Tasmania Bird and Mammal Tour Species Checklist 29 January

Tasmania Bird and Mammal Tour Species Checklist 29 January

1 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 SPECIES Jan /Feb 2017 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 1. Brown Quail Coturnix ypsilophora 2. Blue-billed Duck S Oxyura australis 3. Musk Duck S Biziura lobata 4. Freckled Duck Stictonetta naevosa 5. Black Swan S S S S S S S Cygnus atratus 6. Cape Barren Goose S S Cereopsis novaehollandiae 7. Australian Shelduck S S Tadorna tadornoides 8. Australian Wood Duck S S S S S S S Chenonetta jubata 9. Pacific Black Duck S S S S S Anas superciliosa 10. Australasian Shoveler S S S Anas rhynchotis 11. Grey Teal S S Anas gracilis 12. Chestnut Teal S S S S Anas castanea 13. Hardhead S Aythya australis 14. Australasian Grebe S Tachybaptus novaehollandiae 15. Hoary-headed Grebe S S Poliocephalus poliocephalus 16. Great Crested Grebe S S Podiceps cristatus 17. Little Penguin Eudyptula minor S 18. Common Diving-Petrel Pelecanoides urinatrix 19. Southern Giant-Petrel Macronectes giganteus 20. Northern Giant-Petrel Macronectes halli 21. Southern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialoides 22. Cape Petrel Daption capense 23. Kermadec Petrel Pterodroma neglecta 24. Grey-faced Petrel Pterodroma gouldi 25. White-headed Petrel Pterodroma lessoni 26. Soft-plumaged Petrel Pterodroma mollis 27. Mottled Petrel Pterodroma inexpectata 28. Great-winged Petrel Pterodroma macroptera 29. Gould's Petrel Pterodroma leucoptera 30. Slender-billed Prion Pachyptila belcheri 31. Fairy Prion Pachyptila turtur S 32. White-chinned Petrel S Procellaria aequinoctialis SPECIES Jan /Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 2 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 SPECIES Jan /Feb 2017 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 33. Grey Petrel Procellaria cinerea 34. Wedge-tailed Shearwater S Ardenna pacifica 35. Buller's Shearwater Ardenna bulleri 36. Sooty Shearwater S Puffinus griseus 37. Short-tailed Shearwater S S Puffinus tenuirostris 38. Fluttering Shearwater S Puffinus gavia 39. Hutton's Shearwater Puffinus huttoni 40. (Snowy) Wandering Albatross S Diomedea exulans 41. Black-browed Albatross (S) Diomedea exulans 42. Royal Albatross Diomedea melanophris 43. Royal Albatross Diomedea melanophris 44. Shy Albatross S Diomedea cauta 45. Yellow-nosed Albatross Diomedea S chlororhynchos 46. Buller's Albatross S Diomedea bulleri 47. Sooty Albatross Phoebetria fusca 48. Wilson's Storm-Petrel S Oceanites oceanicus 49. Grey-backed Storm-Petrel S Garrodia nereis 50. White-faced Storm-Petrel S Pelagodroma marina 51. Black-bellied Storm-Petrel Fregetta tropica 52. Australian Gannet S S S Morus serrator 53. Australian Pelican S S S Pelecanus conspicillatus 54. Little Pied Cormorant S S S Phalacrocorax fuscescens 55. Black-faced Cormorant S S S S Phalacrocorax melanoleucos 56. Little Black Cormorant S S S S Phalacrocorax sulcirostris 57. Great Cormorant S S S S S S Phalacrocorax carbo 58. Intermediate Egret Ardea intermedia 59. White-faced Heron S S S S S S Egretta novaehollandiae 60. Little Egret S Egretta garzetta 61. Great Egret Ardea alba 62. Cattle Egret Bubulcus ibis SPECIES Jan /Feb 2017 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 3 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 SPECIES Jan /Feb 2017 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 63. Australasian Bittern Botaurus poiciloptilus 64. Australian White Ibis Threskiornis molucca 65. Royal Spoonbill Platelea regia 66. White-bellied Sea-Eagle S Haliaeetus leucogaster 67. Swamp Harrier S S S S S S Circus approximans 68. Brown Goshawk Accipiter fasciatus 69. Grey Goshawk Accipiter novaehollandiae 70. Collared Sparrowhawk Accipiter cirrhocephalus 71. Wedge-tailed Eagle S S S Aquila audax 72. Brown Falcon S S S Falco berigora 73. Australian Hobby S Falco longipennis 74. Peregrine Falcon Falco peregrinus 75. Nankeen Kestrel Falco cenchroides 76. Lewin's Rail S Rallus pectoralis 77. Australian Spotted Crake Porzana fluminea 78. Spotless Crake S Porzana tabuensis 79. Purple Swamphen SB Porphyrio porphyrio 80. Dusky Moorhen Gallinula tenebrosa 81. Tasmanian Native-hen S S S S S S E Gallinula mortierii 82. Eurasian Coot S S Fulica atra 83. Latham's Snipe S Gallinago hardwickii 84. Bar-tailed Godwit Limosa lapponica 85. Whimbrel Numenius phaeopus 86. Eastern Curlew Numenius madagascariensis 87. Common Greenshank S Tringa nebularia 88. Grey-tailed Tattler Heteroscelus brevipes 89. Ruddy Turnstone Arenaria interpres 90. Red-necked Stint S Calidris ruficollis 91. Sharp-tailed Sandpiper Calidris acuminata 92. Curlew Sandpiper S Calidris ferruginea SPECIES Jan /Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 4 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 SPECIES Jan /Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 93. Pied Oystercatcher S S S Haematopus longirostris 94. Sooty Oystercatcher S S S Haematopus fuliginosus 95. Banded Stilt Cladorhynchus leucocephalus 96. Black-winged Stilt Himantopus himantopus 97. Pacific Golden Plover S Pluvialis fulva 98. Red-capped Plover S Charadrius ruficapillus 99. Double-banded Plover Charadrius bicinctus 100. Black-fronted Dotterel S Elseyornis melanops 101. Hooded Plover SB SB Thinornis rubricollis 102. Banded Lapwing Vanellus tricolor 103. Masked Lapwing S S S S S S S Vanellus miles 104. Great Skua Catharacta skua 105. Pomarine Jaeger Stercorarius pomarinus 106. Arctic Jaeger Stercorarius parasiticus 107. Pacific Gull S S S S Larus pacificus 108. Kelp Gull S S S S S S Larus dominicanus 109. Silver Gull S S S S S S Larus novaehollandiae 110. Caspian Tern S S Sterna caspia 111. Crested Tern S S S S S S Sterna bergii 112. White-fronted Tern Sterna striata 113. Fairy Tern Sterna nereis 114. Rock Dove Columba livia 115. Spotted Turtle-Dove S Streptopelia chinensis 116. Common Bronzewing (S) S Phaps chalcoptera 117. Brush Bronzewing H H Phaps elegans 118. Yellow-tailed Black-Cockatoo S S S S Calyptorhynchus funereus 119. Galah S S Cacatua roseicapilla 120. Sulphur-crested Cockatoo S S S S S S Cacatua galerita 121. Long-billed Corella Cacatua tenuirostris 122. Musk Lorikeet S S Glossopsitta concinna 123. Green Rosella S S S S S E Platycercus caledonicus SPECIES Jan /Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 SPECIES Jan /Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 124. Eastern Rosella S S Platycercus eximius 125. Swift Parrot S Lathamus discolor 126. Blue-winged Parrot S S Neophema chrysostoma 127. Orange-bellied Parrot S Neophema chrysogaster c12 128. Ground Parrot S1 S2 Pezoporus wallicu 129. Pallid Cuckoo S Cuculus pallidus 130. Fan-tailed Cuckoo H Cacomantis flabelliformis 131. Horsfield's Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx basalis 132. Shining Bronze-Cuckoo Chrysococcyx lucidus 133. Tasmanian Morepork H S1 E Ninox novaeseelandiae 134. Masked Owl Tyto novaehollandiae 135. Tawny Frogmouth S2 Podargus strigoides 136. Australian Owlet-nightjar Aegotheles cristatus 137. White-throated Needletail Hirundapus caudacutus 138. Laughing Kookaburra S H S S H S Dacelo novaeguineae 139. Sacred Kingfisher Todiramphus sanctus 140. Superb Lyrebird Menura novaehollandiae 141. Superb Fairy-wren S S S S S S Malurus cyaneus 142. Southern Emu-wren S S Stipiturus malachurus 143. Spotted Pardalote S S S Pardalotus punctatus 144. Forty-spotted Pardalote S4 S10 E Pardalotus quadragintus 145. Striated Pardalote S S S S Pardalotus striatus 146. Tasmanian Scrubwren S S S S E Sericornis humilis 147. Scrubtit S S S Acanthornis magnus 148. Striated Fieldwren S Calamanthus fuliginosus 149. Brown Thornbill S S Acanthiza pusilla 150. Tasmanian Thornbill S S S S E Acanthiza ewingii 151. Yellow-rumped Thornbill S S Acanthiza chrysorrhoa 152. Yellow Wattlebird S S S S S E Anthocaera paradoxa 153. Little Wattlebird S S S Anthocaera chrysoptera 154. SPECIES Jan /Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 6 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 SPECIES Jan/ Feb 2016 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 155. Noisy Miner S S SB Manorina melanocephala 156. Yellow-throated Honeyeater S H S S S E Lichenostomus flavicollis 157. Strong-billed Honeyeater S S E Melithreptus validirostris 158. Black-headed Honeyeater S S S S E Melithreptus affinis 159. Crescent Honeyeater S Phylidonyris pyrrhoptera 160. New Holland Honeyeater S S S S S Phylidonyris novaehollandiae 161. Tawny-crowned Honeyeater Phylidonyris melanops 162. Eastern Spinebill S S Acanthorhynchus tenuirostris 163. White-fronted Chat S Epthianura albifrons 164. Scarlet Robin S S S Petroica multicolor 165. Flame Robin S SB Petroica phoenicea 166. Pink Robin S S Petroica rodinogaster 167. Dusky Robin S S E Melanodryas vittata 168. Olive Whistler S Pachycephala olivacea 169. Golden Whistler S H Pachycephala pectoralis 170. Rufous Whistler Pachycephala rufiventris 171. Grey Shrike-thrush S S S S Colluricincla harmonica 172. Satin Flycatcher S S Myiagra cyanoleuca 173. Grey Fantail S S S S S Rhipidura fuliginosa 174. Black-faced Cuckoo-shrike S S S S Coracina novaehollandiae 175. Dusky Woodswallow S S S S S Artamus cyanopterus 176. Grey Butcherbird H H H H S S Cracticus torquatus 177. Australian Magpie S S S S S Gymnorhina tibicen 178. Black Currawong S S SB H E Strepera fuliginosa 179. Grey Currawong (S) Strepera versicolor 180. Forest Raven S S S S S S Corvus tasmanicus 181. Skylark S Alauda arvensis 182. Australasian Pipit S S S Anthus novaeseelandiae 183. House Sparrow S S S S S S Passer domesticus 184. Beautiful Firetail S S S Stagonopleura bella Species 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 7 AOS Pty Ltd www.philipmaher.com Tasmanian birding and mammal tour 29 January – 4 February 2017 Species 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 185. European Greenfinch S Carduelis chloris 186. European Goldfinch S S S S S S Carduelis carduelis 187.

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