22001199 DDEETTEERRMMIINNAATTIIOONN OOFF TTooRR FFOORR EENNVVIIRROONNMMEENNTTAALL SSTTUUDDIIEESS BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT Lease Area – 111.00 Ha. Capacity – 2.00 MTPA PROPONENT M/s SOUTH WEST MINING LIMITED (SWML) B 13-14, RIICO Industrial Area, Opp. Rajasthan State Warehouse, Barmer - 344001 M/s Crystal Consultants Ranchi, Jharkhand Accredited by NABET as Environment Consultants www.crystalconsultants.org CCOONNTTEENNTTSS 1. Form ‐ I 2. Pre‐Feasibility Report CONTENTS CHAPTER PARTICULAR PAGE NO. Chapter – I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 01‐05 Chapter – II PROJECT DESCRIPTION 06‐08 Chapter – III PROJECT DESCRIPTION 09‐29 Chapter – IV SITE ANALYSIS 30‐38 Chapter – V PLANING BRIEF 39‐42 Chapter – VI PROPOSED INFRASTRUCTURE 43‐45 Chapter – VII REHABILITATION & RESETTLEMENT PLAN 46‐46 Chapter – VIII PROJECT SCHEDULE & COST ESTIMATES 47‐49 Chapter – IX ANALYSIS OF PROPOSAL 50‐50 LIST OF PLATES Plate Plate No. Index Plan I Location Plan & Environmental Monitoring II Station Plan Surface Plan III Geological Plan IV Conceptual Plan V ANNEXURE Precise Area Map (Bounded Co‐Ordinate) Annexure ‐ I PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT CHAPTER – I EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.0 Bhangaon Iron Ore Block has been vested to M/s South West Mining Limited (SWML) by Govt. of Jharkhand through auction process to excavate 2.0 MTPA of Iron Ore in village Bhangaon, Saranda Forest Division, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand. 2.0 The allotted mining block has an area of 111 Ha. but the proponent proposes to confine all project activities including quarry, external dump & infrastructure within an area of 62.78 Ha. in Karampada Reserve Forest of Saranda Forest Division, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand. 3.0 The block is bounded by following geodesic axes : Latitudes : 220 01’ 37.20720” to 220 02’ 38.28422” N Longitudes : 850 14’ 22.14298” to 830 15’ 21.02400” E 4.0 Based on detailed geological exploration, a Geological Report has been prepared by GoJ. Based on findings of this report, lease area has been fixed as 111.00Ha. 5.0 Block contains Iron Ore reserve of 25.64 MT. Extractable reserve has been estimated as 25.1272 MT after considering mining losses of 2%. 6.0 Mining Plan has been prepared to mine 2.0 MTPA iron ore by opencast mining fully mechanized method using shovel‐dumper combination. Stripping ratio has been found to be 1:0.16. Estimated life of mine is 14 Years. 7.0 The iron ore produced from the mine will be consumed after dry beneficiation blending & upgradation by the steel plants for commercial purpose as per the auction rule within & outside of state. 8.0 Mining Method Overburden will be removed & transported to external or backfilled area for storage. Iron ore will be removed by blasting. 9.0 Iron Ore Processing Initially only crushing and screening of ore will be done at mine site. ROM grade ore as such cannot be sent directly to the plant. ROM ore will be subjected to crushing and dry screening. The crusher will be equipped with dust suppression system, with this sizing and dry screening there will be enhancement in the grade of the ore by a minimum of 0.5%. The dispatch grade of ore will be maintained as per the requirement of the buyers. The +55% Fe will be upgraded by wet beneficiation outside the mining lease boundary to achieve the required grade for steel plant. Page 1 M/s Crystal Consultants PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT Considering 300 working days in a year and three working shift, the size of the mobile crushing & screening plant should be 2000000 tonnes ÷ 300 days ÷ 18 hours per day (effective) = 370 tonnes. So, one 500 tph mobile crushing & screening plant is proposed for installation in first year itself at a place shown on the development plans. Feed Size :Upto500mm Product Size Lumps :(+) 10mmto(‐) 40mm :(+) 5mmto(‐) 20mm Fines : (‐) 10mm : (‐) 5mm Running Hours/day : 18Hours Lumps/sized ore expected :30% Fines :70% 10.0 Iron Ore transportation Iron Ore will be transported from quarry face to crusher & screening plant by dumpers and the sized ore will be transported by Dumpers to loading point at Karampada Railway Siding. 11.0 Mine Closure Plan At the end of mining operations, mine will be closed as per approved Mine Closure Plan. 12.0 Land Proposed Lease area (111.00Ha.) comprises of total forest land under Bhangaon, Saranda Forest Division, West Singhbhum, Jharkhand. 13.0 Accessibility Karmapada Railway Station (about 5.2 Km away) is nearest railway station. The block is connected to Chaibasa and Kiriburu by Chaibasa – Barjamda – Kiriburu State Highway. The area is about 6 Km from Kiriburu and approached by motorable Kacha Forest Road. 14.0 Infrastructure Social Infrastructure ‐ School, Post – Office, Banks are located in Kiriburu which is 6 Km away. Page 2 M/s Crystal Consultants PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT Power ‐ Power network passes by the side of lease area. Water ‐Nearby perennial nallah would be used for water supply in initial two years by constructing a weir across it & later on supplemented by Quarry water. Haul Road Alignment The approach road from the bottom of the hill enters in to mine lease area at western part of the block at contour level of 625MRL .Main Mine Road will lead through the Check gate to the Crushing / processing area / dumping / blending / weighing areas and up to the initial mine‐opening area, preferably along the contours of the hill slope with gradient of 1:16. A separate existing Road will be used at the initial stages for empty vehicles to facilitate smooth traffic movement. Haul road alignment from initial mine working areas to the proposed Crushing / processing area / dumping / blending / weighing areas will be constructed during the development stage. Workshop : A Work shop made of portacabine will be installed for maintenance of Mobile equipment, engineer’s office and Stores for running requirement of Spares within the block area as shown on the plan. Store : A store made of portacabine will be installed for keeping adequate stock of the HEMM Spares and Sub‐assemblies and other electrical and mechanical spares, proper computerized system for material management will be installed within the block area as shown on the plan. Diesel dispensing unit: A diesel dispensing unit will be installed near to the store or out site of the block area subject to clearances from different authorities for daily consumption of diesel. Office Complex : An office of the manager of the mine, Personnel Manager’s information system, Account office and pay office made of portacabines will be installed within the the block area as shown on the plan. Blasting Shelters : Adequate blasting shelters will be provided. Blasting will generally be done during changeover of first and second shift. Rest shelter : Rest shelter as per statute will be provided. First aid room will be constructed adjoining the rest shelter. Page 3 M/s Crystal Consultants PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT Ambulance : An ambulance with wireless communication will be provided in the Block area. Lighting system: Sodium Vapor lamps will be put around the office complex, security house, workshop, crusher screening plant, mines, haul road, Magazine, etc. Communication system: An adequate communication system will be provided between different executives, supervisors and key personnel Fire fighting system: A suitable fire fighting system will be installed. Warning system: Visible sign‐boards written in Hindi will be erected at prominent display points to prevent unauthorized entries and precautions during blasting and from moving Vehicles. Drinking Water: Drinking water will be provided in the mine at suitable point and at other place where labours are engaged. Residential Unit : It is proposed to construct 10 Units of residential unit for the project away from lease area. 15.0 Water Supply Total water demand has been estimated as 186 KLD. Water demand will be met initially for two years from nearby perennial nallah by constructing weir across it and later supplemented by Quarry Water. 16.0 Environment Pollution Mitigation A. Air Pollution Arrangement for regular sprinkling water on dust generation sources i.e. Haul Road will be made. Greenbelt will be provided at strategic locations. B. Water Pollution ETP will be provided for treatment of effluent from workshop. Septic tanks will be providing for pit head buildings. Hill slope mining is proposed in this area by slicing / contour mining, therefore the water flowing through the quarry during rainy season will flow under gravity through a garland drain and passed through a series settling tanks, Check dams & store in the Rainwater Harvesting pit prior to its discharge to the natural streams. The overflow water from the harvesting pit after passing through number of check dams will be discharged to perennial nala. Hence no pumping arrangement will be required. Quarterly monitoring of the surface water will be Page 4 M/s Crystal Consultants PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT done as per MoEF & CC norms to maintain the quality of the surface water. C. Land Reclamation It is proposed to reclaim external dump (12.75 Ha.) and backfilled area (2.26 Ha.). Physically & biologically and use it for mixed plantation. D. Plantation It is proposed to raise plantation within lease area post mining in OB dump, benches, avenue, plantation, etc. E. Noise Pollution Control Major source for noise pollution is movement of transport vehicles and daily operation. It is proposed to procure minimal noise machinery and maintain them regularly. Page 5 M/s Crystal Consultants PRE-FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR BHANGAON IRON ORE OPENCAST PROJECT CHAPTER – II INTRODUCTION OF THE PROJECT/ BACKGROUND INFORMATION 2.1 Identification of the Project & Project Proponent 2.1.1 Project Government of Jharkhand vide letter No.
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