5 CENTS 50 CENTS PER COpy PER YEAR MONTH OF MAY, 1905 I~DIA~ EDUCATIO ~ TI T L 'DIA:\ TERRITORY TORY OF THE CREEK tA MONTHLY MAGAZINt EIGHT YEARS AGO TIJt n: l rt. not 10 't,' l liH t rt, '\ GREGG SHORTHAND Toaay more than half the schools in I"e Unitea Sialts ana Canaaa leaching Shorthand ore using (;CREGG SHO'R,THAND Cregg Short-band ," tall~hl and I'rilcttca y usee Wle C\'l'r the En:.!li",h JallI!Jaf,:,l'I~"pOKt·n. We reel' \"t' CUn,.tdnt y Oflkr .. (rum England, :\e\\ Zeal;U1d, .\u:ttraha, ~{)uth A(Tk.L the \\"'e .... lndlt: ... Japall, ;Intl olhl'r forf"il.!'l1 (uuDtrie", W t.~ ha\'e rt.'lt'ntly i .... ued a :--i11;lDl,.h ("Iii lHlll uf (:' ~t:.:f,(} S lli H! rn A:\" "(irt'.I:'f!· l'am," .hich j .. alrCC1(h 3rcm .. inl! a tn.'nI("lIu4 us lIlll' " .. t in SpaOl.,h .. huTth~lnd. The hme nf nnHi(, sHol!TH \):J) h ,,"oriel·.,.. de. L R~'\RL"i'G ~nlLG Pt'E ,.Ie "TIO. ~. R :--HIPME!iT :f , I , If a IfJ U 1'hat 1C''1I HOC dUJilI t d illY' Qur bt".JI"JI:s hm $. t.Jdflth il ad PI The fo:-cc: of the olrgument IS lrretllist Ie r.h·-~ dl not (orne hn e f r a thlDrtt t oot ... a t .. factory,Dordotheygr .. Ie tiS 11$( 'J .. ati ... f letorT· Thert t be .. om t':ling lc crent y .. troD u:: B\ 'e n t~ it e che: ... lJUcb. 'tune-spread pop r t. d tberr I.: .t m J!'It dfect Vt; oWil IS the purpo-e for .hleh t intended and GR :~ ~HOIITH ~ "0 d. " \'e.h d Ke'O put 10 tb. h nd. of e ry dad teacher copy f l..ur booklet (rc J! ~hoTthaDd." A pas c.ard. bnng it .f Tare nnl tc ... tlJt 'fi' 0 d.n inttr t to rour a 'rant e. f yo .. - <:.tOO. It. tx v bIt' n pc. ~ ).,. the .. aJ to IfJJl., THE GREGG PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO e tiOD tbe J ""-aSAL ..hene'rer JOC wr e our '\ rt er... .. Fine Cenlline Navajo Blankets and Rugs - U A GE...'iUDi£ NAVAJO" Not the cheapest that are sold perhaps, but the BEST that can be sold for the pnce. And the BEST the Navajo Weaver can do at reason­ able prices- I am right here where these blankets are made and get them direct from the looms. Vlly Booklet ''THE NAVAJO," describing and illustrating in colors repr~ntat.ve types and patterns of these blankets. mailed free upon request- Address: ]. B. MOORE, Llcersed lnd;an Trader, NavajO lndJan R~rvatton_ CRYSTAL. NEW VlIEXlCO. Me D Tu& J t:1L'I".&.. tTe:r YOU wt1te oe adTCl1.bers. • Chilocco R.R. Time Table ]'/1, t Ifl "/I" top II" !J. INDIANS K\:'\TA F}o: HCJt"T.· Guln:.r nurth, II :3.•• a. Ul. I;!tllIl)!' .. outb, lJ:l~ and 11:41:1 a. m. ,\fail h ai .. o taktn b,) Dort 1 bound trail!; .it ;:11:, p. m. and" H I. m. dnd In ~. nlh­ hound train at "':';)(1 p. m., ntlt t'(.htdull.'d to .. lop at l hiilK(O ISt.I,tWII. FRIS()J List; St liun klll)W 1 1"; (an', !"fluth hound. tl::'- .\. U1 .•,,,d ;):n~ p. til : north bound, 1:!:l4 a. m. IHd Ii' ... I' m. ~E\Y EI L\ \II I I.I ~" ; ( 'l nIP J \ ~ y. A ttl' ladJaD Camp. " I '()LAlx BEAlx" HE INDIAN SCHOOL 'JOURNAL t<lls ,II FL01. ; IX. T .bout Ihtm Iht diff"tnl IribtS. hl1'OJ I' • :-;" \S milT.,yof tdC", Ihn, modes of lrvmg . nurn· lCr of rtst"U.dic:u. Ito'lb Uncle 5.am lduedttS m. numbu of Ind"n School•. ""h.lthty d·t DOANE & JARVIS -romplimng. ond.n f.ct EVER YTHll/l{G fKr­ mmq to tht Unittd StAltS GM!trnmtnt dna its '3 8.Tm m8.c"'\1\t~ \Da.qo~s . ded/lngs cwifh An the Indidns In i:fs c.rc. It u ~qq\el:.. c.a.Tt\a.qes. '3\e\~ t"t (1m, loom,jl publimtd m Iht .nfcrtsts of In­ di.l.n tdtJc.aJiDn .,nd tht only illustr .. tu/ mcnlhtJ a.~~ ~8.,~e~ 5et~. e\c .. tk nuguint issutd cC1<>VIng th.s fitld. THE 'f01l'R.NAL IS ttli/ttl", S. 8>1. McC-an. fqr 16 I'·S.! t IT} A -t ,. ,CAn ,lJnncctttl'R>dh the U. S. Ina ..n Se"",ct. Ii IS f"UIltd ", tht Ind"n stud,"ls atlht U. S. Geo. L. Beard, Indion Schooldt 0,,70<<0. Old, .. and costs SOc a ",d'. Send 5< to. umplt ccpy . 0. send you, GUDS, Ammunition and Sporting Goods """'1(' .. nd fiffy ctnls fcr 01 ytu'S subscnp!icn. rubi., bdlc ..4 1iIe INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL AI ....... Oty. w... ChlIocco IndW! School. ChlIocco. Oklabomo --------------------- MILLER'S DR. L. D. MITCHELL, PHOTOS •• • DENTIST... ARE THE BEST. IJwa!l!< h r"",,' Sbl< JJuk. to L r. Blod. s. 0 ... .In'"'~ ( b " impire tJteam :!.aundrq, . ' Bu ., Pm- AR A ""A ' ( Y The Citizens State Bank OlE DOOR DRTH OF GLADSTONE DTEl, .. Bom. In tit iJocL lIcnUoG e I CDA .. eDcnr,. ,nUe There is NONE Like the VICTOR 11 know "hal a \"ICTOU T \I.K C\I M U'II S": II 'lbrv are :1M D r OK to cQlr-Uin tbe chU<l "t'll n lodl .1 !--cbool Do~.d baH: , CilQ bave dance QlQslC 1Hod .lel or ..l8l'lt, 00 IItt'1 il" -' t."aIlIDg~ omJe 1l",.IjOb~ and IOnll:~ of I tu . ~olblng "olct'r r StIDd, (""'(,"llog exercl5('11 tban 1 'll'TOR aDd a cf4 C ~Ie tiOD of re ord .. of - IQc. ... 0108, qnaht'ttt's and lble Special Rat.es To Indian Schools. \\ rt f,. 0 r lisl MoilDY I ..an. J;4 em aDd , aD DOC. atfor to do ..- tb lilt Dt' W an also IIU Joe onlt'Oi fa al" k dll 0'" mn I In= "'1Imen a.nd m'll Ie 11 ~s. Wr '(' today \"e c saTe J)O m f"\' THE R.UDOLPH WURLITZER CO. Cincinnati, Ohio. " ~IILLER" This name on a photograph not only STERLIXG SILVER means "good work at a reasonable CHILOCCO PI.·S price" it assures you of the BEST ENA[MELED and ~lost Fashionable Photography RED. WHITE ana GREEN, Price 50 Cenis. HELP! HELP! r:. 1_. ~h.:D<- n.Ycl1, YOU NEED HELP- SO DO W E JEWELrn Arkac as lit., JI clD.. -' We ( :l I) Ip you tb n L"SPDtATIOft'. the A. H. FITCH, magazine or eD( :> r .5 hi 1=::'01. ~ he. ph:' Everything in Mllsic and Sewing •• f 1 !Jay ~.~ l'lerc e 1x't.. ~D Machines. Dc"] is toerg: SP!R.I. TlON Em1GIZI.S. You 325 S. So mmit Stru t. C3.u be p ) bel; 1 ess. Tbe e of t!iSf'1RA m a TUT ~ eDd ARKANSAS GTY, KdlNSAS. D the Dam« ! te. e ambo 115 Pe D ud !Sc a.ncl r 1Fil: be cre lted .. tb a ,ea.! Tb h a specta. offer good for a h t meoc It w:.u toe 8 ROOd inu ... t· end "The Journa]" to ment. 1>0 It hdore you fO!"2ct I 'SPI RA no.. PUBLISH!. 'G CO. Y( ur Eastern relatives KenuOll the J t .l.L "'be eYer 1 >0. 1fT e OUT a.dnr: "ees. Sent on Approval TO ....ro:c.JBL. p • ..,PLa THE Amateu Laughlin Trai FOUNTAIN PEN Ounatttd Fl.u t Onde ItIL SOLID GOLD PEN i:::$ Popular Slyl .. for Only ." hJ!.ft11n4 ..n Ie: ....~ HoM. r Is maJ. of \be ftnut • ~ b&r.:1 rubber, In t~ r S IIIP'- parts. 6tttd wtth \"f:ry • NEW EDITION JuST O UT.- ILLUSTRATED. Comprchenhlble. popular fonn.. dnvid of lonr-..pun '~ u ' ,rde,LarltJ Ie Uk. lheor1.ea. bued 00 practlcal e~rieDce tbrowcbOuL poi pen, any lIultlClty d .. Not.. larta '"olume of pastlme rea41na matter, buL "red - Ink fu41nl' 41vlu rwu",uaeed to cooLatD tbe m()S1. pracUcal lnformatioo on tbe .ubleeL at. all1 pnre.. !"t'Dt postpaid OD reeeJIl1. perfecl Of pri(,f! _pap!"f' coyer, $1.OOj finely cloth bouDd EJtbtr style-Rlcbly Gold AND GOLD EMBOSSED, SI.60. A DDRE88 : - Mounted f J' pnMau.1Ioo S I un THE INDIAN SCHOOL JOURNAL, ChUtXcc, ~. tired Special Offer tn u. ~ ppD a 'fttk If :, ~.. £d tt ..Herre-­ Sf!3d. fuDy as fa ..... 200-E&& INCUBATOR S12. 10 u you can MO/.r, fx three e.u lht pd.. III UJ oeu Ir. U. It .ot tmirt: 1 .&.aIb· bctoty lD nUl' r.s;«t. ft· 1II.m "UI~ ~~ wtIJ 1Cfd.,:;o SJ.J(Jk~ fI, tht ~r:t!~ JDe. tJ t;,F' Iroat..t In V1I'tHtW ZlJ wloPX1fJlt:lllr~b'I t~ u~ Pm- ."01 0:1. ca~r Ia. ,xo hu ~ fu ClIIlIDODt1 t.ck.) La, thJ:l. Puhlk.atkJfl do.... aDd WTile OW TRt ELF!RS GUlDE S4~ Poe"" Pta HoI_ 2S It.nl,," Rctarp ucb n lit llWAY ems PotI. on. I 58 ADAMS ST.CHICA;Q. laughlin Mfg. Co, An Ad in the Journal end The JOCR_ ':\.L Brings Results to Your fr iend ---5( ct . 110 Maeazine Like It - What Did You Learn to Draw Pay ]upp? Pract.ically and Beaut.ifully You may remember that you bought 50,000 envelopes from Jupp some time during the last year; but do you know how much you paid Jupp? Do you r know what Stowe and Butler and King bid at the time you bought these envelopes? Do you know how much h lower .Jupp's bid was? Do you know I what the terms of payment were? Can you tell the exact date when JuPP made his low bid? Do you know whether his figures meant F.
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