Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 2-23-1990 The BG News February 23, 1990 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The BG News February 23, 1990" (1990). BG News (Student Newspaper). 5046. https://scholarworks.bgsu.edu/bg-news/5046 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. '**>«»" STUDYING WITH CUFF WOTTLE RECALLS OLYMPICS 30-year-old study guides Gold medalist from Bowling Green aid with English classes honored to be in MAC Hall of Fame ?f Q Friday Mag Sports The Nation's Best College Newspaper Weather Friday Vol.72 Issue 88 February 23,1990 Bowling Green, Ohio High 35 The BG News e Low20 BRIEFLY Estates Students CAMPUS hurt by charged Indian rhythm: Graduate landfill music student Jamie K. Oxendine, a for BGHS Tuscarora Indian from North Carolina, will present "Rhythm of the by Mitch Weiss Red Man: An American Indian Music Associated Press writer and Dance Recital" at 8 p.m. in Bryan bombing Recital Hall of the Moore Musical TOLEDO — The possibility that Arts Center. Michigan may locate a low-level nu- by John Kohistrand clear waste landfill near Ohio's bor- city writer der has begun to hurt real estate Erices in an exclusive Toledo su- STATE urb, the Lucas County prosecutor Three Bowling Green High School said Thursday. juniors were charged with arson Prosecutor Anthony Pizza said a Thursday in connection with a pipe First Lady visits: First Lady real estate expert from Columbus, bomb explosion that caused at least Barbara Bush was expected in John Garvin, completed a prelimi- $10,000 worth of damage to the high Cleveland on Thursday for a return nary report this week about real es- school football stadium's press box. visit to Project: LEARN, an adult tate transactions in Sylvania and Saturday's explosion, which blew out Literacy program she first visited in Sylvania Township. the box's front windows and destroyed 1982 and nas monitored ever since. Garvin found that some people are the south door, was caused by a 10-inch Mrs. Bush, who has made literacy having difficulty selling their nomes pipe bomb built by the juveniles, Police one of her national goals as First because a landfill might be built in Chief Galen Ash said. Lady, was also honorary chairwoman Riga Township, Mich., which bor- Two of the suspects explained their and Keynote speaker for the ders on Sylvania Township, Pizza story to police who questioned them program's 15th anniversary dinner. said. earlier this week. That fund-raising dinner program In addition, Garvin found that The students built the bomb at one of was entitled "The Phantom of some people who were planning to their homes that same evening, Illiteracy," and tickets ranged in move to Sylvania and nearby com- brought it to the stadium and broke into price from $125 to $1,000. munities have backed out of real es- the press box through the north door. tate deals when they heard about the The bomb was then placed in an elec- proposed landfill, the prosecutor trical control panel and the high said. Some homes in the area are schoolers left, police said. NATION listed at between $150,0004500,000. "I think we have proof that just After driving around town for some Still waiting: NASA on the possibility that landfill might be time, the boys returned to the stadium Thursday delayedthe launch of built in Riga nas stopped real estate to inspect the damage. With spray Atlantis for a second day to let the transactions," Pizza said."The Kbit cans they had stored in the car's shuttle's commander recover from a Eroblem will get worse if the landfill ink, they painted the box with mes- i built." sages like "Coaches at BG suck, sore throat and to await better Knights'' and "#1 Otsego," police said. weather. Garvin's study will be introduced BG News/Joe P. Nunner BGHS Principal Neal Allen offered The secret military mission to put a as evidence in a federal lawsuit at- no clues as to what motivated the spy satellite in orbit is not expected to tempting to stop the Michigan Low- At least $10,000 worth of damage was done to Bowling Green High School's football bombing. take off until Saturday morning at the Level Radioactive Waste Authority stadium press box Saturday night when a pipe bomb exploded inside. Three high earliest. from building the landfill in Riga school juniors have been charged with arson. D See Bombing, page 4. The shuttle originally was Township. scheduled for a fiery pre-dawn liftoff Thursday but was postponed Wednesday when Navy Capt. John O. Creighton became ill, the second time the space program has delayed a Reagan denies involvement in case flight because of a sick astronaut. maybe he thought he was protecting me from some- ing in abrupt fashion when Iran-Contra prosecutor by Pete Yost thing." Dan Webb said he wasn't addressing a question. Associated Press writer He said at numerous points that he could not recall Reagan's testimony was taken in Los Angeles last a date, a name, whether someone had told him some- Change of heart: The airline week and made available in Washington. The former thing or not. industry changed its position on infant WASHINGTON — Former President Reagan testi- Reagan said decisively that he agreed with a letter safety seats Thursday and asked the fied in a videotaped deposition released Thursday he "I guess that I had never ... had Poindexter sent Congress saying the White House government to require them for ail never "had any inkling" his aides were secretly arm- was complying with the ban on help for the Contras passengers under 2 years old. ing the Nicaraguan Contras during a congressional any inkling that we were guiding — a letter that forms part of the basis for one charge ban on military aid. Poindexter faces. FAA rules now allow infants to be their (the Contras') strategy in But he also said, when told by prosecutors, that he held in the arms of adult passengers, In testimony for the upcoming trial of John Poin- anyway." „ , ,„, was learning from them for the first time that former but recent crashes in which dexter, the former president also said he remained -Ronald Reagan, National Security Adviser Robert McFarlane. Poin- unsecured infants were killed while unconvinced there had been a diversion of Iran arms dexter's predecessor, had pleaded guilty to mislead- some other passengers escaped have sale money to the rebels — until prosecutors con- Former U.S. President ing Congress in the affair. raised new concerns among fronted him with the report of the Tower Commission Reagan testified. "It was my impression" that passenger groups, flight attendants he appointed. National Security Council aide Oliver North's assist- and members of Congress. Reagan said he would have expected Poindexter, Eresident was jovial and testy by turns during eight ance to the Contras was limited to "communicating his former national security adviser, to inform him ours — winking at Poindexter as he took the stand back and forth ... on the need for the support of the of any diversion of funds to the Contras "unless and talking amiably with the judge but also answer- Contras." WORLD Newspaper urges Education to end racism Land area release: The Tehran Times, an Iranian newspaper close to President by Billy Berkenblle Hashemi Rafsanjani, said Thursday USAToday-CIN all 18 Western hostages in Lebanon Campus racism, unsuitable should be freed because they have become a propaganda tool for Iran's If colleges want to overcome the racist problems erupt- intolerance rising by Wynne Everett enemies. ing on campuses across the country, they should do what city writer they do best — teach, because observers say many of the It was the first known statement by problems stem from whites not understanding minorities (USA Today-CIN) — The words — ra- and their cultures. cism, bigotry, intolerance — have an ugly While most of Michigan's Riga Township still is be- an Iranian newspaper in support of ing considered for the site of a nuclear waste dump, freeing all the hostages, whose fate is The solution, according to John Davis, director of the ring. And actions they often describe — Youth and College Division of the NAACP, is for colleges beatings, brawls, venomous graffiti, care- 1,700 acres along the Ohio border were dropped from believed linked to a power struggle consideration by Michigan officials last week. within the Iranian government. to do a better job of educating students about cultural di- less slurs — leave scars that are much ug- versity. lier. The Michigan Low-Level Radioactive Waste Au- Administrators, faculty and students are still "very re- Incidents of bigotry have been reported thority eliminated a 2.7 square mile area from con- Eight Americans, four Britons, an luctant to entertain the notion that racism is alive on col- at 250 colleges since the fall of 1986, ac- sideration because it was unsuitable, but the remain- Irishman, an Italian, two West ing land in Riga Township continues to be a candidate Germans and two Swiss citizens are lege campuses. They keep calling these things 'isolated cording to the National Institute Against incidents,'" Davis said. Prejudice and Violence in Baltimore.
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