GHOST IN THE MACHINE A.I. IN THE COMING 3RD TEMPLE The Animated Golden Image of the AntiChrist by Luis B. Vega [email protected] www.PostScripts.org for online PDF illustrations in Chart section by same name ‘And he had power to give life unto the Image of the Beast, that the Image of the Beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the Image of the Beast should be killed.’ -Revelation 13:15 The purpose of this study is to provide a prophetic comparison of the Temple of YHVH with that of the ‘Image’ or ‘Statue’ spoken prophetically by the prophet Daniel, with the one that will indeed be a physical idol set up like the one Nebuchadnezzar erected in the Plains of Dura, but with Artificial Intelligence AI perhaps. The 2nd part to the study will critique the latest notion that the AntiChrist could very well be a ‘machine’ erroneously believed to be made up of AI. The coming False Prophet will erect such an ‘Image’ on the Temple Mount in proximity to the rebuilt 3rd Temple to divert the worship centered around the 3rd Temple away from YHVH. This study suggests that during the coming Tribulation Period, such a Statue will be in keeping with the Biblical types since Nebuchadnezzar’s day. This study suggests that the prophetic time will end as it started with Daniel’s interpretation of such an ‘Image of the Beasts’ and metals; to end with a literal ‘Image of the Beast’ as it began with one in the Plains of Dura. The ‘Image’ was a 6 by 6 by 60-cubit dimension, (666) thus the ‘Image of the Beast’ and related to the Number of his Name as found in the book of Revelation, etc. This study also suggests that the length in measurement equates also in years perhaps and that, subject to phi. The timing of when the ‘Image’ is rolled-out is suggested to be at the mid- point of the Tribulation Period to coincide with the cessation of the Daily Sacrifices as the AntiChrist diverts worship to himself. Perhaps it will be at this time that the last Beast of the Masonic Empire of Lucifer’s AntiChrist begins the intense persecution of YHVH’s People to primarily include national Israel. Israel will go through the ‘Fiery Furnace’ typified by Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego as in the days of Daniel. It is the AntiChrist, the man, which will cause the 3rd Temple to be desolate by his entering the Holy of Holes, etc. This coming ‘abomination’ has not been the 1st attempt at causing ‘desolation’ to the Holy Temple of YHVH. Throughout Temple history, world empire rulers as ‘Beasts’ have been infused with the spirit of AntiChrist that have sought to divert worship away from the true and living GOD, YHVH. For example, today it is Islam that occupies the Temple Mount and their claim to Jerusalem that seeks to divert worship toward Mecca, etc. Perhaps both the Temple that the Image of Nebuchadnezzar that were in phi ratio and could suggest a similar phi ratio of prophetic time to when Daniel’s 70th Week of Years could commence. 1 The Image of the Beast There are actually 4 ‘Images’ that will be compared. There is the literal one erected by Nebuchadnezzar in the Plains of Dura. There is the ‘Image’ of the ‘Metallic Man’ that hints at the last one with probably A.I. as most computer and electronic circuitry requires all the metals attributed to the ‘Image’ and ‘Beasts’ of the King’s dream. Then there is the ‘Anthropomorphic Man’ based on the dimensions of the Temple of YHVH. Lastly there is the coming ‘Image of the Beast’ that will echo that of the one in Daniel’s day in the Plains of Dura, etc. In Daniel 3, the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar was that of a man. The Image was that of the King's image. The King as the glorified man is the meaning of 666 as 7 is the number of perfection and 6 is the number of imperfect mankind. The number 6 could be association with mankind because Adam and Eve were created on the 6th Day. The number 6 in the Bible denotes all that represents a usurper undertaking such as with the AntiChrist, the Beast and all that stands to replace the perfect and complete standards of the Creator, YHVH. For example, Goliath the Philistine Giant that defied not only YHVH’s People but YHVH himself was 6 cubits in height. His spear's head weighed 6 shekels and he had 6 pieces of armor (666). This is another attribution of the 666 ‘Number of the Beast’ association. Another ‘signature’ of such evil and wickedness is physically attributed by such Giants having 6 fingers and 6 toes, etc. Although some suggest the ‘Image’ was an obelisk because most obelisk dimensions were commonly given by a 60 x 6 x 6 template based on their length x width x height. For example, the Washington Monument does come somewhat close to this dimension of the Statue of Dura but the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar falls short by about 30 feet. The height of the Washington Monument obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. However, both structures appear to have the exact same 10:1 size ratio; that is the image was 10x times higher than it was wide. In terms of the phi ratio of time template, consider that that the time span of Babylon was in phi ratio to that of Persia and Greece combined. In turn, the Persia and Greece empires were in phi ratio to that of Rome, etc. This parallels the approximate same dimension in proportion to the Temple of YHVH. Not only as the literal Statue at Dura the same length as the Temple but the Holy of Holies was in phi ratio to the Holies. In turn, the Holies was in phi ratio to the entire Outer Courts, etc. Indeed the Temple is an ‘anthropomorphic’ rendition of the human male form. Even the 2 pillars of Jachin and Boaz represented not only the phallus from a side view, but from a top view the 2 legs and so on. The Washington Monument is a giant phallus as it portrays that very concept when incorporated with the light and shadow contrasts as the Sun casts it shadow on the ground. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). In terms of knowing what was the actual dimensions of the Statue of Dura, there is no standard story height either and like a cubit, it can vary considerably from country to country as it has from ancient civilization to the next. For example, in these modern times, 10 feet is a rule of thumb for estimating the height of a commercial building for example. A 10-story building would be 100 feet high for example. 2 The New A.I. Order The ‘Image of the Beast’ may very well be modeled after the prophetic Statue of a man representing the empires that YHVH gave Nebuchadnezzar in his prophetic dream with an accompanying Stone that would destroy them all. One approximate model could be based on the height of the Statue of Liberty for which it is modeled after with the crown of 7-rays of Saturn, the god of wealth, liberty and time. As it was given to Nebuchadnezzar during Daniel’s day, so too during the Tribulation Period will the people of Israel and the world in general be faced with an imposing Luciferian and Masonic New World Order religious system. As it was then, Lucifer seeks to divert the true worship to YHVH to himself instead and most likely will infuse AI to do it. Lucifer seeks to be the ‘Creator God’ in substitution of YHVH’s creation. Lucifer promises a false ‘Singularity’ by mimicking the creation of mankind at best with a ‘Golden Statue’ as Lucifer is incapable of creating and giving life out of nothing. The best that the Luciferians will come up with is AI. Lucifer cannot create a Humanity with a body of flesh and blood that reflects the ‘Image of its Creator’. This is why Lucifer seeks to deface any vestiges of beauty in the human form, primarily ‘man’ with homosexuality, trans-humanism, genetic engineering, and AI perhaps. Nothing is evil in seeking true scientific research but Lucifer has and will use science against Humanity to de- humanize it into his ‘image and likeness’, etc. The best Lucifer will do is to appear that he can emanate the ‘Breath of Life’ into the Statue and make it appear to come to life. As this study suggests, the coming Tribulation Period will be as in the time of Daniel when Nebuchadnezzar set up the Golden Image. This 6-6-6 Golden Image was set-up in the Plain of Dura and all subjects had all bow down to it to worship the ‘Image of the Beast’. This event took place soon after the Remnants of Judah were well established and incorporated in the Babylonian ‘New World Order’ service. This is what the Tribulation Period is all about, a testing of Israel’s faith and the revelation of the true Messiah, Jesus Christ and a transformation done by Him in His ‘Image and Likeness’. Israel still has a rendezvous and destiny with Jesus again. The Bible states that the entire world, except for the Jewish remnant represented by Meshach, Shadrach and Abednego worshipped the Statue that was in the image of Nebuchadnezzar, a type of the AntiChrist to come as a ‘Beast’.
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