Arrowhead Summer 2002 • Vol. 9 • No. 3 The Newsletter of the Employees & Alumni Association of the National Park Service Published By Eastern National FROM THE DIRECTOR Changes Proposed in WASO Leadership irector Fran Mainella conferred from individuals and offices both within • Combine existing functional areas, he first an­ with senior officials in the Wash­ and outside the Service. the Office of Communications and nouncements D T ington Office and members of the The NLC reviewed over 120 WASO- Public Affairs, to provide for a more of changes at seamless communication system in NPS headquarters are National Leadership Council on June 7 administrated programs identifying behind us and the to discuss proposed adjustments in opportunities to the Director for elimi­ and to ensure the public is well final implementa­ functional portfolios within the offices nating duplication and streamlining informed about the NPS. tion of new assign­ of the Director and Associate Directors. decision-making. Some recommenda­ Mainella said she recognizes that ments still lies The proposal is designed to improve tions follow: organizational change can be intimidat­ ahead. service to NPS employees, agency part­ • Have Deputy Director Don Murphy ing, and encourages employees to view We're pleased that many of you ners and the public, while strengthening provide guidance over all Associate for this proposal as a positive step toward took the time to consider the pro­ management of the nation's natural and Resource and Visitor Protection func­ creating an environment that produces posals and offer your own ideas cultural resources. This action has come tions, except Wildland Fire, where the creativity needed to address today's and perspectives. Thank you. We in response to recent significant events complex challenges and seek out new have incorporated several adjust­ Deputy Director Randy Jones would ments reflecting your comments. such as the tragedies of Sept. 11, provide guidance. opportunities. She encourages employ­ increasingly complex and challenging ees to talk with their associate directors Interpretation and education drew issues, added responsibilities and the • Create a Chief Ranger Resources and and immediate supervisors about the the most interest. It remains grouped Visitor Protection position. The person with cultural resources for now, but a recommendations of the National Park changes and reaffirms her commitment System Advisory Board Report who occupies this position will also be to employees that no one is at risk of new task force will help us define the considered the chief ranger of the NPS. appropriate long-term positioning for Rethinking the National Parks for the losing a job as a result of these changes. this critical responsibility. 21st Century. • Consider the creation of an Associate Full information regarding this pro­ We also appreciate the vigilance The NLC was asked to conduct a for Education and Interpretation and posal can be found on InsideNPS—the of those who reminded us to be cer­ review of the programs administered in Cooperating Associations. The NLC is NPS intranet site. A new organizational tain the traditional importance of the Washington Office. They met June convinced that the NPS should empha­ chart and full implementation is sched­ rangers in protecting parks, people, 19 to 21 to finalize the proposal. As a size education and interpretation in order uled to occur by Oct. 1. The Arrow­ and resources is undiminished. The result of Mainella's request for com­ to serve the interest of the visiting public head will provide a follow-up on this new portfolio reflects this emphasis. ments, over 80 suggestions were received and the citizens of the country. story in the next issue. Sue Masica's move to Professional Services has already been approved. Our comptroller, Bruce Sheaffer, will be acting in her old position, associ­ Fee Demo Program Benefits NPS and Visiting Public ate director, Administration. L By fane Anderson, deputy fee manager, The NPS has always valued part­ Recreation Fee Program, WASO' ners, but rising public and resources demands increase their importance. mJ e Recreation Fee Program of Consolidating programs promises to TWASV O has oversight for the policies extend the ways our tourism, techni­ and procedures to administer the collec­ cal assistance and other programs tion of entrance and user fees at NPS benefit both state and local park units. This program has grown substan­ agencies and ourselves, advancing tially since the inception of the Fee a seamless system of parks for the visitors we share. Demonstration Program authorized by Congress in 1996. A new Associate Directorship for Program Manager Jane Moore reports Partnerships, Volunteers and Out­ door Recreation is designed to uni­ the Recreation Fee Program generates an fy these programs. We will be average of $147 million annually. The recruiting nationally for the right revenues have almost doubled since the person to lead this effort. Fee Demonstration Program began. The retirement of John Reynolds in Congress authorized the Fee Demo Pro­ mid-Aug. means another transition. gram to evaluate the feasibility of agen­ We've submitted Jon Jarvis' name for cies retaining fees to enhance visitor the approval of the Executive enjoyment and to protect area resources. Resources Board and hope to have Careful scrutiny is afforded this program him available for a smooth, quick Carol Dahl to insure that it succeeds. Reports from transition in the Pacific West Region. Isle Royale National Park has designated the majority of its collected user fees for dock the DOI Office of Inspector General and This is a difficult fire season. The repair and trail maintenance as shown here. continued on page 10 commitment of so many of our peo­ ple to work this vital, hazardous duty is greatly appreciated. E&AA Education Trust Fund Change Honors Hartzog Yellowstone's winter-use issue is moving toward resolution, too. n June, the Employees and Alumni year for four years; ultimately providing to be as beneficial as possible for our Snow machines will continue to be IAssociation of the NPS announced $10,000 of interest-free aid to each stu­ members and their families." restricted to the roads we drive on the following changes to the Education dent. This was previously limited to Loans support undergraduate and in summer. We plan to require Trust Fund. The loan program is now $5,000 per child. With these changes graduate-level work and have helped guides for both commercial and pri­ named The George B. Hartzog Edu­ families can now have up to $20,000 in students attend a variety of schools. The vate tours; reduced numbers of loans; previously this was limited to loan can cover tuition, room and board, vehicles, and use of the best avail­ cational Loan Program, in honor of books and supplies. able technology (for now, this would the former NPS Director and long-time $10,000 per family. be four-cycle engines) to minimize E&AA member. Additionally, the loans no longer have E&AA President Chesley Moroz stat­ potential adverse impacts. We According to E&AA Chair George to be paid back in one lump sum 13 ed, "Given the high cost of college promise adaptive management Minnucci, "George Hartzog has been a months after graduation. Loans can be tuition, these changes will provide addi­ practices that can make responsive leader in the E&AA for many years, and paid back on a monthly payment plan tional support to NPS families. This pro­ increases or decreases based on we are pleased to recognize his efforts starting with the 13th month after gram is only possible given the dedicated what happens during the winter in this small way." Hartzog is an E&AA graduation and continuing for 60 support of the greater NPS family. Cash season. We are also looking to donations, gifts of remembrance and technology improvements for the life member and believes that the trust months. Trustee and E&AA Secre- snow coaches. fund provides a valuable benefit to tary/Treasurer Jim Draper explained silent auction proceeds have helped build many NPS families. that, "this allows students a greater flex­ the trust fund over the years to allow us to In the coming weeks, much of the In an effort to make the program ibility in repayment terms, providing make these changes. We thank the NPS Washington Office will move to new additional support to them as they enter family for their support." space to make way for the renova­ more appealing and to encourage tion of the Main Interior building. broader use of the program, the the workforce. We found that a balloon For more information contact Bonnie trustees now permit applicants to apply payment one year out of school was not Stetson, E&AA membership coordinator —Fran Mainella for interest-free loans of $2,500 per realistic for many. We want the program at (215) 283-6900 ext. 131. 2 Arrowhead • Summer 2002 Focus on the Parks • Carlsbad Caverns NP staff has discov­ the southern Appalachians and gour­ ered and documented the park's 100th mets, were taken from the park for cave. The park's cave and karst manage­ commercial sale. The collection of ment plan defines that a cave "must be ramps is a spring tradition for many traversable by a human, must be a mini­ people. However, commercial collec­ mum of 50-feet long and its entrance tion has been increasing, as the plant cannot be as wide as the cave is long." has become a popular item at ramp fes­ While many caves in the park barely meet tivals and in restaurants across the east­ this definition, the park's two most well- ern U.S. Wholesale prices for ramps known caves, Carlsbad Cavern and range from $5 per pound unprocessed Lechuguilla Cave, do.
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