r ENRETE '92: The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Colin Powell, visits 416th Engineers in Jamaica. (Photo by Sgt. First Class larry Stutts) Ohio Army National Guard Reorganizes ....................................................... .4 Positioning for the 21st Century Tomorrow's Guard .......................................................................................1 0 The 122nd Army National Focus on Physical Fitness Guard Band performed for Commander-in-Chief during a recent Ohio visit. Benefits in Education ...........•.....••.....•......•.....•.....•......•......•.......................... 12 Tuition Grant, Student Loan Repayment, and more Overseas Deployment Training .••.....•...........................................................14 A valuable part of "Guard Experience" Please spend a few minutes filling out the Buckeye Guard Readership Survey. Your opinion matters. 416th Engineers Journey to Jamaica .............................................................16 Annual Training 1992 Ohio Air Guard in Honduras ....•.....••.....•...................................................... 18 Training in the tropics Bob Hope and loretta Swit entertain Ohio troops at Ameriflora '92. (Photo by Ameriflora '92 •......•..................................................................................... 20 Spec. Cameron Williams) Ohio hosts "Celebration of Discovery" Guarding the Environment ........................................................................... 22 Reduce, Reu se and Recycle The Buckeye Guard staff always welcomes ar­ ticles that cover interesting Guard personalities and unique unit training. Deadlines for Buckeye What's News in State Programs ..•......•.....••.....•............................................. 24 Guard submissions are: Family Assistance, Shooters Corner Winter: October 15 Spring: January 15 Summer: April15 Desert Storm Newsbriefs ...•.....•.................................................................... 26 Fall: July 15 Gulf veterans' c~>ncerns,,_ Boy's Club offer Vol. 16, No. 2 ADJUTANT GENERAl'S DEPARTMENT State Commander-In-Chief Adjutant General Gov. George V. Voinovich Ma j. Gen. Richard C. Alexander Asst. AG, Army Command Sergeant Major Brig. Gen. John S. Martin State CSM Richard L. Wehling Asst. AG, Air Senior Enlisted Advisor-Air Brig. Gen. Gordon M. Campbe ll Chief Master Sgt. Earl Lutz Buckeye Guard IS published quarterly by the Public Affairs Office, PUBliCATION STAFF Oh•o Adjut.mt General's Oep..1rtmcnt. 2825 W. Gr.anv1lle Rd. , (alum· bu,, Oh1o 43235·2712; (614)889·7000. IIi> an unoff1cial. off;ct pub­ Public Affairs Officer Editor lic..ltlon d'l r1uthorized under the prO'It•s•on.., of AR 360-81. The VI ('Vol'. Capt. James T. Boling Sgt. Diane L. Farrow and opinions expressed in Buckeye Guard Jre not necessarily tho..,e of the Department olthe Army or the AdJutant General of Ohio. Contributors: Buckeye Guard is d1stnbuted free to members of the Ohio Army and A1r National Guard and to other Interested persons at their reque\..1. Air National Guard Photojournalists 196th PAD Photojournalists C•rculallon 24,000. Unit Public Affairs Representatives HQ STARC 10 Photojournalists. • Positioning for the 21st Century state missions by dispersing key unit police, engineer, and logistical sup­ Brig. Gen. J. Steve Martin types throughout the state. port units which will all be within a Assistant Adjutant General Finally, the plan needed to array comfortable commuting distance. Ohio Army National Guard mechanized forces as close to out-of­ Also, it will be possible for the state training areas as is feasible, and senior maneuver commander in the As I stated in the Spring issue of the to facilitate combined arms training Lima area to plan and execute com­ Buckeye Guard, my goal was to com­ opportunities throughout the state. bined arms training involving armor, plete the staff planning necessary to mechanized infantry, artillery, and determine how best to array the post­ engineer units, all of which are sta­ FY93 force structure across Ohio by ~ ~ tioned in that part of the state. May 1992. That goal was met. > ~ - A brief synopsis of the post-FY93 Now it is extremely important that force structure array plan follows: each and every soldier in the Ohio ~ ; · Army National Guard (OHARNG) be *ARMOR BRIGADE, 28TH informed of the plan. Hence, this is DIVISION my report to you on how and why the Two Armor Battalions, Ml equip­ post-FY93 force structure will be sta­ ped. One battalion in northeast Ohio tioned shou ld Department of the headquartered in Stow. One battalion Army and National Guard Bureau in southwest Ohio headquartered in force structure reductions be exe­ Cincinnati. cuted. One Mechanized Infantry Battalion, First, let me review the charter and M113 equipped, headquartered in parameters given to the committee Lima. Companies arrayed into the that developed the force structure sta­ northeast, northwest, and southwest. tioning plan. The end goal was to During a May conference, Brig. Gen. Steve develop a plan that would best posi­ Martin explains the reorganization of the Ohio One Self-Propelled Artillery Battal­ tion the new force structure in such a Army National Guard. ion, Ml 09 equipped. Three firing bat­ manner that it can be successfully The force structure array plan as teries arrayed in the upper half of the supported, sustained, and trained for developed by the committee suc­ state. the next twenty-five years. ceeded in every area. The plan had to station units in a For example, a military police unit Two Armored Cavalry ground manner to provide the best opportu­ will be stationed in southwest Ohio troops headquartered in Kettering. nity to maximize utilization of existing for the first time in modern history. One troop in Cincinnati , one in MOS-trained so ldiers and available Medical units will be stationed so as Hamilton. training areas. to provide for medical exam stations Additionally, the plan had to in northeast, northwest, central, and *ENGINEER FORCES improve the OHARNG's ability to southwest Ohio. Mechanized forces Engineer Brigade headquartered in recruit by dispersing MOS densities will be placed in southwest, north­ Columbus. Group headquarters in more evenly throughout Ohio. Inher­ west, central, north, and northeast Hamilton and Walbridge. ent in this task was the need to place Ohio. units in a manner that would enhance As a further example, a prospective One Mechanized Engineer Battal­ recruiting women soldiers. recruit in the Cincinnati area will be ion headquartered in Walbridge. Another key factor was the require­ able to choose between armor, mech­ Companies arrayed into the north and ment to enhance the ability to support anized infantry, medical, military northwest. 4 Buckeye Guard One Mechanized Engineer Battal­ with a Detachment in Newark. issue remains unresolved as of this ion headquartered in Brookpark. One Maintenance Company in Cen­ date. Companies arrayed into the north and tral Ohio, headquartered in Newark northeast. with a Detachment in Coshocton. Several notes of caution must be One Wheeled Engineer Battalion Three Maintenance Elements out of observed. First, additional Ohio units headquartered in Portsmouth. Compa­ the FSB, one in Springfield, one in Mt. remain on the National Guard Bureau nies arrayed into the south and south­ Vernon and one in Greensburg. list of units that potentially will be west. One company in Columbus. inactivated in the FY94, and later, One Field Service Company in time frame. These include the HHC, *COMBAT SUPPORT/COMBAT Akron. 112th Medical Brigade; 145th MASH SERVICE SUPPORT One Water Purification Detachment Hospital; HHC, 737th Maintenance One Support Group headquartered in Kettering. Battalion; 214th Maintenance Com­ in Kettering. pany; and the 1486th Transportation One Forward Support Battalion Company. (FSB) headquartered in Springfield. At this time, it would be only spec­ One Supply and Service Battalion ulative to comment on the reliability headquartered in Toledo. of this information. Much may change "I invite you to between today and the fall of 1994. One Transportation Company in the The second note of caution is that southwest, headquartered in Eaton • • • any part or all of the aforementioned with a Detachment located in Piqua. JOin me 1n plan could change by congressional One Transportation Company in mandate. Should the Congress decide central and northeast Ohio, headquar­ making the this fall to place into law a bottom tered in Dover with a Detachment limit on the size of the Army National located in Mansfield. Guard that is higher than that desired One Divisional Transportation Sec­ OHARNG by the Department of the Army, then tion in the east, headquartered in the National Guard Bureau will find Steubenville. it necessary to not inactivate some second to none." units currently shown on the inactiva­ One Military Police Company in tion list. the east, headquartered in Youngs­ In summary, the OHARNG force town. structure array plan I have described One Military Police Company in for you might well change in the next the northwest, headquartered in Tole­ On the following pages, Figures 1 year. If that is the case, I will inform do. and 2 explain the reorganization in you of that change promptly. One Military Police Company in further detail. Let me take this opportunity to state the southwest, headquartered in Mid­ Figure 1 depicts OHARNG units again that the best qualified, highest dletown. scheduled for deactivation during level performers will do well in One Divisional Military
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