VeyPieasiu cntznsat is the Cht7stanas atter the -service ysg CEdNoM Wai;g exlie beld af Informal r on the TSEU CMLRI?*IAO1GTm Church parlors, which *as wed by a EATLY. Oa Ms.d.y, December _104f, at " breakfast at the 40=of the bride on .m., at the sMdsea et her eoa. u Fran la street. home deeorations eia Bail, 2115 N street, Mae. a fOr the event were of Mr. and Mrs. HAK.'1) ATLY.ye We e holly. ftaral aeetwe Tmisa, .emo Latimer left on an afternoon train for Intermeat Webealay atGttsa,P.at6. foiabmitks Philadelphia and New York. They will mdst-of T.sterdaf's AfteInoon return to An*cestla to reside. They were Dee mber T. 1 0. M 1216FSt., 'Phone7 the recipients of numerous handsome JOSALIR.L..sfaat da tesr ot Eifmabsth and W. a special and Coming On"- Wedding presents. yBOCEW Oa ART Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Holt Gaines are ,m ..~elt,trmeednt,IN>Wed.sdy Dc er 21 atteo2 Discount Min"ms of a large house party being enter- FAL by Mr. and Business Hours for the Pr sent, 8:30 a.m Till 5:30. Sale of EJegant tained In Callery.Pittsburg Mrs. James CHUEB. O 3 y, December 5. 190, at 7:4 The program follows of the Prmsient'a Dawson a J. THOIAA. beleed son of Oetia New Year 1106: Senator and Mrs. Kraoe and famllyare reception, January 2, eNo Cristmas for dear sea. Fine Parlor AppareJ - Jvs es, a Sal e Without an The President will receive at- speanWng the honddiye at Va14 F? Ifow tt yea aasdode ear bee; Tidings of Cloth Equal. 11:00 a.m.-The members of cabinet; aros. 1'e. and Mrs. James I. ndle are and the with them. Ley sa r hearts Dining the diplomatir corps. today. for we asso- Edward J. lieutenant Hard streve te thee with and Elvening 11:0 a.m.-The chief justice and Dimmick, formerly Det ieee keep as. Domestic Cloth Room Furniture, colonel in the department of rile and shll were all to veats; ciate Justices of Court of the practice, 1 Imported the Sapreme Illinois National and well known Death baa lar daiag oe Guard,. Remeath and United States; the judges of the United locally in connection with matters pertain- the graveyard'a sod away. Slated for QuI:k Clearance. Carpets Wear.. States Court of Claims; the judges of the to the promotion of ride practice, and BY MOTsER AND 5011. M Ruth A. as a Funeral frem his esMace. 711 I street south- ne to on -We're showin a beautiful Court of Appeals: the judges of the 8u- Crosby, prominent mag- west. ea December at 3 Beautiful rich cloths that ed but the correct fashioning Rugs writer and as an author of verse, Wedsday. 2S. p.m. and conlete sto& of preme Court of the District of Columbia; were Friends ad relatives Invited to attead. be transformed into the smartes t Suits and Coats. every- ex-cabinet members and ex-ministers of the quietly married the 17th instant. The a woman for ceremony was performed by Rev. H. N. CHERT. On Mond. D-emher 26. 1904. at 7:M thing requires United States. Couden. .m.. WILIAM L., beloved hbanad of Clas $1.00 69c. $1.25 89c. and wear. Eatee Is the of his Suitings, Sultings, Evening ,Reception 11:30 a.m.-Senators, representatives and A Chery, dfty-dfth year M. All-wool Coverts. All-wool Home- 56-inch Mixed Suitings, such as sibe- atterition is di- in the Commissioners jolly crowd of friends gathered at the Peseral ft Ther""y, 10 a.m., frm St. Pa "a spuns and Mannish Novelties, 52 and lines. moleskin*, Scotch novelties -Special delegates Congress; Penhsylvania depot Christmas evening to Chureh, 10th ad 0 northwest. r* 56 inches wide; all shades and mannish mixtures; desirable for rected to the choice and judicial officers of. the District of see Mr. William F. Slidham. formerly of varied suits or walking skirts; qualities Columbia. this city, and bride off for Philadel- CONNERt. At midI t. December 28. 1904. LIN- are included in this and exclusive in fine DELL A. CONN Jr., at his residence. WIl. assortment. Value, $1.00. sponged and shrunken free; styles 11:45 a.m.--Officers of the army; officers phia. They have been spending a week here Pa. sps-uyC, large variety to select of the navy; offlicers of the marine corps; sightseeing. klaeburg, cial, yard......................... Instead of om.89C. $1.25, special... Laces, Robes, commanding general and general staff of DUNCAN. On Tuesday. December 27, 190, at } the militia of the District of Columbia. The Juanita Euchre and Dance Club held a.m.. at his paeeta' resideece. 2403 0 sts Gauzes, Silks, 12:15 p.m.-The regents and secretary of its third meeting last Friday night. aeethwest JOHN I. DUNCAN, Jr. 51.50 Heavy Block Chev- the Smithsonian Institution; the civil ser- The hail was beautifully and taste- Fueral am Ttiarday. December 20, at 8:30. theses $1.50 Thibets and Mel- Crepes, Neckwear, vice the- interstate commerce fully decorated by the ladies of the club to ely Trinity euareb, where maw will be 98c. commission; for of his sod * lot, tons, $1.19. Gloves, Fans,. dommission; isthm'an canal commission; with evergreen, holly, mistletoe. palms, sail the repsee at 9 o'clock. All-wool Block Cheviot, a new and assistant secretaries of departments; the ferns and flowers. Beginning at 8 o'clock . desirable weave; heavy weight; 56-inch All-wool Thibets and Meltons; solicitor an hour and a half was ENTWIE. OnM . December 26, 1004, good, suitable for suits or Handkerchiefs, general; assistant attorneys gen- very pleasantly Mrs. ROBERTA 4PILMAN ENTWLSLE, widow guaranteed sponged and medium weight; Let us eral; assistant postmasters general; the spent in playing euchre, after which danc- of William B. Entwiel. shrunken; three blues and eoats; green. browns. j ing was all until reds and grays. *Ie Hosiery, Wraps, treasurer of the United States; the li- enjoyed by midnight. The Funeral services at her late resldeoce. 316 " one black. Value, $1.50. spe- OC. blues. place your brarian of Congress; the public printer; club will meet again January 13. street northeast. on Wednesday. December 1, elal, yard......................... Worth 11.50. Special. yard Fetther Stoles, the heads of bureaus in the several de- at 2 o'clock pm. Relatives and friends In- house in the of In- Mr. and Mrs. Frank A. Kidd entertained vited to t d. Intermet private. (Aleaaa- Boas and Sets. partmerts; president Columbia a small dria Warrentos and Frost eyal, Va.. papers readiness stitution for the deaf and dumb. party of friends at their cosy please copy.) 51.39. $1.50 Coverts, $1.19. 12:30 p.m.-The Society of the Cincinnati; home, No. 632 9th street northeast, last Rain Cloths, is well the Associated Veterans of the War of night. The rooins were most tastefully FLYNN. Sunday at 1:10 6-inch Rain in grays, tan, 56-Inch All-wool Covert Cloths; light for the New -Everything priced decorated with On December 25. 1004, Cloths, and medium gray ox- within reason. 1846-47: Medal of Honor Legion; the Milt- evergreens, holly and a.m., ELLEN FLYNN aged siaty-four. .j Year Festivities. tary Order of the Loyal Legion of the mistletoe. The earlier portion of the Interment at Marshall, Va. ford. mode blue and . United States; the Grand of the Re- evening was given over to progressive yard........................... brown. Special, yard...... Army euchre, the prize winners Mrs. Ed. GRAVES. On Sunday, December 25 1904. at 3 Notwithstanding public; the Union Veteran Legion; Union being at Columha frANNIE M.. brownandbluemixtures. Veterans' Union; of the of Calhoun and Mr. Ed. H. Thomas, first the Huapltal. 1.39 Society Army wife of W. Graves. the Mrs. George special Smoot,CofferdcMcCalley, Santiago; Spanish War Veterans; the mem- prizes; Josephine Latham and Mr. Ft:eral services will be held at the Congress Stree $1.25 Black Thibet, 98c. Heavy Coatings, $1.39. discounts you 1216 F Street. bers of the Oldest Inhabitants' Association Taylor, second prizes, and Miss Ella Grif- M. P. Church Wednesday December 28, at f Pebble Cloth and of the District of Columbia. fith and Mr. Ed. Calhoun, booby prizes. .m. Intermsat at Oak nm cemetery. Ke~e 56-inch All-wool Black Thibet; two Heavy-weight are It An elaborate supper was served, which tt"and fris a n roprtfu Invited to a*- pieces only, and a standard Plaid-back Fancles* 56 perfectly 1:00 p.m.-Reception of citizens. was d.(Rckvle, Md., and Worth All persons to be received, whether In enlivened with toasts, stories, &c. tbadelphia. Pa., value at $1.25 per yard. For C, Inches wide. $1.98 . welcome to Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Frank papers please copy.) this sale, special, yard........ Special, yard................. carriages or on foot, will enter the White A. Kidd, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Thompson. as House by the north portico and will leave Mr. and JAHN. On Monday. December 26, 1904. CARL credit, and, by the eastern entrance (opposite the Mrs. Ed. Calhoun, Mr. and Mrs. JOSEPH, the beloved and only som of Cart 5. Ed. H. Thomas, Mrs. Josephine Latham, sad Mamie E. Jaha (see Jouvemal), aged twenty- usual, payments Fine Card treasury). Mrs. Will Griffith, Miss Ella Griffith and three months. Carriages will approach the White House Messrs. will be by the northwestern and will leave Shober, Taylor and Pliny Kidd. Oh, for the touch of a vasnsbed hand, Velvets Loch Admired.
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