GOVERNMENT OF KERALA POLICE DEPARTMENT Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram - 695010 Ph: 0471-2722566 Fax: 0471- 2722566 e-mai : aig2phq.po %kera a.gov.in www.kera apo ice.gov.in H2/1438/2020/PHQ Dated: 18 /01/2020 e-Gover me t Procureme t (e-GP) NOTICE INVITING TENDER The State Po ice ,hief, .era a Po ice Department, /overnment of .era a invites on ine 1ids from authorized dea ers or reputed vendors for the S(PPL) OF DOG FOOD. The 1idders shou d comp y with the fo owing genera conditions in addition to the additiona conditions of the instant tender. Ge eral 1. The 3idder shou d 1e a reputed or authorized dea er of anima feed to participate in the tender. 2. The 3idder shou d have va id /ST registration. ,opy of /ST registration certificate shou d 1e enc osed a ong with the tender. 3. The 1idder shou d have va id PAN/Taxation Index Num1er. ,opy of PAN/Taxation Index Num1er a ocation etter shou d 1e enc osed a ong with the tender. 4. The 3idder must fu fi the fo owing minimum qua ification criteria to prove the techno-commercia competence and su1mit the documents in support thereof: a8. The 1idder shou d su1mit a va id icense o1tained from oca 1odies for the sa e of anima foods. 18. ,ertificate of Registration/Incorporation ,ertificate of the 3idder. c8 ISI/A/MAR. certificate is compu sory in the case of 1randed food artic es. d8 Food items with minimum 6 months expiry period on y wi 1e accepted. e). The .idder shall 2uote the price of the food items for o e mo th i the 5OQ. f8. The packing shou d 1e intact and food item sha not have access to externa environment. g8. Food item shou d 1e fresh having aroma and shou d not 1e rancid or damaged. 1 Tender No. ; Date .PET/11/2020/PHQ Dated 16.01.2020 2 Item S(PPL) OF DOG FOOD List of 6 variants of food items for one 3 Quantity month enc osed. 4 Estimated Amount Rs. 178.20 La7hs (for 12 months8 Rs. 5000/- (Rupees Five thousand on y8 (/ST extra8 Tender Fees (through on ine mode 5 on y8 18A /ST amount on tender fees mentioned a1ove sha 1e paid to /ST Department direct y 1y the 1idder. Earnest Money Deposit (through Rs. 50,000 /- (Rupees. Fifty thousand 6 on ine mode on y8 on y8 7 Specifications Attached in tender document Date and time of pu1 ication of 8 e-Tender 18/01/2020, 06:00 PM 18/01/2020, 06:00 PM To 9 Date of su1mission of e-Tender 28/01/2020,12.00 NOON Last date and time for on ine 10 su1mission of e-tender 28/01/2020, 12.00 NOON Date and time of opening of 11 29/01/2020, 3:00 PM e-Tender Po ice Headquarters, 12 P ace of opening Thiruvananthapuram 31/01/2020 , 10.30 AM, Date, Time and P ace of Technica 13 Po ice Headquarters, Eva uation Thiruvananthapuram 3id Va idity (Tota Num1er of Days 14 up to which the rates are to 1e 180 days firm8 State Po ice ,hief, .era a, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram - 695010 Address of Tender Inviting 15 Ph: 0471-2722566 Authority Mo1i e No. 9497996998 Fax: 0471-2722566 e-mai : aig2phq.po %kera a%gov.in Ce1site: www.kera apo ice.gov.in 8. Mode of su.missio of .ids9 - O li e. A 3id documents sha 1e su1mitted on y in on ine procedure through the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in in their designated on ine covers. Detai s of covers are given separate y. No other mode of su1mission sha 1e accepted and such tenders wi 1e reDected outright. 9. Cover details9 - No. of covers - 2. i8 Technica 3id ii8 Financia 3id. The AM,/ATS after warranty period a so to 1e quoted in the Financia 3id. In the case of Foreign Equipments, the rate must 1e quoted in Indian Rupees. The documents to 1e up oaded under each on ine covers are specified in the we1site. 10. Dow loadi g of e-Te der docume ts9 - The tender document can 1e down oaded from the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in from the date and time of pu1 ication of e-tender onwards to ast date and time for on ine su1mission of e-tender . Down oading of tender documents wi not 1e possi1 e after the date specified a1ove. 11. Su.missio of e-Te der docume ts9 - The digita y signed tender document and other specified documents sha 1e su1mitted on ine through the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in we in advance 1efore the ast date and time mentioned a1ove. No su1mission sha 1e a owed after the ast date mentioned a1ove. 12. Payme t of Te der Fees9 - A non-refunda1 e tender fee sha 1e paid in on ine mode through the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in at the time of 1id su1mission. No other mode of payment sha 1e accepted. THE TENDERS OF 5IDDERS WHO DO NOT REMIT FEES THRO(GH ONLINE WILL 5E REJECTED O(TRIGHT . 13. Payme t of Ear est Mo ey Deposit (EMD)9 - The EMD sha 1e paid in on ine mode through the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in at the time of 1id su1mission. No other mode of remittance sha 1e accepted. 14. Exemptio from payme t of EMD9 - 3idders who are registered with Store Purchase Department, .era a or Nationa Sma Sca e Industries ,orporation Ltd., New De hi (for the items tendered8 are exempted from su1mission of EMD. Those 1idders c aiming exemption sha su1mit va id registration certificate from the SPD, .era a or NSSI,, New De hi. Te ders of .idders who do ot remit EMD o li e or do ot upload docume tal proof (digitally sig ed) for exemptio of EMD will .e reAected outright. 15. Withdrawal a d re-su.missio of e-Te der9 - The 3idders are at i1erty to withdraw the su1mitted tender/documents and to su1mit fresh tender/documents ti the ast date and time of su1mission of the e-Tender after which withdrawa /re-su1mission wi not 1e a owed. 16. Ope i g of e-Te ders9 - The 1ids sha 1e opened on ine through the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in at the Po ice Headquarters, Vazhuthacaud, Thiruvananthapuram on the date and time mentioned a1ove in the presence of the 3idders/ authorized representatives who wish to attend at the a1ove address. If the tender opening date happens to 1e a ho iday or non-working day due to any va id reason, the tender opening process wi 1e done on the next working day at the same time and p ace specified. Any change in the opening date/time/venue due to other reasons sha 1e informed 1y way of ,orrigendum pu1 ished in the e-/P we1site. The Technica 3ids wi 1e eva uated 1y a Technica Eva uation ,ommittee and those that do not conform to the specifications or to the satisfaction of the ,ommittee wi 1e reDected. The financia 1ids of the Technica y qua ified Tenderers on y wi 1e considered for opening. The date of opening of financia 3ids wi 1e intimated to the concerned technica y qua ified tenderers, over phone/Fax/e-mai . This wi 1e with in 7 to 10 days of eva uation of technica 1id. 17. Tech ical Evaluatio 9 - A tenderers who quote for the supp y of a1ove food artic es are required to 1e ready for ive demonstration and certificate verification to 1e he d in the ,onference Ha of the Police Head2uarters, TVPM o 31.01.2020 at 10.30 AM (or a y other ve ue which will .e i timated i due course). Any c arification/dou1ts regarding the specification or re ated matters pertaining to the items tendered may 1e free y got c eared through Assistant Director, Veterinary, Mounted Po ice Enit, TVPM ,ity - Pho e No. 99467C8994. The Technica Eva uation ,ommittee wi 1e consisting of the fo owing officia s. (18 Inspector /enera of Po ice ; ,ommissioner of Po ice, Thiruvananthapuram ,ity (28 Deputy Inspector /enera of Po ice, Armed Po ice 3atta ions (38 Assistant Director (Veterinary8, Mounted Po ice Enit, Thiruvananthapuram 18. All 5idders who participates i e-te der should produce hard copies of all releva t docume ts related to e te der at the time of tech ical evaluatio , without fail. 19. Note to 5idders9 i) 3idders have to procure ega y va id Digita ,ertificate (, ass III8 as per Information Techno ogy Act, 2000 for digita y signing their e ectronic 1ids. 3idders can procure the same from any of the icense certifying authority of India. For more detai s, p ease visit the e-/P we1site www.etenders.kera a.gov.in . ii) 3idders are advised to note the Tender_Id and Tender No. ; Date for future reference. iii) A up oaded documents shou d contain the signature and the office sea of the 1idder/ authorized persons and shou d 1e digita y signed whi e up oading. Documents up oaded without digita y signing sha entit e reDection of the tender. iv) In the case of Foreign Equipments, the rate shou d 1e quoted in Indian Rupees. Preference wi 1e given to those who are ready to supp y the item without opening Letter of ,redit.
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