy, as well as a new course in the law of School of Law in Chicago. Mr. Hirschtick Eminent Domain which Loyola will offer will teach courses in Corporations, Federal for the first time this Fall. Income Tax and Business & Tax Planning. Assistant Professor ROBERT BENSON, the American Association of Law Libraries wrote a column on the Parliamentary "No­ in St. Paul, Minnesota. Confidence" System, which appeared on the editorial pages of the Washington Post RALPH BOCHES has joined the staff as (6/1 0/74), The Los Angeles Times Directing Attorney of the Center for Paren­ (8/13 /7 4) and the Honolulu Advertiser tal and Juvenile Justice. (8/ 19/74). ADJUNCT FACULTY Professor MALVINA H. GUGGENHEIM taught Criminal Procedure at the University Dean Lower has announced the appoint­ of Texas School of Law in Austin this sum­ ment of six new adjunct professors of Ia w. mer. She was also made an Honorary The adjunct faculty are utilized chiefly for Citizen of Texas. the teaching of highly specialized elective courses at Loyola. Those appointed for the coming year are: Acting Professor of Law MICHAEL JOSEPHSON, attended the committee me­ DR. A. MUHSTN EL-BIALI will teach a etings of the A.B.A. section on Legal new seminar in Islamic Law. Education in Hawaii. In early October, Mr. RUSSELL INUNGERICH will teach a Josephson will lecture as part of the faculty course in Federal Jurisdiction and Parties. of the National Academy of Judicial Education, reviewing evidence and criminal JUDGE DAN KAUFMAN will teach a new procedures for judges. State and Local Taxation course. HARRY C. SIGMAN will be teaching a Dean FREDERICK J. LOWER, JR. and new course in Close Corporations. JOHN WILLIS, JR., Director of Develop­ GERALD M. SINGER will teach a new ment, were happy to see, meet and greet Senior Forum in Law Office Management. many of the Loyola Law alumni at the Law School's Hospitality Suite in the Senator MICHAEL WELLS will teach a new course Hotel during the State Bar Convention in in Agriculture Law in the Spring. Sacramento. Dean Lower noted that the new courses being taught by these professors reflects A proposal by Professor LESLIE S. the diversity of the interest of Loyola's ROTHENBERG to establish a new Section 1250 law students. Continued growing in­ on Law and Religion with the Association terest in Loyola's International and Com­ of American Law School was approved by parative Law offerings led to the addition the AALS Executive Committee at its of the Islamic Law course, as well as a August I 974 meeting. The formal petition Seminar in Jewish Law to be offered during to the Executive Committee seeking the the Spring semester by Professor necessary permission was signed by 53 pro­ Rothenberg. The course in Close fessors and deans from 23 law schools Corporations is being offered to permit the across the country. The Section will hold students a fuller exposure to the kinds of its first meeting at the Association's Annual corporate law problems they are most Meeting to be held this December in San likely to encounter in actual practice. The Francisco, and Professor Rothenberg will Senior Forum is a non-credit course to preside at the session as ad hoc Chairman. acquatnt seniors with all of the alternatives available for the practice of law. The course Acting Law Librarian, FREDERICA M. in Agriculture Law was initiated upon SEDGWICK, was elected Secretary­ request of a large number of students who Treasurer of the Southern California As­ indicated an interest in the legal problems sociation of Law Libraries. In June, Ms. of California's massive Agriculture in­ Sedgwick attended the annual meeting of dustry. ADVOCATES FUND COUNCIL REPORT 1974 In the 1973-74 fiscal year, there were 175 year, but only represents 7% of the Loyo la donors to the Advocates Fund Council who Law alumni making an annual gift. The contributed a total of $48,956.00, toward goal of the Advocates Fund Council is the scholarship program and general advan­ 100% of .the alumni participating in the an­ cement of Loyola University School of nual campaign. Such support will make possible the continued advancement of Law. Loyola University School of Law. This is a significant increase over the past DR. H. CLAUDE HUDSON SCHOLARSHIP ESTABLISHED In late May, the Black alumni of Loyola Dr. Hudson was the first Black graduate of Law held a dinner in the Los Angelenos Loyola Law School in the Class of 1932. Room on the Westchester campus to honor At 88 years of age, Dr. Hudson has not Dr. H. Claude Hudson and at that time, given up his struggle for human rights. He established the Dr. H. Claude Hudson has been an officer of the National Associ­ Scholarship. ation for the Advancement of Colored People for 53 years, practiced dentistry in Los Angeles, graduated from law school and helped found Broadway Federal Savings and Loan. DONORS TO THE DR. H. CLAUDE HUDSON SCHOLARSHIP Mr. John Adams '70 Mr. Charles E. Jones '65 Mrs. Lola McAlpin-Grant '66 Mr. Alvarez LeCesne '7 3 Ms. Berryneice Powdrill '68 Ms. Brenda Shockley '71 Ms. Maxine Thomas Mr. George Whitaker '62 Charles E. Jones, '65; Ass't. Dean Lola McAlpin-Grant, '66 and Dr. H. Claude Hudson, '32 - - -------------------, . 1. JUDGE WILLIAM M. BYRNE, SR. MEMORIAL These friends have made significant contributions and the Judge William M. Byrne, Sr. Memorial Fund has been established: Mr. A. H. Agamenoni Mrs. Charles W. Lew sadder Mr. & Mrs. JosephS. Anthoney Ms. Clara F. McGinty Dr. & Mrs. Robert K. Avakian Mr. & Mrs. Richard C. Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Bergin Mr. & Mrs. Marcus Mattson Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Blake Mr. & Mrs. William H. Maybery Mr. & Mrs. Jasper Blystone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Menzies Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brosio, Jr. Mr. John A. Mitchell Mr. & Mrs. Fred Brosio, Sr. Mr. Walter W. Norton Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Brosio Mr. & Mrs. Peter O'Malley Miss Elizabeth Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Donald D. Peck Mr. & Mrs. Hugh P. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Ronald S. Rosen Honorable & Mrs. William E. Byrne Mr. & Mrs. Norman A. Rubin Honorable Richard H. Chambers Mr. & Mrs. Ernest L. Scanlon Ms. Sally Catherine Cherry Mr. Robert Serian Mr. Warren Christopher Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth T. Shaw Ms. Kathryn A. Clark Mr. James E. Shekoyan Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Corlett Mr. & Mrs. J .E. Simpson Mr. W. Don Edwards Mr. & Mrs. John A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. James A. Frances Mr. Sam A. Simpson Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Frick Ms. Aurora G. Smith Mr. Arthur M. Greenwald Mrs. Joseph Tanzola Honorable & Mrs. A. Andrew Hauk Mr. & Mrs. Peter W. Tassopulos Mr. & Mrs. Don Hause Mr. Anthony M. Taylor Mr. Frank T . Hennessey Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd Tevis Mr. Robert H. Hertel Ms. Ernestine Tolin Honorable & Mrs. Irving Hill Mrs. Helen Van Dyke Mr. & Mrs. Robert D. Jewett Mr. J. A. Westmoreland Mr. William D. Keller Ms. Margi Wilson Mrs. J . Grover Kelley Baird, Holley, Galen & Willard Ms.
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