All stars Turtles contest The AlhForbes 1992-93 Show us your knowledge high school basketball teams seaport opens In New Jersey of Turtles and you ~ Bm See Sports, page B-2 thl may win! k WsetondPlus Details on page B»4 Vol. 4. No, 13 Thursday, April 1,1993 Record A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents! The two sides to dance tomorrow pQ tof Chttrsn ppresents 3-family homes a Tlianfc Qod rFHrtFHdad y 9wh9hg can- cart ind danos tomorrow. The King's Road 3*tig Band wi te perfcrrnhg. Hcksts are avaaabto at begin to emerge Off tw Rsocrd In Omkad, The Music Staff and tie Speuttng OJ- Mayor Garland "Bud" fk» in torn They **•»<> be eve* thanked her for her sttrtemenkr; able at the doon The band starts si THE RECORD and said he could have used son* 8 p.m. at Grantord Hgh School on Westfield council members of them when he was questioned^ Wast End Place. Bring your dano- began to take positions on the recently by TV-3 about why West* mo issue of zoning for three-family field is one of the 2fr most desirable housing at a meeting last Tuesday towns to live in. Day care offers night after a resident called on Michael Panagos, who heads tke- them to voice their opinions. Laws and Rules Committee con--" full-day orientation Tracy Dugan read a statement sidering the subject, said he is not WseffUdDsy Cara Canter *• before the council saying she and sure how far the committee will get; be hoMng a kindergarten orlsnta- her husband, Edward, as well as on the issue, but there may be a\ *« MK^^I-J. n II I* I ill tin ail, *Va public meeting on it He added son mMong MM vvMrtNctty nr other residents, oppose multi- family housing, citing differences that he was waiting for public ie> parents InHraHad si twir fuWay action on the issue before proceed- kindergarten program. Parents can between typical renters and the present Westfield residents, most ing further. corns and learn about tie our* of whom are homeowners. rtoulum and daffy adMsta offered "The fact that it was referred to "We must stand by the values my committee does not mean that Enrc*nent tor kindergarten and anyone favors it or that I favor ii" other programs v* begin In mU and principles Westfield was founded upon: safe neighborhoods, necessarily," he said ApriL The rnesang wfl begjh at Norlte Barcovlcz, 5, of Wsattleld pats "Clings*," tha boa constrictor from'the good families, people that take Councilman Kenneth Mac- 7:30 at tie Day Cm Center at tie during Sundays KIdt Expo at Union County College In Cranford. pride in their houses," she said. Ritchie said there are presenUjr "mm mmffWnmt unurcn, She charged that renters would owners of illegal multi-unit houtv enter twough tie glass breexewey. most likely be singles looking for ing in town that have a definite For more intarmason osl 2324717. cheap housing. They would be less interest in the upkeep of their Expo draws more than 5,000 involved in community and school units. He said three of the houses Parents, Dr. Smith issues, less likely to donate money in one district are owner-occupied, on talk program Cloudy sWes didn't deter more tian WOO paopk) who "One major problem was fiat there were too many to the fire and first aid squads, and and in five additional ones, the poured Mo tha drst Nds Expo Mil* Union County people. We oouMrVt accommodate everyone," Mr. Cor- landlords live within a one-block Four Weetffeld parenti wal dbv less likely to patronize small town Cotaga in Cranford Hat Saturday. *' mon said HSo we had to turn people away." shops, she said. radius of their properties. cusetwkopecaaionsoflhiWeav Tha event, a Joint effort c4 «w WetSMd YMCA/VWCA "Why would we seek to add an •eld school system win school au- But twee ftat dti get in had the opportunity to enjoy He also cited two examples in end its Jewish Community Center (JCC), wss oonaYJerad tie 65 art*** on Display. element contrary to what Westfield his statement where three people perlnlendsni Mark Srrtti on tie has?" she asked are living in one house illegally be- Apr! 14 sJring of On Urn. Tha par- S SUOOSBS. Otartng educator) and entertainment at the same lime. Aooordng to Richard Cormon. EMSOUM Oractar of She also charged that a change cause they are living in three dif- ents have 13 chfctan in 10 grade tie Nds Expo provided chXdren hands-on experience w«h in zoning laws would encourage ferent units, but in another house, MNSIB in i JCC, the event went SNceeoingly wssV everyJNng from oomputars and vendhg machines to static the presence of "invisible land- 11 people reside legally because it oanoaHnweiqi Because • WMTN SO was\ however, eiSre) was a problem generates. lords'* who neglect their housing. is only one unit rmriuwrmmatL The ft* wan ths crowds. Ortghaty Mr. Cormon sett tat ftey orty rOt vis vas) majority, It was a wonderful eMpsrisnos tat She said that she and her husband "We have to address this kind of wM be broadcast at 8 pun. on Sub- expected S,OQOpeo#a» but many more showed up. ' Mr. Cormon said. are buying a house previously in- inequity," he said. urban Cable channel 38. habited illegally by renters and ran Councilman James Hely said he down a list of maladies in it includ- didn't think it is right that long- library program ing a condemned roof, a sagging time residents have to ever think porch, a paved parking lot instead that their neighborhood is going to signup Is Saturday Westfield's Donald Menella of a back yard, and a garage that change because people are making Repjetnlbn beghs Saturday lor she said seems as if it was never illegal conversions. CaMgraphy For Mds st tie Wan- painted to match the house. "I would never convert it to a He** Ubnry. The dass wi be Mon- appears on Jeopardy —- again 'This house is a true example of three-family housing zone because day, Aprl 12. 3:45-4:46 p.m. for what three-family housing will be it's unfair to residents who put children In grades M. They must for you," she added. (Please turn to page A-3) be accompanied by an adult, have •y HIZMaTfM tions Mr. Mennella appeared on egories. However, unlike the actual a caMgraphy pen and a WesMeid THE RECORD the long-running TV quiz show last show, the questions do not vary in fbrary card. Space Is Imtsd. regis- Monday night He started out by difficulty, they are all the $800 and ANSWER: This Westfleld resi- taking a test in Atlantic City and $1,000 questions. Council to air garbage tration begins Saturday. Caff the I- dent recently competed on Jeop- biary for more moved through the process until The third part of the process was ardy! Although he came in third he got a caD last November asking an interview where the contestants place, he asked the right question him if he could make it to Hol- have to list five interesting things per-bag issue in future Inside scoop in the final round. lywood to be on the show. about themselves. Although Mr. ANSWER- Who is Donald Men- There are four parts to the proce- Mennella responded that he had The Westfield Town Council's containers," he said. ' nella? dure, he explained. been on the show in its first run, Rules Committee will hold a public Councilman Anthony La Porta NEWS No, "Westfield Residents" is not The first is a preliminary test he ended up discussing how he meeting on whether the town said he was not prepared to sup- 0 INCUMBENTS RUNNING: the latest category on the game where would-be contestants have graduated a year ahead of Danny should allow a per-bag fee on gar- port something like that without The four tovwi Councfl members show. If it were, Mr. Mennella to get seven of 10 answers correct DeVito from Oratory Prep in Sum- bage hauling instead of the current more information on it - could have swept the competition. In the next test, Mr. Mennella had mit uniform rate. He conceded that he thinks peo- with terms expiring this year have ple who generate less garbage decided to run agah. So tor, After a series of tests and audi- to answer SO questions in 50 cat- (Please turn to page A-3) Resident William Barnes com- plained that households who gen- should be rewarded for it, but said there's no oppoeWon K3 a per-bag system would only save erate less waste have to pay the these people a few dollars while same amount as those who gen- costing the average Westfield fam- COMMUNITY Candidates see areas needing erate more. He said this issue has ily 60-70 percent more. EJ MISS UNION?: A Town been before the council for over a Mayor Boothe added that gar* woman aspires to be Miss Union year, and urged them to finally bage hauling prices could not be take a vote on it County — and much more, actu- drastically dropped now because more work in school district "I don't see why a person with ally. Meet her on A-7 they are regulated by law, but new one container should have to pay legislation will begin slowly phas- •y EUZAaWTHOWOMCK not fade into the background after the first year of the same as a person with three ing in deregulation by 1996.
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