Aquaculture Sci. 62(4),407-414(2014) Effects of Water Temperature on Feeding and Growth of the Amphidromous Sculpin, Cottus pollux Middle-egg (ME) Type, Reared in the Laboratory 1, 2 3 4 Naohiko TAKESHITA *, Itaru IKEDA , Kunimasa AOKI , Yukiya NISHIMURA , 5 6 7 Takumi HASEGAWA , Kazuhiro SAKATA , Shingo NAGATA , 6 6 Takuya KONDOU and Makoto SHIMADA Abstract: Effects of water temperature on feeding and growth of the amphidromous sculpin Cottus pollux ME were studied using 9 different temperatures from 10 to 26℃ for 30 days. At each of the 9 temperatures, five males and females were reared in aquaria and the rearing examination was repeated 3 times (n = 270). Results indicate that water temperatures ranging from 18 to 20℃ were optimal for daily feeding rate, temperatures ranging from 14 to 17℃ were optimal for daily growth rate, and feeding efficiency temperatures ranging from 11 to 16℃ were optimal among males and females. The optimal water temperatures for daily growth rate and feeding efficiency were slightly lower than those for daily feeding rate. Also, the values by the polynomial equation of daily growth rate and feeding efficiency for 26℃ had lower or negative values. These results indi- cate that the optimal water temperature range is from 14 to 20℃, and that a water temperature of 10℃ is too low and 26℃ is too high for C. pollux ME to feed and grow. Key words: Cottus pollux middle-egg (ME) type; Effect of water temperature; Feeding; Growth Three types of Cottus pollux: the small-egg and habitat of this species have been reported (SE), middle-egg (ME) and large-egg (LE) (Nagoshi and Murakami 1980; Natsumeda et types, are thought to be distributed in the al. 1997; Natsumeda 1998a, 1998b, 1999, 2001, Japanese Archipelago (Goto 2002). C. pollux 2003, 2005, 2007a, 2007b, 2007c; Yamamoto and SE (including C. reinii from Lake Biwa) is Sawamoto 1998). However, little is known about amphidromous and lacustrine, C. pollux ME is the ecology of amphidromous C. pollux SE or amphidromous, and C. pollux LE is fluvial (Goto ME, except for the morphology and early life and Arai 2003). These fishes are target spe- history of these fish (Mizuno and Niwa 1961; cies of river fisheries (Nakamura 1963; Miyadi Kurawaka 1976; Shimizu et al. 1994; Shinagawa et al. 1976). There are many ecological stud- et al. 2002). C. pollux ME inhabits cool limpid ies on fluvial C. pollux LE, the growth, matu- streams (Ehime Prefecture 2003), and is dis- rity, movement, feeding habit, reproduction tributed in rivers flowing into the Japan Sea Received 21 January 2014; Accepted 25 September 2014. 1 Graduate School of Fisheries Science, National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 759-6595, Japan. 2 Department of Applied Aquabiology, National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 759-6595, Japan. 3 Department of Fisheries Distribution and Management, National Fisheries University, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 759- 6595, Japan. 4 Tokyo Metropolitan Harumi-Sogo High School, Harumi, Tokyo 101-0053, Japan. 5 Oriental Techno Co., Ltd., Tatsuno, Hyogo 671-1321, Japan. 6 West Japan Engineering Consultants, Co., Ltd., Watanabe-dori, Fukuoka 810-0004, Japan. 7 F-TREK Co., Ltd., Kengun, Kumamoto 862-0991, Japan. *Corresponding author: Tel, (+81) 83-86-5111; E-mail, [email protected] (N. Takeshita). 408 N. Takeshita, I. Ikeda, K. Aoki, Y. Nishimura, T. Hasegawa, K. Sakata, S. Nagata, T. Kondou and M. Shimada in Hokkaido and Honshu Islands, those flow- Hakko Kogyo Co., Ltd.), respectively. A paste ing into the Seto Inland Sea in Shikoku Island, diet for eel (Unagi High Step, Hayashikane and those in the northwestern Kyushu Island Sangyo Co., Ltd.), prepared by blending 100 g (Goto and Arai 2003). In Kyushu Island, C. dry weight of diet with 90 ml of water, was given pollux ME has been designated as an “extinct from 100 days after hatching. species in the wild” in Fukuoka Prefecture, a Seventeen months after hatching, 138 males “critically endangered and endangered spe- and 234 females survived. Sex was determined cies” in Saga and Kumamoto Prefectures, an from the external sexual characteristics, males “endangered species” in Nagasaki Prefecture, having a genital papilla (Mizuno and Gose and a “data deficient species” in Oita 1972). The males and females were kept sepa- Prefecture, respectively (Oita Prefecture 2000; rately in FRP tanks (150 l), in a running water Fukuoka Prefecture 2001; Saga Prefecture system with a flow rate of 200 ml/min, aerated 2003; Kumamoto Prefecture 2009; Nagasaki (600 ml/min) and filtered with 2 sets of Tetra Prefecture 2011). Therefore, the abundance of Brillant Filter (Tetra Co., Ltd.), after measur- this fish is considered to be declining in almost ing TL to the nearest 0.1 mm. Rearing water all rivers in northwestern Kyushu Island. For temperature was controlled by using an air con- accumulation of basic ecological data and the ditioner at about 25℃ from July to September, future conservation of C. pollux ME, the effects considering the summer water temperature of water temperature on feeding and growth of where C. pollux ME were observed in the this species were examined in the laboratory. springs of the Hikawa River (Takeshita et al. unpubl. data). In the other months, rearing Materials and Methods water temperature was not controlled, it ranged from 6 to 9℃ in winter. Photoperiod was not Fish rearing and diet controlled during the fish rearing. It seemed Egg clusters guarded by a C. pollux ME male that both males and females matured 2 years of 104.2 mm in total length (TL) were collected after hatching in these FRP tanks, based on the at 6.9 km upstream from the river mouth of the appearance of the large white testes or matured Hikawa River (32°33’31”N, 130°40’55”E), west- eggs (ca. 1 mm in diameter) visible in bellies ern Kyushu Island, Japan, on 12 January 2009. from December to March 2011 (Takeshita et al. These eggs were reared in a 30 l polycarbonate unpubl. data). tank in a running freshwater system with a flow Rearing experiments over periods of 30 days rate of 100 ml/min and aeration (600 ml/min). for males and females were conducted 3 times, Hatching occurred mainly on 14 February respectively. Males at 17 (1st period), 20 (2nd 2009. Newly hatched pelagic larvae (about period) and 30 (3rd period) months after hatch- 1000 in total) were distributed to four poly- ing and females at 19 (1st period), 25 (2nd carbonate tanks (30 l) and kept in a running period) and 32 (3rd period) months after hatch- freshwater system with a flow rate of 200 ml/ ing were used for these experiments, which did min and aeration (600 ml/min). Artemia salina not include the maturity period in the labora- nauplii enriched by a commercial enrichment tory from December to March, that is 21 to 24 product (Power full brine, Miyako Kagaku months after hatching (Takeshita et al. unpubl. Co., Ltd.) was given every day at 8 : 00-9 : 00 data). and 16 : 00-17 : 00, until 40 days after hatching. After 2 days of fasting, 45 fish were randomly Artemia density was increased from 5 to 10 allocated to 9 groups (5 fish each). Body weight individuals/ml according to the fish growth. (BW) was measured to the nearest 0.01 g The juveniles (22 days after hatching) started (Tables 1, 2). Each fish was individually marked to settle in the tanks. From 20 to 80 days and by the removal of spines of the first dorsal fin from 60 to 120 days after hatching, they were and soft rays of the second dorsal fin in differ- fed with dry pellets, N-400 and N-700 (Kyowa ent combinations. Each group of 5 fish was kept Temperature Effect on Feeding of Cottus pollux ME 409 in a freshwater aquarium (60×30×36 cm), in a Cooler (RZ-150Y, Rei-Sea Co., Ltd.) with a 200 running water system with a flow rate of 50 ml/ W heater, respectively. Photoperiod was not min, aerated (600 ml/min) and filtered with one controlled during the experimental periods. set of Tetra Brillant Filter. Water temperature of The fish were fully fed the paste diet at the 9 aquaria was controlled at 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 17 : 00-18 : 00 for a period of 30 days. The diet 20, 22, 24, and 26℃ (±0.5℃) using a Rei-Sea was pelletized to 0.060 g per piece during the Table 1. Growth, total diet intake (TDI), daily feeding rate (DFR), and feeding efficiency (FE) of male Cottus pollux ME among the 9 groups reared in different water temperatures for 3 30-day periods WT (℃) 101214161820222426 1st period BW (g) Initial (n = 5) 10.23±2.31 9.92±2.35 9.99±2.15 10.12±1.94 9.92±1.67 9.72±1.85 9.70±1.62 9.23±1.41 9.88±1.62 Final (n = 5) 11.46±2.83 11.12±3.05 11.63±2.14 12.32±2.42 11.93±2.23 11.59±2.56 10.96±1.55 10.06±1.60 9.18±1.39 DGR (%, n = 5) 0.39±0.12 0.38±0.15 0.58±0.33 0.74±0.29 0.67±0.29 0.62±0.20 0.46±0.22 0.30±0.18 -0.23±0.20 TDI (g) 12.30 12.72 16.50 18.36 19.62 20.76 18.78 15.03 8.40 DFR (%, n = 30) 0.76±0.39 0.81±0.34 1.01±0.42 1.10±0.35 1.20±0.36 1.30±0.34 1.21±0.35 1.03±0.35 0.59±0.26 FE (%) 49.84 47.41 49.70 59.91 51.27 44.94 33.60 27.48 -41.91 2nd period BW (g) Initial (n = 5) 13.08±2.35 13.67±2.70 13.13±1.98 13.67±2.06 14.34±2.75 13.98±2.88 14.19±3.79 13.67±3.06 14.54±2.95 Final (n = 5) 14.80±2.32 16.08±3.03 15.32±3.01 16.92±2.24 16.72±2.95 15.92±4.08 15.36±3.87 14.00±2.51 15.30±3.11 DGR (%, n = 5) 0.45±0.13 0.60±0.11 0.53±0.22 1.08±0.50 0.57±0.24 0.43±0.21 0.28±0.11 0.11±0.20 -0.06±0.19 TDI (g) 15.12 20.56 21.20 27.36 27.52 25.84 23.92 22.92 19.16 DFR (%, n = 30) 0.73±0.71 0.93±0.59 1.00±0.60 1.21±0.62 1.19±0.44 1.16±0.38 1.08±0.32 1.11±0.42 0.89±0.24 FE (%) 56.61 58.71 51.65 59.43 43.28 37.42 24.46 7.24 -6.21 3rd period BW (g) Initial (n = 5) 19.81±3.84 19.50±3.29 19.68±3.48 20.97±2.92 21.78±5.04 21.16±3.73 21.81±3.52 21.80±5.67 22.22±5.15 Final (n = 5) 22.40±4.01 22.46±3.99 24.62±4.63 24.50±3.93 24.66±6.03 24.92±4.13 23.73±4.32 23.07±6.38 22.40±5.43 DGR (%, n = 5) 0.45±0.15 0.50±0.11 0.83±0.15 0.55±0.16 0.43±0.16 0.60±0.17 0.29±0.12 0.18±0.21 0.02±0.09 TDI (g) 22.12 26.70 35.98 31.61 32.41 35.09 29.45 32.18 23.00 DFR (%, n = 30) 0.70±0.30 0.85±0.46 1.09±0.39 0.94±0.46 0.93±0.34 1.02±0.38 0.86±0.36 0.95±0.31 0.69±0.29 FE (%) 58.64 55.54 68.62 55.81 44.37 53.61 32.60 19.70 3.91 Table 2.
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