1196 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 20, 1903. In the County of Haddingtbn— south end of Oxton Station and terminating; (a) Certain lands in the Parish of Pen- at a point 750 yards or thereabouts measuring; caitland on the North side of and along the railway in a southerly direction from adjoining the Gifford and Garvald the said point of commencement. Railway at Pencaitland Station, on To empower the Lauder Light Railway Com- which a Station-master's House has Dany to acquire, by compulsion or agreementr been or is being constructed. and to hold certain lands situate in the said (b) Certain lands in the Parish of Humbie Parish of Channelkirk, occupied by and lying, on the South-west side of and adjoin- along both sides of the Lauder Light Railway ing the said Railway at Salton Station immediately to the south of Oxton Station. on which a Station-master's House To empower the Company to stop up and has been or is being constructed. discontinue the Subway in the Burgh and (c) Certain lands in the Parish of Yester Parish of Burntisland and County of Fife,, on the South-east side of and ad- which passes under the Railway of the Com- joining the said Railway at Gifford pany at or near Scholars Brae, Burntislandf Station on which a Station-master's and to vest the said Subway and the site and House has been or is being con- soil thereof and all rights and interests therein structed. in the Company. To further extend the time limited by the To authorise the Company and the Provost, North British Railway Act, 1895, as extended Magistrates, and Councillors of the Burgh- and limited by the North British Railway of Burntisland, and the Burntisland Harbour (General Powers) Act, 1900, and the North Commissioners, or any of them, to enter into- British Railway (General Powers) Act, 1902, and carry into effect agreements with respect to for the compulsory purchase of lands for the the said Subway, and to sanction and confirm purposes of and for the completion of the any agreement which may have been or may be Kirkcaldy new Railways and Works by the entered into between any of the said parties with first mentioned Act authorised so far as such reference thereto or including reference thereto. Railways and Works are not already com- To confirm and give effect to a Contract of pleted. Excambion between the Company and the Lord To extend the time limited by the North Provost, Magistrates, and Councillors of the British Railway Act, 1901, for the compulsory Burgh of Perth and John Dewar & Son?r purchase of certain of the lands described in Limited, as to the exchange of certain lands at Section 10 of that Act (that is to say):— or near Perth Station. In the County of Lanark— To confer upon the Company all necessary,, Certain lands in the Parish of Shotts proper, and usual powers, and make all such on the North side of the Railway of provisions as may be subsidiary to or con^ the Company from Westcraigs to sequential upon the objects of the intended Armadale, west of the boundary be- application with respect to deviation, whether tween the Counties of Lanark and within or beyond the limits prescribed by the Linlithgow, near Woodend Junction. Railways Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) Act,. In the Counties of Lanark and Linlithgow— 1845, and to interference with public and Certain lands in the Parishes of Shotts private property, rights and interests, and other and Bathgate on the South side of matters. the Railway of the Company from To authorise the Company to purchase sa Westcraigs to Armadale at Woodend much only as may be required for the purposes Junction. of the intended application of any house or To extend the time for the sale by the Com- other building manufactory work or other pre- pany or the Forth Bridge Railway Company mises, or any easement in or under the same, or the West Highland Railway Company, as without being subject to the liability imposed the case may be, of all or any lands acquired by Section 90 of the Lands Clauses Consolida- by those Companies respectively, which have tion (Scotland) Act, 1845. not been and are not or eventually may not be To empower the Compay to levy and re- required for the purposes of their respective cover tolls, rates, and charges for the use of undertakings, and to confer upon the Company the intended Railway and Works, and for the the Forth Bridge Railway Company and the conveyance and accommodation of traffic there- West Highland Railway Company further on and thereat, and to alter existing tolls, rates, powers in relation to such lands, and to enable and charges; and to confer, vary, and extinguish the Company the Forth Bridge Railway Com- exemptions from the payment of tolls, rates, and pany and the West Highland Railway Com- charges. pany to sell, feu, dispose of, lease, or let the To authorise the Company to apply to the said lands or any part or parts thereof, and so purposes of the intended Order any of their far as may be necessary to alter, amend, anc existing or authorised funds. extend with reference thereto the provisions o To vary or extinguish all existing rights and the Lands Clauses Consolidation (Scotland) privileges which might in any way interfere with Act, 1845, and the Lands Clauses Consolidation the objects of the intended Order, and to confer Act, 1845, with respect to the sale of superfluous other rights and privileges. lands. To repeal, alter, extend, or amend all or any of To sanction and confirm the construction o: the provisions of the several Acts hereinbefore a deviation (already made) of the Railway referred to, and also all or any of the provisions- . authorised by the Lauder Light Railway Order of the North British, Edinburgh, Perth, and 1898, such deviation being wholly situate in Dundee, and West of Fife Railways Amalgama- the Parish of Channelkirk and County o tion Act, 1862, the North British Railway Berwick, and commencing at the south side o (General Powers) Order Confirmation Act, 1903^ the Level Crossing of the Public Road at the and any other Act or Order relating to the.
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