I THE WESTFIELD LEADER THI UADIHO AND MOST WIPILY OIBOULAT1D WUKL? NIW8PAPKB IV OHIO* 000X17 end Clans Postage Paid YEAR—No. 21 at Westfleld, NT 3. Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JANUARY 19, 1961 Every Thursday 32 Page*—10 C«nU . Kimball Will Get Trinity Forum To 99 Sledges Set Record Entry Budget Hearing Public hearing on the school Continue Lecture budget {or 1961-62 will be Brotherhood In Boy Scout Klondike Derby held in the Senior High School 2nd B'nai B'rith Citation cafeteria, Rabway avenue, Series Wednesday A record number of 99 sledg< snake and Rookies of First Con Wedneadny at 8 p.m. Town Council manned by 91 Boy Scout' patro gregational Church Troop 74 of and eight Senior Scout teams hav Westfield; Beaver and Flaming Week Announced fudge Untermann Rev. Weigel's Arrow of Garwood Lions Club The Town Council will hold registered for the sixth annu; Annual Y Open Topic Will Be Klondike Derby for District Fou Troop 76; Geronimos, Red Devils fo Be Speaker At its meeting Monday at 8 p.m. Boy Scouts of the Watchung Arei and Panthers of Mountainside Ki- in the Municipal Building, not Church Unity Council, to be held Saturday ii wanis Troop 76. House Saturday Dr. Wu Will Tuesday ai regularly sched- the Lake Surprise area of th. Also, Pioneer, Flying Eagle iward Ceremony uled, due to the testimonial The Rev. Gustave Weigel, SJ, Watchung Reservation, reportei Black Hawk and Rattlesnake of Talk at WHS dinner Tuesday for former one of the foremost theologians George "Wild Bill" McMora St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Public Invited and historians of the Roman Cath- "Governor of Alaska." Westfield Troop 77; Ranger, Wolf Sin. Bruce E. Kimball of 525 Mayor H. Emerion Thomas. To Activities olic Church whose views on Mr. McMoran, a neighborhood Falcon and Eagle of Methodist February 17 •rove utreet has been named the church-state and Protestant-Catho- commissioner and head coordina Men's Clpb Troop 78 of Westfielcl aipfort of the second B'nai lic relations were widely reported The annual Westfield YMC/ enship and Civic Af- tor of the derby, invites all par- Beaver and Hoot Owls' of Willow Dr. K. C. Wu, one of the key B'rith Citizenship ana <^ivic AI- ; in the recent presidential election ents and friends of scouting tc Grove Presbyterian Church Troop open house held each y*ar in con (lire Award. The presentation will • * - ..... campaign, will give the second of junction with National YMC/ political figures in the Fur East witness the derby which will sta 102 of Scotch Plains; Apache Week will be conducted Saturday and outstanding foe of the Red » made by the B'nai B'rith . ••„ *d the sixth annual Trinity Forum's at 8:30 a.m. and end about 4 p.nt Hawk, Pine Tree, Mohawk, Green Women, Westfield chapter, at Tern four lectures Wednesday night in as announced by Frank Ketcham Chinese, will speak in Westftelrt Boy Scout patrols registered fo Bar, Beavers and Flying Eagle of I,'gm,nu-El, East Broad street, ~tm'- thtrHoly Trinity High School audi- president of the YMCA Board o Senior High Tuesday evening, Feb. ra Tne ublic St. Bartholomew the Apostle Troop hursday at 8:3" P- - P torium. the derby include the following Directors. 7 at 8 p.m. Staff and Beaver of Scotch Plain: 103 of Scotch Plains; Flaming Ar- is invited to attend. Refreshments row, King Cobra, Coo-coos, Eagles, Mr. Ketcham stated that not The meeting, which is being ,i|l be served. The Jesuit scholar's subject is Baptist Church Troop 21; Buck; sponsored by the Westfleld Broth- "The Meaning of the Ecumeni- Beavers, Bear Paw, Unknown, and Falcona of LaGrande Avenue only during the open house Satur- Principle speaker of the evening day, but throughout the entin erhood Week committee, is open cal Movement," dealing with Hawk of All Saints Episcopal School PTA Troop 104 of Fan- to the public. Free tickets may be be Judge Esther K. Unter- church unity as proposed by Pop Church Troop 30 (which has del wood; Ravens, Hawks, Panthers week of Jan. IB to 21, all recrea DR. K. C. WU i, first president of the North- tional classes in both the adult am obtained from local stationery and John XXIII in his call for ed the winning sledge in four o: of Shackamaxon School PTA drug stores. JTNW Jersey Council, B'nai Ecumenical Council in Rome the past five derbies); Bat an Troop 130 of Scotch Plains; Jazz, boyB' department program an frith Women, past president of the next few years. Rattlesnake of Fanwood Presby White Mule, Mustang, Viking open to the public as guests of thi Dr. Wu has served as mayor of itrict No. 3 of B'nai B'rith, and association. Persons wishing ti N. J. Secretary Of Hankow, Chunging, und Shanghai. The 1961 forum series of Wed terian Church Troop 33; Flamin) Thunderbird and Falcon of Wood- former judge in Newark, who Arrow, Apache, Rattlesnake an row Wilson School PTA of West- take purt in the recreational activ He was governor of Formosa for now affiliated with Civil Defense nesday night lectures opened last ities must check in at the men four years, and acting minister of night. The speaker was the Rev Buffalo of Scotch Plains Schoo field Troop 171. State to Speak in tot city. No. 1 PTA Troop 37; Bat an bership desk and fill in a guest foreign afTairu und minister of Francis J. Nead, chairman of tl Also, Wolf, Beaver, Ranger, blank before they can be admitted, information for three years ill Mrs. Kimball was born in Rock Department of Theology at Setoi Shrunken Head of Men's Club o; Apache, Cobra, Flaming Arrow, Mass. She attended Simmon? First Baptist Church of Westfiel They will be asked to furnish theii Chiang-Kai-shek's cabinet. Hall University. Following Falhe Owl and Mohican of Benjamin own gym and swim clothing. I Democratic Club .. in Boston, Mass. She wa: Weigel, the speakers will be Wi Troop 71. Franklin School PTA Troop 172 Born in central China In 1(103, jretary to Governor Alvan 1 Ham F. Buckley Jr., author an Also, Flying Tigers, Sphinx, of Weatfield; Buccaneers, Serpents, Also scheduled during the opei Invites Public Dr. Wu was educated in the iller of Massachusetts. She mar- JAMES B. RAMSEY editor of "The National Review," Blue Ange)s, Eagles, Thunderbolts, Question Marks and Forest Rang- house and throughout the weel United States, receiving a BA de- Mr. Kiraball in 1930 and tool Feb. 1, and the Rev. William J, Rattlesnakes, Cheyenne, Buccan- ers of Lincoln School PTA of will be observation of all classei The - Hon. Edward J. Patten, gree from Grinnel College, Iowa, ip residence in Westfield in 1940 Daly, assistant superintendent ol eers and Thunderbolts of Men Westfield Troop 173; Rainmaker, including the instructional' phase: Secretary of State of New Jersey, and his MA and PhD degrees from ra. Kimball is a member of th< Water Problems schools for the Roman Catholii Triangle Bible Class of First Pres Comet, Falcon and Blue Ox of of the program for parents of YV will be the guest speaker of the Princeton. He toured 36 states ret Congregational Church o Archdiocese of Newark, Feb. 8. byterian Church of Westfiel Community Presbyterian Church members and friends of the Y, ac Westfield Democratic Club Friday and took summer courses nt Colo- ffeitfleld. She was active in thi Reports of Father Weigel's lee Troop 72; Flaming Arrow, Hawk of Mountainside Troop 177; Beav- cording to Mr. Ketcham. evening, Jan. 27. The club will rado and Cornell Universities. :oln and Roosevelt Schools Meeting Topic ture, "A Theological Considera Cobra, Eagle, Pioneer and Rave ers and Night Fox of Roosevelt As a special feature of the ope meet at the Rescue Squad head- Dr. Wu's topic has not been an- |Pinmt-Teachers Associations. tion of the Relations Betwee of Holy Name Society-Holy Trin- Junior High PTA of Westfleld house, a program centered arounf quarters on Spring street at 8:16 nounced, but it is expected that She was a member of the Boarc Church and State," in Washingto ity Church Troop 73 of Westfield Troop 178; Black Hawk, Apache the summer campinjf program ot p.m. and the public is invited. he will discuss the position of Red (Education for six and one-hal: Department last Sept. 27 were distributee Frontiersmen, Mohawk, Rattle and King Cobra of Jefferson the Westfield Y is planned. Thi: In talking to the members of tin China in today's world. Ills ap- ars and served on the followin Invites Public throughout the world by, the Asso School PTA of Westfield Troop program will include displays oJ Municipal Committee Tuesday eve pearance is being sponsored by the tommittees; Athletic Council, new dated Press and United Press In 273. camping equipment used in the pro ning, William J. Ford, president Wostlk-ld' Brotherhood Committee ^ila and buildings, instruction anc as part of its observance of Broth- James B. Ramsey, assistant sec ternational and covered independ Senior Scout teams signed up in gram, photos and color slides of al of the club, stated that it has enlth, rules and regulations, an ently by many newspapers, inclu the programs and camp folders foi been the purpose of the club to erhood Week, which this year is preaentative of Westfield boarc retary of the American Water School Budget elude the following: Seniors of Feb. IB to 25. works Association and a residen ing the New York Herald Tribun Holy Name -Society-Holy Trinity each activity offered.
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