Orders in Council approved on the 2n day of September 19_11. PURPORT. 1201 Public Utilities Act - Proposed issuance of bond end debenture issues to the Pacific Power and Water Co. Ltd and its subsidiaries Quesnel Light and Power Co. Ltd., The Elk Creek Waterworks Co. Ltd and Hope Utilities Ltd. c on f iden t Orders in Council approved on the 2nd day of September , 19...39. So PURPORT. 12,:12 lacer-Yining Act - Please-mining leases Nos 96A, 102A and 106A in the Atlin Mining Division extended for a further period of 20 years, effective November 29, 1939. ■ Orders in C wpcil approved on the. 5th day of September PURPORT. 120z 1t,lic Libraries Act - Providing for the holding of a plebiscite on the withdrawal of the Mara Rural School District from the Okanagan Union Library District. 1204 Provincial Elections Act - Apptmt of Provincial Elections Commrs. 120!: -lacer-Lining Act - Consolidation of placer-mining leases in the Atlin Mining Division. 1206 Small Debts Courts - George S. McCarter of Golden, Stipendiary Magistrate in and for the County of Kootenay apptd Small Debts Courts Magistrate. 1207 ninicipal Act - Hugh H. Worthington, Justice of the Peace, of ',:nderby apptd Acting Police Magistrate of the Corporation of the City of Enderby in place of Mr. G. Rosoman during his absence owing to illness. 128 Evidence Act - Nathaniel B. Runnalls, Relief Officer, Municipality ' of Penticton apptd a Commissioner under the Act. 1209 Highway Act - Peace Arch Highway designated es an arterial highway 1210 Health - 4ptmts of Constable J.W. Todd as Marriage Commissioner and District Registrar of B.D. & M. for district of Anyox rescinded. 1211 Health - Apptmt of Dr. J.M. Hershey of Pouce Coupe as Medical Health Office for the Peace River Block and School Health Inspector rescinded. 1212. 7r:alth - Dr. R.J. Macdonald of Pouce Coupe apptd M.H.O. for Peace River Block and School Health Inspector for various schools 1L1Z herilth - Dr. J.M. Hershey of Kelowna apptd M.H.O. for unorgan- ized' district around Kelowna and School Health Inspector for various schools. Orders in Council approved on the 5.th ,, day of September 19 So PURPORT. 1214 FiLunce - Providing for the purchase of property now being leased by the Liquor Control Board being Lot 8 and 9, Block 74, Map 219, Victoria City for $95,000.00. 1215 Ccnstitution Act - Fine of $50.00 imposed on Joseph Cantin of Victoria re infraction of the Male Minimum Wage Act re- mitted. 121€ Constitution Act - Unexpired portion of sentence of three months imposed on Earl L. Isaman for infraction of the "Govern- ment Liquor Act" remitted. 1:17 F,evenue tct - Remitting motor licence fees payable by Geoffrey E. Bayfield, M.D., of West Vancouver. 121e setter Housing Act - Loan of 000.00 re Charles P.L. Pearson of Oak Bay, B.C. 1219 Fetter Housing Act - Loan of $300.00 re Edward J. Shaw, of Point Grey, B.C. 1220 Better Housing Act - Loan of $300.00 re Sidney R. Bowden of Esquimalt, B.C. 1:21 Better Housing Act - Loan of 000.00 re John D. Crowther of Victoria, B.C. 1222 Fetter Housing Act - Loan of 6300.00 re William G. Coleman of Port Coquitlam, B.C. 1227 Civil Service - Miss Mary K. King promoted to be Deputy Superin- tendent of Neglected Children, at $1,500 p.a. is 1224 Civil Service - Miss Evelyn Rhodes apptd to permanent staff as Stenographer, Surveys Branch, at $780 pa. 1225 Civil Service - Miss Ethel M. Cook, Clerk-Stenographer, Government Agency, Powell River also apptd to various positions, effective September 5, 1939. confidential Orders in Council approved on the eth day of September ,19 39. So PURPORT. 1226 Civil Service - Widow of E.J. Stephens, Clerk, Taxation Branch to receive 075.00 (3 mos. salary) 1227 Provincial Home Act - Providing for the sale of P. Meehen's property to E.G. Maclean and S. Marshall. 1228 Health - Apptmt of Dr. F. Inglis of Gibson's Landing as School Fealth Inspector rescinded. 1229 :Public Schools Act - Dr. A.W. Holm of Sechlet apptd M.H.O. for Sechlet and surrounding districts and School Health Inspector for various schools. confidentie 1. orders in (. it approved on the .e.th day of SePtOmbOr , 19 39. So PURPORT. 1L30 Oct,: ..Jtroleum Products Control Board Act - Special licences granted. 1231 Civil Service - Francis E.P. Hughes, Fernie apptd to various positions during the absence of J.R. Nolan, Government Agent, Fernie. 1232 Civil Service - Basil W. Flynn, of Grand Forks apptd to various positions during the absence of Charles Nichols, Gold Commissioner, Princeton, on holiday leave. 1233 Fisheries Act - Salmon Cannery Licence issued to Francis Millerd and Co. Ltd for their plant at :.arkale, Kyuquot Sound. 1234 Public Utilities Commission - Certificate of public convenience and necessity re transportation of persons or property 1)3 motor vehicles for compensation issv.ed to Alice Ingham of Port Alberni. Approved on the 9th September 1235 Came Act - Regulations for 1939-40 amended. OrdasinCouncil approved on the 9th day of September .... 19 39. PURPORT. 1236 Treasury Bill -"Revenue Act" $3,091,000.00. 1237 Industrial School for Boys Act - John Halkow transferred from the Industrial School at Port Coquitlam to the Oakalla Prison germ Common Gaol by warrant of the Attorney-General. 1238 Criminal Code - James Moore to be removed from the Oakullu Prison Farm Common Gaol tothe Provincial Mental Hospital. Orders in Council approved on .day of September , So. PURPORT. 1L".jc "'Itlic Utilities Act - Certificate of public convenience and n.:cessity re proposed mortgage of real property of The Castlegar Water Co. Ltd. 1240 Dept of Mines Act - Appropriation for various trails to mining properties. 1241 Dept of Mines Act - $200.00 appropriation to repair Bear Creek Rd 1242 Dept of Mines Act - $500.00 appropriation for Bear Creek Road. 1243 Revenue Act - Refund of overpaid probate duty and succession duty re estate of the late John Mathis McNeely, deceased. 1246 Treasury Bill - $546,551.75 - Unemployment Relief Act. Revenue Act - Overpaid succession duty and interest to be re- funded re estate of the late Elizabeth P. Forbes (or Hamilton), deceased. 1246 Revenue Act - Overpaid succession duty to be refunded re estate of late John Robinson, deceased. 1247 Revenue Act - remitting land registry fees for registration of mortgage re property formerly owned by the Royal Trust Co. and now occupied by the L.C. Brd. 1240 Civil Service - Providing for transfers and promotions in the Duncan, Cumberland and Merritt Agencies re superannuation of S.H. Hoskins, Government Agent at Duncan. c orifidentia 1. Orders in Coundl approved on the_ lgth ...day of September , 1939 • PURFORT. 1249 L.unicipL1 Act - By-law No 1125, Tax Lands Sale By-law No. 274, 1939, District of North Vancouver. 1250 r.unicipal Act - By-law No. 787, Township of Richmond Extra- ordinary Traffic By-law 1938 Amendment By-law 1939. 12t1 !!ur.icipal Act - Portions of stopped up lane in the runicipality of Oak Bay transferred to owners of adjacent lots (E. Spence and Bessie L. Spence). 1252 ?Fines - !roviding for the consolidation of the Skeena and Bella Coola Yining Division into the Skeena rining Division. 1253 ':rust Companies Act - Toledo Trust Company approved re applying for ancillary letters probate re estate of Rathbun Fuller, deceased. 1254 Civil Service - LIrs. I.C. Eustis apptd to sundry positions during . absence ofWe Government Agent on holiday leave. 1215 "rater Act - Arrowhead Waterworks District, letters patent issued. ~rJers in Council approved on the 13th day of September _,191L. PURPORT. le y,e,l .:,tatistics Act - Searches of original registrations re officers and men mobilized for duty with the Canadian Active Service Force and their dependents to be made without charge. orders in Cuimei] approved on the. lath ....day of September , PURPORT. So I257 1 and Petroleum Products Control Board Act - Special licences p-ranted. 1ces.2teries Act - Cemetery site at West Summerland approved. Dyking and Development District Act - Alex Paterson and Ivan Hundall apptd to act with-177s reeig7nd w.J7-7YFTEtiTren Advisory Board. 1:CO :'ir..Lral Act - Miss "Llnerald W. Brennan epptd Sub-mining Recorder for the Lillooet and Tinton Mining Divisions during absence of William Paylmore. 1:C1 Ividence Act - Apptmt of Colin A. Mackenzie as a Commissioner under the Act rescinded. Walter Lorton, of rew Westminster epptd a Commissioner under the Act. 12E1: :vidence Act - James G. Fleming,, of Chilliwack apptd a Commission- er under the Act. 126Z Zvidence Act - William P. Nicholls, Acting Deputy Fire Marshal, Vancouver apptd a Commissioner under the Act. 1264 Court Rules of rractice Act - Certain rules and regulations re probating of wills or letters of administration of estate of any national of the Cerman Reich during the war. Orders in Council approved on the 18.th day of Zeptember , 19 79. PURPORT. 7T-lic Utilities Act - John Alexander Carmichael, Transport Inspector apptd to staff of Public Utilities Commission at T475 p.m. 1266 Lepartment of Mines Act - Appropriation of 1500.00 for Polaris- Taku Mining Dompany road in the Atlin Mining Division. 1267 "olice and Frisons RegAatibn Act - I.S. Secord and "1. Archibald apptd members of the Provincial Force. Apptmt of Third Class Constable G.W.Anderson, by reason of transfer, cancelled from 31st August, 1939. 10 1,unicipal Act - Alfred Francis Armstrong of Port Haney, salary as Police Magistrate in and for the Township of Maple Ridge fixed at .100. p.a., effective October 1st, 1939. 1269 Civil Service - Miss Elizabeth McLaughlin promoted to be Clerk- Stenographer, District offices (New Westminster), Depart- ment of Public Works, effective October 1, 1939 at e1020 pp, 1270 Pudic 'orks Act - Block 5 of D.L.
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