301 Index References to footnotes will be followed by the letter ‘n’. a authenticity (cheng) a posteriori nature 115, 116, 132, cosmology of Zhou Dunyi 58–59 160–161, 176 as essential virtue 222–223 a priori intuitionism 132, 160, 246, nature of qi 105 249–252 and respectfulness 212–215 see also Wang, Yangming automaticity 187, 188, 189 a priori nature 160–161 Ayala, Francisco J. 247 absolute nothingness/void 82 see also being and nothingness b debate; emptiness; Bai, Tongdong 56 formlessness; nonbeing; void Behuniak Jr, James 89 and cosmology of Zhou Dunyi 40, being and nothingness debate 12, 34, 42, 45, 47, 52, 55–57 38–51, 57, 72, 77 action, unity with knowledge see also void 218–219, 258–262 absolute nothingness 40, 42, 45, 47, Adler, Joseph A. 31, 32 52, 55, 56, 57, 69, 70, 74 altruism 195, 208–212, 275–277 concepts 38–39 reciprocal 208–209 ethical application of doctrine of Ames, Roger 39 being 49–50 Analects, The 22, 27, 112, 132, 199, forms 39–47 209, 210,COPYRIGHTED 222, 233, 237 nonbeing MATERIAL 39, 44–47, 52, 55 Angle, Stephen C. 4n, 184n, 227n origins of being 69–70 arché (origin/beginning) 6 School of Being 47, 50 Aristotle 6, 109, 183, 216 substance 44, 45 Armstrong, David 18 wu (nothingness), as ontological Arplay, Nomy 201 basis of all existence 42, 45 Asch, Solomon 280–281 being watchful when one is alone attribution error 223 see shendu (being watchful attunement 234 when one is alone) Neo-Confucianism: Metaphysics, Mind, and Morality, First Edition. JeeLoo Liu. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Published 2018 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc. 0003114621.INDD 301 05/02/2017 12:33:47 PM 302 Index beyond physical form see xingershang Cheng, Chung‐Ying 10–11, 97, (beyond physical form) 108, 110 Blasi, Augusto 184, 190 Cheng, Hao 4n, 8, 9, 12–13, 13, 17, Bloom, Irene 32n 19, 20–22, 31, 85, 86, 86–88, Bodde, Derk 31n, 32 91–94, 118, 130, 131, 205–226 Book of Changes (Yijing) see Yijing Cheng, Yi 8, 9, 9–10, 12–14, 17, (Book of Changes) 19–23, 31, 83, 85–94, 96, 115, Book of Documents (Shangshu) 133, 116, 118, 130, 168, 169, 236–237 205–226 Book of Rites (Liji) 22, 162 see also Cheng–Zhu school Boundlessness (wuji) 51, 52, 56, 72 Cheng, Yishan 61, 62n, 69, 70n, 80, 81 see also Wuji concept Cheng brothers see Cheng, Hao; (boundlessness) Cheng, Yi A Brief Exposition of the Essence of Cheng–Zhu school 6, 7, 8, 14, 22, 31, Laozi’s Teachings (Wang, Bi) 82, 102, 150 43, 45 see also Cheng, Hao; Cheng, Yi brilliance (ming) see ming (brilliance) distinguished from Lu–Wang Brink, David O. 228–229, 2266 school 139 Buddhism 2, 20, 22, 35, 45, 72, 77, 89, moral psychology 158, 168, 169, 105, 116, 234 172, 178 see also emptiness heavenly principle 86, 87, 103, 233 Chinese 1, 13–14, 163, 172 normative realism 13, 85–102, 117, Huayan 6 120, 221–222 Chinese Buddhism 1, 13–14, 163, 172 c Ching, Julia 151n cai (natural talents/capabilities) classical Confucianism see 167–170, 269 Confucianism, classical cardinal virtues see four cardinal coherence, principle as 90 virtues Colby, Anne 186, 190, 194, 195 causation, supervenience 98–101 Commentary on Laozi’s Daodejing Chan, Wing‐cheuk 76n, 82 (Wang, Bi) 43 Chan, Wing‐tsit 6, 9, 10n, 13, 16, 22, Commentary on the Zhuangzi (Guo 32, 34, 38, 39, 40n, 41–44, 48–49, Xiang) 48 50n, 51, 63, 64n, 70n, 91, 95, 96, compassion/commiseration 3, 141, 98n, 139, 140, 141, 209, 232n 164–165, 175, 176–177 chaos, state of 55, 62–63, 79, 85, 113 see also empathy Chen, Lai 53, 54, 70, 72, 92, 96, 98n, complementarities principle 43 106–107, 146 concrete existence 115, 116 Chen, Tuan 35, 37, 38, 59 concrete things 52–53, 92, 97, 111 Chen, Yi 35 see also function, and substance Chen, Yufu 38 material and immaterial things, qi as Chen, Yun 27, 104n, 178 constituent of 76–77 cheng see authenticity (cheng) prior to formation 71–72 0003114621.INDD 302 05/02/2017 12:33:47 PM Index 303 qi theory of Zang Zai 65, 71–72, of Zhang Heng 70 73, 76–77, 81 of Zhou Dunyi 31–60 unification with Dao 115–117 creation ex nihilo 55, 56 Confucianism, classical 2, 13 Cua, Antonio S. 4n see also Neo‐Confucianism Cui, Jing 110 Daoism distinguished 38–39 ethical theories 15, 16 d and human nature 87 Dai, Zhen 116 Neo‐Confucianism distinguished 3 Damon, William 186, 190, 194, 195 universal moral essence 169 Dao 40, 41, 63, 112 Confucius 13, 15, 16, 19, 34, 50, see also heaven and earth 132, 161, 168, 191, 193, 196, distinguished from principle 7–8, 198–199, 209, 210, 222, 223, 114, 115 233, 237, 270, 282 heart of 133 constitutions 32, 68, 79, 81, 127, and heavenly principle 86, 87 167, 207 as highest moral truth 146 inborn/innate 125, 130, 164 life‐generating process 90 physical 126, 127, 129, 131, ontological layer 92 159, 220 unification with concrete things of qi 77, 100, 126, 129–132, 135, 115–117 157–159, 167, 200 Daodejing (Daoist text) 26, 32, 34, yin and yang 11, 113 38n, 40–44, 46, 75 Correcting Youthful Ignorance (Zhang Daoism 2, 12, 20, 22, 31, 32, Zai) 20, 105 35, 45, 50, 51, 89, 90, 92, cosmic accident 12, 85 114, 116 cosmic necessity see Necessitarian Confucianism distinguished Theory of Laws of Nature 38–39 cosmic principle concept 77, 95 metaphysics 61, 92 cosmic state, initial see supreme Darley, John M. 278, 279, 2275 vacuity (initial cosmic state) Darwin, Charles 246–247, 250 cosmogony 12, 67, 69 Davidson, Philip 193–194 chaos, state of 62–63n Davis, Bret W. 45n and cosmology of Zhou Dunyi 34, day and year, analogy of 89 42, 43, 48, 52, 59 De Bary, William Theodore 31n, 32 Daoist 61, 68, 69, 72, 74 De Sousa, Ronald 165n, 166 primordial qi concept see primordial De Waal, Frans 159 qi concept 64–65 deference (jing) 3, 237 cosmology Deleuze, Gilles 276, 278 see also qi (cosmic energy) Deonna, Julien A. 163 Confucian compared to Daoist 69 deontology 5, 183, 184 Daoist 69, 70, 72 Descartes, René 82, 109 initial cosmic state see supreme descriptive dimension vacuity (initial cosmic state) (how things are) 87 0003114621.INDD 303 05/02/2017 12:33:47 PM 304 Index desires 133, 198 and moral sentiments 164, affirmation of 172–174 174–177, 177 and emotions 134, 163 natural 162–164, 163, 165, 169, eradicating 19, 178, 254–258 174–177 gratification of 173–174 seven 162 and moral essence 163 empathy 159, 176, 209, 248, 270, 271, morally objectionable 167 272, 276, 282 natural 166–167 see also compassion/commiseration personal, distinguished from selfish empathy‐altruism hypothesis 258 173, 174 lack of 168, 169 selfish 254–258 emptiness 77, 105 and self‐regulation 198–199 see also being and nothingness and volition 136, 198 debate; formlessness; determinism 50n, 169, 186 supreme vacuity (initial Ding, Weixiang 70 cosmic state); void Discourse on Heaven (Liu and cosmology of Zhou Dunyi Zongyuan) 73 35, 39, 40, 42, 44–46, 45 disgust 3, 132, 165–166 supreme vacuity (initial cosmic dispositions, physical and state) 71–73 psychological 131 epistemology Disquisitions (Wang Chong) 68–69 moral epistemology 17, 18, 228–235 division, problem of 68 virtue epistemology 205–226 Doctrine of the Mean 22, 31, 87n, equilibrium, supreme 74–76 105n, 126, 129, 136, 212 Erikson, Erik 213 Dong, Zhongshu 61, 62, 68–69 eternalism 96 Doris, John M. 16–17, 201, 202, 205 ether 81 Downes, Stephen M. 251 ethical rationalism 17, 174, 232 dualism 97, 98 ethics Duan, Yucai 40, 51 see also morality Dweck, Carol S. 184 empirical turn in 183 ethical action 239–242 e ethical rationalism 17, 174 East Asian Buddhism 89 ethical reality 147 see also Buddhism ethical teachings 15 Einstein, Albert 55n, 81 and metaphysics 94, 152, 154 emotions evil 3, 133 amoral 174–175 created by men 169 arising from contacts with external good and evil, root 130–132 objects 163 innate 168 defined 162 origin 176 and desires 134, 163 existentialism 157 and moral essence 163, 177 The Exposition of the Taiji Diagram moral psychology (Zhu (Zhou Dunyi) 31, 33, 34, Xi) 132–135 35, 52, 53 0003114621.INDD 304 05/02/2017 12:33:47 PM Index 305 extension generation, problem of 68 care for others 176 globalism 16, 17, 205, 206 of empathy 272 globalist virtue ethics 17, 205–226 of knowledge 227, 228–235 goodness doctrine of the goodness of qi 107 f good and evil, root 130–132 fair‐mindedness 210 of human nature 128, 134, 190 Fang, Yizhi 80–81 innate, questions as to existence 3 Feng, Youlan 32, 35n, 59, 115 of qi 158 Festingei, L. 280 and rightness 241 Five Agents 94, 95 Goose Lake debate (1175) 34–35, 151 Five Classics 25, 27, 40n Graham, Angus C. 6, 38, 39, 90, Five Constant Virtues 58–59 92, 93 Flanagan, Owen 15 Grand Chaos 67 flood‐like qi 193 Grand Obscurity 66, 67 formlessness 10, 73, 76, 79, 80, 105, Grand Singularity 63 108, 110, 116 Great Element 66, 67 see also being and nothingness Great Equilibrium 105, 106 debate; emptiness; supreme Great Incipience 67 vacuity (initial cosmic state); The Great Learning 2, 22, 219 void Great Ultimate 107 and cosmology of Zhou Dunyi 41, Great Vacuity 105–106, 108, 44, 54 111, 120 primordial qi concept 62–67 see also substance; supreme vacuity supreme vacuity (initial cosmic (initial cosmic state) state) 70, 71, 73 Greco, John 215 foundationalism 238 Gu, Jun 48, 50 four cardinal virtues 62, 128 Guo, Xiang 47, 48–49, 50 Four Classics 22, 120 Guo, Yu 38, 53, 57 Frankfurt, Harry 198 free will 208 h functional analysis/function habituation 132, 160, 161, 168, 169, functions of the mind 161–171 171, 176, 185, 189, 203 and particular principle 128 accumulation of 192–195 substance and function 44, 70n Haidt, Jonathan 15, 187 unification of 107–112 Hall, David 39 teleology 109–110 Han dynasty (206 bce–220 ce) 39, 40n, 54n, 57, 61n, 66, 68, 70n g Hanfeizi 7, 16 Ganeri, Jonardon 252 Harman, Gilbert 206, 207, 215, 222, “Gang of Seven in the Bamboo Forest,” 223, 226n 46, 48n harmonica universalis 82 Gaozi 161 He, Yan 42, 43, 46 Gardner, Daniel K.
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