THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 26, 1901, 8195 Murton : New York Village, Hedley's-buildings, Tramways:—None. streets on Shiremoor Estate, Murton-aquare. To authorise the Undertakers to acquire and The Eural District of Tyiiemoutb. hold patent rights and licenses in relation to the West Hartford: Hartford Bridge, Plessey manufacture and distribution of electricity, and Checks, West Hartford Farm Place, Bassing- to manufacture, purchase, hire, sell, and supply ton Cottage. meters, lamps, appliances, machinery, and East Hartford : East Hartford Farm Place and apparatus in relation thereto. Cottages, Colliery-rows, East-row, West-vow, To authorise the Undertakers and any local Old-row, Dickinson's Buildings, Double-row, authority, body, company, or person to make Cottage-row, and North-row. and carry into effect agreements for the pro- Bebside : Bebside North Farm, Bebside South duction, supply, and distribution of electricity, Farm, Bedlington Bridge Cottage, "Bebside and for the performance of all acts incidental to public and private lighting. Horton : Albion Inn, Church and Cottages, High To authorise the Undertakers to enter upon Horton Farm, Low Hoi-ton Farm, Laverick any houses or other premises supplied by them Hall, Strickley Farm, North Moor Farm, for any purpose relating to such supply. Seaton Delaval Colliery Relief Pit. To empower the Undertakers to make charges New Delaval Colliery: Sinker's-row, Double and levy and recover rates, rents, and charges iow, New-row, Middle-row, Brick-row, for the supply of electricity, and for the use of South-row, Lennex-terrace. any machines in connection therewith, and to Seaton Delaval (at Seaton Delaval Colliery) : define and limit the prices to be charged for such Foreman's-row, The Manse, Co-operative supply. Stores, Wheatridge Farm, Wheatridge-row, To empower the Undertakers to apply their Astley-terrace East, Astley-terrace West, capital and funds towards the purposes of the Baxter-place, Avenue-terrace, Double-row, intended Order. Stable-row, Percy-row, South -row, Brick- To exempt the Undertakers from the obliga- row, Colliery Offices, Camp-teirace, Melton- tions to supply electricity for public or private terrace (at New Hartley Colliery), Long- purposes in such portion ov portions of the area row, Double-row, Cross-row, Hastings- of supply or under such conditions or circum- terrace, Qnarry-row, Avenue Head Farm, stances as shall be specified in the Order. Lysdon Farm, Gloucester Lodge, Seaton To confer upon the Undertakers all or some Bed House, Hartley Station, (at Seaton), of the powers of the Electric Lighting Acts, Seatou Village, Harboard-terrace, Avenue 1882 and 1888, and the Electric Lighting (Clauses) North Farm, Avenue-row, Seaton Delaval Act, 1899. Hall G-ardons and Vicarage, Look Out Farm, A map, showing the boundaries of the pro- Fountain Head, Astley Arms Inn, Seaton posed area of supply, aud the streets in which Lodge and Farm, Sandy Island-cottages, and it is proposed that electric lines should be laid Seaton Sluice. down within a specified time, and a copy of this Burradon : Burradon-terrace, Quarry-houses, Notice, as published in the London Gazette, Burradon Farmhouse, Burradon Colliery on will be deposited, on or before the 30th day of east side of main road, 'laylor's-buildings, November instant, for public inspection with Meins and others, Surgery-row, Colliery- the Clerk of the Peace for the county of rov?s, North-row, Middle-row, South or Northumberland at his office at Newcastle- Office-row, Pit-row, and Cross-rows. upon-Tyne, and also at the offices of the Clerks Hartley : Rocky Island-cottages, The Square, of the Local Authorities of the districts in which Delaval-street, Main-street, Ry ton-terrace, the proposed area of supply, or any part thereof, Bywell - terrace, Beresford - road, and is situate. Clarence-street. Railways: — The following level crossings, Notice is hereby give-n, that printed copies viz. : — of the draft Provisional Order will be deposited The Urban District of Earsdon. at the office of the Board of Trade on or before Level crossings belonging to the North the 21st day of December next, and printed Eastern Railway Company and the Cram- copies thereof when deposited, and of the Order lington Coal Company at the Blue Bell when made may be obtained at the offices of public house and on the road from Back- the undersigned Solicitors at Newcastle-on-Tyne, worth to West Holy well ; belonging to the and Parliamentary Agents at Westminster, and East Holywell and Backworth Coal Com- at the offices of J. Thompson, Seghill Colliery, pany, on the road from Shiremoor to and J. R. McMillen, Surveyor and Inspector of Earsdon-square, and on the road from Holy Nuisances, Shiremoor, Earsdon, Newcastle-on- Stone to Earsdon. Tyne (such last-mentioned addresses being The Urban District of Seghill. within the area of supply), at the price of one Level crossings belonging to the North shilling for each copy, by all persons applying Eastern Railway Company at Seghill for the same. Station, and on the road from Middle Farm And notice is hereby further given that every to Holy Trinity Church; belonging to the local or other public authority, company, or Cramlington Coal Company on the road person desirous of bringing before the Board from Middle Farm to Holy Trinity Church, of Trade any objection lespecting this applica- and on the road from Seghill Village to tion, must do so by letter addressed to the Seghill Colliery, and at Annit&ford. Board of Trade, marked on the outside of the The Rural District Council of Tynemouth. cover enclosing it "Electric Lighting Acts," Level crossings belonging to the North on or before the loth day of January, 1902, and Eastern Railway Company at Hartley Sta- a copy of such objection must also at the same tion and at the Avenue; belonging to the time be forwarded to the Parliamentary Agents Seaton Delaval Coal Company at Newsham- or Solicitors for the Order. road, at New Delaval Colliery, at Seaton Dated this 22nd day of November, 1901. Delaval Colliery office, and at the New Hartley Colliery belonging to the Cram- LEADBITTKB and HARVEY, 57, Westgate- lington Collieries Company at East Hart- road, Newcastle-on-Tyue, Solicitors. - ford ; belonging to the Seaton Burn Coal WYATT and Co., 24, Abingdon-street, Company at Burradon, Westminster, Parliamentary Agents,.
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