January 27, 1998 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E7 TRIBUTE TO THE HONORABLE The 1970 Federal Clean Air Act, the creation TRIBUTE TO STEVE SOUTH JOHN E. MOSS of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, and reform of the nation's anti-monopoly laws, HON. BOB FILNER HON. ROBERT T. MATSUI to name but a few. OF CALIFORNIA OF CALIFORNIA Mr. Speaker, since Congressman Moss' IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES passing, tributes have come forth from Presi- Tuesday, January 27, 1998 Tuesday, January 27, 1998 dent Bill Clinton, former President and Mrs. Mr. FILNER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Mr. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise to pay trib- Jimmy Carter, and countless other prominent honor Mr. Steve South, the outgoing President ute to a former member of this body, my men- Americans and Sacramentans. His passion of the National City Chamber of Commerce in tor and predecessor in this House, The Honor- and drive in defending the First Amendment, National City, California, located in my Con- able John E. Moss. As Congressman Moss is advocating consumer and environmental pro- gressional District. Mr. South, the Vice Presi- memorialized today in the city which be rep- tection, and looking after the needs of his Sac- dent and Chief Operating Officer of EDCO resented so well, I ask all of my colleagues to ramento constituency has cemented his leg- Disposal Corporation, a waste collection and join me in saluting his remarkable career in acy as one of this century's great legislative recycling company, served as President of the National City Chamber Board of Directors dur- public service. leaders. On a personal note, as my friend and ing 1997. Throughout the twenty-six years he rep- mentor is eulogized today, I ask all of my col- resented the Sacramento area in this House, During that year, his leadership led to many leagues to join with me in honoring this great successful accomplishments and many ``firsts'' he served with distinction as an effective and and caring husband, father, and legislator. compassionate champion for his constituents. for the Chamber. The first New Member Ori- entations were established, and a new ``Busi- As a skillful legislator, he played a key role in f shaping and passing some of this century's ness Forum'' section of the Chamber news- great legislative achievements, all the while letter was implemented. His leadership also RECOGNIZING THE CHANNAHON spearheaded new levels of membership in the keeping the interests of his district at the fore- PARK DISTRICT front of his concerns. Chamber. Corporate, student and friendship Born in the state of Utah in 1915, John levels were established to broaden the scope Moss' family moved to Sacramento, California HON. JERRY WELLER of the Chamber's ability to recruit new mem- in 1923. There, he went to school and married bers. Jean Kueny in 1935. The couple would have OF ILLINOIS Also for the first time in Chamber history, an ad hoc Strategic Planning Committee was es- two daughters. After serving in the Second IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES World War, Congressman Moss was a busi- tablished to begin developing a vision for the nessman, but he soon heard the call to serve Tuesday, January 27, 1998 Chamber of Commerce. The goals of this in the public sector and he won a seat in the committee are to update the Chamber's mis- California State Assembly in 1948. Mr. WELLER. Mr. Speaker, it is with great sion and to plan the direction of the Chamber Just four years thereafter, at the age of thir- pride that I rise today to recognize the and the economic development of National ty-three, John Emerson Moss was elected to Channahon Park District in Channahon, Illinois City into the 21st Century. the House of Representatives, a position he for winning the 1997 National Gold Medal Mr. South initiated a student and parent rec- would fulfill admirably for the next twenty-six Award. This award acknowledges excellence ognition program with the National School Dis- years. One of Congressman Moss' first orders in parks and recreation administration for trict. A campaign was also established to pro- of business was to persuade then-President agencies serving populations of less than mote the positive assets of National City by Harry S. Truman to approve the construction 20,000. developing a promotional media kit, ``Good At- tributes in National City: Community, People, of a dam along the American River at the What makes this award special Mr. Speak- town of Folsom, just east of Sacramento. In a Business and Schools.'' Mr. South also sup- er, is the fact that the judges for the National sign of his political prowess, Congressman ported the building of coalitions with other Gold Medal Award are park officials from Moss was able to successfully lobby the White community groups and initiated the Chamber's throughout the nation who consider agency House to support this important project. support of the National City Collaborative and His other early achievements included win- programs, quality of facilities, future planning the National City Boys and Girls Club. His ning federal support for the Sacramento Air- and community involvement in selecting award commitment to a safer National City was dem- port and the surrounding military bases. John winners. So as you can see Mr. Speaker, this onstrated by his support of the establishment Moss steadfastly represented and served as is an award that is not only judged by peers of the Senior Volunteer Patrol, a partnership an advocate for a great cross-section of Cali- in the field, but, by some of the most re- between the City of National City and the fornians living in Sacramento, regardless of spected park administrators from around the Chamber of Commerce. party affiliation or political persuasion. Yet his country. In these and many other ways, Steve South commitment to the needs of his district never has worked tirelessly to improve the quality of The Channahon Park District has had a life for the residents of his city. His dedication overwhelmed his core devotion to civil and proud history of community service over the human rights, and to truth in government. is to be admired, and I am pleased to recog- last 25 years. Growing out of a volunteer effort nize his contributions to the entire community From 1955 until 1966, John Moss devoted of local residents, the Channahon Park District much of his time in this House to winning pas- of National City with these remarks in the U.S. and it's staff are a national model for excel- sage of the Freedom of Information Act. His House of Representatives. lence in recreation, environment, and commu- crusade to create and enact a law which f nity programs. would allow for a more open, understanding, COMMENDING THE AMERICAN and responsible government was perhaps his The residents of Channahon and the entire HEART ASSOCIATION greatest achievement in Congress and would Eleventh Congressional District have always earn him the title of ``Father of the Freedom of enjoyed the fine programs and facilities main- HON. BENJAMIN A. GILMAN Information Act.'' tained by Channahon Park District's award OF NEW YORK By the early 1970s, he had risen to the winning team. From board members and staff, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES leadership of the House, serving as high as right down to part time volunteers, the Tuesday, January 27, 1998 deputy majority whip under both Congressmen Channahon Park District team understands Carl Albert and Hale Boggs. At this same the meaning of community, and extends it's Mr. GILMAN. Mr. Speaker, this year we will time, as the Watergate saga began to unfold programs to every sector of the local popu- not only commemorate the month of February and the U.S. involvement in Vietnam wound lation. as American Heart Month, but we will also cel- down, John Moss served as one of the great ebrate the 50th anniversary of the American consciences of the House, always calling for Mr. Speaker, I salute the hard work of the Heart Association as a national voluntary greater government accountability and respon- men and women of the Channahon Park Dis- health agency. siveness to the concerns of the people. trict, and I know I speak for all of the residents Every 34 seconds, someone in our country As his career concluded in 1979, Congress- of the Village of Channahon when I say con- dies of cardiovascular disease or stroke. Car- man Moss could look back and see a great gratulations on winning this award and job well diovascular disease, the leading killer of Amer- string of legislative and political achievements: done. icans, claims as many lives as all other VerDate 20-JAN-98 06:53 Jan 28, 1998 Jkt 059061 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\CRI\E27JA8.REC pfrm04 E8 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks January 27, 1998 causes of death combined. The number of enthusiastic, persistent, compassionate, and become a nationally-recognized leader in pre- these deaths has drastically declined due to highly self-motivated. These traits have earned serving and promoting the Japanese American the hard work of the American Heart Associa- him the respect and admiration of his peers, heritage. She helped create and plan an ex- tion, over the last fifty years. With more than which is the ultimate compliment in any field. hibit at the Smithsonian Institution about the 4.2 million volunteers, the American Heart As- Congratulations to Detective Brown for his internment and she authored a book on the sociation spends more than $100 million a commitment to his community and his work to subject.
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