PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. 1 w L '"w " —°•Kt'-iM-i. '■ -»"'i —m-'j mws—mat—iu-- ■' ” —e—gaa—L—L-LA'.i'.'jj. .l—iu-jujilu..aui ll. *■■■■ 1 ■ ■■ ,u .jr-— umim i ■-m ■ , ——p,,—-g— VOLUME III. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 8, 1864. WHOLE NO 600 PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, misunderstanding or controversy. Providence has, at length, mysteriously led us through MISCELLAN EG U 8. MISCELLANEOUS. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN T. OILMAN, Editor. WANTS, LOST, F° UND MISCELLANEOUS. the struggles of ages to the highest uuity m the BRAD _millinery. • IICHANGN STB*AT, by assertion and vindication of the highest LEV, MOl'LTON A ROGERS, published at No. 621 House Wanted. right. U S. W40 LO VX \ Wholesale Dealers i« N. A. FOSTER * CO. to The war is not over.—We can have no pure hag* fir ■*»«, a convenient m \N yet WANTEDllrnseguhatjloJorav/n.g// PALMER adequate ideaol the yet to be endured, family, with usual Thb Pobtlabd Dailt Pmaeaii at fit, 00 wrongs convenience#, centrally and located — of,b* published of the sacrificed be- Flour, Grain and pliasantiy trftde goner if 1b advunoe, a discount of precious lives yet to be Provisions, Price not to exceed *3,000, Addreaa per year; peid strlotly 88 Commercial "Taylor'' at 91.00 will be made. fore the natiou’s new life shall be placed be- street, Thomas Block, the Frege Office. maylSef " KLL Single copies three oenta. yond the reach of the bloody hands which FIRST NATIONAL IIAXR Robert hkalby.\ SEUJCTEB STOCK Tab MaikbStatb Panes Is every Thurs- N O T I • m published seek to but we state to O E MODLTOK, PORTLAND, ME. Hoard. S2.00 iu destroy it; you calmly } day mormur,at per anuum, advanoe; >2.26 -OF- A. U. ROGERS. of Uoom». with Board, can be obtained and in our all true ) by If paid within six months; and S2.60, If payment bo sotemuly, that, judgmeut, SUITSapplying immediately at SO Daufurth gtre*t. and treas- majSdtf delayed beyond the year. patriots ought to regard their lives Way 11th. luaylidtf MILLINERY -TO Till- < GOODS, without reservation, as to the BOOTS. Pnrchaso.l for Abll of Lai i™ ures, subject RORTLAJSn:), PUNCH PATCHT *Ild Hatea of Advertising t until it is honora- lion huuM sin N.w York P *u0' i exigencies of this conflict, kL ;“ W. W. CARR & above Boots and Shots are comfortable from in the business, tail itc,i „ e*beri.aca One Inch of spaoo In length of oolnmn, constitutes and triumphantly ended. DESIGNATED REPOSITORY CO., tbe first J***r bly Haring taken the Fruit Store THE wearing aud require no "Breaking in,” they Moi tully ooaOden! in .K *0#d*' a "eqeAKB.” formerly ooespied by and inTla. And especially do we urge you to obey, at 'herefure much more durable. cosnpeta with .Uy •1.60 per Brat 76 oenta ANOTHER VICTORY! Sr.sTn 5"^“^ dally week; per week TH*- square all times, the great law oi love; to pray for -OF Q. SAWYER. «r Spe lal pains l,k« after; three insertions or less, fil.00; continuing eve- BOOKSELiLERS! ami tok^I**.*^,,*** * ,toek of as as Lauies’ bklRrg. ry other day after first week, 60 cents. our unnatural euemies, well their sur- No. 8 PLUMER PATENT BOOTS. llalf three insertions or ene victims — Exchange Street, aquare, loss, 76 oenta; viving suffering extending your UNITED STATES. M'n t — — Plumrr H U __Janeldlm week, SI.00; 60 oenta per week after. AMD Are prepared to offer to the trade a Ptggfd Cat/ Bool,, most active sympathy to our numerous fami- large and well Aren's lagged Plumer «.U0 Under head of AxosaxasTa, S2 00 per •elected itook of Cat/ Boots, per aqnare lies and friends who mourn the loss of brave Men's Plumer 6 W) week; three Inaertlona or Pegged Calf Boots, sTKAiTt^i^; leas, SI,60. THE Men’s SrnuiAL Nonces, SI 76 first week, husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, by this GOOD Til HAG (01! Pigged Calf Plumer Boots, 7.U0 per square This Bunk ia prepared to receive] subscriptions for and Domestic •1,00 per square after; three Insertions or leaa. S1.26; dreadful war. You we on no ac- Foreign Fruit! T'^aT^'V^Lo"*^ will, trust, the new Men s Sewed Calf Plumer 07.AC d««*ralile of a-.1,'«• l**.*>l!ted s,to5 keif e three one Boots, styles Cadies- " square, lneertloas, SI.00; week, relax efforts for the relief and Merchants of Me. Wholesale and Retail Men’s and Infants' •1.26 count, your Country Sewed Calf Pium.r Boots, SAO HATS. Advertisements Statu Christian education of the thousands of freed- Oraagea. Inserted in the Kaibb Sprare Oaat, LwagH good time coming ha* come at last, and we straw of tneu now to “TEW FORTY Men’s Pegged Caff Balmorals, 08 AO Panes (which has a large circulation In every pert appealing your humanity. We I.OAW,” Deiaena, Caaaf, T11Kare now prepared to offer to the citizen* of thi* Bonnot* * Seed. Caadlea, Men's Pegged Calf 4 tO f»f all Also the State) for 60 cents per square In addition to the do also most commend to de- city and the country, the largest and finest selected Balmorals, qualities. constantly an t».s. earnestly your Claaee, lean S,rap. Heaey, stock of French and above rates, for each insertion. which li dated March interact at stock of voted attention our and 1, ISM, bearing Bra received, all ihe varieties of the flneet Head Ameiicaa^Flow^f^n Sf? Lxoal Notioxs at xsual rates. suffering soldiers, Praaen, Oaeaa Nats. Pigs. J11 quality, lireeses. fee which he a III ,,11 cent, a and Men's are ,h* low“‘ Transient adv-rtisementa mart be forla ad- urge you to enlarged liberality in the per year, light heavy Cali Boots, uur Boot* JOHN k paid support Cltrea, Nate, all klada, Dates. Fashionable made of prices. iraun, vanoe of those humane the Christian tight d'fft rent widths and are designed lor Kiddle institutions, Ollree. Ralalaa. agenteel class of feet not strset, Portland. Buetaass Nonoae, In rending oolnmoa, 12 oenta and Wholesale Tebaeee, hitherto fitted by Ready lancl-llm_1H Sanitary Commissions. Book Store! PAYABLE IN COIN. M an utact urea Boots 1 are made of the Inst par line for one insertion. No surge leaa then fifty Sardlaea, Cigars, hey It becomes us, dear brothers, to humble our- READY-MADE CLOTHING stock, by the most careful and skillful workmen.and oenta for eaoh insertion. raae, Caadlea ef all deeerlptlaa. NEW communications intended for the selves in the dust in view of our manifold redeemable at the pleasure of the Government alter evury pair is wa ranted both In reference to stcck MILLINERY STORE paper ootSdtf eveu and should be directed to the "Editor qf the Press, and individual and —AMD— orrtnsi) in this state. workmanship. sins, national. We are yet, it ten years, and payable in forty yeare from data. those of a buainew character to the Publishers. New be a and rebellions Interest on Bonds not Pbuttixo of executed may feared, haughty peo- over one hundred dollars Goods! QT*Jou every deooription and from Rev Henry Ward Beecher n pie, God will humble us. There can be and on all other Bonds semi- el dispatch. payable annually, IRA Old Done With! A K0BKKT8ON hn ttkei tlu no reason to Fogy System Away BrookWn. May 9,H*>4. F. Tracy, Travel in* AiMt. good expect the restoratioo of WOT, Agent, Dr. J. MRS.No 31 AVer S,r„,. annually. C. Plumer— Dear Sir.—Ua<l my boot* been BQ nM order and until we PIBLISHIXG BOISE. And we have established bom Mi«cted % Superior Assortment of & unity properly deplore our Bonds oan be had in t.-es of *50, S100, *500, *1000. No. 11 Union on me thr*y could not Have fitted me better.— sins and turn to St., Thev God with becoming self-abase- 1» prepared to furauh were more comfort*bio the rery first day than Hoots Jane 1863. ment and fervent prayer. WM. EDW. A Hew Order of my generally are after mcntha of usage. Wednesday Morning, 8, GOULD, Thing* ! I cannot rtraice them toa have tut mch3i dtf STEAM ENGINES *nd highly. They MILLINERY, Cashier. BOILERS, one serioat fault, will all boot* aeem of rarioiu alia and our at a they make other Which she will bo pleased to Oder pattaraa, By selling goods uncomfortable to her fH.nA." and Hie public, on and after the 8th lost on American Ladies. n 33 M ttaaftnidlfaini, by the way. yon carried off my latte They were I' M A food assortment of The^Thanderer OVAL. lillGatriag.Skafti^. riiltjn.fc. the t one*, and 1 own FEUCHTWANGER t SMALL PROFIT, rigi look them oat with my The London Times is down on the recent ZUNDER, ItidBT Uousa Woke or all deaertptl-iaa,' mad all hand*, and know they fitted Please send them to kind* of work In me agaiu by I very movement of American Ladies in to BAILEY AND NO. SI MIDDLE STREET, repaired baiiding And Quantities, express. am, truly. MOURNING regard NOYES, Kobtificatioeo. Selling Large Your obliged servant, U W BEECHER. JOSIAH BURLEIGH Constantly on hand the curtailing expenses of Dress. The Thun- (FOX BLOCK), IronStnirn and other ArchitectaralWork. Instead of piling them «n tho shelves to be shop- HAS HBMOVBD TO to derer don’t the of such worn, waiting wake 100 percent. fancy inauguration Are Hoases, Stores, and other We have our made expressly be LADIES’ BOOTS. NEW STORE, EVANS’ Booksellers anil Again in the Field bafldings, fitted with goods torus, measures, and in its usual style when speaking BLOCK, Publishers, Das and Steam in the best manner.
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