SINGLE COPIES, 10 CENTS OL. X. No. 5. PER YEAR. ONE DOLLAR AND NANNAIA=CUEINI NOVELTY NEWS Wcom=7214:3t Published Each Month by Edward Lyman Bill at 373 Fourth Avenue, New York, May 15, 1914 -MK A Corner of the Music Room Vi'toi-Victria in the White House Photo copyright by Waldon Fawcett, Washington, I). C. ' 1,7 permission for reproduction granted to Victor Talking Machine Co., Camden. N. J. Entered as as second.class matter May 2, 1905, at the post office at New York, N. Y.. under the act of Congress of March 2,1979. THE TALKING MACHINE WORLD. Leading Jobbers of Talliing Machines in America SANGER BROTHERS Where Dealers May Secure Dallas, Texas VICTOR VICTOR JOBBERS Exclusively COLUMBIA What you want always in stock Distributers 400 Fifth Avenue Product 27 W. 34th Street 563 Fifth Avenue New York "We ship the same day." 153 W. 42d Street Ready, Full Stocks, and Prompt Deliveries from Convenient Shipping Centers all over the United States. 1856 Distributors Southern Victor Dealers MULOTZEE 1914 Largest Stock VICTROLAS and RECORDS. Atlanta,Ga.,ColumbiaGrapbopboueCo 132 Peachtree St. Prompt Shipment and Low Freight Rates. Baltimore, Md.. Columbia Grapbopbone Co., 305- 307 North Boward St. WALTER D. MOSES & CO. VICTOR Oldest Music HouseinVirginia or North Carolina Birmingham. Ala., Columbia Grapbopbone Co., DISTRIBUTERS 1818 Third Ave. RICHMOND, VA. Boston,Mass.,Columbia GrapbopboueCo., 174 VICTORS EXCLUSIVELY Tremont St. Buffalo,N. Y., Columbia Grapbopboue Co..622 We make a specialty of getting the order Main St. Edison Phonograph Distributors out on time-everytime. Chicago'ill.,Columbia Gruphophone Co.,14N. Michigan A vi. for the SOUTHWEST Cincinnati,0.,Columbia Grapbopbone Co.,117- The Rudolph Wurlitzer Co. 119 W. Fourth Ate, All Foreign Recordsin Stunk Cleveland. 0.,ColumbiaGrapbopboneCo., 913 CINCINNATI and CHICAGO Euclid Ave. Dallas, Tex., Southwestern Talking Machine Co.. Houston Phonograph Co., "r31"4". Tao points of supply; order from the nearer. 1403 Main St. Denver,Colo., Columbia Stores Co., 605-507 SI'. teentb St. Detroit, Mich.,Colombia Grapbopboue Co.,114 Broadway. NEW ENGLAND DESMOINES El Paso. Tex.. Southwestern Talking 'Machine Co.. JOBBING !IE.ADOUARTER3 CHASE & WEST IAOW Stanton and Texas Sts. Hartford, Conn.,Columbia fzrapnonboue Co., 719 EDISON AND VICTOR Main St. Machines. Ripcords and SuPPII453. Machines Everything Indianapolis, Ind..Columbia Grapbopboue Co., 27 N. Pennsylvania St. KansasCity, Mo.. Columbia Grapbopboue Co., THE EASTERN TALKING MACIIINE CO. Records 1112 Grand Ave. 177 Tremont Strout BOSTON. MASS. Lincoln, Nebr.,Tbe Orafonola Company,1038 instil° a" I) St. CahinetsViciorthe time. Livingston, Mont..Scbenber Drug Co. Los Angeles, Cal., Columbia Grapbopbone Co., WHOLESALE TO IOWA TRADE 420-422 S.Itroailody. Louisville,Ky., Columbia Grapbopbone Co., 425 PACIFIC COAST TOILS OP' Send in your name and address and we will mail you South Fourth St. postpaid complete and illustratedcatalogues, givingdetailed Milwaukee,Wis.,Albert G. Kuude, 518 Grand Victor Talking MachinesRECORDS inlormation concerning all Victor products.Showing the Ave. Minneapolis, Minn.,Columbia Grapbopboue Co., STEINWAY PIANOS-LYON & HEALY various styles ol Victor Machines, list of all Victor Records, 424 Nicollet Ave. "OWN MAKE" BAND INSTRUMENTS the entire line ol Victor Cabinets, Repair Paris and all Ac. New Haven, Conn.,Columbia Grapbopbone Co., 25 Church St. gailainrreises Parr:et. oessories. Dealers, lei us help you build a Vidor business. New Orleans. La.,Columbia Grapbopbone Co., Sherman, Clay & Co. 933 Canal St New York City, Columbia Grapbopboue Co.. 89 Chambers St.; Columbia Grapbopbone Co.. 35-31 W. 23d St.; Columbia Grapbopbone Co., 39 W. PERRY B. WHITSIT L. M. WELLER 125th St. Philadelphia, Pa., Pennsylvania TalkingMach. PERRY B. WHITSIT CO., Co., 1109 Chestnut St. Pittsburgh, Pa..Columbia Graphophoue Co.,101 213 South High Street. Columbus. Ohio. Federal St. The Chicago Portland, Me.,Colombia Grapbopbone Co.,551 Congress St. Viotor Talking Portland, Ore.. Colombia Grapbopbone Co., 871 Phonographs blaokino Wasblogtoo St.;Eilers Music House. and RoordJOBBERSand Roord Providence, R.i.,Columbia Grapbopboue Co., Edison Jobber 119 Westminster St. Rochester, N. Y.,Tbe Grafouola Company, 38 South Ave. Sacramento. Cal..Kirk, Geary & Co. The perfection of Musical Salt Lake City, Utah.Daynes-Beebe Music Co., OLIVER Largest 45 Main St. VICTOR Talking San Francisco, Cal.,Colombia Graphophone Co., Instruments-THE EDISON DITSON MachineDistributor. East 334 Sutter St. of Chicago. Seattle, Wash.,Columbia Grapbopboue Co., 1311 COMPANY First Aye.:Eller, Music House, 3d and Univer- diamond disc PHONOGRAPH Creatorsof"flto Fammt Victar sity Sts. Sernce." Letus tellroe sore Spokane, Wash..Colombia Grapbopboue Co., 818 shoot our service. Sprague Ave. -with EDISON double disc BOSTON Springfield, Mass.,Columbia Grapbopboue Co.. 174 Worthington St. St. Louis, Mo.,Columbia Grapbopbone Co.,1008 records. Olive St. St.Paul. Minn.,ColumbiaGrapbopboueCo.. 17 East Sixth St. THE PERFECTION OF Tampa.Fla., Tampa Hardware Co. Terre Haute. Ind.,840 Wabash Aye, SERVICE-Our Service. W. J. DYER & BRO. Toledo, 0.. Columbia Grapbopboue Co., 228 Supe- rior St. Saint Paul, Minn. Washington. D. C..ColumbiaGrapbopboue Co.. The Perfection of adver- 1210 G St., N. W. tising for the dealer - Our DEALERS WANTED --Exclusivesellingright. given where we are not actively represented. plan. VICTOR &EDISON Write for particulars to the Columbia Grapbopbone Co., WholesaleDepartment,Wooltoorth Building, Distributers NewYork. Headquarters for Canada The Phonograph Company Quid, Servtee for all points in the North- Columbia Graphophooe Co.. 363-5-7 Sorauren Ave. CHICAGO west. 229 So. Wabash Ave. Machines, Records, Supplies. Toronto. Ont. TRYVICTOR us DEALERS FIRST. Every Jobber in this country should be represented in Wo carry the Lorreot Stock of VICTROLAS, REC- this department.The cost is slight and the advantage is ORDS and CABINETS of any Distributor in the South. great.Be sure and have your card in the June List. THE CORLEY COMPANY, Richmond, Va. he Talking Machine World Vol. 10.No. 5. New York, May 15, 1914. Price Ten Cents W. STEVENS HOME FROM EUROPE. MOVIES TO LEAD ORCHESTRAS. VICTROLA WINS SUPERVISORS. Manager of Foreign Department of Thomas A. Famous Conductors May Appear inFilms in Mrs. Clark Demonstrates Value of Victrolasin Edison,Inc.,Completes Arrangements for Dozens of Concerts at the Same Time. Schools at National Conference in St. Paul- Transferring European Business of Company Many Noted Musical Authorities Present. to Orange-Increasing Popularity of Edison A despatchtothe New York World under Products Abroad-Blue Amberol Liked. recent date says that by means of films just placed (Special to The Talking Machine World.) on the market by the Meister Film Co. of Berlin Sr. PAUL, MINN., May G.-The value of talking Walter Stevens,manager oftheforeignde- the most famous musical directors will be enabled machinesinschool work was exemplifiedina partment of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., returned to to conduct a dozen or more performances in dif-striking manner attheseventh annual meeting Orange, N. J., recently after an extended trip toferent cities at the same time, and audiences ofof the National Conference of Music Supervisor:s. Europe, during which he visited, London, Berlin, the future will be able to enjoy the conducting of Mrs. Frances E. Clark had almost a full line of Paris and other prominent European cities, but great masters long after the musicians are dead. Victrolas in the West Hotel, the headquarters of spending the major part of his time in London This has been achieved by the use of master the convention, and her intelligent demonstrations looking after the interestsof the Edison com- of the use that talking machines might have in the panies. conductor films, and the film company will shortly give a huge concert here when all the most famous schools attracted much favorable comment from Prior to Mr. Stevens' leaving for Europe thc the teachers.Many of the Minneapolis schools officials of Thomas A. Edison, Inc., had decided conductors will conduct by film -proxy. Felix von\Veingartner,afterwitnessingthe have instruments of various kinds and have been to, transfer the entire European phonograph busi- trainedtodistinguish between good musicand ness to the main officesat Orange, leaving the first private performance, said: 'The success was extraordinary. The opera con- trash, and the visitors were much interestedto various European branchesfreetoconcentrate hear the young critics place their seal of approval their efforts on the development and cultivation of ducted was 'Carmen,' and the machinery for pro- ducing the film was so exact that after one trial or disapproval on a long series of musical num- their moving picture film business.While abroad bers of varying order of merit.The program Mr. Stevens took care of the many details inci- the musicians were able to play with exactly the was made up of numbers which the youngsters dental to this important transfer. same accuracy as they would have done if a living had never heard before, and their unerring judg- Mr.Stevensfound Edison products in Europe conductor had been present.Thereisnothing ment, in picking out the good music, highly en- increasing theirpopularitysteadily and consist- mechanical about the performance, and the result tertained the teachers. ently.The Blue Amberol records are proving is genius.A clever conductor can be transferred Among those in attendance were: P. P. Claxton, ready
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