18 Jan201208:06:19 V:\GS81_SeriesMapping\Projects\Current\Yinnetharra_2148_E2\DGN\2148.dgn AUSTRALIA 1 : 100Ý000 GEOLOGICAL SERIES GEOLOGICAL SURVEY OF WESTERN AUSTRALIA SHEET 2148 116^00' 10' 20' 116^30' Mount Phillips Homestead 33 km INTERPRETED BEDROCK GEOLOGY ìMW-od ìMO-g ìDU-g è00 02 04 06 08 è10 12 14 16 18 è20 22 24 26 28 è30 32 34 36 38 è40 42 44 46 48 ìTT-g ìMW-od ìMW-od Geological boundary 24^30' îä90 24^30' ìMW-od A1 ìMW-od ìMW-od A1 A1 C1 ìLS-mus ìMO-gmeb ìLS-mhs U ìMO-xmg-m ìLS-mlst ìTT-gpvt A1 ìLS-mwa Tur C1q C2 W D ìMO-gmeb exposed.................................................................................................................. Ta,Nb W Cu ìTT-gmpt C1q C1q 80 80 îä90 ìTT-g ìDU-mgnl Mica,Brl ìTT-gpvt 76 Rf ìMO-gge Rl ìTT-g 60 60 60 C1 ìLS-mlst 28 ìPOs-mtqs Rf C1q 360 ìLS-xmd-mk zq Cu,Ag,Au ìMO-mgsl 85 Pb,Cu,Ag A2 Cf W W¶ Wf Wk Wq A¥ L E¶ ìLS-xmd-mk Ti Tree Fault or shear 72 Brl Bi c C1 Rf Rf C1 ìMEP1-kt Ti Tree ìnr-od Brl,Nb,Ta 80 44 ìLS-mwa A1 85 40 ìMW-od A1 ìmwaGAG 84 Ta ìTT-jmgmt-m Creek 30 C1 ìmodGA ìTT-g ìMEP3-sk 20 Cairn Mica,Brl 15 65 Rl 80 ìTT-g 320 ìMGm-mtq Ta,Nb 80 Brl 68 28 Rf Rk ìMG-xmh-mk exposed.................................................................................................................. Brl 75 W 50 ìPOb-mqef ìMEP1-kt Brl,Tur,Grt A3 Beryl Well ìTT-gpvt Cu,Pb,Fl ìmodGA ìPOb-mlsm Reid Well C2f ìTT-g Brl,U,Ta,Nb,Brla,Brlh 42 ìLS-mlst Cu,Pb,Fl 380 Colluvial unit ìTT-g Ta 300 South Nardoo 75 60 ìLS-mlsm 86 ìTT-g 300 zq 44 80 ìMO-xmg-m ìDU-g concealed............................................................................................................... Mica A1§ 60 360 300 74 84 C1f C1 orrissey 80 A2 Ta,Nb,Brl,Tur Mica L A1 Cf Ferruginous rubble and scree Shear Brl ìTT-gpvt Bi Nardoo Well M Perseverence Well ìTT-gmpt ìTT-gmlt ìMW-od ìPOJ-md ìMG-mkq Bi C1 12 ìLS-mlst 84 360 zq Syncline ìmwaGAG 75 zq zq zq 80 72 ìMW-od Fold, showing axial trace 66 A1§ Well ìMW-od 68 ìLS-xmd-mk 30 Brl A1§ Cu 85 Waterhole Sheetwash units ìDU-g 88 zq Bi,Brl,Tur 320 C1 340 ìMEk-sl Rl A1§ C2 A2 Nardoo Well ìTT-gpvt Perseverance Well (abd) 85 C2f Rf Howler anticline; exposed, concealed............................................................................. ìTT-jmgmt-m ìTT-jmgmt-m 75 50 ìTT-gmlt 72 ìDU-mgml 42 Brl A1¤ ìPOb-mxq Duncan Pool A1 88 W Sandy and clayey distal sheetwash and slope deposits; no clearly defined drainage ìTT-g ìnr-od Mica ìDU-gmvt 60 Brl,Ta,Nb zq 70 Well (abd) THIRTY ONE 78 ìTT-gpvt 32 C3 360 70 Brl 84 ìMEi-kd A1¤ Rk 380 ìTT-g A2 Thirty One Creek Gems,Mag 340 Rl W¶ Silt and sand; surface characterized by shallow depressions aligned perpendicular to slope; supports banded mosaic vegetation ('tiger bush') ìLS-xmd-mk syncline; exposed, concealed.............................................................................. 70 78 66 Ta,Nb Wk C1 75 183287 74 320 80 ìPOb-mqef ìMW-od ìmodGA W C3 Rf Brt A1¤ Wf Low-gradient deposits of ferruginous sand, silt, and gravel Zone ìDU-mgn 75 C2 ìTT-jmgmt-m ìTT-gpvt Waterhole W 82 Cu,Zn,As 78 C2 C1 ìMW-od Mica ìPOb-mtef ìPOb-mxq Rl ìLS-mlsm ìTT-g antiform, exposed.................................................................................................. ìDU-gpt Old Mica Queen Ta,Nb ìLS-mlst Zn,Pb C2q Wk Distal sheetwash with calcrete cutans and carbonate cement ìMW-od ìMW-od Nardoo Ta,Nb Gems,Brl,Ta,Nb,Ap 88 Brt,Pb 80 ìTT-gpvt A1¤ A2 Brt Reid Well Ê Copper Head 340 Unassigned synform, exposed.................................................................................................. ìLS-mlst Mica ìLS-mwa ìLS-mwa 85 Wq Predominantly quartz-rich silt, sand, and gravel derived from quartz veins and quartz-rich rock ìTT-g ìDU-mgnl Brl ìTT-gpvt Waterhole Jade Pegmatite ìTT-gpvt Cu,Pb,Brt 82 ìmodGA zq ìLS-mwa 59 Mica Well 85 ìLS-mwa Cu,Pb,Brt,Au,Ag ìnr-od Small-scale fold axial surface, showing strike and dip Wq 187403 ìTT-gpvt ìDU-mgn 68 ìTT-gpvt Brt,Pb,Cu Rf ìLS-mlsm Alluvial unit ìDU-g ìTT-g 27 Fl,Cu,Pb 80 55 75 86 C2q 8 ìTT-gpvt 75 75 C1 82 W Mica,Brl MORRISSEY HILL 86 Cu A¥ Unconsolidated, fine-grained deposits in alluvial drainage depressions, claypans, ephemeral lakes, and swamps; low-lying areas with internal drainage; typically thickly vegetated ìMW-od inclined................................................................................................................... 300 C1z 280 300 Pb,Cu,Brt 78 ìMGm-mtq RIVERA1§ ìTT-gpvt 80 Cu,Pb,Ag,Brt ìMEi-kd ìPOb-mqef 86 ìTT-g A1 ìTT-gpvt ìDU-mu ìTT-gpvt C1 Rf ìMW-od A1¤ Mica Mica 50 WH 26 Mica,Bi A1§ U Au,Pb,Cu,Ba C2 Lacustrine unit vertical.................................................................................................................... Rz A1 C2 360 Cf zq 318 m 78 Mica Brl ìTT-jmgmt-m 80 340 60 ìTT-gpvt Brl,Brla C2f L Unconsolidated, fine-grained deposits in claypans, ephemeral lakes, and swamps; low-lying areas with internal drainage; typically thickly vegetated ìmodGA ìmodGA Creek A1 Rk C2c ìTT-gpvt 380 ìmodGA Small-scale fold axis, showing trend and plunge Wq ìDUda-mgmu Mica Mica,Tur,Brl,Bi ìTT-gpvt ìMEi-kd ìMEk-sl ìMW-od 81 Cf ìTT-g C1 Qtzr Morrissey Creek 30 Waterhole Eolian unit ìMW-od ìMO-g Rf ìMW-od Mica King South A1 83 unspecified............................................................................................................. 45 85 W ìTT-jmgmt-m ìPOs-mtqs 84 280 A3 A1¤ Bi 85 C2 THIRTY THREE Rk Rf 360 C1q A3 Mica,Brl 75 E¶ Semi-consolidated fine-grained eolian sand over older alluvium ìmodGA Brla,Brl Waterhole ìPOb-mxq 30 ìDU-mgn Morrissey Well W RIVER A1 Wf antiform.................................................................................................................. zq W 75 Pool RIVER ìmodGA 84 W¶ Wf Waterhole Rl ìMW-od ìLS-xmd-mk W A3ti A1 80 42 Creek ìTT-gpvt ìDU-mgmt 65 synform................................................................................................................... 50 ìTT-jmgmt-m Mummil Pool 78 84 Tur Brl ìPOb-mlsm ìPOb-mtef Cf C1 C1c C1f C1k C1q C1z A1 A1¤ A1§ ìLS-xmd-mk S Bore ìTT-gpvt ìLS-mus zq ìDU-g S-vergence............................................................................................................. 55 A1§ U C2 78 ìMW-od ìLS-xmd-mk Rf ìTT-gpvt Mummil Pool U A1¤ C2 M C2 80 ìTT-gpvt 70 WH 27 ìnr-od ìMOru-mgm M-vergence............................................................................................................ 22 A3ti A1 Fault Mummil Well (abd) Colluvial units, third generation Z A2 292 m ìPOJ-md ìTT-jmgmt-m C1 orrissey A3 A2 ìTT-gpvt 320 Rf ìMEi-kd Z-vergence............................................................................................................. 35 M ìTT-jmgmt-m ìTT-jmgmt-m Rl C1 Quartz and rock fragments in an unconsolidated silt and sand matrix; includes ferruginous deposits U Dingo Well 80 ðha-mgn Rk ìMW-od 300 U Cf Rk ìMEi-kd James ìPO-md THIRTY THREE C2 ìTT-jmgmt-m C2c (abd) C1 C1c Clay, quartz sand, and deeply weathered rock fragments; reworked saprolite and saprock Chalba Mount Locality of superposed fold........................................................................................ Mica C1f ìDU-g ìLS-xmd-mk 82 Tur A1 C1f Unconsolidated ferruginous rubble and scree ìMEk-sl ìMW-od Bedding, showing strike and dip C1 82 C1k Quartz and rock fragments in an unconsolidated silt and sand matrix; contains calcrete cutans and carbonate cement ìMG-xmh-mk ìMO-g C1k ìDUda-mgmu 68 ìMO-g 80 W 84 MURRUM 73 ìTT-g zq inclined................................................................................................................... ìLS-mlst 68 C1q Unconsolidated quartz fragments in a silt and sand matrix; derived from quartz veins and quartzose rocks ìDUda-mgmu ìTT-gpvt A1¤ QUATERNARY ìDUda-mgmu W 320 ìTT-gpvt 340 ìTT-gpvt ðha-mgn Rk Corktree Bore A1¤ ìmodGA ìTT-gpvt C1z Unconsolidated rubble and scree of silcrete and brecciated siliceous caprock ìMO-g Shear vertical.................................................................................................................... 45 Dam ìDU-mgmt ìMG-xmh-mk zq 300 75 78 78 W 66 A3ti Wf A1¤ Rk 34 Rl C2 Alluvial units, third generation ìMW-od overturned.............................................................................................................. C1k 40 Rk C2f ìMG-xmh-mk ìMO-g C1 33 Mile Well 70 80 A1 Unconsolidated silt, sand, and gravel in active drainage channels and floodplains; includes ferruginous deposits 55 ìTT-gpvt C1q ìDU-g ìPOJ-md way-up not known, inclined................................................................................. MORTIMER ìMW-od ðha-mgn Yard 75 A2 A1¤ Unconsolidated silt, sand, and gravel in stream channels ìMW-od îä80 A2 ìTT-jmgmt-m ìMEk-sl Eagle Hill ìMO-g A1¤ 55 74 Zone Trend of bedding or foliation..................................................................................... A1 76 Cf 62 îä80 A1§ Unconsolidated silt, sand, and minor gravel in floodplains adjacent to present-day drainage ìMO-g 72 A1§ Zn,Cu,U ìMO-g ìMW-od A2 ROAD A1§ 82 Igneous layering, showing strike and dip 75 62 40 A2 A1 C2 ìTT-jmgmt-m C1 Rf CENOZOIC C1k A1§ A2 ìPOb-mlsm 85 A1 C1 75 PHANEROZOIC inclined................................................................................................................... Victory Bore Rz 75 380 80 26 C2 C2c C2f C2q A2 E2¶ SCALE 1:Ý500Ý000 Well (abd) Rk 45 45 Rk Rz 360 ìDUda-mgmu ìMW-od 15 zq c 0 5 10 15 20 vertical.................................................................................................................... 280 C1k A1§ 70 C1q 340 28 Rf Cu,Bi HILLS 65 ìDUda-mgmu C2 Rk Cattle 48 82 C2 60 Cf Rk 8 U Rf CREEK Shallow Well ìDUda-mgmu C2 380 Kilometres Igneous flow banding, showing strike and dip ìDU-mgmb Pool 26 CAMEL HILL Colluvial units, second generation C1 Wq ìMEi-kd ìMEi-kd Rl 75 78 80 70 Gillie Well C2 A1 280 77 C2 Quartz and rock fragments in a partly consolidated silt and sand matrix inclined..................................................................................................................

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