Minutes of the 91stMeeting of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC – 91) of SRPC held on 5thAugust 2020 1. Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 1 2. Confirmation of Minutes of last PCSC meeting .................................................................................. 1 3. Grid Occurrences.................................................................................................................................. 2 3.1 Grid Disturbances (GD) ........................................................................................................ 2 3.2 Compliance of Regulations 5.2 (r) of IEGC ...................................................................... 3 4. Compliance by Constituents (Submitting status/ remedial measures/ certificate) .......................... 3 4.1.Status of implementation of Recommendations of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC)-90 ...................................................................................................................................... 3 4.2.Status of implementation of Recommendations Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC), which are pending ........................................................................................................... 4 4.3.Remedial measures for "Transmission Elements under Forced Outage" ................................... 4 5. Protection Management System (PMS) project ................................................................................. 6 6. Protection Audit ................................................................................................................................... 7 7. Review of Islanding Scheme of Southern Region. .............................................................................. 8 8. Disabling of SPS at 220kV Gachibowli and Sivarampally substations ............................................. 10 9. Distribution of Loads and Signal Paths of Raichur – Sholapur SPS, Talcher – Kolar SPS, and Kudankulam (Unit-I & II) SPSand Mock testing & Additional Agenda Item No. 1 and 2. ............................................................................................ 11 10. Review of Overvoltage Gradings of 400kV and 765kV transmission lines in SR region ............... 13 11. Other Protection Issues, if any, with the permission of the Chair ................................................ 14 12. Sending Agenda items for the PCSC meetings ............................................................................... 15 13. Grid Tripping of HVDC Gazuwaka Pole 1 & 2 due to oscillations (Addl Agenda Item No. 3) ........ 15 14. Date of next PCSC meeting ............................................................................................................. 16 Minutes of 91st Meeting of PCSC held on 5th August, 2020 Southern Regional Power Committee Bengaluru Minutes of the 91st Meeting of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC – 91) of SRPC held on 5thAugust 2020 1. Introduction The 91st meeting of Protection Coordination Sub-Committee (PCSC-91) of SRPC was held online on 5thAugust 2020. The list of participants is at Annexure-A. Shri A.Balan, Member Secretary & Chairperson of Protection Sub-Committee, SRPC welcomed Members and Participants to the meeting. In his introductory remarks Member Secretary pointed out that since last meeting many grid events had taken place and this meeting would help in analyzing the events to come out with effective corrective actions.The following observations were also enunciated by the Member Secretary: o The trip report submissions were made without adequate details and SLDs are not clear to help in understanding the event sequence & analysisand highlighted the need for furnishing timely and complete reports by the constituents. o Requested the constituents to furnish comprehensive grid incidence reports, along with Event loggers, Disturbance recorders, diagrams clearly indicating location, type of fault, sequence of events, protection that operated and cleared the fault for proper analysis of the incidences. The relay settings also need to be mentioned in the report. o He apprised the forumabout the status of PMS project and that PMS review meetings were held on 09.06.2020 and 26.06.2020, to verify, assess the status of PMS project and to ascertain the progress in pending SAT features of Protection Setting Calculation Tool (PSCT). o He also informed the Sub Committee that PDMS online reconciliation meetings between KSEBL and PRDC were arranged on 8th, 13th and 17th July 2020, in which all clarification required on data correctness/adequacy had been exchanged. Also suggested that based on the requirements of the constituents, similar meetings could be arranged. o Member Secretary stated that the deliberations on critical events/issues would help bring effective conclusions and requested all constituents to implement the decision taken in the meeting. Superintending Engineer (Protection) and Convener of Protection Committee of SRPC took up the agenda for deliberation. 2. Confirmation of Minutes of last PCSCmeeting The minutes of the 90th meeting of PCSC were circulated vide SRPC letter No. SRPC/ SE- III/PCSC-90/ 2020/2288- 2327 dated 15.06.2020. Comments were not received from any constituent. The minutes of PCSC-90 was confirmed. Minutes of 91st Meeting of PCSC held on5th August, 2020 Page1 of 16 3. Grid Occurrences Regarding the trip reporting, Member Secretary stated that SRPC secretariat could conduct online workshop/class/sessions of 2-3 hr. duration, on drafting diagrams/SLDs (using MS Office - Word, Excel etc.) for the constituents’ officers, which would enable them to prepare proper reports containing required information. Constituents were requested to nominate young engineers to the workshop/class, if interested. The schedule for the workshop/class would be intimated on receipt of nominations. 3.1Grid Disturbances (GD) Agenda: Grid Incidences (GI),trippings due to failure or non-operation of Auto-reclosing (A/R) and mal-operation of PLCC equipment that occurred during the periodApril - May, 2020,given atAnnexure-I, would be discussed in the PCSC meeting. a) Constituents are requested to furnish the following information in respect of the above grid occurrences to have fruitful discussions: (i) Detailed analysis of the events (ii) SLD or equivalent pictorial representation clearly showing: a. Location of fault with distance b. Fault details with type &relay indications c. CT/PT/CVT rating details with location d. Bus-bar arrangement/ Configuration of feeders e. CB positions (OPEN/ CLOSE) at the time of fault f. Isolator & Earth-switch positions (OPEN/CLOSE) g. Voltage, frequency & power flows with direction at the time of fault (iii) Output of Event logger & Disturbance recorder (iv) Remedial Action(s) taken (v) Relay setting details b) Constituents are requested to furnish full particulars of the tripping events pertaining to their system, preferably in the form of power point presentation, well in advance (latest by 30-07-2020)to the scheduled meeting date,to take up fordiscussion in the meeting. c) In the meeting, constituents are requested to present the fault analysis with clear diagrams and remedial actions taken for the trip events Deliberations: i. The trippings due to GDs, GIs, A/R failure/ non-operation, and PLCC mal- operation that had occurred during April, 2020 – May, 2020 were discussed in the Meeting. The deliberations and recommendations of the PCSC forum are at Annexure–B for needful action. The details of the tripping events including relevant PMU plots presented by SRLDC in the meeting are at Annexure-C for kind reference. ii. It was observed that timely uploading of tripping files helps in analyzing the events and critical events could be discussed and any emergent solution, if required could be formulated on priority. In this context, all Constituents were once again requested to upload the files within the time frame stipulated in the IEGC. Minutes of 91st Meeting of PCSC held on5th August, 2020 Page2 of 16 3.2 Compliance of Regulations 5.2 (r) of IEGC Agenda: In compliance of Regulations 5.2 (r) of IEGC, which is given below: a) Constituents are required to furnish the following information in respect of Grid Occurrences(GD/GI) within 24 hours of occurrence of the same to SRLDC/ SRPC: (i) First Information Report (FIR) (ii) Event Logger (EL) output (iii) Disturbance Recorder (DR) output (iv) Trip event analysis report-TR (with pre and post fault system conditions) b) Non-furnishing of tripping details (FIR/DR/EL/TR) for the period 01.05.2020 – 30.06.2020had been brought to Constituents’ notice vide the following SRPC letters: (i)No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/ 2073-79dated 21.05.2020, (ii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/ 2329 - 35 dated 18.06.2020, (iii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/dated 22.06.2020, (iv) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019 - 20/ dated 13.07.2020 c) Non-compliance in this regard would be discussed in the meeting. Deliberations: i. Non-furnishing of tripping details (FIR/DR/EL/TR) for the period 15.05.2020 – 30.06.2020had been brought to Constituents’ notice vide letters: (i) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/ 2073-79 dated 21.05.2020, (ii) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/ 2329 - 35 dated 18.06.2020, (iii)No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019-20/dated 22.06.2020, (iv) No. SRPC/ SE-III/ PCSC/ 2019 - 20/ dated 13.07.2020. Constituents were requested to upload all
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