aE- soDalt+ @ 545q, 10 Lffi--rfr"d"* wrsr BENGAL ,6.n.4 t6ot x s26835 ,h..4 t.'l5/ ,, tslihx *-t'^,-N**r^ ?. 1\ oa{' \--,/ i-^,, ' .' U1t"c'" this /!! dav of septeuber Two F. "r{^" PowER oF ATToRNE-Y is mide l.> itou*na Sevente€n bv-(l)-M/s W!NDERLII\D,Y}TT+,,1-|v^|::: I. eeecwo+ztE)' having its registered.offtce at^871/2' Loudon iiliriilo, fpeli, (2) M/s - street. P.O. Circus Avenue, P.S. Shakespeire Sarani' Kolkata 700017 ! N;Bi; iRExma pnwlrr ltr"lrbo, eAN: AABcNss60A)' havins its . i"eit-"*a office at 33A, chandranarlr s5*1,L9 | ;f;;;;.;'i.G"-rooozs (3) M/s PANGITAT-9!g:Ij-": AGEr'*cY PRIV.\Io-*,,,^n;l: l,f *l;.,**,f#*l?;n#',;Li:i:i.',1"{[iiry:i"fii ':!i'i*l;#jfrIi"U*ffi:;il:'dU3q* iill' iliexn-inacom i'mvrrr LTMIJED, (PAN: A-4ccG58e8B)' ''.,*i}l*tft m,';i[:;iffi'"1,".fi #ff 11]"1]"'1]$ti"it',]'i-il#i+ "f ""'" iirtlnro tpen, r'nncv2c'tll), havilg is registercd office at 23ll' NI D' t t I ^W I I t I I -,i- 2{?03 3'! JUL 200' l{o.............,ns..l 001 - oatc., --.... Nenc:-S. R. Dis Atluocatc Addrcsst-,llinrrr l.'lir. (,.,,i.. (,)1.:7 Alipor't r.',;il,:ctrrrat-. _,r l,:to lSl suBi..,:r,.,! tt.,,,_. ST.{},ii ', r,:,;..,1 i.l !lu-; r. Xol,27 fi(ilition&",,., ri., o11 A3ssrances I u i(olkrirl *:^ !G?AJ Pr; ,ooL jilrut4Xv klo lt- P-.r, ,;,r,e$, 2l tig i,l-y P.o - pa^u,+t!i,:ilffi, - P.s - ?at,.lr rJt -7o0047 Road. P.O. & P.S. Burrabazar, Kolkata-700007 (6) M/s AKSHARA COMMODEAL PRMTE LIMITED (PAN: AAICA4106E), having its registered office at 3, Mangoe Lane, P.O. General Post Oflice (GPO), P.S. Hare Street, Kolkata-700001 (7) M/s DIGNITY SALES PRMTE LIMITED @AN: AACCD39I6H), having its registered office at Kriparampur, Amtala, Diamond Harbour Road, P.O. Sukhdevpur, P.S. Bishnupore, Kolkata-743503 (8) M/s TRIBUNE COMMERCE PRIVATE LIMITED (PAN: AACCT4672L), having its rcgistered office at 8/112, Loudon Street, P.O. Circus Avenue, P.S, Shakespeare Sarani, Kolkata-700017 (9) M/s PLANET COMMERCIAL PRMTE LIMITED @AN: AADCP9254D), having its rcgistered oflice at 1, British Indian Street, P.O. Esplanade, P.S. Hare Street, Kolkata -700069, all the Companies registered under the Companies Act, 1956, rcprcsented by their Authorized SigDatory Mr. Rachit D. Satrghvi, (PAN:AHSPD349IP), son ofMr. Dinesh Sanghvi, by occupation Service, by faith Hindu, Citizen of India, working for gain at 22, Prnce Anwar Shah Road, P.O. Tollygunge, P.S. Charu Market, Kolkata-700033, hereinafter collectively referred to as the OWNERS /PRINCIPALS in favou! of (1) Mr. Pradip B. Mehta @AN: AFLPM5857P) son oflate Bhogi Lal Mehta, representative ofthe Developer, Merlin Projects Ltd, by occupation Service, faith Hindu, working for gain at 22, Prince Anwar Shah Road, P.O. Tollygunge, P. S. Charu Market, Kolkata - 700 033 (2) Mr. Dinesh Sanghvi (PAN: AV[IPS5fT2K ), son of Late Gopatji V. Sanghvi, representative of the Developer, Noble Trexim Pvt. Ltd' by occupation Business Service, faith Hindu, working for gain at 33A, Chandmnath Chatterjee Street, P.O. and P. S. Bhowanipore, Kolkata - 700 025, hereinafter refened to as thE ATTORNEYS. WHEREAS: A) The Owners/Principals arc the absolute joint owne6, seized and possessed of and/or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to ALL THAT the Municipal Premises No. 94K, G.T. Road, Kotrung, under Ward No 2 of UttarpaB Kotrung Municipality, P.O. Hindmotor, P.S. Uttalpam, District Hooghly, Pin - 712233, TOGETHER WITH all sheds and structues standing thereon (more fully and particularly described in the Schedule hereunder written and hereinafter referred to as the "Said Property")' B) The Owners/Principals have entered into a Joint Development Agrcement (JDA) dtd. 05.09.2017, duly registered at the OfIice ofAdditional Registrar of Assuances - III Kolkata, Being No.l9030o2ejo for the year 2017, with Merlin Projects Ltd. & Noble Trexim Pvt. Ltd, for the development of the "Said Property" on the terms and conditions mentioned therein' / -.-:--,, '/'' ( ll ^ aAaitionlt tr,:{.t,.trar Jl )"{Ar:,rrances, ,*TJ Ii Kolkabrr C) In pur$ant to and the terms and conditions of the said Development Agrcement, the Owners/Pdncipals are executing this Power of Attomey in favour of the rcprcsentatives of the said Developers Merlin Projects Ltd. and Noble Trexim P\4. Ltd, Mr. Pradip B. Mehta and Mr. Dinesh Sanghvi respectively, to be our true and lawful attomeys and in our name, place and stead to do the following acts, deeds and things, rclated for the development of the "Said Property" jointly and/or severally. NOW KNOW ALL MEN BY TIIESE PRESENTS WITNESSETH ThAt, WC Owners above named do hereby appoint, nominate and constitute Mr. Pradip B. Mehta atrd Mr. Ditresh Sanghvi, to be our true and lawful Aftomeys and in our name, place and stead to do the following acts and deeds and things for the development ofthe "Said Property" jointly and/or severally that is to say: l. To take all the necessary steps like appointing Architects, Engineers, Surveyors, and other consultants, as may be required for survey, soil testing, preparing the proposed building plan and obtaining the sanction and/or revised sanctioned thereof, from the Uttarpara Kotrung Municipality (JKtrO and/or other concemed authorities for development of the "Said Propeffy", and to make the payment of their fees/charges. 2. To represent us before the appropriate registering authority for the puPose of registration of boundary declaration, and/or any other document, as may be required and to admit the exeaution thereof and receive the same aft€I the registration. for the above said purpose. 3. To take all the necessary steps including to execute, sign, submit and receive all the documents, which may be required for obtaining, the necessary permissions, clearances, approvals and sanctions aom the various authorities including the sanction of Foposed building plan and/or rcvised sanction plans from the Unarpara Kotrung Municipality, (UKM) and /or other statutory authority in respect ofthe "Said Property". 4. To take alt the necessary steps and/or to sign necessary documents, to pay the sanction fees and/or charges for obtaining and receiving the proposed sanction plan, and/or revised sanition plan from the Uttarpara Kotrung Municipality' iUftto in ttre narne of Owner, for developing a residential complex at the "said Property". 5. To sign, execute, register and submit all deeds, applications, indemnities, affidaviti declarationt und oth". pup".t as may be necessary and/or reqlired for obtaining the sanction -Cfffr4plan and/or rcvised sanctioned plans from the Uttarpam KotrunglMunicipality, una also for other permissions, approvals and 'r eoo{ion"r Huqi.jra, o1[ lers.;>rc"" I Il i(olkzor,r t_ rernJ clearances from time to time, for the development ofthe "Said Property" in tems ofthe said Dovelopment Agreement dtd. 05.09.2017. 6. To mortgage and/or create the charge upon the "Said Property" and to deposit the title deeds for crcating an equitable charge and/or mortgage, and for the said pupose, to sign and execute all deeds, documents, instruments and papers, as may be necessary and/or required and to cause the same to be registered with the authorities concemed. 7. To take all the necessary steps fo! marketing and selling of the flats/units in the new building/s to be constructed on the "Said Property" and for that purpose to do the booking and / or enter into an agreement for sale, or to execute the deed of conveyance in favour of the prospective purchaser/s, and to receive the advance amount and/or sale considerdtion from such prospective purchaser/s and to issue the valid receipt thereof. 8. To execute, present and register th€ deed ofconveyance/s and /or agreement for sale before the concemed registrar and/or authority for effectually selling and./or transfening, the flats /urits, to the prospective purchaser/s, and to receive such registered documents from the registrar/concemed authority. 9. To appropriate and./ or disburse the advance amount and/or sale consideration amount recaived from the prospective purchaser/s to the Ownels and the Developers, in terms ofthe said Development Agreement dtd. 05.09.2017. 10. To sign, submit and receive the drainage plan, intemal water line, sinking of tube well, permission for lift erection, supPly ofelectricity and for other utiliries as may be necessary for the construction and development of the proposed building/s at the 'Said Property'. 11. To wam off, prchibit and if necessary proceed against in due process of law against all tlespassels on the "Said Property" or any parts thereof and to take appropriate steps whether by action or otherwise including filing ofcomplaints in loiic" Station/ Oepartrnents and to represent the Owners/Principals before the appropriate Police Authority and to approach appropriate court of law, if required foi tt e "Sula Rrop".ty" and to abate nuisances as may be necessary to protect the "Said Property". 12. To apply for and obtain such Certificate and/or permission under any law ."lating toiiltittg on Urban land or any other law relating to land and/or Building or any other statutory @oth urban and Rural) or under the Income Tax Act, to authority/ authorities or under any other law or laws for the time being in force 4 t I ioair'*r, rregi"rrar it lAssuranceslarnJ tlt Kolkatf and as may be required for more fully ellectuating the powers herein contained with regard to the development of the "Said Prcperty". 13. To represent the Owners/Principals in any of the Couts, all departments of Uttaryara Kotrung Municipality, (UKN0 and concemed Oflices of B.L.& L.RO., D.L.& L.R.O., District Magistate, Urban Land Ceiling Department, Police DepMment, CESC Limited/wBSEDCL, West Bengal Fire and Emergency Services, Chief Electrical Inspector, Got4.
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