-------· - - ~.- R. I . Jewish Historical Assoc i ation 11 130 Sessions S treet Providence, RI 02906 THE ONLY ENGLISH -JEWISH WEEKLY IN R. /. AND SOUTHEAST MASS VOLUME LXIX, NUMBER 48 FRIDAY, OCTOBER-29, 1982 30c PER COPY State Department Pleased That ITU Rejected Move To Suspend Israel WASHINGTON (,JTA) - The State unwarranted challenge to Israel's par­ Department said it was pleased that the ticipation in the United Nations system." International Telecommunications Union The U.S., however, voted against an (ITU) at its meeting in Nairobi, Kenya re­ amended version of the resolution because jected a resolution to suspend Israel from it was "objectionable and unbalanced," its conference. An Arab-inspired resolu­ Hughes said. tion sought to exclude Israel from all ac­ The amendment, which was adopted by tivities of the organization "as long as a vote of 84-31 with 13 abstentions, con­ Israel does not fulfi ll its international demned the "continuing violation by obligations." Israel of the international law and the massacres of Palestinian and Lebanese The United States had threatened to civilians.'' The amendment was sponsored walk out of the conference if Israel was by Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, suspended. Secretary of State George Ireland. Italy, Luxembourg, Norway and Shultz made it clear last week , while the England. resolution was pending, that the U.S. Hughes said that since Israel's rights in would, in addition to walking out of the the ITU are no longer in jeopardy, the U.S. Last week President Reagan met with a delegation of Lubavitch Orthodox Jewish conference, also withdraw its funds from will continue to participate in the con· the ITU. The exclusion of Israel from the leaders. The delegation presented to the President a book of writings on the value and ference. But he reiterated the U.S. warn­ importance of education by their spiritual leader, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson. UN body would be "contrary to the princi­ ing that it would leave and cut off funds ples of the UN," Shultz said. The Rebbe is celebrating his 80th birthday this year, which is an event of worldwide from any U:'I agency that would deny acclaim. Earlier this year, the President signed the National Day of Reflection State Department spokesman John Israel the right to participate. The U.S. Proclamation which is a tribute to the Rebbe. Hughes said last Friday that the U.S. was provides $3.2 million, or seven percent of "gratified" that the ITU had dropped "the the ITU's current $46 million budget. Cianci Pledges $36,000 To Holocaust Memorial Fund PROVIDE CE - Mayor Vincent A. an educaLionttl facility where people could Cianci, Jr. this week committed the go to learn and study about the Holocaust. amount of $36,000 from the Community All three are survivors of Hitler's persecu­ Development Block Grant for the City of tion. Providence to the Holocaust Memorial The money from the grant becomes Committee. The money, Cianci explained, available July 1, 1983. No location has will be added to the committee's drive been set for the memorial, although some towards building "a living, educational prospects are currently being considered. commemorative." The committee hopes there will be more The memorial, Cianci commented, contributions to the drive in the future as " will include an ongoing program describ­ the goal is still far from being reached. ing and defining for generations still to come the clearest statement of what our U.S. Moves Against J ewish friends and their fami lies throughout Europe experienced in the late Alleged Ex-Nazi 1930's and 1940's during one of the most brutal periods in man's recorded history." WASHINGTON (JTA) - The Justice The memorial planned will be a Department has initiated action to deport "library" structure which will include a 59-year-old alleged Nazi collaborator educational reading aids and an audio­ who was stripped of U.S. citizenship by a visual "outreach" program designed for federal court last March for participating speakers to come and give presentations. in the murder of a Jewish family and kill­ Ray Eichenbaum, committee chairper­ ing a young Jewish child in the Ukraine in son, Le nka Rose, committ ee CO· 1943. ' SURVIVORS OF THE HOLOCAUST and members of the Holocaust Memorial Bohdan Kozly, a native of the Ukraine Committee join Providence Mayor Vincent A. Cianci, Jr., after he committed $36,000 chairperson, and David Newman, who was instrumental in getting the money pledged and now a resident of Fort Lauderdale. from _the Community Development Block Grant towards the building of a living by Cianci, all stressed the importance of (Continued on page 12) memorial commemorating Holocaust victims. Marks To Receive Community Service Award At Banquet Morton Marks of Warren will be one of a select group of lay leaders who will receive the Community Service Award at the Torah Umesorah Annual Awards banquet to be held at the New York Hilton Hotel on Nov. 14. The awards are presented an­ nually to those who have been supportive of educational establishments. Marks .is a board member of the Providence l:lebrew Day School and a member of the New England Academy of · Torah. Additionally he is also a member of B'nai B'rith and the new _Civil Rights Committee of the New England Region of the Anti-Defamation League. Rabbi Sholom Strajcher, Dean of PHDS, explained the Community Service Award as "a way of motivating lay people to get involved in educational systems. The award provides financial and moral support and recognites recjpients as a THE NEWLY ELECTED BOARD,MEMBERS AT TEMPLE BETH EL include: back row, left to right, Howard Zisserson, means of encouragement for others to join Dr. Alan Josephson, Dr. Abraham Schwartz, Ray Forman, Abra ha m Adelman, Robert Berkelhammer, Stuart Aaronson, in the support of Jewish education and to Darrell Ross, Norman Jagolinzer, and Marvin Tessler. Middle Row, Samuel Stepak, Dr. Norman Goldberg, Dr. Henry motivate even greater levels of support for Litchman, Debra Herman, Jay Rosenfield, Robert Bernstein, Robert Hochberg, Mrs. Norman Goldberg, Alan Swartz, the day school movement." Samuel S. Fishbein, Mrs. Samuel S. Fishbein, Mrs. Isador Low, and Marvin Grabel. Front Row, Edward Goldin, Elliot A delegation of community members Slack, Dr. Samuel Pritzker, Walter Adler, MelviQ Zurier , Carl Feldman, president, Dr. Arnold Herman, Howard Kaufman, from Providence will be travelling to the and Mrs. Raul Lovett. banquet by bus. · · Some members of the board were not present when the pie lure w~s taken. ;'!.'t."li',('f.1:(, ·- ,' ¥).(, ,,,. -~ ·, , , , : ,· •.- . ,.,· ,,J,,~•·,f 1 • ' I lf,JI . • ' .',.'• •• 2 - THE RHODE ISLAND HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1982 "Israel In State Of M·oral Anguish," Canada Not Opposed To Creation Eban Tells B'nai B'rith Convention Of Palestinian State, Official Says TORONTO - Former Israeli Am­ Eban said there are two questions about MONTREAL (JTA) - A Cabinet driven back by riot police. The protestors bassador Abba Eban told an overflow the war in Beirut: (2) How not to lose it and minister told a gathering here of Arab stu­ repr~sented the Hillel centers at Montreal crowd of 2500 persons at the opening night (2) How to bring it to a successful conclu­ dents from the United States and Canada area universities and the Committee for of the B'nai B'rith International conven­ sion. that "Canada is not opposed to the crea­ Jewish Action. tion last week that "Israel is now in a state Eban said that Lebanon is not stabiliz­ tion of a Palestinian state and does not ex­ While t he demonstration was in of moral anguish. ing. " You can trust that Lebanon will dis­ clude such a creation" but that "the progress, t he Quebec government 's "We are trying to weigh the losses and integrate by the hand of its own people. security of Israel is the central issue in the Minister for Intergovernmental Affairs, gains of a very dramatic summer. We have There is a total lack of national solidarity. Arab-Israeli dispute." Jacques-Yvon Morin, addressed the con­ to ask: Have we really eliminated the "Israel's function is not to rebuild or Those remarks were made by Pierre de vent ion. He said tbat peace in the Middle PLO? Was it wortb the loss of nearly 400 of stabilize !\,ebanon just to insure t he Bane, the Minister of Fisheries, who East could not be achieved except on the our young men to move the PLO from stability of Israel. · represented the federal government at the basis which would satisfy Israel's security Beirut to Damascus?" " We are learning about the limited Convention of the Association of Arab­ needs and "a homeland for the Palesti­ Eban said that there is a division of opi­ ability of war to bring about peaceful ob­ American University Graduates here over ·nians." nioµ in Israel about issues arising from the jectives," he explained. the weekend. Arafat, who addr~ssed the convention war in Lebanon. Add ressing t be several hundred Friday, claimed that the Israeli invasion of "Diaspora Jews should take pride in the -delegates, most of them from the United Lebanon was "an important moral victory fact that Israel is a pluralistic democracy Tunisian Jews Rap B'egin States, de Bane said Canada also supports for the Palestinians." He said the crucial and they (Diaspora Jewry) need not be President Reagan's efforts to establish struggle is approaching which "I think will afraid of stating their own views on issues. For Commandment Violation self-rule for the Palestinians on the West be political, we hope it will be political." Diaspora Jews should not be inhibited." PARIS (J TA) - Seventeen Tunisian Bank and Gaza in association with Jordan.
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