PORTT, A NT) DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 23, 1862·—VOL, 22. PORTLAND, S\TURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 4, 1884- SlfffiittffiSffil PRICE THREE CENTS. ————MB————___ ____________ WKCIAL NOTICES. ROOMS TO LET. THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, IN COLUMBUS. BCXTON AND ROLL». SERJEANT KELLY. the government in this case to show an act Cross Examination—Made no notée of what Published erery a*y (Snndayi excepted) by the whereby the State of Maine in its sovereign ownrr-Λ at the examination, bat this is what RENT—One famished front room. Shaw large PORTLAND Closing D>r Of Tfceir Vialh Annual capacity had ceded to the United States ex- I understood. FOR724 CONGRESS ST. octl-1 PUBLISHING COMPANY, and clusive over the after trial I heard a remark At 87 EIcbanOk Stkkbt, Poktlasd, Mb. Great Demonstrations in Mr. Fair. On Trial for the Alleged Man- jurisdiction territory in which Re direct—Soon TO Fort Popham is located. If this can be done about the testimony, bat I don't know that it BJE>ET. Blaine's Honor. The ninth annual cattle show and fair of slaughter of Frank Δ, Smith, tue question of jariidiction is settled. bad any influence in fixing the matter apon WEATHER IN DIPATIQNB. Mr. Lant «aid he did not wish at this mv mind. TTNFURNIShED room*at the St «ultan Hotel, the Bnxton and Hollis Agricultural Society is at point No. 19β Middle Street. Fort Popham. to discuss the question of jariediction. He Rev Frank Sewall, of Urbana, Ohio, testi- • thing of the The last pleasure seeker The Dining Boom will be thoroughly renorated Washington, Ôot. 4. A HANDSOME MPKCTACI.lt AT LON- past. would take that matter up later on. fied that he was staying at the Enreka House and about the 16th of 'ctober, and will and tired has retired from the ecene of saw reopened The indications for New are offioial Col. Joeiah Merrill of 90 tbe morning Mr. Smith was shot; him at be under the of Richard W. Under- England to-day DON, OHIO. A FULL Bowdoinham, proprietorship action and and barmonv once more RESUiflE OF THE CA9E Mr. Haley's cottage after he was shot; b· was wood. For rooms &c.. app^y to threatening weather and light local rains, peace years of age, was next called. He testified ANTECEDENT TO ▼ery much prostrated; this was between 8 and RICHARD W. UNDERWOOD, reigns orer the qaiet Tillage of Bnx- THE TRIAL. that fresh southerly wiûds, nearly stationary tem- he remembered when the old battery was 9 o'clock; heard him make a statement, wbioh oct2dtf Janitor. ton Lover Corner. perature and lower barometer. Cincinnati, Oct. 3.—At 1 o'clock this morn· standing on Hunnewell'e point. was reduced to writing (identified the state- Rooms iDg the YoQLg Men's Blaine Olab serenaded which was of the ment which the district offered in ev- to Lei, Yesterday, the closing day The Proceeding· of the First Day Reuben Blake of Bowdoinham also testified attorney Mr. Blaine. In response to their call* he ap- bat it was to the JIRABLE rooms, or In METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. fail was devoted to the races. The crowd was idence, objected by defence); single suites,famished at the window to Hunnewell'e Point in 1818 and see- or untarnished at 173 STATE peared of bis room, and deliv- passing Smith did not speak easily at the time; do not DE ST. [11.27 P. M.] large, the state of the noi!7 dtf ered a speech which was loudly cheered. Galls despite disagreeable the fort there. recall any statement of his at this time that he More than two years have since the ing standing were also made for Gen. had re- and the has been elapsed was Logan, bat be weather, raees fine. The fair N. C. for the last town thonght he dying. tired: well remembered at Reed, forty yeirs The leading & cent of New a success in the exhibition tragedy Fort Popham, Mrs. Mary H. Blanchard of Massachnsetta Cigar Eng. LOST AND FOUND. every particular, clerk of Phipeburg, testified to the existence dealer for this brand, JtENtA, O., Oct. 3—Mr. Blaine and by which Frank A. Smith lost bis life. He was called and testified to being present at if11» Plaoe of h party being fully ap to the average, and the atten- a A*ÎLl?er of at Hunnewell'e Point Mr. when Mr. Sewall wrote SLSfOMON & left Cincinnati this morning, about 10 o'clock, was shot within Fort battery years ego, Haley's cottage CO., Agents, 444 to Meerschaum pipe and ease on Com- dance as as on As is Popham by Serjeant fjo»4o rore by a special train on the Little railroad. large any previons year. and at the of the he down Smith's statement. ,M. LOUT—Amercial St. The finder will be rewarded by Observation. Miami Bennis Kelley, request District Attorney —y13 5 Tbe crowd at the aua ia well known one of the auxiliaries of Saturday morning, July 29th, Mr. Arthnr R. Litchfield of Medford was 811 to D. H. Freeman, 213 C tti- II depot the workmen necessary In the town tf returning truckman, η and died brought records from 1860 to show merclal St. oct 3-1 η the shops faolng the track cheered Mr. Blaine a successful fair is the crowd in this re- Sanday, Angnst 13th, 1882. surviving called and testified to being at Mr. Haley's w and that no assessment of as the train moved oat. Tbe first at wound two weeks and taxes had ever been cottage when Smith wrote his statement; be WAHft. atop,was spect Buxton has been blessed for the jast one day. Sunday forenoon on Danforth or tbe abundantly made upon the land or said on the be could net talk he vu little station of Milford, where there was a jL RESUME OF THE properry. platform LOST-OnState street, a small cameo pin. The finder the past nine The fair to CASE. Block Island, 30.18 χΐ S good-sized meeting. Mr. Blaine was warmly years. society bids Edward J. so low. a will be suitably rewarded No. At this time our readers will be inter- Millay, formerly county attorney young a ai by leavngitat 17S Mass 30.18 -3 SE Lt Raiu be particular Dr M H. of was called lady, position Danforth street. Boston, received, and spoke a few words of thanks widely known and we trust that matiy in the details of the sad affair. Ferguson Phipsbnrg seamstress, companion to an sep29-l Me.— 30.19 χ6 S ested recalling On for Sagadahoc was next examined. He testi- WANT·»—By elderly lady or Eastport, |Cloudy At in a and testified to at Mr. a home Morrow, Warren coanty, there was of the fateful two being present Haley's Invalid; good more to be desired than Mt. years prosperity may follow. Saturday morning, young men, fied that Addrese M. L. nigh Washington.. fine demonstration. Tbe left the train Frank A. Smith, the victim, and his Sergeant Kelly present in court is cottage when Smith made hte statement,when wages. S.. Box 47, Portland, Me 30.17 51 -1 SE LtRain party Tbe as acquaintance Bowdoinbam, and Mr. c-owd did not arrive on the grounds a C. M. both boarders at toe Eureka the on the nlatform he "Oh must I M« oc2-l Albany, Ν. Y.. 3 MO 64 χ4| SW Cloudy Blaine'» carriage was escorted by a lo- of day, Sevill, same man who was indicted by the State said, dear, New 30.00 68 SW cal committee and a of mounted Pinrned early as on to House, furtively introduced themselves inside of talk? I'm almost goue". Afterward in the York, Ν. Y.. Χ3[ Foggy troip yesterday previous days, owing court for the earn·» crime for which he is now WANTED—A woman who i« 30.20 69 χ6 to a Fort Popham—a forbidden place—through toe bouse be was to make a statement which ptOOH young Philadelphia S Lt.Haln Kuigh'B picturesque spot outside of the the dampness of tbe on urged Vy an cook and day. •eventh hole of the lower tier of the fort, one trial in the United States court. The wit- experienced good laundress. Ap- Washington, D. C. 30.10 63 xl Ν Cloudy where several tiinaeand as- port he did and it was written down by Mr. Sewall THE town, people had a and is ness a of at 596 between PUBLIC The to that Fort and ply CONGRESS ST., 9 and 12 a. m. Charleston 30.17 77 collection in tbe hall began disap- occupies nearly northerly position produced plan Popham, and read to us and as Ε Clear sembled. The speaker's stand faced a side from the snore signed by afterward; his oct2-l "will understand and realize that oar rent and ex 30.11 78 Pair quite secluded observation. pointed out to court and the Jacksonville, Fla. NË beaded pear early in the and the hall was jury opening statement on the was made after Dr. are hill, beautifally by large trees, and the day nearly The iron doors of the port hole were open for the which platform penses only about one-third as much as otir com- Savannah Ga.. .. 30.17 78 Ε Clear through Smith crawled into the fort, UN KY WANTED—About Will 51 form of tbe ground made the audience cleared before tbe close of the day. The ball of ventilation. were inside the Fullerarrived. 8300.
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