THE RUDOLPH WLRLITZER CO., CIXCIXX.VTI, O. THIS JOURNAL 13 ISSUES FOUR TIMES A YEAR IN W.\XTF,D—Musicians with trades for the Winchester W.\.\TEn—\ioIin and Clarionet player will accept po­ INTEREST OF THE PROFESSION. Military Band and Orchestra; one of the best musical sition; sober, reliable and a good musician. Address R. organizations in the state. Prefer Violin, Cornet, Clario­ K. Lynch, .Mystic, .\pp Co., Iowa. Mch. '08. net or Piccolo players. -Vddress Thos. O. Irvin, Secretary, 121 .\labama Street, Winchester, Ky. Dec. '07. W.XXTED—.\ pasition as Pianist, with an orchestra. MUSICIANS WANTED. Sight reader of six years' experience. Also experience in W.XXTED—Musicians for John Robinson Circus. State teaching iiiano. Address, Maude Yarrette, College St., Advertisements under this head, occifpying not more lowest salary and experience. Address H. C. Becker, Newton, N. C. Mch. '08. than four lines. Inserted free of charge. Band Master, 58 Helena St., Dayton, O. Mch. 'US. SITUATION WANTED—By a good Cornetist and When you get the man you vfant, kindly notify us, W.\NTED—.\ Director and Leader for a live young Bandleader. Cigarmaker by trade. Can give good satis­ so wc can discontinue the ad. band, plays Grades 2 and 3, a blacksmith, cigar maker, faction in band. Address C. W. Stewart, 608 S. Main good carpenter, barber, bartender, find good places. .\d- St., Oshkosh, Wis. Mch. '08. ^^ '^XTED—Printer. Good, rapid compositor who is a dress Sterling, Neb., Citizen Band, Sterling, Neb. Mch.'08. Clarionet or Alto [layer. C.ood wages to right man. Xo WANTED—Band Instructor. Address R. C. Musick. .^ITU.\TION WANTED—By Clarionet pinyer. inband booze fighter. Reerence required. .\ddreS5, G. 1!. IVtty. Manager, Pennington Gap, Va. Mch. '08. or orchestra playing in the summer time. .\d(tress Clyde LaKarge, Wis. Dec. '07. Clemens Nottges, Waverly, Iowa. Mch. *08. W.\NTED—Cornetist who is either a jeweler or cigar­ \V.\XTEn—For U. S. Army liand, permanently lo­ maker, to locate in a town of 1,500. Good opening for .SITU.\TION W.\NTED—Jeweler desires location for cated at Columbus Ilarraclts, O., Solo BbCornet, Clario­ the right man, as there is no opposition. Address Chas. his business where there is a band in need of Cornet. net and Eb Bass players. Great experience for young Price, Edinburg, 111. Mch. 'uh. Have had charke of many bands. Will give services free musicians, .\ddrcss, F. Karaselt, Cliief Musician, Colum­ to band securing the desired opportune place. Address bus Barracl(S, O. Dec. '07. F. D. Wermuth, New Matamoras, Ohio. Mch. '08. \V.\XTED—For tlie Twenty-first Infantry Band, sta­ SITUATIONS WANTED. SITUATION WANTED—Trap Drummer at liberty tic.ncd at Fort Logan, Colorado, near Denver, Clarionet, May 1st. Summer resort preferred; sea side, park or Cornet, Slide Trombone, Baritone, Saxaphonc and Tuba Advertisements under this head, occupying not more hotel work. Have had experience in dance and concert. than four lines, will be Inserted free of cliarge for pro­ Own good pair of Orchestra Drums and Traps. Traveling players, and a good Trap Drummer. Men who are double fessional musicians. on some string instrument preferred. For particulars re­ with Minstrel now. Others write. Will correspond with # any one meaning business. .Ml letters answered. Ad­ garding pay and allowance address, Lutz Wahl, Captain dress .\lvan W. Beachlay, Lee and Mulberry Sts.. Hagers- 21st Infantry, Fort Logan, Col. Dec. '07. Parties receiving situations through these columns will also notify us, so the ad can be discontinued. town, Md. Mch. '08. \V.\NTED—A good Bb Cornet player, capable of direct­ WANTED—By a good Band Director. Position with POSITION WANTED—Any good band in need of ing a band of 20 pieces, playing 4th grade music. Fine first-class Director will do well to write to me. Higli-class opening for a Cigar Factory. For further information good band; also to play Slide Trombone in Opera Orches­ tra. West preferred, but will consider others. Reference standard band music a specialty. 25 years experience. address, A. J. Lawrence, Yates City, Ills. Dec. '07. furnished. Address Fred E. Waters 208 So. Main Street, Also teach \'iolin, N'ocal music. Musical Theory, Har­ Elkhart, Ind. Dec. '07. mony, Chorus Singing, Arranging, Instrumentation, and WANTED—Miners who are band men. Wages $3.50 lead orchestra. Sober and a gentleman. Want lasting per day. Must donate services to band for position. Reed W.\NTED—Photographer wants location. Plays B-flat position and permanent location. Address P. V. Olker, instruments preferred, .\ddress. Jack Sinclair's Original Clarionet, Baritone and Violin. Would teach band and Macomb, III. Mch. '08. Cowboy Band, Creede, Colo. Dec. '07. orchestra. Understand all instruments. Address P. G. Eyer, Eddyville, Ky. Mch. '08. SITUATION W.\NTED—By painter and paper hanger. WANTED—Musicians for the Nineteentli U. S. Infan­ Play fair Clarionet and Bass. Strictly sober. Address try Band, stationed at Fort Bliss (El Paso), Texas. De­ W.\NTED—Position. Would like to locate in some live T. H. Clay, Tamaroa, III. Mch. '08. sirable station with easy and agreeable duties. Excellent town and take charge of band. Have had 14 years experi­ opportunity for advancement to capable performers. In­ ence in handling both professional and amateur bands. WANTED—To accept a position as Piano player in struments, uniforms and transportation furnished. Regi­ Not afraid to work, and would go into business, if oppor­ orchestra and Piano teacher, lor the coming season. Please ment just back from the Philippine Islands. For full par­ tunity afforded. Reference as to ability and character. send contract and address Prof. Eugene Huegel, Box No. ticulars address, Bandleader or Adjutant, 19th U. S. Address Chas. M. Bell, 908 Cherry St., Belvidere, III. 14, Jefferson City, Mo. Mch. '08. Mch. '08. Infantry. Oscar Bierman, Bandleader, 19th Infantry SITUATION W.\NTED—By a first-class String Bass Band. Dec. '07. SITUATIONS WANTED—By Solo Bb Cornet, First man; also Slide Trombone and Trap Drums; Violin gfood \'iolin and Piano. Players Al sight readers, carry good enough for dance work; who wants to work at carnage W.\NTED—We want a barber that can play Tuba or repertoire of music. Cornet player, cigarmaker: Violin, trimmer or auto top work, or a good opening to start up­ Comet, pood money for a Cornet player that can direct the an electrician: Piano, teacher, open for job. Address S holstering, carriage trimming and shoe and harness repair­ band. Address, P. O. Box 234, Boswell, Ind. Dec. '07. B. Null, 128 E. Chestnut St.. Hanover, Penn. Mch. '08. ing. Address E. L. Hartman, Port Clinton. O. Mch. '08. Buy From The Uniform House that has established a reputation of making fine uniforms. DeMoulm Uniforms have long been recognized as the standard of excellence, representing, as they do, the most successful combination of reliable materials and expert worktnanship. WHV YOU SHOULD PLACE YOUR ORDER WITH US We can make, from the measurements you send us, uniforms that will fit perfectly. All^materials, trimmings, linings, paddings, etc., which we use are absolutely reliable. The style and workmanship of our uniforms are thoroughly high class and at once dis­ tinguish them from ready-made garments. It Will Pay You To Buy From THE UNIFORM HOISE That Has a RecoTd. WE FURNISH ALL GRADES OF UNIFORMS—From the Cheapest That's flood To the Best Thai's Made. Our Cstia Inor ^^°'^^ "^^'••y 9"^ Hundred styles bf uniforms and caps. We have V/Ur VaidlUg a very extensive hne of cloths, comprising many different shades .. , , ?""*.'I'^^j'^es. No other uniform house in existence offers such a ^or!tL*!-^^*yl^^^^'"*'"**T^r^r,'" "^^'^^ *° ^.^^^'^t- and such an opportunity for you to get exactly what you want. Catalog and samples will be mailed free upon request. If in the market for uniforms, write us before ordering elsewhere. You will be convinced that It will pay you to buy from the Uniform House V"V«II.BU inai Style A OUR SUMMER WINNER $3.30 With a Record. DeMOlLIN BROS. & CO. 1099 s. Fourth st, Greenville, III. THE RUIX)LPH WURLITZER CO., CINCINNATI, O. Triumphant March TWO NEW STYLES Solo Bb Cornet Another One A.BUGLIONE of our "Professional Grade" 210 —BY— Bl) CORNELT. A. BUQLIONE ^We herewirh present two styles of Cirnets, which possess all the essential features of He has named it well high-erade Cornets, whUe the prices are very low. qBoth comete are perfect in high and low pitch and have pearl finger buttons. "TRIUMPHANT" MARCH It is all the name implies and will lead your band to victory. The more you play itf the better you like it. ' Every band should have it, PUBUSHED FOR ifTifrV Vf'- ^ FULL BAND Copyright MCMVIII by Tlie SudolphWurUtzerCo: 50 Cents. SIX BIG SELLEIRS. Zamboanga Belles. "Wawanda Club March. • Solo Jb ti>rnet Two-Slep 8olu Bb Cotuel. toms r. 8CB»«iT«». OINil-Y S13.SO. No. B 2626—Bb Comet, with low pitch slide and instantaneous change from Bb to A. Germaji silver light piston valves, latest model, music rack, water key, German silver mouth-piece and pearl finger buttons, brass $13.50 tJ]JJIP^rlffrJ I''UJ^r~r IPylcj.T?i,nj^^^k --•:,'-.,', .',•,, tt i.rh'WMjy.,'/,.,..^a The same, nickel-plated 14.50 The same, triple silver-plated, satin finish 18.50 ^ ::n.^.,c^j:.i,,i:::t.c. - .- lX^Lf;^la£J^UllTl,l^JCoftrlfTll J/air^It If r».W Huitolft "iiivrin' inirUU.rOo. i 'MIIIII The same, triple silver-plated, burnished.. 20.50 Solo Corael. Silver. Bell Waltz. Society Waltzes """""INIROv,> , . ,. drr.ty/r.rtumi.. Solo B> Corntt. Waltz tempo ....,>«>..,.
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