Golf Tournament The Ranch Country Club GOLF SPONSORSHIPS Beneficiaries 11887 Tejon Street AVAILABLE Westminster, CO 80234 www.theranchcc.com Orange Sponsor-$5,000 • Two foursomes each with a Celebrity golfer; one ROF guaranteed • Mention in press release • Logo on display at registration and lunch- 2013 eon (banner) • Signage at tee and flag advertisement Golf Tournament The Ranch Country Club (Exclusive)-autographed by Alumni GOLF SPONSORSHIPS • Beneficiaries 11887 Tejon Street Signage at the driving range/practice AVAILABLE Westminster,ver CO 80234 area al Denwww.theranchcc.com Annu • Logo/recognition on website 7th Orange Sponsor-$5,000 • umni Recognition at the awards luncheon • Two foursomes each with a Celebrity cos Al golfer; one ROF guaranteed Bron • Presentation at luncheon of autographed • Mention in press release football ment • Logo on display at registration and lunch- rna Tou eon (banner) Golf2013 • Blue Sponsor-$3,500 Signage at tee and flag advertisement 24 (Exclusive)-autographed by Alumni , June • One foursome with a Celebrity golfer onday • Signage at the driving range/practice M nver • Signage at tee and flag advertisement (not area nnual De • 7th A exclusive)-autographed by Alumni Logo/recognition on website ni • Recognition at the awards luncheon os Alum • Bronc Logo/recognition on website • Presentation at luncheon of autographed nt football ourname • Mention at the awards luncheon Golf T Blue Sponsor-$3,500 GolfGolfGolfGolf TournamentTournament TournamentTournament ay, June 24 White Sponsor-$2,000 • One foursome with a Celebrity golfer TheTheMTheTheo RanchRanchn Ranch Ranchd CountryCountry Country Country ClubClub Club Club GOLFGOLFGOLFGOLF SPONSORSHIPSSPONSORSHIPS SPONSORSHIPSSPONSORSHIPS • Signage at tee and flag advertisement (not 118871188711887 Tejon Tejon Tejon Street Street Street • One foursome with a Celebrity golfer exclusive)-autographed by AlumniBeneficiaries BeneficiariesBeneficiaries 11887 Tejon Street AVAILABLEAVAILABLEAVAILABLE Beneficiaries Westminster,Westminster,Westminster, CO CO CO 80234 80234 80234 • Signage at tee-not exclusive AVAILABLEat hole- • Logo/recognition on website Westminster, CO 80234 autographed by Alumni • Mention at the awards luncheon www.theranchcc.comwww.theranchcc.comwww.theranchcc.comwww.theranchcc.com White Sponsor-$2,000 • Logo/recognition on websiteOrangeOrangeOrangeOrange Sponsor-$5,000Sponsor-$5,000 Sponsor-$5,000 Sponsor-$5,000 • •• • One foursome with a Celebrity golfer • Mention at awards• TwoTwo luncheonTwoTwo foursomesfoursomes foursomes foursomes eacheach each each withwith with with aa CelebrityCelebritya a Celebrity Celebrity • golfer;golfer;golfer; one one one ROF ROF ROF guaranteed guaranteed guaranteed Signage at tee-not exclusive at hole- golfer; one ROF guaranteed autographed by AlumniMedia Sponsors Hole•• Sponsor-$500 •• MentionMentionMentionMention inin in presspressin press press releaserelease release release • Logo/recognition on website All hole sponsor signs•• •• willLogoLogoLogoLogo be onon onautographed ondisplaydisplay display display atat atregistration registrationat registration registration by andand and and lunch-lunch- lunch- lunch-• Mention at awards luncheon 201320132013 Alumni following the tournamenteoneoneoneon (banner)(banner) (banner) (banner) Media Sponsors 2013 • •• Hole Sponsor-$500 • SignageSignageSignageSignage atat attee teeat tee tee andand and and flagflag flag flag advertisementadvertisement advertisement advertisement All hole sponsor signs will be autographedTRUTH by HOPE & HEALING (Exclusive)-autographed(Exclusive)-autographed(Exclusive)-autographed by by byAlumni Alumni Alumni (Exclusive)-autographed by Alumni Alumni following the tournament • •• SignageSignageSignage at atthe at the the driving driving driving range/practice range/practice range/practice Foursome $1,000• Signage * Individual at the driving $275 range/practice Sponsored by r rr areaareaarea DeDeDennnvnvveevere area Foursome $1,000 * Individual $275 nnunuauaalalSponsored llDe by Golf Tournament thtth h AA AAnnnnu •• •• Logo/recognitionLogo/recognitionLogo/recognitionLogo/recognition onon on onwebsitewebsite website website 7777th The Ranch Country Club Payment is due in full at time of registration Payment is due in full at time of registration nnin ii •• •• RecognitionRecognitionRecognitionGOLF at atthe at the SPONSORSHIPSthe awards awards awards luncheon luncheon luncheon A AAluullumummmni Recognition at the awards luncheon BrBrBrooonnoncncoscoscosos Al 11887 Tejon Street • •• PresentationPresentationPresentation at atluncheon at luncheon luncheon of ofautographed of autographed autographed A portion of your donation is tax deductible. Beneficiaries Br • Presentation at luncheonAVAILABLE of autographed Westminster, CO 80234 A portion of your donationfootballfootballfootball is tax deductible. DBAA tax exempt #20-3194756. mmmeeennentnt tt football f ffT oToTouuoururnrnrnanaaam DBAA tax exempt #20-3194756. To request a donation receipt: Email GGGGooollofll T www.theranchcc.com [email protected] To request a donation receipt: EmailBlueBlueBlueBlue Sponsor-$3,500 Sponsor-$3,500 Sponsor-$3,500 Sponsor-$3,500 nnene e22 24244 4 Orange Sponsor-$5,000 ATTN: DONATIONS COORDINATOR aaya,y,y ,,JJ uJuJuune [email protected] •• •• OneOneOneOne foursomefoursome foursome foursome withwith with with aa CelebrityCelebritya a Celebrity Celebrity golfergolfer golfer golfer MMMooonnondnddday • Two foursomes each with a Celebrity M •• •• SignageSignageSignage at attee at tee tee and and and flag flag flag advertisement advertisement advertisement (not (not (not ATTN: DONATIONS COORDINATORSignagegolfer; at tee one and ROF flag guaranteed advertisement (not exclusive)-autographedexclusive)-autographedexclusive)-autographedexclusive)-autographed byby by byAlumniAlumni Alumni Alumni ©2013 7-ELEVEN is registered • Mention in press release Trademark of 7-ELEVEN, Inc. •• •• Logo/recognitionLogo/recognitionLogo/recognitionLogo/recognition onon on onwebsitewebsite website website • Logo on display at registration and lunch- •• •• MentionMentionMentionMention atat atthe theat the the awardsawards awards awards luncheonluncheon luncheon luncheon 2013 eon (banner) • SignageWhiteWhiteWhiteWhite Sponsor-$2,000atSponsor-$2,000 Sponsor-$2,000tee Sponsor-$2,000 and flag advertisement (Exclusive)-autographed by Alumni •• •• OneOneOneOne foursomefoursome foursome foursome withwith with with aa CelebrityCelebritya a Celebrity Celebrity golfergolfer golfer golfer • Signage at the driving range/practice •• •• SignageSignageSignageSignage atat attee-not tee-notat tee-not tee-not exclusiveexclusive exclusive exclusive atat athole- hole-at hole- hole- nver autographedautographedautographedarea by by byAlumni Alumni Alumni al De autographed by Alumni Annu • Logo/recognition on website 7th •• •• Logo/recognitionLogo/recognitionLogo/recognitionLogo/recognition onon on onwebsitewebsite website website ni • Recognition at the awards luncheon Alum •• •• MentionMentionMentionMention atat atawards awardsat awards awards luncheonluncheon luncheon luncheon Broncos • Presentation at luncheon of autographed MediaMediaMediaMedia SponsorsSponsors SponsorsSponsors nt footballHoleHoleHoleHole Sponsor-$500Sponsor-$500 Sponsor-$500 Sponsor-$500 name Tour AllAllAll All holehole hole hole sponsorsponsor sponsor sponsor signssigns signs signs willwill will will bebe be beautographedautographed autographed autographed byby by by Golf AlumniAlumniAlumni following following following theBlue the the tournament tournament Sponsor-$3,500tournament Alumni following the tournament y, June 24 • One foursome with a Celebrity golfer Monda • Signage at tee and flag advertisement (not FoursomeFoursomeFoursomeFoursome $1,000$1,000 $1,000 $1,000 ** IndividualIndividual* * Individual Individual $275$275 $275 $275 SponsoredSponsoredSponsoredSponsored byby byby exclusive)-autographed by Alumni PaymentPaymentPaymentPayment• isisLogo/recognition is duedueis due due inin in fullfullin full full atat at timeattime timeontime ofofwebsite of registrationregistrationof registration registration • Mention at the awards luncheon AA portionAportionA portion portion ofof of youryourof your your donationdonation donation donation isis is taxtaxis tax tax deductible.deductible. deductible. deductible. DBAADBAADBAADBAA taxtax tax tax exemptexempt exempt exemptWhite #20-3194756.#20-3194756. #20-3194756. #20-3194756. Sponsor-$2,000 ToTo To requestrequestTo request •request aOnea donationdonationa a donation donationfoursome receipt:receipt: receipt: receipt: with Email Email a EmailCelebrity Email golfer [email protected]@[email protected]@aol.com• Signage at tee-not exclusive at hole- ATTN:ATTN:ATTN:ATTN: DONATIONSDONATIONS DONATIONS DONATIONSautographed COORDINATORCOORDINATOR COORDINATOR COORDINATOR by Alumni • Logo/recognition on website • Mention at awards luncheon Media Sponsors Hole Sponsor-$500 All hole sponsor signs will be autographed by Alumni following the tournament Foursome $1,000 * Individual $275 Sponsored by Payment is due in full at time of registration A portion of your donation is tax deductible. DBAA tax exempt #20-3194756. To request a donation receipt: Email [email protected] ATTN: DONATIONS COORDINATOR Registration Form Celebrity golfers will be teamed up with each foursome in a best ball scramble format. Orange Sponsor White Sponsor Schedule Also on board is radio broadcast partner Dave Logan, which Blue Sponsor Hole Sponsor means that KOA will be here to build the excitement and Individual Foursome
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