FEDERAL REGISTER V O LU M E 7 ^ 1934 ¿¡p N U M B E R 142 * Ü N I T E O ^ Washington, Tuesday, July 21, 1942 The President States and of the States and Territories CONTENTS thereof; and to refrain from actual hos­ tility or giving information, aid, or com­ THE PRESIDENT PROCLAMATION 2563 fort to the enemies of the United States P roclamation : P ag e or interfering by word or deed with the State of war between United [S t a t e o f W a r B e t w e e n U n i t e d S t a t e s defense of the United States or the politi­ States and Hungary, Bul­ a n d H u n g a r y , B u l g a r i a , a n d R u m a n i a ] cal processes and public opinions thereof; garia, and Roumania_______ 5535 BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF and to comply strictly with the regula­ REGULATIONS AMERICA tions which may be from time to time promulgated by the President. A l i e n P r o p e r t y C u s t o d i a n : A PROCLAMATION All natives, citizens, denizens, or sub­ Notice of claim arising as re­ W HEREAS the Congress of the United jects of Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, sult of vesting order; adop- States in the exercise of its constitutional being of the age of fourteen years or tion of form__________ 5539 authority has declared, by joint resolu­ upward, who shall be within the United B i t u m i n o u s C o a l D i v i s i o n : tions approved by the President of the States and not actually naturalized, who Districts 17 and 18, minimum United States on June 5, 1942, that a fail to conduct themselves as so enjoined, price schedules, etc_________ 5549 state of war exists between the United in addition to all other penalties pre­ C i v i l A e r o n a u t i c s A dministrator : States of America and Hungary, R u­ scribed by law, shall be liable to restraint, Airway traffic control; certain mania, and Bulgaria; and or to give security, or to remove and areas and radio fixes re­ WHEREAS by sections 21, 22, 23, and depart from the United States in the designated _____ ___________ _ 5540 24 of title 50 of the United States Code, manner prescribed by sections 23 and Civil airways, of certain green provision is made for the regulation of 24 of title 50 of the United States Code and blue airways redesig­ the conduct and apprehension of natives, and as prescribed in regulations -duly nated----------------------------------- 5540 citizens, denizens, or subjects of a hostile promulgated by the President. C o m m e r c e D e p a r t m e n t : nation or government, being of the age of And pursuant to the authority vested Limitation on authority to ap­ fourteen years and upward, who shall be in me as aforesaid I hereby declare and prove certain projects_____ 5540 within the United States and not actually prescribe the following regulation, which C o m m o d i t y C r e d it C o r p o r a t i o n : naturalized: . I find necessary in the premises and for Loan instructions, 1942; rye, NOW, THEREFORE, I, FRANKLIN D. the public safety: barley, grain sorghums____ 5537 ROOSEVELT, President of the United Any native, citizen, denizen, or subject C u s t o m s B u r e a u : States of America, do hereby make proc­ of Hungary, Rumania, or Bulgaria, of Identification cards for licensed lamation to all whom it may concern that the age of fourteen years and upward, cartmen, lightermen, etc___ 5541 a state of war exists between the United and not actually naturalized, who, in the F e d e r a l T r a d e C o m m i s s i o n : States and Hungary, Rumania, and Bul­ judgment of the Attorney General or the garia. - M ar-G old H ealth Products Secretary of War, as the case may be, Corp., cease and desist or­ And acting under and by virtue of the Is aiding, or about to aid, the enemy, authority vested in me by the Constitu­ d er.,,.________________ 2______ 5540 or who may be at large to the danger F o o d a n d D r u g A dministration : tion of the United States and the said of the public peace or safety, or who, Canned fruit cocktail, defini­ sections of the United States Code, I do in the judgment of the Attorney General tions and standards of hereby further proclaim and direct that or the Secretary of War, as the case may the conduct to be observed on the part be, is violating, or is about to violate any identity______________________ 5542 of the United States toward all natives, regulation adopted and promulgated by G r a z i n g S e r v i c e : citizens, denizens, or subjects of H un­ the President, or any criminal law of the Nevada, modification of Grazing gary, Rumania, and Bulgaria, being of United States or of the States or Terri­ District No. 2________________ 5572 the age of fourteen years and upward, tories thereof, shall be subject to sum­ I n t e r s t a t e C o m m e r c e C o m m i s ­ who shall be within the United States or mary arrest as an alien enemy and to s i o n : within any territories in any way subject confinement in a place of detention, as Postponement of effective date to the jurisdiction of the United States may be directed by the President or by of portion of tariff circu­ and not actually naturalized, shall be as lar-------------------------, ----------- 5572 follows: any executive officer hereafter desig­ nated by the President of the United O f f i c e o f P r i c e A dministration : All natives, citizens, denizens, or sub­ States. Maximum price regulation, gen­ jects of Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria And pursuant to the authority vested eral: are enjoined to preserve the peace to­ in me, I hereby charge the Attorney Adjustments in special deals; wards the United States and to refrain General with the duty of executing the amendment 14___________ 5565 from crime against the public safety, and above regulation and all regulations here­ Dow Chemical Co., order 36__ 5571 from violating the laws of the United after adopted and promulgated regard- (Continued on next page) 5535 5536 FEDERAL REGISTER, Tuesday, July 21, 1942 CONTENTS— Continued ing the conduct of natives, citizens, deni­ zens or subjects of Hungary, Rumania, W ar P roduction B oard—C on. Pa8e and Bulgaria within continental United FEDEMppREGISTER Officers’ military insignia, L-131- 5556 States, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Is­ Silk hosiery, used, M-182---------- 55!j>7 lands, and the Secretary of W ar with the Sole leather, amendment 2 to duty of executing the above regulation M -8 0 ________h________________ 5556 and all regulations hereafter adopted and promulgated regarding the conduct of NOTICES Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, natives, citizens, denizens, or subjects of and days following legal holidays by the B itu m in o us Coal D iv is io n : Hungary, Rumania, and Bulgaria in Division of the Federal Register, The National Alaska, the Canal Zone, the Hawaiian Is­ Archives, pursuant to the authority con­ Delta Coal M ining Co., tempo­ tained in the Federal Register Act, approved rary relief granted_________ 5573 lands, and the Philippine Islands. Each July 26, 1935 (49 Stat. 500), under regula­ Sheban Mining Co., code mem­ of them is specifically directed to cause tions prescribed by the Administrative Com­ bership revocation_________ 5573 the apprehension of any native, citizen, mittee, approved by the President. Williamson, J. B., hearing_____ 5573 denizen, or subject of Hungary, Rumania, The Administrative Committee consists of Civil A eronautics B oard: or Bulgaria who in the judgment of each the Archivist or Acting Archivist, an officer Hearings: is subject to apprehension as an alien of the Department of Justice designated by American Airlines, Inc_______ 5576 enemy under such regulations. In carry­ the Attorney General, and the Public Printer ing out such regulations within the con­ or Acting Public Printer. Eastern Air Lines, Inc________ 5576 The daily issue of the Federal Register F ederal T rade C o m m issio n : tinental United States, Puerto Rico, and will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free Clara Stanton, Druggist to the Virgin Islands, the Attorney General of postage, for $1.25 per month or $12.50 per Women; correction of find­ is authorized to utilize such agents, agen­ year, payable in advance. Remit money or­ ings of facts_____ ___________ 5581 cies, officers and departments of the der payable to the Superintendent of Docu­ F ood and D rug A dministration: United States and' of the several states, ments directly to the Government Printing Cream cheese, etc., proposed territories, dependencies, and municipal­ Office, Washington, D. C. The charge for ities thereof and of the District of Colum­ single copies (minimum, 101) varies in pro­ order fixing definition and portion to the size of the issue. standard of identity________ 5576 bia as he may select for the purpose.
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