University of South Florida Scholar Commons Integrative Biology Faculty and Staff Publications Integrative Biology 7-21-1988 Foraging Patterns of Two Syngnathid Fishes: Importance of Harpacticoid Copepods Kevin Tipton University of South Florida Susan S. Bell University of South Florida, [email protected] Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/bin_facpub Part of the Medical Sciences Commons Scholar Commons Citation Tipton, Kevin and Bell, Susan S., "Foraging Patterns of Two Syngnathid Fishes: Importance of Harpacticoid Copepods" (1988). Integrative Biology Faculty and Staff Publications. 13. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/bin_facpub/13 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Integrative Biology at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Integrative Biology Faculty and Staff Publications by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. p MARINE ECOLOGY - PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 47: 31-43, 1988 Published July 21 Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. Foraging patterns of two syngnathid fishes: importance of harpacticoid copepods Kevin Tipton, Susan S. Bell Department of Biology, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620, USA ABSTRACT: The diets of juvenile (<g0 mm) Syngnathus scovelli and of H~ppocampuszosterae, abundant members of a resident fish community in a Thalassia testudnum seagrass bed in Tampa Bay, Florida, were examined from Apnl to October 1984. Harpacticoid copepods comprised most of the diet, both in terms of percent number and percent biomass, for the smaller size classes of S. scovelli and for H. zosterae, and harpacticoids generally had the highest index of relative importance (IRI) for both syngnathids. S. scovelli displayed ontogenetic switching to larger food items, such as amphipods. shrimp and crustacean eggs. Harpacticus sp. 1 was the most common harpacticoid copepod species found in the guts of the 2 syngnathids, but was only rarely encountered in prey samples from seagrass blades. Three other harpacticoids, Paradactylopodia brevicornis sp., Dactylopodia tisboides and Har- pacticus sp. 2 had high IRIS in H. zosterae but not in S. scovelli. Vanderploeg & Scavia's selectivity index (E') was calculated for sampling dates when both species of syngnathids were most abundant, using prey density on seagrass blades as a measure of prey avadabhty. Only the harpacticoid Harpacticus sp. 1 had high positive selectivity values. INTRODUCTION Alheit & Scheibel 1982, Zander 1982). While such studies combine to illustrate trophic links between har- Fish predation on macrofaunal invertebrates in both pacticoids and fishes, few studies are from seagrass temperate and tropical seagrass beds is well studied beds. Information on fish feeding on harpacticoids in (Reid 1954, Carr & Adams 1973, Young et al. 1976, seagrass beds has been gleaned mostly from subtropi- Brook 1977, Nelson 1979, Stoner 1979, 1980, 1982, cal areas, specifically Florida (Table 1).Two limitations Stoner & Livingston 1980, Ryer 1981, Livingston 1982, of previous studies are obvious. First, few data have 1984, Ryer & Boehlert 1983). However. a gap exists in been recorded on prey (meiofauna) availability (see information on predation on meiofauna by fishes within Petraitis 1979 for discussion), an important aspect of such sites. Meiofauna are abundant in seagrass beds feeding studies. Second, no investigation on fish feed- (Bell et al. 1984), with as many as 3000 harpacticoid ing on meiofauna in seagrass beds has identified prey copepods reported from a single blade of Thalassia to species level, an analytical problem with studies of testudinum Banks ex Konig (M.O. Hall pers, comm.). fish feeding on invertebrates in general (see Stoner Given the great abundance of copepods on blades, in 1979). Species level information, however, is vital for combination with that of typical sediment dwelling detailed understanding of benthic food selection by forms, meiofauna may serve as important trophic links fishes. in seagrass beds. Members of the family Syngnathidae (pipefishes and Some investigators have reported harpacticoid seahorses) are consistently abundant members of sea- copepods to be unimportant to higher trophic levels grass fish communities (Reid 1954, Carr & Adams 1973, (Marshal1 1970, McIntyre & Murison 1973, Heip & Smol Adams 1976, Kulczycki et al. 1981, Ryer 1981, Sogard 1976), but these studies are from unvegetated areas. 1982, Huh 1984, Livingston 1984, Targett 1984, How- More recent work from shallow water has shown that ard & Koehn 1985). Little is known about the ecology of harpacticoids are a prevalent dietary item for some syngnathids (Howard & Koehn 1985), with most infor- fishes, especially juveniles and smaller-sized species mation being anecdotal. Aspects of seahorse life history (e.g. Feller & Kaczynski 1975, Bodiou & Villiers 1979, have been noted (Strawn 1958), but the feeding ecol- O Inter-Research/Printed in F. R. Germany Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 47. 31-43, 1988 Table 1 Overview of fish feedlng studies report~ngpredation on harpacticoid copepods in seagrass beds Location Fish species/size Fish Expression of im- Conclusion Source collection portance values metbods North Lagodon rhomboides Bag seine % Body weight Harpact~coideaten by Adams 1976 Carolina Orthopristis chrysoptera of fish small fishes USA Australia Sillaginodes puncta tus Seine Percent volume Harpacticoids important Robertson 1977 25-320 mm (% V) to 0+ age class Florida Anchoa mitchelli 10-69 mm; Otter trawl O/O Dry weight Harpactlcoids important Sheridan & USA Leiostomus xanth urus (% DW) to juvenlle L xanthurus Llvingston 1979 10-1 09 mm; Micropogonius undulatus 10-1 19 mm; size classes vary according to species Florida Lagodon rhon~boides Trawl Harpacticoids important Stoner 1979, USA 11-121 mm, 5 mm size to smaller size classes 1980 classes Florida Callionymuspauciradiatus Pushnet % Frequency, Harpacticoids most im- Sogard 1982. USA 5-38 mm "/o Number, portant prey for all size 1984 % DW, classes; positive selec- Chesson's elect~vity tion for harpacticoids Florida 14 species for quantitative. Otter trawl '10 DW, Small or young stages of Livingston USA 12 species for qualitative cluster analysis species eat harpacticoids 1982, 1984 analysis; size classes vary according to species Florida Diplodus holbrooki Trawl Harpacticoids important Stoner & USA Lagodon rhom boides to smaller size classes of Livingston 1984 11-121 + mm, 5 mm size both species classes North Lagodon rhomboides Otter trawl Ivlev's electivity M. menidia avoid Euter- Fulton 1985 Carolina Leiostomus xanthurus pina. Harpacticoids im- USA ~Venidlamenidia portant to juveniles of Orthopristis chrysop tera 3 species Australia Mitotichthvs semistriatus Beam trawl "10 V Harpacticoids important Howard & Vanacampus phillipi to U. carinorostris Koehn 1985 Urocampus carinorostris; size classes vary according to species ogy of these fish is virtually unreported. Livingston MATERIALS AND METHODS (1984) and preliminary investigations in a Tampa Bay seagrass bed (Tipton 1987) have shown that the gulf Study site. Fishes and epifaunal crustaceans, repre- pipefish Syngnathus scovelli Evermann & Kendall and senting 'available prey', were collected from a subtidal the dwarf seahorse Hippocampus zosterae Jordan & site at the south end of the Sunshine Skyway bridge Gilbert feed during the daytime and are consumers of causeway near the mouth of Tampa Bay, Florida (27" large numbers of harpacticoids. The purpose of this 35' N, 82" 36'W). Seagrass beds, composed primarily of study was to investigate the feeding ecology of 2 Thalassia testudinum, dominated the site (approxl- species of syngnathids in a subtropical Thalassia tes- mately 10 X 105 m2), but patches of Halodule wrightii tudinum bed over a 6 mo period with special reference (Ascherson) were common in nearshore areas. Drift to meiobenthic copepod prey. Specifically we examine algae, mainly Acanthophora sp., Gracilaria sp. and ontogenetic patterns of feeding of prey for major taxa Hypnea sp., were prominent over the study period and meiobenthic copepod species and prey selectivity throughout the entire seagrass bed. Sediments were by syngnathids durlng times of peak fish abundances. muddy-sand and water depths during this study Tipton & Bell: Foragilng of 2 syngnathid fishes 3 3 ranged from ca 0.25 to 1.0 m. Salinity ranged from 31 to by number tends to overemphasize the contribution of 34 Ym and temperature was 24 to 32 "C over the study small dietary items, the percent composition by dry period. weight biomass (% DW) of prey was determined to Field sampling. Collections of fishes were made du- provide a complete description of the diet (Hyslop ring daylight hours (10:OO to 18:00 h) twice monthly 1980).To summarize the data the F, % N and O/O DW from Apnl to October 1984. Fishes were collected with were used to calculate an index of relative importance a 92.0 cm w~de,1 mm mesh pushnet from randomly (IRI) (Pinkas et al. 1971). The IRI was calculated as selected 100 m2 plots within the Thalassia testudinum follows: bed. While the pushnet may underestimate the abun- IRI = ('G N + "'o DW) (% F). (1) dance of large and mobile fishes, it is an efficient method Dry weight biomass of prey was estimated from meas- of collecting small and cryptic species, such as gobies, urements on field-collected organisms. Freshly col- blennies, pipefishes and seahorses, which live in sea- lected organisms from the study site were returned to grass beds (Strawn 1954). Five 20 m long
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