Sources Complying with the FIP for New and Modified True Minor Oil and Natural Gas Sources in Region 8 Indian Country Reservation OperatorName Facility Name Latitude Longitude Part 1 Registration Part 2 Registration received received Blackfeet Indian Reservation NorthWestern Energy B‐000005 Meriwether Compressor Station 48.8179 ‐112.7567 12/27/2017 4/5/2018 Fort Berthold Indian Reservation Arrow Pipeline, LLC TAT‐000822 Arrow Natural Gas Liquid Recovery 47.7324111 ‐102.590575 4/28/2017 Facility #1 BFX Infrastructure, LLC TAT‐000828 Portable Mechanical Refrigeration Unit 47.83434 ‐102.782339 5/17/2017 5/17/2017 Enerplus Resources (USA) Corporation TAT‐000814 Windom Pad 47.589973 ‐102.599734 3/20/2017 7/21/2017 TAT‐000686 Wilson Pad 47.58916 ‐102.655911 12/10/2018 12/10/2018 TAT‐000812 Wetterhorn Pad 47.645822 ‐102.722057 3/20/2017 12/8/2017 TAT‐000165 Weathers South 47.7355111 ‐102.6240667 5/31/2019 9/13/2019 TAT‐000761 Weathers North 47.741075 ‐102.6246694 5/31/2019 12/22/2020 TAT‐000684 Vegetation South 47.7074083 ‐102.598875 12/26/2019 5/19/2020 TAT‐000673 Vegetation North Pad 47.42573 ‐102.332931 4/3/2019 6/28/2019 TAT‐008109 Turtles East 47.9356 ‐102.7163 8/28/2020 TAT‐008109 Turtles East 47.9356 ‐102.7163 5/31/2019 11/10/2019 TAT‐000747 Tribes West 47.761557 ‐102.74069 3/10/2017 TAT‐000751 Tribes East 47.761614 ‐102.737559 3/10/2017 3/26/2018 Friday, September 24, 2021 Permit Actions ‐ Minor NSR, OGFIP Permit Report Page 1 of 29 Reservation OperatorName Facility Name Latitude Longitude Part 1 Registration Part 2 Registration received received TAT‐000813 Sunlight Pad 47.9915 ‐102.65893 3/20/2017 12/27/2017 TAT‐008154 Strings South 47.752908 ‐102.686603 3/9/2021 6/8/2021 TAT‐008129 Spiders Pad 47.675 ‐102.4841 2/19/2020 TAT‐000847 Spices Pad 47.700878 ‐102.550104 7/27/2017 1/5/2018 TAT‐000726 Sneffels Pad 47.588905 ‐102.624039 3/17/2017 10/3/2017 TAT‐000830 Snakes East 47.990705 ‐102.751081 5/25/2017 11/8/2017 TAT‐000888 Shrubs Pad 47.6326 ‐102.6602 6/20/2018 12/5/2018 TAT‐000019 Sewing West 47.758997 ‐102.603181 8/1/2018 11/27/2018 TAT‐000406 Pyramid Pad (FBR 147‐94‐2A‐11‐1H, 2H, 47.587786 ‐102.614467 9/28/2017 8/2/2017 FBR 148‐94‐35D‐26‐1H, 2H, FBR 148‐94‐ 35D‐26‐11H, 12H, 13H and FBR 147‐94‐ 2A‐11‐11H, 12H, 13H) TAT‐000406 Pyramid Pad (FBR 147‐94‐2A‐11‐1H, 2H, 47.587786 ‐102.614467 9/28/2017 4/19/2019 FBR 148‐94‐35D‐26‐1H, 2H, FBR 148‐94‐ 35D‐26‐11H, 12H, 13H and FBR 147‐94‐ 2A‐11‐11H, 12H, 13H) TAT‐000265 Pikes‐Ouray Pad 47.96398 ‐102.625833 1/4/2017 TAT‐008099 Peppers Well Site Pad 47.647 ‐102.613 4/3/2019 8/16/2019 TAT‐000872 Mountains Pad 47.646773 ‐102.718606 1/3/2018 5/8/2018 TAT‐000167 Missouri Pad, FBR 152‐94‐14D‐11‐3H, 4H 47.978436 ‐102.667623 12/4/2018 7/9/2019 Wells TAT‐008152 Metamorphic 47.558547 ‐102.548887 3/8/2021 7/14/2021 TAT‐000858 Metals North Pad 47.589878 ‐102.562802 5/23/2019 5/23/2019 TAT‐000858 Metals North Pad 47.589878 ‐102.562802 10/13/2017 7/23/2018 TAT‐000857 Metals East 47.559463 ‐102.562802 10/13/2017 9/18/2018 Friday, September 24, 2021 Permit Actions ‐ Minor NSR, OGFIP Permit Report Page 2 of 29 Reservation OperatorName Facility Name Latitude Longitude Part 1 Registration Part 2 Registration received received TAT‐000852 Marsupials East 47.9637306 ‐102.6684123 8/3/2017 8/3/2017 TAT‐000902 Lizards Pad 47.9078 ‐102.7357 9/5/2018 4/1/2019 TAT‐000034 Little Bear Pad #148‐94‐28A‐33‐1H, 2H 47.616565 ‐102.661787 9/28/2018 11/12/2018 Production Facility TAT‐000111 Likes Eagle 47.40244 ‐102.443181 12/23/2019 6/26/2020 TAT‐008102 James Pad 47.846536 ‐102.698769 4/16/2019 TAT‐008153 Igneous 47.557581 ‐102.544247 3/8/2021 7/14/2021 TAT‐000849 Horns Pad 47.64067 ‐102.607935 7/27/2017 11/27/2017 TAT‐008100 Greek Gods East Pad 47.6748 ‐102.5871 4/3/2019 8/12/2019 TAT‐000848 Grains Pad 47.627412 ‐102.459529 1/4/2017 7/27/2017 TAT‐000104 Ducks Pad 47.631028 ‐102.560883 12/17/2018 5/31/2019 TAT‐000789 Dogs Pad 47.7161281 ‐102.6705227 10/28/2016 11/1/2017 TAT‐000834 Cranes Pad 47.758459 ‐102.723546 5/21/2017 11/21/2017 TAT‐008128 Clouds West 47.6721 ‐102.7226 12/23/2019 4/29/2020 TAT‐000835 Cats Pad 47.586286 ‐102.571423 6/13/2017 7/9/2018 TAT‐000699 Cameron Pad, FBR 148‐94‐15A‐22‐7H & 47.991476 ‐102.695748 9/28/2018 3/22/2019 FBR 152‐94‐15B‐22‐5H, 6H Wells TAT‐000322 Cactus Pad 47.6878306 ‐102.420875 6/8/2017 7/17/2017 TAT‐000788 Bugs Pad 47.8232231 ‐102.6828264 10/28/2016 9/27/2017 TAT‐000831 Brugh Bear 47.675287 ‐102.7578901 5/25/2017 1/2/2018 TAT‐008123 Bonita Pad 47.997078 ‐102.603597 10/3/2019 TAT‐008123 Bonita Pad 47.997078 ‐102.603597 10/3/2019 TAT‐000226 Bierstadt Pad FB 152‐94‐13A‐24‐3H, 4H, 47.991351 ‐102.643052 3/20/2017 11/13/2017 15H, 16H Friday, September 24, 2021 Permit Actions ‐ Minor NSR, OGFIP Permit Report Page 3 of 29 Reservation OperatorName Facility Name Latitude Longitude Part 1 Registration Part 2 Registration received received TAT‐000396 Belford Pad 47.616196 ‐102.76402 7/19/2019 8/12/2021 TAT‐000710 Bags 47.8453972 ‐102.7475222 8/1/2018 11/21/2018 TAT‐008084 Anderson Pad 47.875729 ‐102.683314 9/28/2018 TAT‐000832 African Animals North 47.700348 ‐102.629303 5/25/2017 10/15/2018 TAT‐000805 Longs Pad 47.8746 ‐102.66927 3/1/2017 8/15/2018 EOG Resources, Inc. TAT‐000819 Van Hook 36 SESW Pad 47.935571 ‐102.271516 4/28/2017 7/5/2017 TAT‐000819 Van Hook 36 SESW Pad 47.935571 ‐102.271516 9/9/2019 TAT‐000584 Van Hook 35 SESE Pad 47.9352278 ‐102.2813667 4/28/2017 7/5/2017 TAT‐000585 Van Hook 15 NENW Pad 47.9914778 ‐102.3153667 7/11/2017 9/14/2017 TAT‐000821 Van Hook 14 SESE Pad 47.978934 ‐102.280141 4/28/2017 8/14/2017 TAT‐000233 Riverview 30 NWNW 1 PAD 47.9624444 ‐102.7669167 2/8/2019 10/9/2019 TAT‐000567 Parshall 35 SWSE Pad 47.935387 ‐102.155519 5/23/2019 TAT‐000565 Parshall 17‐33H, 24‐3332H, 27‐3332H, 96‐ 47.9350639 ‐102.1988111 8/3/2017 11/22/2017 3332H, 97‐3332H, 98‐33H, 164‐3332H TAT‐000010 Liberty 14 NWSE 14 1 Pad 47.895717 ‐102.28845 11/13/2019 4/6/2021 TAT‐000780 Liberty 14 NWNE 1 Pad 47.903958 ‐102.287387 4/18/2019 10/21/2019 TAT‐000873 Liberty 13 NESE 1 PAD 47.897591 ‐102.258476 2/15/2018 10/10/2018 TAT‐000311 Liberty 11 NWSE 1 Pad 4/19/2019 11/6/2019 TAT‐000874 Fertile 7 SESE 2 PAD 47.906859 ‐102.24027 2/15/2018 10/2/2018 TAT‐000874 Fertile 7 SESE 2 PAD 47.906859 ‐102.24027 8/22/2019 8/20/2019 Friday, September 24, 2021 Permit Actions ‐ Minor NSR, OGFIP Permit Report Page 4 of 29 Reservation OperatorName Facility Name Latitude Longitude Part 1 Registration Part 2 Registration received received TAT‐000351 Fertile 3 SWSE PAD: Fertile 4‐03H, Fertile 47.920725 ‐102.178119 8/25/2017 55‐0333H, Fertile 57‐0333H, Fertile 58‐ 0333h, Fertile 59‐0333H, Fertile 102‐ 0333H TAT‐000833 Fertile 10 SESE Pad 47.906561 ‐102.17722 5/28/2019 TAT‐000820 Clarks Creek Central Facility 47.9059 ‐102.7554 6/16/2020 1/5/2021 TAT‐000820 Clarks Creek Central Facility 47.9059 ‐102.7554 3/9/2018 12/18/2018 TAT‐000820 Clarks Creek Central Facility 47.9059 ‐102.7554 6/11/2019 12/10/2019 TAT‐000820 Clarks Creek Central Facility 47.9059 ‐102.7554 4/28/2017 8/14/2017 TAT‐000016 Clarks Creek 08 SESE 2 Pad 47.907531 ‐102.72965 7/3/2019 6/12/2020 TAT‐000424 Liberty 11 SESE 1 Pad 47.9065444 ‐102.27985 4/18/2019 10/17/2019 Halcon Resources Corporation TAT‐000811 Phoenix Pad 47.64461 ‐102.73169 3/1/2017 3/5/2018 Marathon Oil Company TAT‐000899 Yellow Otter USA well pad 47.820752 ‐102.5161025 8/9/2018 5/31/2019 TAT‐000136 Weninger USA Well Pad ‐ Weninger USA 47.935236 ‐102.562564 2/17/2017 44‐34H, Brant USA 44‐34TFH, Loftquist USA 34‐34TFH ‐ See TAT‐000877 TAT‐000129 Weninger Cox Well Pad 47.849 ‐102.56 11/6/2019 3/2/2020 TAT‐000877 Weninger Cox USA Well Pad 47.935443 ‐102.566185 2/26/2018 8/10/2020 TAT‐000078 Waljen USA well pad 47.910925 ‐102.602464 3/3/2020 TAT‐000795 Veronica USA Well Pad 47.877928 ‐102.704593 12/13/2016 2/26/2018 TAT‐000530 Uran 31‐2H Well Pad 47.933536 ‐102.54185 3/25/2021 3/25/2021 TAT‐000527 TAT USA 34 Pad 47.877647 ‐102.696881 2/6/2017 4/25/2018 TAT‐000844 Tat USA 13 47.881007 ‐102.686729 6/23/2017 3/26/2019 Friday, September 24, 2021 Permit Actions ‐ Minor NSR, OGFIP Permit Report Page 5 of 29 Reservation OperatorName Facility Name Latitude Longitude Part 1 Registration Part 2 Registration received received TAT‐000500 Skogstad Well Pad 47.875725 ‐102.582331 11/9/2019 3/23/2020 TAT‐008124 Shortall USA well pad 47.906297 ‐102.601406 11/10/2019 5/6/2020 TAT‐000526 Shobe ‐ Nugget Well Pad 47.878336 ‐102.615467 12/28/2017 1/27/2019 TAT‐000477 Sherman USA Well Pad 47.942102 ‐102.68058 2/6/2018 10/16/2018 TAT‐000477 Sherman USA Well Pad 47.942102 ‐102.68058 3/2/2020 11/24/2019 TAT‐000531 Red Feather USA 47.826669 ‐102.612086 11/29/2018 11/6/2019 TAT‐000529 Raymond USA Well Pad 47.846794 ‐102.746594 1/21/2021 TAT‐000529 Raymond USA Well Pad 47.846794 ‐102.746594 3/20/2017 2/13/2017 TAT‐000799 Ranger USA(SEE TAT‐000877) 47.93545 102.566741 1/5/2017 TAT‐000501 Quale USA well pad.
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