Preliminary Map PMAP2007-1 Geology of the Flin Flon area, Manitoba 312 000 313 000 314 000 315 000 316 000 317 000 318 000 319 000 101°56'0"W 101°54'0"W 101°52'0"W 101°50'0"W (part of NTS 63K12) X2 X2 Z1a XX11 X3 ZX11c X3 X1 X1 D9a Z1a X2 X2 39 CLc SUCESSOR ARC ROCKS Z1c 44 V7 Tectonite N X2 " 0 ' Mafic tectonite (age unknown) 8 TE1 4 X2 a mylonite ° V5e 4 5 46 b phyllonite X1 X3 25 CLc Z1c 51 Post-Missi intrusive rocks Z1a Z1a D4a Beaverdam n X3 V7g li D9a "Late" dykes Lake F Z3 X1 X1 23 a granodiorite, tonalite dykes X2 Cliff Lake D4a 29 74 b feldspar-porphyritic granite to granodiorite dykes 44 X2 X3 26 V7e Z2 Boundary intrusion suite 43 a melagabbro, pyroxenite; locally with various xenoliths N 73 " 0 b monzonite-syenite ' 8 V1 X2 4 c intrusion breccia 30 40 D9a ° X2 4 d hornblende-leucogabbro, pegmatitic in places 54 X2 5 0 X3 X3 76 0 e fine- to medium-grained gabbro 0 X2 78 0 8 38 74 0 0 24 77 Phantom Lake intrusive suite 6 X3 C 6 Z1 X2 X2 54 14 82 r a fine- to medium-grained quartz-feldspar porphyry, massive to banded (Kaminis intrusions) 7 27 e 7 44 22 ek 0 89 0 D1 89 38 b granodiorite, quartz diorite (Boot Lake intrusions) R1b 68 26 6 Z1c 6 67 I1d 31 23 71 CLa D9c c gabbro, diorite, quartz-diorite (Boot Lake intrusions) Z1a X2 41 70 Z1c H1c R1a D1 79 X3 51 19 D4a H1b R1b 28 on 24 X3 32 HVC2 26 R2b Fl 80 32 Missi Group Z1c D1 24 32 D1 D1 64 X1 Greywacke, arkose Z1a D1 H1a I1a X3 X2 H1a 36 28 D5a 22 31 Z1a X3 I1a D1h 36 38 61 D1 D1 39 CLb D1 D1h 26 21 Greywacke and arkose, with pebble beds Z1c 55 D1 82 R1b 35 34 X2 D1 54 CLa 67 S1b 10 52 42 D6 I1c S1b 84 CLc 12 D1 D1 ek 38 Pebble to cobble conglomerate, with minor interbedded arkosic sandstone and pebbly re 20 D5 X1 C 49 D1 36 61 D9a arkosic sandstone 38 34 61 54 68 24 30 S1b R1b D1 37 D1h 42 61 47 Z1a D1 42 D4a D1 S1b 46 Pre-Missi intrusive rocks D1 42 R1a D5a D2b 30 59 D2b 64 I1a 85 X3 56 Channing granodiorite Medium-grained, slightly quartz-phyric granodiorite D6 R1b 89 P2 S2 44 39 D1 HVC2 45 64 41 CLd D1h D5a S1b 71 38 D6 59 D1h D1 70 X3 Z1a Club D2b 46 CLg Anabel pluton Granite, granodiorite, quartz-diorite D1h 71 D2b D5a R1b 68 P1 X2 R1a R1b D1 R2b 58 D1 S1b D1 D5a 31 45 Lake S1b D7 D1 59 CLa M1 51 R1b Z1c S2 D1h 36 70 R1b 43 52 64 R1b 41 D1 R1a S1b R2b 72 X1 69 S1a R2b 68 X1 D4a FLIN FLON ARC ASSEMBLAGE (>1.88 Ga ROCKS) X1 34 R2b 70 D9a D1 23 D9b t D7 Little 51 ul 60 43 D1 33 X1 Undivided intrusive rocks a 66 66 S1b S1a F R2b 39 R1b Y1a D1 y D1 60 I1c 54 a Cliff 11 Pyroxenite S1a w 91 82 24 60 X2 D10 63 S1b il D1 D1 27 a melagabbronorite 40 R1b a R2a 40 V7 37 68 51 Lake 69 D1 R 56 R4 27 67 V5f S2 D1 Gabbroic intrusive rocks S1b R2a D2 41 27 60 CLa D9 Y1a S1b 39 41 a aphanitic to fine-grained S1a D1 28 D2 64 40 R1c 0 D1 41 0 b medium- to coarse-grained 0 R1b 41 70 0 R1a 64 D6 38 c plagioclase-pyroxene phyric dyke 0 56 D1 25 25 56 42 0 47 CLa 52 S2 R1b 30 69 CLa d quartz-diorite 5 39 X2 5 D2b 45 82 58 42 7 33 48 7 50 56 R1b D2a 0 62 X1 D2a 0 Plagioclase-phyric rhyolite dikes and sills V1 52 D8 6 60 S1b 81 R2a 59 6 a intrusive R1a D2 D2 59 59 65 39 40 D1 D1 51 46 b possible flow or synvolcanic sill (massive, flow banded, to flow brecciated) 68 R4 R2a 65 70 R1a R2a 43 40 55 62 R2b 86 R2b 53 Mafic dykes complex R1b R2c D1 D7 R1b 58 45 a locally contains screens of the host rock(s) D1 R1b 71 55 R2b 31 56 72 40 V1e CLb D1 D1 32 39 R3 D1 34 Mafic dikes and sills 62 68 42 R3 68 D6 Y1a V1 D1 a fine- to medium-grained 61 R1b L2a 51 46 34 34 D2 R2a 36 V5f b aphanitic, aphyric to sparsely porphyritic D1 C 64 D1 R1b 38 N R1b 24 79 35 .N c plagioclase-phyric " 58 . 66 54 0 59 R2a X3 R ' R1a V1a 40 7 D1 . 41 R3 66 Aphanitic intermediate dikes and sills 4 R2b D1 72 X1 ° 50 R2a D5 R4 4 D7 34 38 a amphibole-phyric D1 R2a D1h X1 5 R2c 48 D1h D1 V7e 66 b coarse-grained, gray, plagioclase-rich D1 R1b 81 CLa 34 R1b 69 D2 74 69 D9b R2b 26 D2 24 57 Quartz and plagioclase porphyritic rhyolite dikes and sills 47 D4 R1b 48 76 D2 32 D9d a intrusive 75 80 74 61 D9a R1a S1b D1 D2 R2b 52 66 b possible flow or synvolcanic sill (massive, flow banded, to flow brecciated) 41 28 L2a 29 R2c R2b D9a 44 D2 Z1b D1 D1 42 30 Sparsely quartz and plagioclase porphyritic rhyolite dikes and sills D1 D1 D2 32 D3 R1a D1 67 a intrusive 52 CLc on R2b D1 52 D9b Creight R2b b possible flow or synvolcanic sill (massive, flow banded, to flow brecciated) D2 V5d N D1 " 55 74 0 60 84 ' D2 61 50 Aphanitic rhyolite-rhyodacite dikes and sills 78 7 D1 D2 D1 V7e D2 4 a intrusive D1 ° 75 4 D1 D2 b possible flow or synvolcanic sill (massive, flow banded, to flow brecciated) R1a 66 60 X1 60 D9a 5 R2a R2a 60 D6 53 D1 R2 D2 V1e V1c D9b D9b Aphanitic to medium-grained mafic dikes and sills R2a D1 D1 D1 R1b R2b D2 R2b V2b a aphanitic, aphyric- to sparsely feldspar-porphyritic (<5% phenocrysts), massive to amygdaloidal (<5% Hidden R1b D2 74 D2 D9a V1 41 D1 59 D2 32 50 D7 61 CLd amygdules) Lake R1a D9a b flow banded, aphanitic, aphyric to sparsely feldspar phyric (<5% phenocrysts), massive to D1 D1 57 0 R1b D1 60 D1 D1 0 amygdaloidal (<5% amygdules) 0 R1b D6 V3d 0 R2b D6 85 R2b D4a c aphanitic, aphyric, magnetite-bearing 0 D1 0 41 50 D1 Grant D1 4 X1 4 d aphanitic to medium-grained, feldspar phyric (8-15%, 2-10mm) 40 48 V5e V5e 78 7 R2b 58 65 Lake V5f 7 e aphanitic to medium-grained mega-feldspar phyric (15-30%, 5-15mm) 0 R1a R1a 0 R1b X1 V5f f medium-grained to aphanitic, pyroxene- (±feldspar) phyric 6 36 D4a 6 D2 65 V5f 62 g massive to flow banded, fine- to medium-grained, equigranular (possible sill or massive flow) R1b D2 90 44 CLb 50 R1b 31 h plagioclase (5 to 15%, 2 to 10 mm) and pyroxene (1 to 15 %, 2 to 10 mm) phyric 65 64 X3 68 R1a X2 36 D1 D9b i plagioclase (5 to 30%, 3 to 15 mm) phyric with 5 to 15% quartz amygdules 68 D2 V7e R2b D2 V3d R1a D2 D1 26 D9b 75 D1 Undivided volcanic rocks D6 66 60 D9a 49 R2b V5e Aphyric to sparsely plagioclase- and pyroxene-phyric mafic flow D9a V8 75 D6a a intercalated with abundant (>50%) massive to bedded tuff, locally pyroxene and plagioclase-crystal- 39 44 51 D1 R2b V5f rich 70 R1b V5e 66 C X2 65 63 D9a b intercalated with minor (<20%) massive to bedded tuff, locally pyroxene and plagioclase-crystal-rich D2 l i f V3b c massive and pillowed 39 f 62 Flin D1 D1 L 72 D9b 72 d amoeboid fragment breccia and thin flows 49 a 83 46 k 80 R1b 44 65 e V3d 84 e pillow fragment breccia V7f Z1a F 84 79 52 R2a a D9a Sparsely plagioclase- and pyroxene-phyric mafic flow 75 u 777 R1e D9b V7 78 l 76 t a massive to pillowed with discontinuous lenses of massive to bedded tuff and lapilli-tuff D1 R1b 45 X2 V3c H R1b 25 61 68 o b massive and pillowed 77 84 CLc o R2b 106 R2b 68 k c amoeboid fragment breccia and thin flows 34 M 82 64 X2 59 48 L a a d pillow fragment breccia 83 X1 45 V5f V3b Z1a 71 k n e i e monolithic mafic breccia (plagioclase-pyroxene-phyric clasts) 46 V5e s X2 R R4 45 56 V3a F t i 60 o f pillowed Ross Lake k R1b 65 a 67 D1 s w N 15 V5e D1 u s g massive l a A t D6 n L a 68 44 W L A Felsic volcaniclastic rocks D1 k 40 70 a V6 e E 66 B k a monolithic felsic breccia F 63 e H R2 42 O R2a R1b D1 a D9a b thinly bedded to laminated felsic tuff F C V5f T R2c u I V1c a l T t c monolithic felsic breccia (quartz-plagioclase-phyric clasts) D1 D1 u N l A CLa 85 X1 D9a t d monolithic felsic breccia (aphyric clasts) A K CLb 44 10 M S 78 0 R1e 0 Mafic volcaniclastic rocks 0 0 A V5 D1 54 a well-bedded mafic tuff 0 50 0 S R1a 68 59 V1f 3 3 b plagioclase-crystal­rich tuff 7 52 CLa 7 Flon CLa V3a 82 c plagioclase-crystal­rich lapilli-tuff with flattened aphyric mafic clasts 0 C V5f 0 R2b 50 X2 49 h 76 d massive to bedded scoriaceous breccia locally interbedded with tuff and lapilli-tuff 6 a D9a CLa V3d 6 D1 r V3a 10a l e heterolithic breccia composed of mafic and felsic volcanic clasts ie 70 f heterolithic mafic breccia Z1c L 69 a 56 82 k 62 e V5f Mafic and felsic lapilli tuff N V5f " 83 F CLa V4 0 a ' u 59 73 6 D2a l D10a 4 80 t ° Flin Flon 72 69 Felsic volcanic rocks 4 83 V3 5 76 a aphyric rhyolite flow and flow breccia North Main R1 76 78 Hilary D6 X3 b plagioclase porphyritic rhyolite flow and flow breccia R1b X3 68 80 26 V1a c quartz and plagioclase porphyritic rhyolite flow and flow breccia M Lake D1 d quartz-porphyritic rhyolite flow and flow breccia X1 59 41 D9a 35 CLa a Plagioclase-phyric basaltic flows 46 10 85 X1 62 73 V2 X2 80 n R1a 61 a massive to pillowed plagioclase-phyric flows, locally pyroxene-plagioclase-phyric or aphyric, locally D6 71 V5e 72 86 V1e i interbedded with thin well bedded mafic tuff X2 D2a s R1b b massive and pillowed flows t C 78 Ross Lake N Lake X3 i 59 D1 h " k 27 0 a X1 V7e ' Aphyric to sparsely plagioclase-phyric basaltic flows n 6 V1 86 w 73 4 68 T1a n a massive and pillowed flows i 84 ° n X1 W1 4 60 b massive flows and mafic sills intercalated with thin well bedded mafic tuff intervals g a R1a V3a 5 61 T1b Z2 F c pillowed n a 64 CLa T1a u 70 d massive to pillowed flows and mafic sills intercalated with mafic to bedded lapilli-tuff and tuff l t C1a X3 71 D1 e monolithic mafic breccia (aphyric clasts) 59 75 29 81 f massive D6 64 69 60 65 D1h 34 83 R1e D6 74 82 D1 X1 82 L 61 T1a D1 Z1c 64 Undivided sedimentary rocks 76 D9a V1e 65 78 a 43 T1a Mafic siltstone and mudstone 74 80 70 k W1 85 76 34 C1a 33 e D1h 61 V3a 0 77 R1e 50 V7e 75 0 0 46 V1e 0 Synvolcanic intrusive rocks 38 L1a 74 0 Z1c X3 0 39 C2b L1b 77 2 R1b 2 Cliff Lake plutonic suite L1a 66 CL 7 L2a V5e 75 7 L1b V1f a quartz diorite 0 I1a Hapnot L2a 90 0 L2b X1 70 81 b quartz-phyric tonalite with abundant large xenoliths 6 Lake L2b 68 59 6 55 D9a c quartz-phyric tonalite with abundant, small, highly digested xenoliths
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