J. SE Asian Appl. Geol., Jul–Dec 2009, Vol. 1(2), pp. 32-36 ROAD TO EARTHQUAKE MITIGATION: LESSON LEARNT FROM THE YOGYAKARTA EARTHQUAKE 2006 Subagyo Pramumijoyo∗1 1Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia Abstract drilling until 60 m each, measuring seismic veloc- ity on bore hole, and magneto telluric measurement. At early in the morning of May 27, 2006, people We also have helped by Kyushu University in in- of Yogyakarta was stroke by earthquake and mostly stalling micro seismic net work. The research was heavily damaged building are in lowland or Yo- followed by either undergraduate and graduate stu- gyakarta depression where is occupied by the Young dents. Fortunately our research was financed by Merapi sediments. The magnitude of earthquake is AUN/Seed Net - JICA. Some of the results were pub- Mw = 6.2 and USGS rapid moment tensor shows lished in a book entitled The Yogyakarta Earthquake that this earthquake was due to strike-slip fault of May 27, 2006. Another outcome is the Maps movement. of Microzonation and Earthquake Hazard of Bantul Seismic history of Yogyakarta area shows that Yo- Area that dedicated to Bantul people. gyakarta was stroke by several earthquakes with dif- Based on aerial photograph observation and field ferent epicenter location. At least two earthquakes observation on Bantul Regency, especially along the stroke the area, that is in 1876 and 1943. The dam- Opak River, and to Wonosari to the East, there was ages are similar to the damages of actual earthquake. no surface ruptures, so there is no fault on sur- Yogyakarta depression is mostly covered by Young face. Interpretation of aftershock data was showing Merapi sediments that consist of tuff, volcanic ash, the difference cluster. There is still open problem in breccias, agglomerate and lava with Quaternary in determining either epicenter or aftershock location. age. The thickness of this sediment is up to 100 m. The damage building was interpreted as due to its Our reactive work was to establish firstly zone of geologic setting, non engineered building, and close damage. For this purpose, we made aerial photo- to epicenter of earthquake. This heavily damaged graph along the most damaged area. In the same time building are located on the Young Merapi sediments one of our teams go to the field to measure the cracks, at Bantul Regency and lake deposits at Gantiwarno and the other teams to observe liquefaction, hydro and Bayat area where it can amplify the surface seis- geologic measurement, and observation on landslide mic wave. It implies that Peak Ground Acceleration induce by earthquake. Secondly, we must under- according to Indonesian National Standard should stand the soil properties and its thickness, because in be modified in Yogyakarta area. seismic history it was a similar damage on the same Keywords: Earthquake, seismic, epicenter, micro- area due to earthquakes however the earthquake epi- tremor, microzonation. centers were different. For this purpose we utilize the method of micro-tremors. We also made some 1 Introduction ∗Corresponding author: S. PRAMUMIJOYO, Depart- On Saturday morning of May 27, 2006, at ment of Geological Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, 5:53:59 AM Yogyakarta was stroke by earth- Gadjah Mada University, Jl. Grafika 2 Yogyakarta, 55281, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] quake According to United States Geological 32 ROAD TO EARTHQUAKE MITIGATION: LESSON LEARNT FROM THE YOGYAKARTA EARTHQUAKE Survey (USGS) this earthquake epicenter lo- ing since the emergency perceptive phase of cated at 25 km south-south east of Yogyakarta Disaster Cycle (Sutaryo, 2007) with Mw: 6.2, but according to Indonesian Me- teorological and Geophysical Agency (BMG) 2 Geology of Yogyakarta area in brief the epicenter is located at 40 km south of Yo- gyakarta with 5.9 Richter scale. USGS rapid Yogyakarta is located in a depression which is moment tensor shows that this earthquake was on the west limited by Kulon Progo Mountains due to strike-slip fault movement. and to the east bounded by Southern Moun- This earthquake is not great earthquake how- tains. ever it has resulted 5,048 victims, 19,401 serious Geology of Kulon Progo Mountains consist injuries, 8,437 minor injuries, 487 paralyzed and of Nanggulan Formation that consists of sand- 430,374 houses were damaged. The total cost of stone with lignite intercalation, sandy marls lose is Rp 29,1 trillion with currency: US$ 1.- = and claystone with limonite concretion and in- Rp. 9000.- (Yuswantana et al., 2007). In fact it tercalation with marls and limestone, sandstone is not the first time Yogyakarta was stroke by and tuff, with Eocene in age. This forma- earthquake. According to Newcomb and Mc- tion was covered unconformable by Old An- Cann (1987) there were some great earthquakes desite Formation that consists of andesitic brec- stroke Yogyakarta, there are: in January 4, 1840; cias, tuff, lapilli tuff, agglomerate and andesitic June 10, 1867; and March 28, 1875 and resulted lava intercalation. The age of this formation from multi sources. The 1840 event had very is Oligocene-Early Miocene. This formation localized tsunami area and in Yogyakarta may was covered unconformable by Jonggrangan be felt earthquake with MMI > VIII, possibly Formation that consists of conglomerate, tuffa- an epicenter on the sea or inland epicenter near ceous marl, calcareous sandstone with lignite coast line so that landslides occurred on steep intercalation, bedded limestone and coral lime- coast and resulted a small tsunami. The 1867 stone, with Middle Miocene in age. This for- event was no tsunami and indicate inland epi- mation is overlain by Sentolo Formation that center. This event heavily damaged building consists of limestone and marly sandstone. The and in Yogyakarta felt earthquake with MMI > Sentolo Formation spread along the lower hills VIII. The 1875 event was similar with the 1867 surrounding Progo River, east of the Mountains event, but Yogyakarta only stroke by earth- with age of Middle Miocene - Pliocene. quake with MMI = V-VII. No tsunami was re- To the east, the Southern Mountain consist ported in this event. According to Visser (1922 of: Semilir Formation that consists of tuffa- vide Husein et al., 2007) the 1867 event resulted ceous breccias, pumiceous breccias, dasitic tuff, 5 victims and 372 heavily damaged building in- andesitic tuff and tuffaceous claystone with cluding the water castle that the ruin is still ex- age of Oligo-Miocene; Nglanggran Formation ist until now. In 1943, it was earthquake that that consist of andesitic breccias, agglomer- resulted in Bantul regency, 31 victims, 564 in- ate, lava and tuff of Early Miocene; Sambip- juries, and 2.682 damaged building (van Bem- itu Formation that consists of tuff, shale, silt- melen, 1949). stone, sandstone and conglomerate of Middle The increase number of victims and damage Miocene; Wonosari Formation that consists of building is showing ignorance of people to the coral limestone, calcarenite and tuffaceous cal- impact of the earthquakes, it is also means that carenite with Early Miocene - Pliocene in age; people ignore the geology of the area and it ig- Kepek Formation that consists of marl and bed- nore the environment where they live in. Based ded limestone of Pliocene in age. on this fact the Geological Engineering Depart- Yogyakarta depression is mostly covered by ment, Faculty of Engineering, Gadjah Mada Young Merapi sediments that consist of tuff, University would like to mitigate earthquake volcanic ash, breccias, agglomerate and lava in order to minimize the victim together with with Quaternary in age. The thickness of this other disciplines (Karnawati et al., 2007a), start- sediment is up to 100 m (Hendrayana, 1993). c 2009 Department of Geological Engineering, Gadjah Mada University 33 PRAMUMIJOYO River and coastal sediments consist of gravel, tion. Liquefaction can be found at Berbah and sand, silt, and clay with age of Holocene (Ra- Imogiri (Eastern Bantul Regency) and was re- hardjo et al., 1995). ported also at Gantiwarno. Dry digging well is The Quaternary sediment is loose sediments also found, due to liquefaction. comparing to the “bed rock”, sediment up to The earthquake and its aftershock can make Pliocene age. In theory, when surface seismic a rock fall along the escarpment west and north wave pass trough a loose sediment its velocity of Southern Mountain. At Sengir, Prambanan, it should be decrease but its amplitude should be can be found subsidence along 150 m and 25 m increase so that the building on the loose sedi- wide (Karnawati, 2007). At Cermai cave, beside ment should be more shaking than on the base- toppling on its escarpment is also cracking in ment. side the cave (Yudistira , 2007). On the geological map of Yogyakarta quad- Based on BMG announcement on local news- rangle it is a fault system at the border east paper, aftershocks distribution clustered along of depression, that is striking NNE-SSW Kali the Opak River, but according to the result of Opak sub surface fault system. This fault was Kyushu University, Japan, the aftershocks was interpreted from its gravity pattern (Untung et spreading along NNE-SSW line, approximately al., 1973). On the seimotectonic map (Kerta- 10 km to the east of Opak River (Fukuoka et al., pati et al., 1992), this fault is an active fault in prep). but without its kinematics. The fault system On the Southern Mountain, at Ngalang River that was interpreted by Rahardjo et al. (1995), there is ground water level drops that made the was completed by Sudarno (1997). On the de- digging well become dried. This phenomenon pression of Yogyakarta, McDonald (1985, vide is different from those of liquefaction. We be- Hendrayana, 1993) by its bore hole and geo- lieve that there is also change of ground water electricity, interpreted some subsurface faults content, but unfortunately after earthquake the striking N-S and E-W.
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