28 NEW ZEALAND CHESS SUPPLIES . P. O.Box 42-09 0 Wainuiomata Phone (04)564-8578 Fax (04)564-8578 Email: [email protected] - www.chess.co.nz Ne\Y Zealand Stockists of the widest selection of modem chess literature in Australasia. Chess sets, boards, clocks, stationery and all playing equipment. Distributors of all leading brands of chess computers and software. Chess Send S.A.E. for brochure and catalogue (state your interest). I PLASTIC CMSSMEN'STAUNTON' STYLE - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD Official magazine of the New Zealand Chess Federation (Inc) 90mm King, solid, extra weighted, wide felt base (ivory & black matt finish) $ 28.00 95mm King, solid, weighted, felt base (black & white semi-gloss hnish) $ 18.50 98mm King solid, weighted, felt base (black & white matt finish) $ 24.50 Plastic container with clip tight lid for above sets $ 8.00 Vol28 Number I February 2002 FOLDING CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 480 x 480mm thick cardboard (green and lemon) $ 6.00 450 x 450 mm thick vinyl (dark brown and offwhite) $ 19.50 VINTYL CHESSBOARDS - CLUB/TOURNAMENT STANDARD 450 x 470 mm roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to assist move recognition (green and white) $ 8.50 440 x 440mm soft vinyl roll-up mat type, algebraic symbols at borders to Assist move recognition (dark brown and oflwhite) $ 12.00 440 x 440mm semi-flex and non-folding, algebraic symbols as above (dark brown and off-white) $ 12.00 CHESS MOVE TIMERS (CLOCKS) 'Tumier'German-made popular wind-up club cloclg brown plastic $ 80.00 "Exclusiv'German-made as above, in imitation wood case $ 98.00 'Gambit'Deluxe wood - large face $129.00 SAITEK digital game timer $140.00 CLUB AND TOURNAMENT STATIONERY Bundle of200 loose score sheets,80 moves and diagram $ 7.00 Bundle of500 loose score sheets,8O moves and diagram $ 15.00 Score pad, spiral-bound,50 games, score sheets as above $ 3.50 Score booh spiral bound, lies flat at any page, 50 games of70 moves, with index and diagram for permanent record $ 7.00 Artyfa,r peel-and-stick symbols (400 pieces) plus 20 diagram blocks $ 8.00 MAGNETIC CT{ESS 190 x l50mm (l5mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces $ 38.50 270 x 200mm (24mm green & yellow squares) flat disc pieces (NZ made) $ 19.00 Standing pocket set 125 xl25 mm (l5mm b & w squares) $ 5.00 Standing 325 x 325mm (38mm squares, 65mm King) $ 24.50 WE ARE BTryING CHESS LITERATURE OF ANY AGE AND ANY CONDITION. TOP PRICES PAID. Please contact us with details for an offer. Nerv Zealand Champion IM Anthony Ker with his wif-e. Kathy EVERYTHING FOR CHESS AT N.Z.C.S. NZ Chess , 3 New Zealand Chess STOP PRESS Ofhcial journal of the New Zealand Chess Fed- New Zealand Chess eration (Inc. published 1 ), NZCI' Council has resolr,ed to raise thc t,'r, r Volume 28 Number Februarv 2002 in February, April, June, August, October, De- price o1'ilre magazinc g cember. tiom $3 50 to $,[ and thc bulk ratc liolr ) \r r CONTENTS Editorial correspondence, copy and advertising to $i 'Ihis ilcrease applies inquiries should be liorn the April issuc, but docs not affccl sulr 4. 109th New Zealand Chess Congress 2001,12002 sent to scribers u,ho havc alreadv Chief organiser Chris Wright reports on a Championship that produced its share New Zealand Chess paid thcir annual sub in advanoc fhis is Llrt: of surprises and a clear cut t4)inner, and a Major Open which was closely cl-P OBox1627 lirst price iucrease tbr "NZ Chess" h (r yclrr s fought right to the end. Tatpo,2730 anrl is rrecessarv to olllsct urcrctrses in I productton costs 15. Council Corner Opinions expressed in articles, letters and other President Bob Smith updates NZCF Council's plans another busy year. contributions are tlose ofthe authors Letters for on chess topics are welcome; limit 150 words THANKS FROM TIJE EDITOR 17. Fiji Zonal and marked "for publication." Fancy a tropical chess playing holiday at a luxurious resort? Entries are still Graeurc would like to take lhis opporttuiitv to openfor the Oceania Zonal in May,. EDITORIAL tharl< the pcople I llho ser-rt mcssages ol'srqrpor { 18. Evginia Annotates Editor, Graeme Trass and condolences to his wil-e Sharon on thc The country's top girl player provides notes to one of her victories at the World Overseas News Editor, Peter Stuart rrtttirnelr Jeath of licr sistcr Youth Championships in Spain.. Your kind urords and thoughts arc grcirllr rr;, SIIBSCRIPTIONS prcciated 19. Correspondence Chess Subscription pa),rnents should be sent to Changes at the top plus a close race for the 2002 NZ title. 21. Overseas News New Zealand Chess NM Peter Stuart provides highlights and gamesfrom top international c/-P OBox7627 (another) Talopo,2730 tournaments, including the crowning of new World Champion. ANNUAL SIIBSCRIPTION RATES : New Zealand, $24.00 Australia, South Pacif,rc, $USl2 00 airmail EastAsia, NAmeric4 $US15.00 aimail Europe, $US17 50 airmail, $12.50 economy Rest of world, $US20 00 aimail, $US15 00 economy HAM.LLT,AN,,RAPID C,HESS, TOUR${ ,&IENT, Some back issues available - send for details Sunday 2I Aprrl,2002 ADVERTISING RATES Full page, $N245.00 l a 25125. Ilalf-page or full column, $N222.50 A 6-round Swiss tournament with time control of Half column, $N212.00 A Global Chess Enterprises Grand Prix Class 2 event (prize-fund over $1000). COPYDEADLINE X'ront Coyer: April issue, Monday April 29 IM Anthony Ker receives the famous rookfor Homepage: http://ourworld compuserve.com/ his 6k NZ Championship Title. Entry fees.$30, juniors $20. homepages/nzchess The support of his wife Kathy was a key Email editor: [email protected] ingredient in his victory. Contact William Lynn - Kenneth. Lynn@opus. co. nz NZ Chess NZ Chess 4 5 109th New ZnilandChess Congress 2001/2002 chess game with Canterbury President, Craig acknowledges the decision of the International by ('hris Wright Hall Hall won the match TV One Network Olympic Committee (IOC) to recognise Chess News and 'The Press' newspaper journalists as a sport It would be interesting to see the Ilistory the Basel Opeu. l,cuk Opcrr { l i.i l'lrrllikon were present development of chess and its view to becoming The origins ofthe Canterbury Chess Club date Open (286), L,lehtcmach OPcl t ,lSo 1 ll<arra The acting Prime Mnister supports chess, and a sport and gaining support inNew Zed.atd. back to 1866 making it one of the oldest Chess C[en (130), l3cm C)pen, iutcl ;rt llrt I rrropcitn Clubs in the world Christchurch was the f,1rst Youth Chcss Championship (5lt{)1 Club to host the New Zealand Chess Champi- Organisation onship This was in 1879, making New Zealand During thc opening of the tountrrncrrt llrc e lricl' New Champion Candidate Master Graeme Spain was another one the oldest National Chess Championships arbitcr arrnounced the tonnrarncrrl rulcs 1l ll)Jr International Master Anthony Ker of Welling- player who impressed. Graeme had been in in the world The frst New Zealard Champion, rules) artd housc ru1es (no srnoking,. rro irlct>lrol- ton won the 109ft New Zealand Chess Champi- good form recently, coming second in the Henry Hookham, carne onship. This is the sixth time that Ker has won North Island Championship 2001. Consistancy from Christchurch - the no use ul'ocll phones, no hot fbod. rro visits to 1l NZ Major Open Trophy bears his name. the analvsis room and/or bookstorc dtLrilg the New Zealand Championship title, second and wiruring key games when they mattered Canterbury last held a New Zealand Congress Plarr) only to IM Ortvin Smapu who won the Nerv had him in 3'd equal place with NM* Bruce in 1985/86. It was largely due to the efforts of ConrpLLtcr pairurg sotlwarc vu:rs uscd Ihc pro- Zealarrd tifle twenty times. I(er has won the Alderson after defeating him in round 8. Sparn Canterbury Chess Club Vice-President Chris granr used uras "I'air'[rvo", lriritleu by l]clgiarr New Zealand Championship in 1989, 1991, and Anderson finished in 5ft equal place over- Wright tlnt the New Zealand Chess Congress llcnrud Mlllliet l lris painng pr()[uunt \\:r: 1993, 1994, 1 995, and now in 2002. all. Both performed above their rattngs, 2277 '['his was again held in Christchurch used at the lkaria Qren (Greece) crurblctl I The Championship Players for Spain and2237 for Anderson respectively - Venue pairirigs to be provided quickl-r arrd l'uir lr l lris Runner-up was Martin Haag from Germany. a good effort. The l09th New Zealand Chess Congress was tuas iuvaluable - providirrg [rnrcl1, irrliirrn;rlrorr His poor start (1/4) was attibuted to jet Iag. It was good to have an Australian in the touma- held at the luxurious MllenrLium Hotel To the to irrterested plavcrs. and a tirrrc-silucr (o llrL The German came close to making an IM-norm ment - not only did this add to the intemational nght ofthe entrance foyer was a restaurant, bar, ofhctals liaintcss ancl spcccl vuirs irrlrrlrr;rl,lL rrr at the Arco Open 2000 in Italy. Haag proved flavour of the Championship, but it also con- and lounge mea, with a number of large chairs the NZ Itapid (-'hantpionship, u'hcrt'llr, lrrr, his playing strength of FIDE 2317 by scoring a flrmed friendliness between the trans-Tasman and tables. In this area was also a piano. The inlerval bcLvucerr rormds uas thirtt rrrrrrrt, l.Jz' phenomenal 6 points in the remaining 7 rounds countries Brian Jones was difhcult to beat, restaurant area was next to the bar, just under Rapitl rcsults u.ere etterccl.
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