The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia Ministry of Agriculture Public Disclosure Authorized Regional Pastoral Livelihoods Resilience Project Public Disclosure Authorized (RPLRP) Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) Public Disclosure Authorized October, 2013 Addis Ababa Public Disclosure Authorized Acronyms AGP Agricultural Growth Program ASAL Arid and Semi Arid Land BMP Best Management Practices BoA Bureau of Agriculture BoPA Bureau of Pastoral Affair BoPAD Bureau of Pastoral and Agricultural Development CAHWs Community Animal Health Workers CBO Community Based Organization COD Chemical Oxygen Demand CPP Country Program Paper CRC Compensation and Resettlement Committee DA Development agent DRSLP Drought Resilience and Sustainable Livelihoods program EA Environmental Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EPA Environmental Protection Authority EPLAUA Environmental Protection, Land Administration and Use Authority ESMF Environmental and Social Management Frame Work ESIA Environmental and Social Impact Assessment ESMP Environmental and Social Management Plan ESSF Environmental and Social Screening Form GoE Government of Ethiopia FPCUs Federal Project Coordination Units HoA Horn of Africa IAs Implementing Agencies IGAD Intergovernmental Authority for Development IPMP Integrated Pest Management Plan KDCs Kebele Development Committees KPCRC Kebele Physical Cultural Resources Committee LCRDB Livestock, Crop and Rural Development Bureau MoA Ministry of Agriculture MST Mobile Satellite Team NGO None Government Organization OVIs Objectively Verifiable Indicators PAD Project Appraisal Document PAPs Project Affected Peoples PCDP Pastoral Community Development Program PDP Pastoral Development Bureau PIC Prior Informed Consent PIM Program Implementation Manual PMP Pest Management Plan PSNP Productive Safety Net Program © PVC Property Valuation committee RAP Resettlement Action Plan RLF Rural Livelihood Fund RPCUs Regional Project Coordination Units RPF Resettlement Policy Framework RPLRP Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project RPLRP-FCU Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project Federal Coordination Unit RPLRP RSC Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project Regional Steering Committee RPLRP RTC Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project Regional Technical Committee RPLRP WSC Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project Woreda Steering Committee RPLRP WSC Regional Pastoral Livelihood Resilience Project Woreda Technical Committee RUSACOO Rural Saving and Credit Cooperatives SA Social Assessment SACOO Saving and Credit Cooperatives SKDC Sub-Kebele development Committee SLM Sustainable Land Management SNNPR Southern Nations and Nationalities People Region SSA Social Screening Form TOR Terms of Reference WAT Woreda Appraisal Team WDC Woreda Development Committee WOFED Woreda Office of Finance and Economic development WOPD Woreda Office of Pastoral Development ©© Table of Content Title Page Acronyms © Table of Content ©©© List of Tables ∂ Executive Summary ∂© Component 1: Natural Resources Management ∂©© Component 2: Market Access and Trade ∂©© Component 3: Livelihoods support ∂©© Component 4: Pastoral Risk Management ∂©©© Component 5: Project Management and Institutional Support ∂©©© Project financing ∂©©© 1. 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To ensure that adverse environmental and social impacts are avoided or appropriately mitigated and compensated for when implementing the project, this Environmental and Social Management Framework (ESMF) is developed. The ESMF details agreed policies, guidelines and procedures to be integrated into the implementation of the project in selected Woredas and Kebeles of the project regions. The proper implementation of the ESMF ensures compliance with applicable laws and regulations of the Government of Ethiopia (GoE) as well as relevant World Bank operational policies and procedures. In addition to this ESMF, separate Resettlement Policy Framework (RPF) & enhanced Social Assessment (SA) documents have been prepared to deal with specific concerns related to land acquisition, property losses, restriction of access to natural resources and other social issues such as inclusion or exclusion of vulnerable and historically under-served communities and peoples. Since the physical environment and the project nature of RPLRP is similar to that of Pastoral Community Development Project (PCDP - III) in Ethiopia, the ESMF prepared for PCDP-III is adapted and contextualized when the ESMF of RPLRP is prepared. The ESMF of (Sustainable Land Management Phase 2) SLM-2 and Agricultural Growth Project (AGP) are also consulted. The preparation of this ESMF document is also done through consultation at federal, regional, woreda and community level using different session to get their prior, free and informed consent of the stakeholders including the community members involved. Project Components The project focus will be on natural resource management, livelihoods support, market access and early warning systems. The project will focus on building and strengthening linkages between regional and national institutions to address the issues that affect communities in the project areas. The project will be implemented in 12 districts which are Kaabong (bordering Kenya and South Sudan), Amudat, Kween, Moroto, Nakapiripirit, (bordering Kenya) and Kotido, Abim, Napak, Katakwi, Bukedea, Kumi and Amuria which have cross border activities and trans-boundary stock routes linking pastoral communities on either side of the borders. The selected project districts are more prone to prolonged droughts, water stress for animals, land degradation due to overgrazing, high density of animals and seasonal movement of animals in search for water and pasture. The areas are also characterized by civil conflicts due to sharing of natural resources. These districts have areas with the highest proportion of households owning cattle as source of livelihood. The four components are detailed below: © Component 1: Natural Resources Management This component aims at enhancing the secure access of pastoral and agro-pastoral communities to sustainably managed natural resources. It supports three set of activities: a. development of water resources, and the project will rehabilitate 5 small dams and construct 5 new water dams in locations accessible to pastoral communities in the project districts; b. development of pasture and land, about 480 hectares of grazing land are expected to be rehabilitated; and c. securing access to natural resources in the ASALs and border countries This component will help update and refine the mapping system of shared natural resources at a regional
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