Härter 16659 Titel, 46:02:34:48 Gesamtlaufzeit, 84,64 GB Interpret Album # Objekte Gesamtzeit Aaskereia ...Mit Dem Eid Unserer Ahnen Begann Der Sturm... 2 11:51 Mit Raben und Wölfen 9 31:47 Zwischen den Welten 5 22:09 Abigail Williams In The Shadow Of A Thousand Su 10 46:39 Abigor Channeling the Quintessence of Satan 8 41:21 Opus 4 8 42:41 Orgio Regium 1993 - 1994 8 38:36 Orkblut - The Retaliation 11 24:33 Supreme Immortal Art 8 41:07 Vewüstung & Invoke The Dark Age 9 42:46 Aborted The Archaic Abattoir 10 36:30 Engineering The Dead 8 37:03 Goremageddon: The Saw And The Carnage Done 10 34:11 The Haematobic EP 4 14:30 The Purity Of Perversion 9 31:28 Abruptum Casus Luciferi 4 39:22 Evil Genius 11 37:45 Absurd Grimmige Volksmusik 5 18:13 Thuringian Pagan Madness Demo 5 15:05 Totenlieder 1 2:44 Abysmal Torment Incised Wound Suicide 5 23:08 The Abyss The other side and Summon the beast 16 57:31 Abyssic Hate Eternal Damnation 6 21:01 Suicidal Emotions 4 49:19 Ad Hominem Climax Of Hatred 10 36:23 A New Race For A New World 9 32:11 Planet Zog - The End 8 31:13 Adorned Brood Asgard 11 50:04 Erdenkraft 10 40:17 Aeba Im Schattenreich... 7 41:45 The Rising 7 30:16 Aeon Bleeding The False 15 48:08 An Extravagance of Norm 10 44:11 Rise to Dominate 12 45:09 Agenda Of Swine Waves Of Human Suffering 13 34:26 Agiel Dark Pantheons Again Will Reign 11 37:09 Agnostic Front Another Voice 14 27:45 Warriors 14 32:31 The Agony Scene Get damned 11 36:39 Agoraphobic Nosebleed Altered States of America 98 19:57 Frozen Corpse Stuffed With Dope 38 33:43 Akercocke Words That Go Unspoken, Deeds That Go Undone 10 48:04 All Shall Perish Awaken the dreamers 12 36:10 Hate.Malice.Revenge 8 36:11 The Price Of Existence 11 43:06 All That Remains Overcome 11 38:57 Amok Vedar Menschenstaub 9 50:15 Amon Amarth The Avenger 7 36:35 The Crusher 10 49:35 Fate Of Norns 8 40:04 Once Sent From The Golden Hall 8 45:16 Sorrow throughout the Nine Worlds 5 24:43 Twilight of the Thunder God 1 4:23 Versus The World 9 47:53 With Oden On Our Side 9 42:24 Anaal Nathrakh The Codex Necro 9 46:09 Domine Non Es Dignus 10 41:27 Anal Blast Cephalic Carnage (Perversion.. 9 10:45 Puss Blood Pentagram 9 9:33 Version 5.0 Obese 3 3:39 Anal Bleeding Two Cocks In The Same Hole 16 30:35 Anal Cunt Anal Cunt - Top 40 Hits 40 38:56 Defenders Of The Hate 11 8:56 Everyone Should Be KILLED 18 14:26 Howard Is Bald Demo 9 7:22 I like it when you die 52 42:16 It Just Gets Worse 39 32:34 Morbid Florist 14 17:06 Picnic Of Love 11 31:46 40 More Reasons To Hate Us 42 30:20 Anal Massaker Vergewaltiger 32 1:11:31 Anal Stench Stench Like Six Demons 10 39:03 Ancient Necropsy Ancient Necropsy 10 30:42 Seite 1 von 23 Härter Interpret Album # Objekte Gesamtzeit Ancient Necropsy Deformed King's Mummification 11 31:10 Ancient Rites And The Hordes Stood As One 16 1:18:11 Blasfemia Eternal 10 35:59 The Diabolic Serenades 12 38:44 Dim Carcosa 11 46:31 The First Decade 1989 - 1999 18 1:07:31 Rvbicon 10 45:55 And Oceans Cypher 2 6:43 Angantyr Kampen Forstaetter 7 42:04 Sejr 8 54:21 Angel Corpse Exterminate 7 33:27 Angelcorpse Tyrants From The Abyss 1 2:15 Anima The Daily Grind 8 28:20 Animals killing people Human Hunting Season 5 16:57 Anorexia Nervosa Exile 13 45:58 Redemption Process 7 45:34 Suicide Is Sexy 9 42:34 Die Apokalyptischen Reiter All you ever need is love 12 44:49 Allegro Barbaro 1 1:57 Friede sei mit Dir 1 3:31 Have a nice Trip 14 55:53 Licht 11 42:18 Riders on the Storm 14 48:22 Samurai 13 48:27 Soft & Stronger 13 40:03 Arch Enemy Anthems of Rebellion 13 43:52 Black Earth 12 42:12 Burning Bridges 10 40:29 A Collection Of Rare and Unreleased Songs The Arc... 7 26:08 Dead Eyes See No Future EP 6 25:26 Doomsday Machine 11 49:08 Rise Of The Tyrant 11 48:32 STIGMATA 11 51:21 Wages Of Sin 20 1:18:38 Arcturus Aspera Hiems Symfonia - Constellation - My Angel 8 41:05 Disguised Masters 10 48:05 La Masquerade Infernale 8 45:34 Reconstellation 8 39:54 Arise The Godly Work Of Art 10 42:14 Arkan Hilal 12 1:00:49 Arkhon Infaustus Filth Catalyst 8 41:58 Hell Injection 9 43:55 In Sperma Infernum 4 20:11 Perdition Insanabilis 9 41:37 Armagedda The Final War is Approaching 8 40:17 Ond Spiritism - Djefvulens Ska 8 49:09 Only True Believers 9 44:03 Arsebreed Munching the Rotten 11 30:46 Arsis A Celebration Of Guilt 11 44:26 We Are The Nightmare 9 37:08 As I Lay Dying An Ocean Between Us 12 43:21 Shadows Are Security 12 43:29 As Stormclouds Gather Darkest Temptations 5 29:40 Asmegin Hin vordende Sod og So 11 42:19 At the Gates The Red In The Sky Is Ours 10 46:51 Slaughter Of The Soul 10 32:00 Suicidal Final Art 15 58:49 Terminal Spirit Disease 8 31:45 With Fear I Kiss the Burning Darkness 9 38:42 Atheist Unquestionable Presence (Rerelease) 17 1:07:40 Atreyu The Curse 13 43:26 A Death-Grip On Yesterday 9 32:54 Atrocity Werk 80 II 12 50:25 Aurora borealis Northern Lights 8 32:35 Aurora Borealis Time Unveiled 7 32:55 Austrian Death Machine Total Brutal 17 38:34 Avenged Sevenfold Avenged Sevenfold 20 1:46:30 City of Evil 11 1:12:43 Sounding The Seventh Trumpet 13 52:17 Waking The Fallen 12 1:08:40 Avulsed Cybergore 10 49:01 Eminence In Putrescene 10 41:27 Gorespattered Suicide 12 44:54 Stabwound Orgasm 9 38:35 Yearning For The Grotesque 10 49:58 Seite 2 von 23 Härter Interpret Album # Objekte Gesamtzeit Bad Brains Quickness 12 33:46 Rise 11 41:21 Baptism The Beherial Midnight 9 38:24 Black Ceremony EP 2 13:22 Morbid Wings Of Sathanas 7 50:29 Sons Of Ruin & Terror 4 13:09 Split EP 1 4:52 Barathrum Okkult 10 36:46 Barcode Showdown 16 34:29 Bars Introducing 10 29:10 Bathory Blood Fire Death 9 45:46 Hammerheart 9 1:03:42 Jubileum I 26 2:08:58 Jubileum Vol 1 15 1:11:58 Nordland II 10 1:03:23 Requiem 9 33:26 The True Black Essence 14 53:56 Battlesword Failing In Triumph 10 38:24 Beheaded Ominous Bloodline 1 4:14 Perpetual Mockery 10 45:43 Recounts of Disembodiment 9 39:11 Behemoth Demigod 10 40:48 Satanica 8 35:12 Tyrants From The Abyss 1 2:09 Beherit Werewolf, Semen and Blood 5 16:16 Behexen Eternal Realm (Demo) 5 26:22 My Soul For His Glory 8 38:47 Rituale Satanum 10 44:41 Bekhira L'Elu du Mal 8 44:28 Belphegor Bloodbath in Paradise 4 22:25 Blutsabbath 9 35:58 Bondage Goat Zombie 8 34:41 The Goatreich - Fleshcult 10 44:03 Infernal Live Orgasm 12 50:09 Necrodaemon Terrorsathan 8 31:45 Pestapokalypse VI 5 21:00 Beneath The Massacre Evidence Of Inequity (EP) 1 4:00 Beneath The Sky What Demons Do To Saints 11 45:58 Benediction The Dreams You Dread 11 45:32 Killing Music 14 45:18 Transcend the Rubicon 11 47:25 Benighted Benighted 6 28:40 Identisick 11 41:03 Insane Cephalic Production 10 35:08 Psychoses 13 51:21 Beowulf Un-Sentimental 12 46:55 Bergthron Faust Für Faust Digipak 4 42:55 The Berzerker The Berzerker 15 40:56 Dissimulate 13 33:31 Biohazard Biohazard 13 41:23 Means To An End 10 33:46 Urban Discipline 13 57:53 Birdflesh Night of the Ultimate Mosh 22 27:27 Black cross Art Offensive 12 26:24 The Black Dahlia Murder A Cold Blooded Epitaph 4 15:51 Miasma 10 33:31 Unhallowed 10 36:28 The Black Death Ritual Profound Echos of the End 7 36:41 Black Messiah Oath of a Warrior 11 57:19 Blakk Market Hateful Affection 4 18:04 Indians... NOT! Brazilian Tribute to Anthrax 1 5:48 Bleed The Sky Paradigm In Entropy 10 40:54 Bleeding Through Declaration 12 46:15 The Truth 12 42:51 Blodsrit Helveteshymner 9 40:39 Ocularis Infernum 9 42:29 Supreme Misanthropy 8 36:06 Blood Christbait 20 38:22 Depraved goddess 21 35:57 Blood Red Throne Affiliated With The Suffering 11 39:04 Altered Genesis 12 50:09 Monument Of Death (rerelease) 14 1:01:49 Blood Vengeance Iron Warfare 9 25:35 Bloodbath Breeding Death 3 13:15 Erase your face 5 17:56 Seite 3 von 23 Härter Interpret Album # Objekte Gesamtzeit Bloodbath Nightmares Made Flesh 12 45:18 Resurrection Through Carnage 10 41:02 The Wacken Carnage 13 53:02 Bloodthorn Genocide 9 42:55 Blut Aus Nord ... Decorporation ... 3 9:06 Blut aus nord Memoria Vetusta 1 7 45:13 Blut Aus Nord The Mystical Beast Of Rebellio 6 38:57 Thematic emanation of achetypal multiplicity 15 1:24:49 Bodies In The Gears of The Apparatus Demo (demo) 6 13:55 Simian Hybrid Prototype 7 13:21 Bolt Thrower Honour Valour Pride 9 45:36 In Battle There Is No Law 9 30:19 The IVth Crusade 11 53:28 Mercenary 10 51:31 Realm of Chaos 12 38:13 Those Once Loyal 10 43:44 War Master 10 46:03 Borknagar Empiricism 10 50:07 Epic 12 57:54 The Olden Domain 8 44:34 Born From Pain In Love With The End 10 34:27 War 13 50:05 Bound And Gagged Fornicate The Gutted 10 31:15 Braindrill Apocalyptic Feasting 10 35:13 Brimstone Carving A Crimson Career 8 40:16 Brodequin Festival of Death 11 30:54 Instrument Of Torture 10 25:16 Methods Of Execution 10 25:31 Broken Hope Grotesque Blessings 9 39:09 Loathing 11 37:50 Brutal Truth Extreme Conditions Demand Ext 15 45:05 Kill Trend Suicide 10 20:24 Need to Control 19 58:09 Sounds of the Animal Kingdom 22 1:14:16 Bullet For My Valentine Hand Of Blood 6 21:53 The Poison 14 57:07 Scream Aim Fire 11 52:38 Burning Skies Greed.Filth.Abuse.Corruption 11 28:21 Bury your Dead cover your tracks 12 31:15 Burzum Aske 11 58:01 Daudi Baldrs 6 39:13 Det Som Engang Var 9 42:18 Filosofem 6 1:04:34 Hlidskjalf 8 33:46 Hvis Lyset Tar Oss 4 44:26 Once Emperor 2 9:49 Ragnarok (A New Beginning) 8 47:47 Caedere mass emission 10 35:13 Caliban Caliban vs.
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