Cabinet and Council’s Public Question Times 11th March 2013 Questions (6) for Council only by Dr. Bateman submitted on 13 February 2013 1. How will the road system to the NW of the city cope with the increased traffic where it is already congested regularly in peak hours and regularly damaged with potholes due to the weight of traffic on a B road? A. The Local Plan requires that development West of Chichester City (and in other locations) will be designed to minimise traffic generation and, where necessary, will provide or fund necessary mitigation measures such as access and junction improvements. Development proposals will be based on detailed assessment of the potential traffic impacts and will incorporate a co- ordinated travel plan aimed at ensuring that any impacts are minimised or avoided. The Council has been working closely with West Sussex County Council (the local transport authority) and the Highways Agency (responsible for the A27) to agree a co-ordinated package of transport measures to support planned development in and around Chichester. (Once this package has been agreed it will be included in the Local Plan Infrastructure Delivery Plan.) Proposed measures will include targeted investment in local transport infrastructure, including improvements to the A27 junctions on the Chichester Bypass and at key pinch points in the City. Additional measures will focus on providing improved and better integrated bus and train services and improving pedestrian and cycling networks. Linked to this will be promotional measures to encourage use of alternatives to car travel, particularly for shorter trips in and around the City. 2. How will the local health services cope and what provision is being made to provide sufficient GP facilities for the increased population? A. Liaison with health providers is on-going. Once housing numbers and locations are consulted on and agreed, the impact can be properly assessed and solutions worked up. This matter will be looked at in more detail through the Infrastructure Delivery Plan as the Local Plan develops. 3. What will be the effect on wildlife in an area adjoining the National Park where deer, buzzards, red kites and peregrines regularly feed? The loss of farmland will reduce the biodiversity and threaten the existence of the rarer top end predators. A. Green Infrastructure will be provided as part of this development and it will be linked with the South Downs National Park via the existing Centurion Way. The Local Plan requires this development to be set within a substantial Country Park setting. The requirements include protecting and enhancing the setting of Brandy Hole Copse Local Nature Reserve. 4. The drainage and sewage infrastructure is unlikely to be able to cope with the increased population. How will this be mitigated? 1 A. The site is not within a flood risk area. Drainage issues would have to be satisfactorily dealt with as part of the scheme. At present it is intended that the sewage would be taken to an upgraded waste water treatment works at Tangmere. 5. The city of Chichester has already become increasingly congested over the last 20 years with population growth and a large swell in population can only make this worse and significantly affect the quality of life of those already living here. How will this effect be mitigated? A. The strategic locations are planned to be mixed-use developments providing a range of everyday services and facilities to meet the needs of the new and existing local population. New development, if carefully master-planned, provides opportunities to enhance the quality of life, bringing new local facilities, public open spaces, improved public transport, cycling and pedestrian facilities etc. 6. There is already flooding with heavy rain in the centre of Chichester affecting the Ring Road. What will be done to prevent this causing increased disruption with the increased population? A. The flooding issue on the A27 bypass is currently being addressed by the Highways Agency. Works started on 26th November 2012 from Portfield Roundabout to Fishbourne roundabout and is expected to be completed by the end February 2013. The flooding issue on the Ring Road will be taken up with WSCC. Questions (3) from Ms Chloe Scholes submitted on 28 February 2013 at 20.17 7. Historic Impact/Tourism The scale and pace of proposed development will cause huge pressures on the fabric of historic Chichester and change the character dramatically. What measures are CDC proposing to meet the requirements of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF 2012) to "take account of roles and character of different areas" as well as "conserve heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance"? A. The Local Plan has been prepared to be consistent with the National Planning Policy Framework. It has placed an emphasis on protecting and conserving heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance and this theme runs throughout the Local Plan. Chichester District Council has also been supportive of, and has co-operated with, Chichester City Council’s consultants in undertaking a study commissioned specifically to look at this issue. The Local Plan has been informed by an extensive evidence base to take account of the roles and character of different areas. This evidence includes: The Historic Environment Record; 2 Extensive Urban Survey; Intensive Urban Survey; Conservation Areas; Scheduled Ancient Monuments; Listed Buildings; Conservation Character Appraisals In addition, specific studies were commissioned to inform the Local Plan including: Study of Landscape and Visual Amenity considerations which included identification of priority views to and from Chichester city; landscape character and setting; historic landscape character assessment; and historic landscape character assessment – time depth. Chichester Harbour AONB Landscape Character Assessment; Chichester District AONB Landscape Capacity Study; Chichester Landscape Capacity Extension. The Plan has taken account of the roles and character of different areas as well as conserving heritage assets in a manner appropriate to their significance throughout the Local Plan, from its “Portrait”, in particular paragraphs 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 2.8, 2.30, 2.31, 2.32, to its “Vision for places” and its “Objectives”, particularly 3.23. Its “Strategy”, in paragraph 4.39, explains that to support the Local Plan the Council has undertaken a detailed assessment of the housing potential and capacity of individual parishes and settlements and in many of its policies, particularly those mentioned below:- Policy 7 refers to Master-planning and that development should (in point 2) be designed to take account of and respect the character of the landscape, heritage, adjacent and nearby settlements and built development, reflecting the urban to rural transition and provide appropriate boundary treatment. Point 16 of the policy says that development should demonstrate a good understanding of the historic environment and its setting, both within the site and in the wider locality, whether designated or not and include details of how potential impacts on the historic environment will be managed. Policy 9 refers to preserving and enhancing the historic environment including Conservation Areas, listed buildings, Historic Parks and Gardens and other heritage assets in accordance with Policy 47. Policy 11 requires all development to have special regard to the City’s historic character and heritage and says that development proposals should be underpinned by historic characterisation assessments and make a positive contribution to the City’s unique character and distinctiveness. Policy 47 is specifically related to heritage, and seeks to ensure that new development protects and enhances the special interest and settings of designated and undesignated heritage assets. 3 8. Employment. The planned expansion of Chichester will require significant increase in employment to meet the requirements for a sustainable development. Please confirm the number of additional jobs that will be created and the number required outside the area to support the increased Chichester population? A. Based on the methodology used in the Employment Land Review Update (2013) prepared by GL Hearn, the level of housing development in the Chichester District as a whole (including the South Downs National Park) would generate a requirement for nearly 2,800 jobs, of which the proportion in the Local Plan area itself would be just over 2,250 jobs. This assumes that commuting patterns remain broadly similar to now. (It should be noted that the employment figures in the Local Plan also assume a reduction in unemployment to pre-recession levels.) Therefore, it is assumed that the District’s labour force will increase by around 3,200 – this is the figure given in Local Plan paragraph 4.24). 9. Employment. A report commissioned by Chichester District Council - GL Hearn (2013) – has concluded that the initial stages of the White House Farm (WHF) scheme (500-700 homes) are not well suited for inclusion of employment land. If access is not possible to the A27 due to constraints not being overcome, do CDC consider White House Farm satisfies sustainable development requirements with respect to employment? A. Council officers consider that, from the perspective of sustainable development, it is desirable to seek to provide employment opportunities close to major areas of planned housing. We are, therefore, looking to allocate some employment land in conjunction with the West of Chichester strategic housing allocation. However, further work is needed to investigate the potential access and transport issues, including access to the A27. The Council is about to commission some further work to assess potential employment sites in more detail, which will feed into decisions on which sites would be most suitable to allocate in the Local Plan. Questions (3) by Mr David Renton-Rose submitted on 28 February 2013 at 21.25 10. Eric Pickles (Local Communities Secretary) announced in February 2013 that the South East Plan is now being revoked.
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