I LEDGER Odds unci Ends ENTRIES Here mid There ilrii>f Parattrnphs of News and • Collection of Varloin Information on a Variety Topic* of Loo«l and FORTY-SEVENTH YEAR LOWELL. MICHIGAN. May 18, 1939 No. 1 of Topics Ocnend Interatt Latest American defense plans THE WONDERFUL U. 8. A. Car Skids On USI6 County Meeting of are shaping up around the idea pROWN PRINCE Fredarlk and 30 Schools that in the future this country may Seniors to Present Lmdy'a Back Broken Young People Here College Nine not have the British navy to fall Princess Ingrid of Denmark, The W. A. Roth ambulance was The Kent County Methodist back upon in the Atlantic. Hurried who have been touring the United ra new defense measures in the Car- Young People's Union will hold its States, seem enormously pleased called out early Monday to the ibbean grow from this suggestion. with what they have seen of our Mystery Thriller scene of an automobile accident Represented at annual banquet and election of of- Coining Saturday ficers in the local Methodist country, The Prince remarka that on US-18, about 2ft miles east of Private expressions by key in- Church, Friday, May 26. TheV have Amarloa Is wonderful, and he Is the M-86 Junction. The car, report- dividuals on both sides reveal that surprised at Ita vastness. ed to have been driven by Miss Vir- come on special invitation of the the split between New Dealers and Friday Evening ginia Robinson of Grand Rapida Rural Field Meet Epworth League. It is expected And now they tell us that one- To Flay Merchants The vaatness of our country Is conservatives inside and outside the thought of Europeans when with Mrs. Hanna B. Chesley also that 150 to 200 young people from half of the population of the U. S. is crazy. What we want to know is, Congress is growing deeper and is thay travel over our boundless of Grand Rapida as a passenger, all Methodist churches in this coun- marked by increased bitterness. A plains and cross our towering Play Is Worthy skidded on the wet pavement and Ware School ty will be present. which half and then figure out Lefty Cook On which side we are on! search fails to disclose any peace nountains. In thetr little home crashed Into an embankment. Cecil Simmons of Grand Rapids parleys scheduled or suggested. couAtrles, they come to an inter- Mrs. Chesley's condition waa re- Geii Silver Cup will act as toastmaster. The speak- Mound For Locals Of Big Crowd The force of men who have been national boundary In > few hours. ported as serious in Blodgett hos- er of the evening is Thomas Staf- Fred Miller of Perry owns a hen Hare they may travel all day and A crash of thunder, a flash of pital where It was discovered ahe A large group of boys and girls ford of Trinity Methodist Church. working on the short WPA sewer The Central State Tnarhers Col- project on Hudson-st. has been re- that is really a hard-working only cross one or two of our 48 lightning, and a weird piercing had auffered a broken back. She with their teachers and parents Group singing will be •- 'Mrgt of lege hiweball team, one of the creature. Judging from her pro- states. laugh that reverberates in the taut la a teacher In the Grand Rapids were In town Tuesday to attend the Rev. Kenneth Hcuo ister of duced by 36. Those left now have fasteiit college teams In the atate, elbow room. duction. Fred brought a seven- The superb Imdscapas that Na- atmosphere, introduces "The Eyes schools. Miss Robinson received the annual athletic meet for rural Sparta. The string ensemble from will be here Saturday to play the ounce egg, measuring 8x9 Inches, ture has given us are our pride and of Tlaloc", the liOweH high school minor Injuries. schools. This meet was put on un- the Lowell High Schoof will play Lowell Merrhanta and In honor to the Perry newspaper office re- our delight. Man is not entitled to senior class play, which will be der the auspices of the athletic and during the supper hour. Legion Commander Frank L. of the occasion the Lowell high cently. The egg was laid by a year- credit for them, but he can rightly agricultural departments of Lowell The meal will be served by the Stephens reports the committee school band will parade Maln-st presented Friday evening in the having In charge the plana for the old pullet. glory in superb cities, where his school auditorium starting at 8:00 high school. Students were present Ladies Aid Society under the di- and march to Recreation Park. •elance has made It possible for from the following schoola: Alton, rection of the president, Mrs*. A. R. annual Memorial Day exerciaea an- o'clock. Tickets have been on sale Confusion Reigns nounce they have aecured the Rev. Mrs, Anna Sirbu of Iron River milHoni of people to live and work the past week and from 'all indi- Boynton, Bennett, Cutler, Fallas- fimith. The local League and the The Central State Teachera Col- has not one, but 24 rabbits' feet within a few square miles, He oan burg. Foxes Corners, Grove, Gove, lor are busy with local arrange- Walter T. Ratcllffe of this village lege baseball team will play the cations a large crowd will be in at- to give the address. and considers herself unlucky. And feel pride in many miliioni of com- tendance. Marble, Moseley, Mclntyre, Mc- ents. Lowell Merchants team at Recrea- well she might, for she paid $100 fortable homes, provided with Bride, Mapes, Morse Lake, Merl- tion Park Saturday afternoon, the During a cloudburst, the ranch As Legislature You'll surely want to be down- for them. They were attached to modern facilitteB that greatly re- operated by Amanda / and Ezra man, North Bell, Potters Corners, game commencing at 3:00 o'clock. what she bought as "baby seal Pearsall, Rivervlew, Sayles, Snow, town this week Saturday afternoon This la the firat college baseball duce labor. Slmpkins haa many visitors, who at 2:00 o'clock when the high school skins" from a stranger. The rabbits' We can all be proud of our su- aweet. So. Bell, Taskler, Thomas, team ever to play here and a large appear in the following order, a Best Cooks Get band will parade Main Street on feet are worth $4.50. perb school and college systeme, professor, a pugilist, the niece of Nears Its End Wilkinson, Walters, Ware, Strong crowd is expected to be in atten- which open the doors of opportu- and Honey Creek. its way to Recreation Park for the dance. Admission is only 25c and the ranch owner and her friend. big bail game between Central Word is going the inside rounds nity to every boy and girl. Many who In the morning, the girls and everyone is urged to turn out and that American diplomats abroad Pudge, a fiery Mexican girl, Pepeta, State Teachers College and Lowell lack the money to ollmb the higher and her brother. The Mexican girl boys were entertained at the achool Chance at Prize root for the local boys. "Lefty" had a hand in arranging the radio Tax Problems Merchants. Director Bruce Walter parts of that ladder have been demands to see her husband, John where they were shown moving Cook, formerly with the White Sox talk by the Duke of Windsor as enabled to do go through the gen- pictures of the Lowell pupils at and the members of his band are team of Chicago, will pitch the part of the plan for mobilizing pub- ¥ Wayne, owner of the ranch, who Prevalent all pepped up for the occasion and uroslty of philanthropists. Many has mysteriously disappeared. work and also three reels entitled game for Lowell. Bill Orloskl, who lic sentiment against war. The idea fmbltiouitlou s young people work their "Nature's Gangsters," "Michigani'' t |ln Menu Contest the ball boys are rarln' to go! haa appeared in many tournaments was that the Duke's words would "Pudge" a roustabout, finds By Gene Alleman «way through the higher education, Wayne's car which has gone over Land of Hiawatha," and "The Red will be on the receiving end for get through to Germany and Italy. they labor at various occupa- Manager. Michigan Press Assn. Poacher". • Jokes, Jests, Jabs and Jlbea Juat Lefty, assuring a battery of no the pi'eciplee of a high cliff. Dur- by Jeff: We are glad that we live tioms while their ciasimates play. ing the night a scuffle between the After lunch, the contestants for May Win State, mean proportion. James A. Farley, Postmaster Amid apparent confuaion, the the different events were weighed in Lovrsll where we know that it ia General, and Henry Wallace, Sec- America haa built up a glorious Profeisor and an unknown aasall- legialature is racing toward a hope- The management of the Lowell mechanical civiiiaation, but it haa in and the contests began at 1:80. a blow-out and not a gun-shot that retary of Agriculture, are pictured ant. results in the disappearance ful adjournment next week. National Honors Merchants and Board of Trade are not aohred the problems of the hu- The events Included the 50-rt. made the noise ... Do you think bending every effort to provide real by friends as working in rather of a strong box containing Wayne's Preasure groups are lobbying Michigan's beat cooks, especially a woman really grows terribly at- man aoirit.
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