(December 1987 - June 1980) ICR I SAT International Crops Rowarch institute for the Semi-Arid Tropia PatmctMru, Andhra Pradesh 502 324, India Staff List - LEGOFTEN Acknowledqenentr Liat of Tables List of A~vendicea Groundnut yield maximization trials in in India - Summary Location-wise results and discussion Maharashtra Andhra Pradesh Or issa Gu jarat Tamil Nadu Karnataka Tables showinq yields and cost of cultivation Appindices -9-8 Om-?arm Twtiag .ad loraery Unit Btrff Ltrt Y.L. Renea Program Director, Legumes P.W. Amin Coordinator R.C. Jain Brttder J.V.D.K, Kumr Rao Agronomist C,S. Pawar Entoaroloqist D.W. Pawat Seeds Officer V. Bafarangaiah Field Aedstant (up to June 1988) V. Rriehna Reddy Pield Assistant (From June 1988) G. Sattsfah Fie1.d Assistant A. Bhaskar Rao Field Assistant M.S. Reddy Field Attendent A. Gafoor Field Attendant R. Eliah Field Attendent R.R. Chandekar Field Attendent M. Pentaiah Field Attendent F. Prabhakar Field Attendent V.V. Rao Cl er k/Typist We gratefully acknowledgr the contribution8 made by policy- makers, administrators, ICRISAT scientfrrts, ~taffof the Training and Visit System and the Department of Agrieultufe of various states. Onion Hinirtry of Agriculture: MeV. Rao, P.V. Shenoi, T.V. Sampath, S.S. Khanna, M.D. Wasnik, ICRISAT: D. McDonald, S.N. Nlgam, R.Jambunathan, J.H. Williams, T.S. Wa ker, D L. Oswalt, S.M. Virmani, D.8, Bisht, R. Nageswar Rao, L.J. Reddy, V.M. Ramraj, V.I. Mehan,. K.L. Sahrawat, Sardar Singh, N.K. Awadhwcll, M. Prabhakar Reddy, A. Ramakrishna, A.K.S. Buda, S.B. Sharma, Waharashtra: V.S. Dhumel, M.V. Sant, J. Dhale, V.L. Hardikar, Vasant Sapkal, P. Firke, 3. Raut, W.K. Asole, P.T. Gadekar, W.C. Bhagat, K. Lavekar, M.V. Kaabe, D.D. Deehmukh, P.S. Deshkar, L.R. Gutar, Tamil Nadu: R. Mani, C. Soundrarajan, R. Sibi, H.Ramakrishna, A.S. Nana Batcha, J. Ayyadurai, Andhra Pradesh: S.K. Arora, M.A. Rehaman, Abdul Qayyum, D, Pollaiah, K.Y.L. Narsimha Rao, V. Ramachandraiah, Shiv Shastr i, Karnataka: P. Bhimaiah, Y. Chandrakeerti, Dilip Rau, K.V. Sarvesh, P. Nagaraj, Keshav Murthf, A. Thippanna, Nareimha Rao, Vekatesh Murthy, 0rirr.z R.Y. Ilohanty, R.C. Ilirhra, R.C. Sahu, B.M. mth, H. Prcdhrn and Balirr Singh. Bprcial thank8 are due to L.D. Swindale and J.S. Kanwar of ICRISAT for their encouragement. We are grateful to K.B. Srintvasan of ICRISAT for hie effective liaison with ~arious officials and hi8 keen interest in the transfer of technology. LEGOPTEN Staff Table Pag* 1 Groundnut varietier used in yield maximixation trials, pa8trainy acason, 1987-88 77 2 Sovinq dates for ICRISAT and State plots at different locations, wrtrainy seaaon, 1987-88 78 -1 3 Seedinq rates (kq ha ) uued in qroundnut trials at various locations, wstrainy saauon, 1987-88 79 -1 4 Plant densities (1000 ha 1 in the ICRISAT and State olots postrainy season, 1987-88 80 -1 5 Location-wise dry wd vic'ld (t ha 1 of qroundnut, pastrainy season, 1987-88 81 5A Two way table of com~a~:isonM averaqe dry pod yield of qroundnut between varieties and cultivation oractices 82 6 Shellinq ~ercentaqeof qroundnut harvested in trial 010tftr wstrainv seafton, 1987-88 83 7 1000 kernel weisht (q) of qroundnut harvested in trial ~lots,postrainy aeason, 1987-88 84 7A Two way com~arisonof 1000 kernel weight between two methods of cultivation and two varietiea, oostrainy aeason, 1987-88 85 8 Oil content ($1 of qroundnut harvested in trial ~lots,oastrainy seaeon, 1987-88 86 -1 9 Dry haulm weiqht It ha ) of qroundnut harvested in trial ~lots,oostrainy season, 1987-88 87 -1 10 Cost .of cultivation (RB ha ) of qroundnut in trial ~lots,wstrainy season, 1987-88 88 11 Duration of ICRlSAT and State qroundnut varieties at different locations, postrainy season, 1987-88 89 12 Summarv of qroundnut trial data, Dostrainy season, 1987-88 90 13 Comarison of yield oarameters of improved and common varieties under the State method of cultivation, postrainy season, 1987-88 91 Conoarison of the JCRISAT and the State method of cultivation in relation to viold ~arametera, wetrainy seaaon, 1987-88 Camaarisan of ICRISAT method and fCRISAT variety with the State method and State variety in relation to vield oaranetere, bostrainy season, 1987-88 Yielda of qroundnut undcr different fertilizers in farmcra f itlda, Parbhani district , Haharashtra, nostrainy season, 1987-88 . Reffult~from trials in farmers' fields, Dhule di~trict,Mahara~htra, matrainv Reason, 1987-88 Charactcristic~ of the selected fields in Waharauhtra tacat ion^ of qroundnrlt yield maximization trials in Mahara~htra,postrainy Reason, 1987-88 Dai lv minimum and maximum temberatures f ram aowinq (15 Nov 1987) till DOA devela~ment (9 Feb 1988) , Taluka Seed Farm, Dhanora, Amraoti district, Mahara~htra,vastrninv season, 1987-88 Plant den~itv, vield and ancillary data from qroundnut trial at Taluka Seed Farm, Dhanora, Amraat i (1i~t.rict , Maharashtra, ~ostrainyseasonf 198'7-88 Cornoarison of o~cratiansJin~utsused in the 1CRlSAT method and the State method. yields and cogt, of cultivation, Taluka Seed Farm, Dhanora, Amraoti district, Mahara~htra, wstrainv season, 1987-88 Cost of cultivation in qroundnut trials, Taluka Seed Farm, Dhanora, Arnraoti district, Maharashtra, ~ostrainvseason, 1987-88 tabor used in the ICRISAT and the State method, Taluka Seed Farm, Dhanora, Amraoti district, matrainv season , 1987-88 Cost of fertilizers wed in the ICRlSAT and State methods of sroundnut cultivation at Taluka seed Farm. Dhanora, Amraoti district, postrainy season, 1987-88 Cast of weeding and interculture in ICRISAT an4 State acthad of qroundnut cultivation, Taluka Seed Farm, Dhrnoza, Amraoti dietrkt, Mharashtra, mttrafny season, 1987-88 Soil analysis data, T~lukaSeed Parm, Barmat, Parbhani district, Maharashtra, postrainy Reason, 1981-88 Plant density, yield and ancillary data from qroundnut trials at Taluka Seed Farm, Baewat, Parbhani district, Maharaehtra, postrainy season, 1987-88 Plant density, yield and ancillary data from qraundnut trials at Taluka Seed Farm, Basmat, Parbhani district, Maharashtra, postrainy eeason, 1987-88 Yield and ancillary data for qroundnut triale on Chikhalthana Seed Parm and farmera' fields, Parbhani district. Maharaahtra, postrainy season, 1987-88 Plant density, yield and ancillary data from qroundnut triale at Akluj, Sola~ur district, Maharashtra, wstrainv season, 1987-88 Cost of cultivation in qroundnut trials, Taluka Seed Farm, Akluj, Sola~urdistrict, Mahara~htra, oostrainy seaRon, 1987-08 Effect of different cultivation practices on qroundnut cv. JL 24 yleld and other ~arameters, Aqrlcultural University Reaearch Farm, Dapoli, Ratnaqiri district, Maharashtra, postrainy season, 1987-88 Result8 of partial ado~tation of ICRXSAT technoloqy on farmers' fields, Parbhani district, Maharashtra, poatrainv season, 1987-88 Soil analysis data from Andhra Prade~h Plant density, yield and ancillary data from qroundnut trials, at the State Seed Farm, Tanqadencha, Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, rmstrainv season, 1987-88 Cost of cultivation for qroundnut trials at the State Seed Farm, Tanqadencha, Kurnool district, Andhra Pradesh, postrainy season, 1987-88 Plant denrity, yield md ancillary data from qroundnut tr ialr, at the Project ~cmonstrrtlan and Develowrent Parn, ~muaiqannur, Kurnool district, Andhta Pradeah, metrainy season, 1987 -88 Coat of cultivation in TCZafsAT and State nethod of qroundnut cult hat ion, Yemmiqannur , Kurnool distrf ct , Andhra Pradesh, wfttrainy season, 1987-88 Plant denafty, yield and ancillary data from qroundnut trials at the Project Develoment and Dcmonstratfon Farm, Mahadcornangalam, chittobr district, Andhra Prade~h, ~ostrainv season 1987-88 Cogt of cultivation for qraundnut trials at Mahadeomanqalam, Chittoor district, Andhra Pradcsh, oostrainy fieaffon, 1987-88 Plant dtn~ity, yield and ancillarv data from aroundnut trial 8, at the Project Develooment and Demon~tration Farm, Car i ka~adu, Krishna di~trict, Andhrn Pradesh, wstrainy season, 1987-88 Cost of cultivation for qroundnut trials at the Project Develo~ment and Demonstration Farm, Garika~adu, Krishna district, Andhra Pradesh, oaas?trainy season, 1987-88 Chemical analvsis of soils at sowinq at trial locations in Orissa, postrainy season, 1987-88 Plant dtn~itv, yield and ancillarv data of qroundnut trials at Khurda, Puri district, Orissa, postrainy season, 1987-08 Cost of cultivation of qroundnut, at Khurda, Puri district, Orissa, ~ostrainvseason, 1987-88 Plant densitv, yield and ancillary data of qroundnut trials at Sakhiqo~al, Puri district, Orissa, wstrainy season, 1987-88 Cast of cultivation of aroundnut yield maximization trials at Sakhiqo~al, Puri district, Orissa, vostrainv season, 1987-88 Statement showing area and averaqe yield oer hectare of aostrainy qroundnut in Kheda district of Gujarat from 1983-87 Phyrical and chdcal vro~ertieta~of 60Sll in Rheda diatrict, Gujarat Plant dan~ity, virldr and ancillary data for qroundnut yield narimiration ttirla at Nadiad, Gujarat, wrtrafny mason, 1987-88 Cost of cultivation in qroundnut yiald trials at Taluka Seed Farm, Nadiad, Aheda district, Gujarat, mstrainy reaaon 1987-88 Plant density, yield8 and ancillary data for qroundnut trial8 at Boriavi, Guj~tat,portrainy season, 1987-88 Cost of cultivation in qrouninut yiald trial8 at Taluka Seed Farm, Boriavi, Kheda district, Gujarat, metrainy eeason, 1987-88 Packaqe of practices followed for qroundnut yield maximization trials, Muaaravakkam, Chenqal~ut district, Tamil Nadu, poetrainy season, 1987-88 Plant density, yield and ancillary data from qrobndnut trials, Musaravakkam, Chenqalput district,
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